Ecologization of agriculture in the scope of sustainable development of Ukraine

The use of ecological methods of farming with the use of renewable resources and the principle of rational nature management. Application of biological cycles and soil biological activity. Adaptation of agricultural ecosystems to regional conditions.

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Kherson state agrarian and economic university

Department of ecology and sustainable named after professor Yy.V. Pilipenko

Ecologization of agriculture in the scope of sustainable development of Ukraine

Yevtushenko O.T., PhD (Agric. Sci.),

Ass. Professor


The ecologization of agriculture in the modern world has become one of the urgent issues of the social development along with the issue of food safety. The relevance of ecologization of agriculture is caused by a sharp deterioration in the ecological state of natural resources, decrease of soil fertility and deterioration in quality of the agricultural products.

The implementation of ecologization of agriculture will contribute to the improvement of a state of agricultural ecosystems through the application of biological cycles and biological activity in the soil, focus on the use of ecological methods of farming with the use of renewable resources and on the principle of sustainable nature management, and will provide the adaptation of agricultural ecosystems to the regional conditions by applying cultural, biological and mechanical methods.

The introduction of organic agriculture is one of the ways to solve the issue from the point of view of ecologization. As of today, the organic agriculture is the most progressive form of production of high-quality and safe products, which involves an ecologically-sound, economically feasible and socially-just impact on the living nature with a proper consideration of the most rational use of its resources. Contrary to other methods of agricultural production, the organic farming is based on the application of resource-saving technologies, minimization of mechanical cultivation, use of biological crop protection agents, use of all types of organic fertilizers, and the exclusion of genetically modified organisms from the production process.

The formation and implementation of ecologization of agriculture will contribute to the reduction of human impact on the environment, creation of conditions for the social and economic wellbeing of the population, economic development and competitiveness of the agricultural growers and producers.

Key words: agriculture, ecologization, sustainable development, organic agriculture and environment.


Євтушенко О.Т. Екологізація сільського господарства в контексті сталого розвитку України

Екологізація сільського господарства в сучасному світі стала однією із нагальних проблем розвитку суспільства поряд із проблемою продовольчої безпеки. Актуальність екологізації сільського господарського обумовлена різким погіршенням екологічного стану природних ресурсів, зниженням родючості ґрунтів та якістю сільськогосподарської продукції.

Впровадження екологізації сільського господарства буде сприяти покращенню стану агроекосистем шляхом застосування біологічних циклів та біологічної активності ґрунту, зосереджуватися на використанні екологічних методів ведення сільського господарства з використанням відновлювальних ресурсів та принципу раціонального природокористування, забезпечує адаптацію агросистем до регіональних умов шляхом використання культурних, біологічних і механічних методів.

Одним із напрямів вирішення проблеми з точки зору екологізації є введення органічного сільського господарства. Органічне сільське господарство нині є найпрогресивнішою формою виробництва якісної та безпечної продукції, яка передбачає екологічно та економічно виправданий і соціально справедливий вплив на живу природу, враховуючи найбільш раціональне використання її ресурсів.

На відміну від інших методів ведення аграрного виробництва, органічне засновано на використанні ресурсо-ощадливих технологій, мінімізації механічної обробки ґрунту, використанні біологічних засобів захисту, застосуванні усіх видів органічних добрив, виключенні з процесу виробництва генетично модифікованих організмів.

Формування та реалізація екологізації сільського господарства сприятиме зменшенню антропогенного впливу на навколишнє природне середовище, створенню умов для соціально-економічного благополуччя населення, економічного розвитку та конкурентоспроможності сільськогосподарських товаровиробників.

Ключові слова: сільське господарство, екологізація, сталий розвиток, органічне сільське господарство, навколишнє природне середовище.

Problem statement

The favorable ecological state of a country is an integral component of sustainable development, which has been recognized as a priority in Ukraine. Agricultural activity, carried out under the modern conditions, does not always comply with the laws of nature and causes the emergence of various ecological threats in ecosystems and depletion of natural resources [25, p. 64-65].

Inrecentdecades, the intensive technologies for growing crops, based on the wide spread use of mechanization, mineral fertilizers, chemical ameliorants, and chemical plant protection agents have been applied in the agriculture. As a result, the agriculture has made a quite significant human impact on the natural ecosystems. Due to the increasing human impact on soil in the agriculture of Ukraine, there is a number of ecological issues, which include the loss of soil natural fertility, its degradation, depletion, wind and water erosion, pollution of environment with chemicals, radionuclides, heavy metals, livestock waste etc. [3, p. 28, 28]. In the light of the information provided above, the solution of the listed issues is possible under condition of ecologization of agriculture and requires the creation of environmental fundamentals of development [1, p. 34, 19, p. 1, 17].

Analysis of the latest studies and publications. Today, the issue of ecologization of agriculture is of high importance. The study of certain aspects of ecologization of agriculture and justification of a need to develop a strategy for the development of ecologically-safe agriculture, as well as the features of rational nature management are shown in the scientific works of the following scientists: A. Tsybulyak [1], O. Karpishchenko [34], M. Kobets [35], O. Khodakivska [3; 16; 36], R. Grabovskyi [37], M. Bagorka [6, 38], A. Tkachenko [39], A. Burlyai [11; 12; 13], O. Popova [40], V. Tereshchenko [32], O. Minkova [5], O. Shkuratov [14], T. Bondur [22], N. Andreeva [30] and others.

Statement of issue. The purpose of this article is a determination of need to introduce ecologization in the agriculture in the scope of sustainable development of Ukraine.

Presentation of main material

Agriculture is a branch wherein the production is most closely connected with nature, however, technical development and processes of industrialization of agricultural production have led to the unfavorable changes in the ecological component of environment [3].

In the concept of sustainable development, a decisive role is given to the ecologization, which provides a harmonious combination of created environment of human activity and preservation of environment quality both for the present and future generations. The ecologization of agriculture is a regulated process of successive implementation of technical, technological, economic, managerial, organizational, innovative and other measures aimed at formation of a sustainable social and ecological production system in the process of implementation of agricultural activities and production of agricultural products, which contribute to the rational use of nature, conservation and improvement of quality of environment at the local, regional or global levels [17, p. 57].

The ecologization of agriculture involves, first of all, provision of consumers with eco-friendly and high-quality products, reduction of negative impact of agricultural production on the environment, preservation of natural resources, introduction of ecological innovations aimed at restoring the quality components of environment through the formation of sustainable ecological and economic systems based on the application of the latest environmental technologies and innovative developments in order to guarantee the ecologically-safe environment for the life and health of population [1, p. 35, 4, 18, p. 54, 9, p. 96].

The directions of ecologization of agriculture involve the use of the corresponding tools to ensure sustainable use of nature and production of ecofriendly products [7, p. 87]. Among them, the following should be distinguished: creation of prerequisites for a balanced development of the agrarian ecological systems and prevention of negative processes related to them, development of effective integrated system of indicators to assess a state of biodiversity and optimization models of agrarian ecological systems and to promote the establishment of new varieties adapted to the different conditions of agricultural production, which will provide high yields with minimal energy consumption under conditions of climate change [2; 8, p. 45]. The ecologization of agriculture gives a huge social effect along with a high ecological and economic efficiency. First of all, that is particularly pronounced in the improvement of population's health as a result of increase in consumption of eco-friendly agricultural products, reduction of pollution of water, land resources and air basin [2; 15]. ecological biological agriculture nature management

The following principal directions of ecologization of agriculture shall be distinguished: improvement of market-based instruments for stimulating the ecologization of production processes in the agriculture; introduction of innovative technology solutions in the field of treatment and disposal of production waste; improvement of environmental legislation; popularization of ecologization and environmental education; stimulation of investments in the resource-saving and ecologically-oriented technologies [37], accumulation of experience of countries that use such tools to provide ecological development of agriculture, which have proven their effectiveness and have a significant economic and social impact on the development of the national economy, development of the international cooperation in the field of ecologization of agriculture [1, p. 35-36].

The introduction of organic agriculture is one of the ways from the point of view of ecologization. As of today, the organic agriculture is the most progressive form of production of high-quality and safe products, which involves an ecologically-sound, economically feasible and socially-just impact on the living nature with a proper consideration of the most rational use of its resources [30, p. 79].

The management of organic agriculture shall be adapted to the local conditions, environment, culture and scale. The impact shall be reduced through the recycling and efficient management of materials and energy in order to maintain and improve the environmental quality of products and protected resources. The organic agriculture shall achieve an ecological balance by designing land use systems, creating and maintaining areas of genetic and agricultural diversity [31].

That is, the organic agriculture, at its core, is able to provide a formation of integral and multifunctional agrarian systems, which create a solid foundation for accelerating the agrarian ecologization of agricultural production at all levels of its management. The ecological advantages of organic agriculture are the following: preservation and reproduction of soil fertility; prohibition of the use of agrochemicals; promotion of the rational use of water resources; prohibition of the use of synthetic agrochemicals; prohibition of the genetic engineering and its products; formation of highly productive and ecologically sustainable agricultural landscapes; preservation of agrarian and biological diversity through the application of environmentally-friendly organic technologies; meeting the needs for nitrogen by cultivating nitrogen-fixing plants; introduction and distribution of biological methods of plant protection; provision of population with environmentally-friendly food [30, p. 80, 32].

The organic production is based on the agricultural methods by means of combination of traditions, innovations and various scientific researches [24; 33, p. 78-79].

Biologization of the agricultural management system involves the use of biological microbial preparations, plant growth stimulators, introduction of a scientifically-justified structure of cultivated areas and crop rotation, planting of crop varieties resistant to adverse weather conditions and application of all types of organic fertilizers. It is based on the maximum possible and effective use of harvest residues and by-products, manure, composts, green manure crops, biological methods of regulating the number of weeds, pests and pathogens [20; 28].

The orientation of agricultural production to biological methods of plant protection will contribute to the reduction of human impact on agrocenoses, restoration of soil fertility, high crop yield, profitability of agricultural production, eco-friendly products of crop production [10, p. 405].

One of the important and long-term factors of biologization of farming agriculture is a protective afforestation, that is, concept of territorial organization of rural areas using a landscape-ecological approach [27].

The introduction of scientifically-justified resource-saving technologies based on their ecologization will reduce production costs and improve the quality of products, which, in its turn, will allow to increase the competitiveness of domestic agricultural growers and producers and will lead to the substitution of food import and to the improvement of environment [14, p. 165, 16].

The sustainable development is possible under the conditions of formation of long-term unity and interconnection in the field of generation of production potential, human resources and environment. The adjustment of action of external and internal factors, as well as consideration of need to combine the involved components, play a crucial role in the provision of sustainability of agricultural development. The formation of a strategy for sustainable development of the agricultural sector shall be based with due consideration of a set of factors and shall include a sequence of stages aimed at achieving strategic directions, economic efficiency, social significance and environmental safety of the agricultural sector of the national economy, rest on the introduction of a public private partnership, divided into three main stages:

1) development;

2) implementation;

3) adaptation and assessment of results, implementation of which is based on the principles and fundamentals of system approach [21; 26].


Today, Ukraine is faced with new challenges and threats in the agricultural sector, which cannot be solved using the conventional methods. Such model, that could improve the ecological situation, is the introduction of elements of ecologization of agriculture to provide a further growth based on the harmonization of social, economic and ecological components in order to meet the needs of present and future generations.

The formation and implementation of ecologization of agriculture in the scope of sustainable development will contribute to the reduction of human impact on the environment, creation of conditions for the social and economic wellbeing of the population, economic development and competitiveness of agricultural growers and producers.


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    презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.05.2012

  • Consideration of the need to apply nanotechnology in agriculture to improve nutrition in the soil, management of toxic elements in the hydrosphere, monitoring the ecological state of land, spraying of mineral substances, purifying water surfaces.

    реферат [12,3 M], добавлен 25.06.2010

  • Сharacteristics of the current state of agriculture in Ukraine, including an analysis of its potential, problems and prospects of development. Description of major agricultural equipment used in Ukraine. Features of investment in agriculture in Ukraine.

    реферат [23,8 K], добавлен 28.06.2010

  • Ukraine is an energy-rich republic. Renewable energy installed capacities. Geothermal energy refers to the heat within the earth’s surface that can be recovered and used for practical purposes. Potential for wind power and Solar energy, their use.

    эссе [146,3 K], добавлен 20.03.2011

  • Methodological characteristics of the adaptation process nowadays. Analysis of the industrial-economic activity, the system of management and the condition of adaptation process. Elaboration of the improving project of adaptation in the Publishing House.

    курсовая работа [36,1 K], добавлен 02.04.2008

  • Productivity Growth in Agriculture: Sources and Constraints. Agriculture in Development Thought. Transition to Sustainability. Economic understanding of process of agricultural development. Technical changes and improvement of efficiency of agriculture.

    контрольная работа [31,5 K], добавлен 18.07.2009

  • The concept of transnational corporation, history of their development. The evolution of a Transnational Corporation, classification. TNCs’ role in mobilizing financial resources and the impact on investment. Transnational corporations and agriculture.

    дипломная работа [2,7 M], добавлен 04.06.2011

  • A bank: nature of activity, main business-processes and organizational structure, the market place and history. Definitions of the project and project management, the project life cycle. Management of development projects in a bank, the expected results.

    реферат [20,6 K], добавлен 14.02.2016

  • Prospects for reformation of economic and legal mechanisms of subsoil use in Ukraine. Application of cyclically oriented forecasting: modern approaches to business management. Preconditions and perspectives of Ukrainian energy market development.

    статья [770,0 K], добавлен 26.05.2015

  • IS management standards development. The national peculiarities of the IS management standards. The most integrated existent IS management solution. General description of the ISS model. Application of semi-Markov processes in ISS state description.

    дипломная работа [2,2 M], добавлен 28.10.2011

  • Study of the problems of local government in Ukraine. Analysis of its budgetary support, personnel policy, administrative-territorial structure. The priority of reform of local self-management. The constitution of Palestine: "the state in development".

    реферат [15,9 K], добавлен 10.02.2015

  • Environmental standard. Economic regulation of protection environment. The prices for the energy, existing ecological standards and more effective productions. The ecological nature of Technology of mass-media and the equipment of technological processes.

    реферат [12,8 K], добавлен 18.03.2009

  • General information about Ukraine. Ukraine became independent again after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. This began a transition period to a market economy. Industry and agriculture. Economy of Ukraine. The Interesting places in Kyiv.

    реферат [18,0 K], добавлен 10.08.2008

  • The Nature is our sister. Result of games with nature is suffering of the Nature. The earthquake in Crimea in 1927. The tornado in 1934. The flood in the July in 2008. During May and June of 2007 the terrible drought in South and South-Eastern Ukraine.

    презентация [361,7 K], добавлен 20.12.2010

  • Safety and attitudes toward law enforcement in persistence. Basic approaches to ensure the safety of law enforcement personnel in the development of independent Ukraine. Ways and methods of improvement of system of training of policemen in Ukraine.

    реферат [33,0 K], добавлен 02.10.2012

  • The essence of economic efficiency and its features determination in grain farming. Methodology basis of analysis and efficiency of grain. Production resources management and use. Dynamics of grain production. The financial condition of the enterprise.

    курсовая работа [70,0 K], добавлен 02.07.2011

  • Definition and stages of business cycles, their causes and the characteristic of kinds. Types and a continuity of business cycles. Kondratyev's wave. A role of cycles in stabilization of a policy of the state. Great depression as an economic crisis.

    реферат [130,5 K], добавлен 20.03.2011

  • Animal physiology as a branch of the biological sciences life processes, bodily functions and behavior of animals. The history of physiology, its purpose, the main sections, concepts and relationship with other sciences. Basic life processes of animals.

    презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 22.12.2014

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