• Cryptanalysis of countermeasures proposed for repairing. Security analysis of the gennaro-halevi-rabin signature scheme. Authenticated key exchange secure against dictionary attacks. The modern security aspects of practical quantum cryptography.

    курс лекций (5,2 M)
  • The Random Oracle Model and the Ideal Cipher Model Are Equivalent. Programmable Hash Functions and Their Applications. Adaptive One-Way Functions and Applications. Bits Security of the Elliptic Curve Diffie–Hellman Secret Keys. Cryptanalysis of MinRank.

    книга (5,6 M)
  • Factoring and discrete logarithm. One-way trapdoor permutations are sufficient for non-trivial single-server private information retrieval. Authenticate key exchange secure against dictionary attacks. Computing inverses over a shared secret modulus.

    курс лекций (5,2 M)
  • Show that computing e-th roots modulo n is easier than factoring n with currently known methods, given subexponential access to an oracle outputting the roots of numbers of the form xi + c. The strategy – a general outline. Polynomial construction.

    курс лекций (5,3 M)
  • Ideas of vanguard investigators about applying probability models and applications (stochastic processes and inference, distributions and characterizations, Bayesian inference, selection methods, regression methods) in health and economic research.

    книга (4,9 M)
  • Importance of correct application of information communication technologies in teaching a foreign language and factors which accompany that process. The concepts of using technologies of the communicative competence of a schoolchild in learning English.

    статья (11,3 K)
  • Study of factors for the effective formation of foreign language competence through the digital environment. Motivating students to improve their self-education and professional foreign language skills using learning situations using online technologies.

    статья (13,0 K)
  • Consideration of teaching English in multilevel groups. Outline of the main problems of teaching in multilevel classes. Search / development of graded tasks, educational resources and materials. Ensuring the motivation and interest of all students.

    статья (40,6 K)
  • The purpose of the research of article is to highlight the basics of the origin of advertising and advertising activities both in the world and in Ukraine in particular; study of the impact of advertising of various types on consumer demand and choice.

    статья (2,4 M)
  • Freedom of access to the global network. Ease of use compared with the library. The Internet is a cost-effective source of research and self-knowledge and confidence. Language tools that have the potential to translate pages. Disadvantages of the network.

    презентация (728,1 K)
  • The examination of the phenomenon of trial marriage. Description of advantages and disadvantages of this kind of matrimony, for men and women, for parents of partners of it. Basic approaches to the trial marriage: psychological and socio-demographic.

    статья (13,7 K)
  • Analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of distance learning after the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. Characteristics of the main components of online education. The specifics of studying economics in a virtual learning environment.

    статья (21,6 K)
  • Identification of the main advantages, disadvantages of using elements of distance learning in the process of mastering economic disciplines in a modern university. Research the process of finding and finding an individual learning style for each student.

    статья (22,5 K)
  • The basic opportunities and advantages of using information and communication technologies in teaching practical English. The fragment of a class is given to illustrate the way of using ICT in class and the tips for using computer-based activities.

    статья (39,4 K)
  • Improving the regulation of the digital economy in Russia. Perfecting the computer literacy of the population of the Russian Federation. Training of technical specialists. Protecting the confidentiality of digital data, ensuring information security.

    статья (20,1 K)
  • Dynamic model of adverse selection to examine the interactions between new and used goods markets. Predictions of the effects of adverse conditions. Comparison these predictions with this model where brands physically depreciate at different rates.

    статья (1,1 M)
  • The Advertising Broker. The New Face of Advertising. The Marketplace and What Happens in it. Trade Marks, Labels, and Logotypes. The Different Kinds of Advertising: corporate, professional, industrial. Marketing Services: copy, art, media, radio-TV.

    реферат (22,2 K)
  • Cultural Preconditions of Gender Stereotypes in Communication. Gender stereotyping in TV and radio advertisements. Gender and language usage. Differences in language usage and worldview. Voiceover characteristics, word choice and use of arguments.

    курсовая работа (36,2 K)
  • Study of the tasks of Advertising Graphics and its relevancy and weighty place in the structure of the integrated art discipline "Design of Advertising" in high school. Stylistics and art-aesthetic problems of modern advertising in communicative sphere.

    статья (44,3 K)
  • The role of advertising in the modern life of each person. Purpose and function of advertising, which is part of the communication activities of the company. The results of a poll of city residents relations to advertising, factors of its effectiveness.

    реферат (27,9 K)
  • Advertising is a tool for experiencing the city as a concern for the urban environment, a tool for forming consumer attitudes of city residents through the formation of a qualitatively new type of social relationships based on the illusion of prosperity.

    статья (32,3 K)
  • The role of the Bar in the system of free legal aid provision. The principle of protection and priority of human and civil rights and freedoms. The process of optimising the functioning of the legal aid system in Ukraine and their effectiveness.

    статья (37,4 K)
  • The organisational aspects of cooperation between advocates and the legal aid system are, firstly, the selection of advocates, secondly, the distribution of cases, thirdly, the payment of fees and fourthly, the control over the quality of their work.

    статья (17,5 K)
  • The object, nature and artistic forms of Ukrainian avant-gardism of the first third of the twentieth century. Consideration of the connection of energy-information searches for avant-garde aesthetics with the spiritual practices of isychasm in art.

    статья (48,7 K)
  • Аналіз стану популяцій рідкісних водоростей української флори, рекомендованих до включення у четверте видання ЧКУ. Їхні описи, номенклатурна історія, екологічні особливості, типологічна приуроченість. огляд інформації про поширення в Україні та світі.

    статья (736,0 K)
  • The development of the AEO Institute in the legislation of the EU and Ukraine. Differences in the perception of the role and functions of AEO. Development of partnerships between customs authorities and business in the concept of a trusted trader.

    статья (27,7 K)
  • The relationship between aerobic physical activity in nature as compensation for behavior. Physical activity in nature, also called green exercise, is important in the context of human health research. Aerobic exercise regimen in disease prevention.

    статья (25,3 K)
  • The paper describes a gas phase process for the preparation of cotton fabrics coated with silver nanoparticles as antimicrobial agents. Application to cotton fabrics. Synthesis of silver nanoparticles. The bactericidal activity of the cotton fabrics.

    статья (596,8 K)
  • The article examines the morphological categories of means of verbalization of the concept of BEAUTY in Oscar Wilde's novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray." A complete network of aesthetic and ethical assessments in the studied novel is considered.

    статья (16,8 K)
  • Possibilities of implementing aesthetic education during foreign language learning. Means and methods of forming students' aesthetic preferences during foreign language learning using a person-oriented approach. Formation of communicative competence.

    статья (15,1 K)