Effect of Cu-nanoparticles versus copper carbonate salt supplementation in low-copper diet: analysis of humerus biomechanical response in a rat model study

Evaluation of the effect of adding Cu (in the form of copper carbonate or nanoparticles) with a reduced level of requirement for rats that are growing. The study of the parameters of the humerus. Analysis of the biomechanical reaction of the humerus.

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Department of Physics, Faculty of Production Engineering, University of Life Sciences in Lublin

Effect of Cu-nanoparticles versus copper carbonate salt supplementation in low-copper diet: analysis of humerus biomechanical response in a rat model study

Siemowit Muszynski, Katarzyna Ognik,

Maigorzata Kwiecien, Piotr Dobrowolski,

Ewelina Cholewinska, Agnieszka Tomczyk,

Katarzyna Kwiatkowska, Natalia Kowal, Marta Ejtel,

Agnieszka Leus, Estera Kaminska

Copper is required for normal bone growth and metabolism. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of adding of Cu (in form of copper carbonate or nanoparticles) at the reduced level of 50% of daily demand to growing rats evaluated on the basis of mechanical and geometric parameters of humerus. Twenty four 5-weeks old male Wistar rats were divided into control group fed diet without Cu supplementation and two experimental groups fed either a diet supplemented with Cu as copper carbonate at 3.25 mg kg1 of the premix or a diet with a Cu nanoparticles (40 nm) at the same dosage. The supplementation lasted 4 weeks. At the end of experiment, there were no changes in rats body weight and generally in bone geometry, but significant alteration was noted in the structural parameters, which was partially dependent on Cu source. Our study showed an increase in work to fracture and toughness significantly in both Cu-supplemented groups, while the increase of elastic energy was observed only when Cu was supplemented in form of nanoparticles. On contrary, the yield load and stiffness decreased in Cu-Salt-treated rats. The values of most material parameters were also altered after Cu supplementation, irrespective of its source, as increase of yield strain, ultimate strain and yield stress as well as an decrease of Young modulus in both Cu-treated groups was observed. This study showed that Cu-NP given in low dose increased mechanical endurance of bone, without the changes in strain and stress compared to low dose of Cu given in traditional form.


Вплив наночастинок Cu в порівнянні з карбонатом міді в раціоні з низьким вмістом міді: аналіз біомеханічної реакції плечової кістки в модельному досліді на щурах


Мідь потрібна для нормального росту і метаболізму кісток. Метою дослідження було оцінити ефект додавання Cu (у формі карбонату міді або наночастинок) при зниженому рівні 50 % добової потреби для щурів, що ростуть, на основі механічних та геометричних параметрів плечової кістки. Двадцять чотири 5-тижневі самці щурів Wistar ділили на контрольні групи, що годували раціоном без додавання Cu, і дві експериментальні групи з раціоном з Cu у формі преміксу карбонату міді на рівні 3,25 мг / кг-1 або раціону з наночастинками Cu (40 нм) однакової дози. Вигодовування тривало 4 тижні. Наприкінці експерименту не було змін у масі тіла щурів та загалом в геометрії кістки, але значні зміни зазначалися в структурних параметрах, що частково залежать від джерела Cu. У щурів із CuSalt-раціоном знизився приріст маси.. Значення більшості матеріальних параметрів також змінювалися після додавання Cu, незалежно від його джерела, в обох групах, що отримували Cu. Це дослідження показало, що Cu-NP, що вводиться в низьких дозах, збільшує механічну витривалість кістки, без змін деформації та напруженості в порівнянні з низькою дозою Cu, що дається в традиційній формі.


Влияние наночастиц Cu по сравнению с карбонатом меди в рационе с низким содержимым меди: анализ биомеханической реакции плечевой кости в модельном опыте на крысах


Медь нужна для нормального роста и метаболизма костей. Целью исследования было оценить эффект добавления Cu (в форме карбоната меди или наночастиц) при сниженном уровне 50 % суточной потребности для крыс, которые растут, на основе механических и геометрических параметров плечевой кости. Двадцать четыре 5-недельных самца крыс Wistar разделили на контрольные группы, которых кормили рационом без добавления Cu, и две экспериментальных группы с рационом с Cu в форме премикса карбоната меди на уровне 3,25 мг / кг- 1 или рациону с наночастицами Cu (40 нм) одинаковой дозы. Выкармливание длилось 4 недели. В конце эксперимента не было изменений в массе тела крыс и в целом в геометрии кости, но значительные изменения отмечались в структурных параметрах, которые частично зависят от источника Cu. У крыс из CuSalt- рационом снизился прирост массы. Значения большинства материальных параметров также изменялись после добавления Cu, независимо от его источника, в обеих группах, которые получали Cu. Это исследование показало, что Cu - NP, что вводится в низких дозах, увеличивает механическую выносливость кости, без изменений деформации и напряженности по сравнению с низкой дозой Cu, которая дается в традиционной форме.


Copper (Cu) is an essential metal micronutrient closely linked to bone metabolism [1, 2]. Cu-dependent enzyme, lysyl oxidase, mediates in the biosynthesis of collagen, elastin, and keratin and normalizes the deposition of calcium and phosphorus in bones [3]. Studies on animals indicate that a poor-Cu diet leads to bone loss and reduced bone mass, resulting in a reduction of its mechanical strength and increases the risk of fractures [4]. Since bones undergo nonstop remodeling, bone formation requires an adequate and continuous supply of Cu.

Food, drinking water, and mineral supplements are the main sources of Cu. A traditional dietary form of Cu presents in supplemental mineral mixture is inorganic copper sulfate or carbonate. Recently, the use of elements in form of nanoparticles of has been considered as an alternative to inorganic forms due to their higher physical activity. To date, the results regarding application of Cu nanoparticles as an alternative growth promoter in livestock animals are limited. However, in pigs feeding, some researchers demonstrated better performance of piglets supplied with Cu in nanoparticles, showed an altered metabolic rate in embryos and depressed development of organs [5, 6]. Further, the study performed on broiler chickens showed that femoral bones from the group supplemented in ovo with Cu nanoparticles were characterised by a higher weight and volume and by significantly greater resistance to fractures compared to the non-supplemented group [7]. On the other hand, copper nanoparticles did not affect immunoglobulin concentrations or humoral responses [6].

Essentially copper nanoparticles at smaller concentrations can demonstrate positive responses in the microbiota while promoting growth and performance [8]. However, there are no scientific analyses involving the use of Cu nanoparticles in animal feeding and their effect on the bone structure when included in diet.

The objective of the present study was to investigate the geometrical, biomechanical and densitometric traits of the humerus in growing male rats given Cu in two different chemical forms (carbonate and nanoparticles) at the reduced level of 3.25 mgkg1 of the premix. With regard to the important role of Cu in the development of bones, it is hypothesized that the use of Cu in a more assailable form of nanoparticles might improve the development of the skeletal system, even if it is administered at the reduced level of 50% of daily recommended dose.

Materials and methods. Animal protocol and dietary treatments

All animal care and experimental protocols were approved by the respective Local Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee in Lublin.

In the experiment, twenty four healthy male, albino Wistar rats of 5 weeks were randomly allocated to three dietary treatments: control group fed without additional Cu supplementation in premix (the CONT group), first experimental group fed with lowered level of inorganic copper as cooper carbonate (the CuSalt group) in premix and the second experimental group fed with lowered level of copper as nanoparticles (Sky Spring Nanomaterials, Inc. USA) of the size of 40 nm (the CuNano group). Rats were housed individually in stainless steel cages under a stable temperature of 21-22 °C and 12-h light-dark cycle. For 4 weeks, the rats had ad libitum access to tap water and experimental semi-purified diets. The diets were modifications of a casein diet for laboratory rodents recommended by the American Institute of Nutrition. After 4 weeks, at the end of the experiment, the rats were fasted for 24 hours and euthanized one by one with carbon dioxide inhalation and by dislocation of the spine.

Bone collection, geometrical analysis and densitometric evaluation. The bone length and weight were measured after removal of soft tissues from left humerus. Geometric properties such as the cross-section area, mean relative wall thickness, and cortical index were estimated on the basis of horizontal and vertical diameter measurements of the mid-diaphyseal cross-section of bone [9]. The second moment of inertia and radius of gyration about medial-lateral axis were also calculated [9]. Bone mineral density was assessed using the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) method on a Discovery W Hologic densitometer (Bedford, MA, USA) [10]. The measurement of bone tissue density was performed with an AccuPyc 1330 helium gas pycnometer (Micromeritics, Inc., Norcross, GA, USA) [11].

Mechanical testing. The mechanical properties of the humerus were determined using the three-point bending test of right humerus on a Zwick Z010 universal testing machine (Zwick GmbH & Company KG, Ulm, Germany). The distance between the supports was set at 40 % of the total bone length. Ultimate load was determined as the force causing bone fracture and the yield load as maximal force under elastic deformation of bone [9]. On the basis of measured geometric and mechanical traits the following material properties of the mid-diaphyseal fragment of the bone were calculated: bending moment, indicating bone elastic load capability [9]; yield stress, reflecting the elastic strength of midshaft cortical bone; the ultimate stress, equal to the maximum stress a bone can withstand in bending before fracture; Young modulus of elasticity, describing bending resistance of the bone [9]; yield strain, indicating the maximum strain the bone can withstand for reversible deformation and ultimate strain, describing the relative deformation occurring when the fracture load is applied. The determined bone structural traits were: stiffness, describing the bone resistance to deformation; toughness, as a bone resistance to fracture; elastic energy, as the energy absorbed by bone in elastic region and work to fracture, as a total work done to break the bone [9].

Statistical analysis. The results of the experiment are expressed as means values. As our aim was to evaluate the effect of an addition of carbonate salt or nanoparticles copper mineral supplements on the physical traits (geometry and mechanical properties) of humerus, statistical analysis was carried out with one-way ANOVA. Contrast analysis was applied in order to compare the effect of Cu supplementation source and the control group. Analyzed contrasts were as follows: (1) the control diet (CONT) vs. the diet containing inorganic form of Cu (CuSalt) and (2) CONT vs. the diets containing Cu in forms of nanoparticles (CuNano). Significance was declared at P<0.05. All statistical analyses were carried out by means of Statistica 12.0 software (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA).

Results and discussion. There was no effect of the form of Cu used on feed intake or weight gain during 4 weeks of the study (data not shown). Table presents the effects of copper supplementation in low-copper diet on measured bone physical properties.

copper biomechanical humerus


The effect of a diet containing copper in inorganic or nanoparticles form at level of 50% of recommended dosage on bone general properties, midshaft geometrical properties and biomechanical properties of humerus obtained from 9-weeks-old rats

Dependent variable







CONT * CuSalt

CONT * CuNano

Bone general properties

Bone weight, g







Bone length, mm







Bone mineral density, g-cm-2







Bone tissue density, g-cm-3







Midshaft geometrical properties

Cross section area, mm2







Mean relative wall thickness,







Cortical index, %







Cross-sectional moment of inertia, mm4







Radius of gyration, mm







Bone structural characteristic

Yield load, N







Ultimate load, N







Elastic energy, mJ







Work to fracture, mJ







Stiffness, N-m-1







Toughness, mJ-mm-3







Bone material characteristic

Young modulus of elasticity, GPa







Yield strain, %







Ultimate strain, %







Bending moment, N-m







Yield stress, MPa







Ultimate stress, MPa







Data given are means. a CONT = diet without added Cu; CuSalt = diet containing 3.25 g of Cu in CuCo3 form; CuNano = diet containing 3.25 g of Cu in form of nanoparticles. b SEM = standard error of the mean (n = 8 rats for each group); c CONT*CuSalt = control diet vs. CuSalt; CuD *CuSalt-L =control diet vs. CuSalt-L; CONT*CuNano = control diet vs. CuNano; ns - not significant.

Bone length significantly decreased after both Cu treatments, also the bone weight decreased in group supplemented with Cu in form of CuCO3. However, bone mineral density did not differ between groups while bone tissue density decreased in both experimental groups. There were no effects of both Cu-treatments in geometrical properties of humerus, except that a statistically significant increase of the secondary moment of inertia was observed in CuNano group.

Mechanical testing revealed that a diet with CuSalt decreased the yield load and stiffness. In CuNano group the increase of elastic energy was observed, while work to fracture and toughness increased in both Cu-supplemented groups. Further, material characteristics showed that Cu- supplementation, irrespective of its source, decreased Young modulus of elasticity and increased yield strain, yield stress and ultimate strain. Bending moment decreased in CuSalt group. To sum up, although bones from CuNano group were bending at the same yield loads as those from CuSalt groups, unchanged values yield stresses showed that humerus from CuNano group were subjected to similar mechanical stresses as from CuSalt group, which both were significantly higher than in control group.

Dietary Cu is traditionally supplied as copper sulfate or carbonate. However, in the recent years, the use of the mineral nanoparticles has been considered as an alternative to inorganic forms due to their better bioavailability and digestibility [12-14]. The unique bioactivity of NanoCu is mainly due to the particle size and the large surface area [7]. It is suggested, that copper nanoparticles introduced with the diet are absorbed in the small intestine, and at the same time nanoparticles inhibits calcium absorption [15]. As copper is the main mineral component of bone, this could affect bone growth and development.

Our study showed that supplementation with 3.25 mgkg-1 of Cu irrespective of its source decreased bone length, bone tissue density, Young modulus of elasticity and increased work to fracture, toughness, yield strain, ultimate strain and yield stress as compared to the rats whose diet was devoid of copper (the control CONT group). There were no changes in bone mineral density, midshaft geometrical properties, ultimate load and ultimate stress.

The altered values of Young modulus of elasticity, yield strain and yield stress prove that there was a change in bone elastic properties after copper inclusion. However, bone mineral density, as an important indicator of bone strength, did not differ between copper-supplemented and Cu- deprived control animals. This would indicate that bone mineralization was not disturbed in the rats. Evidently, mineral density is not sufficient to explain the observed changes in bone elasticity. Thus, alteration in bone susceptibility to the elastic deformation could be related to alteration in bone collagen matrix structure. It is well described that the bone elasticity depends also on the functionality of organic matrix, especially on cross-linking, the orientation, density, and length of collagen fibrils and fibers [16]. Collagen cross-links are particularly essential in bone deformation limits (strain range), bending strength (elastic energy and work to fracture) and stiffness or Young modulus. It can be assumed that both copper nanoparticles and copper carbohydrate given in the diet to growing rats even at reduced dose positively influence the process of synthesis and crosslinking of collagen, resulting in a beneficial effect on mechanical endurance.

There were also alteration in several calculated bone parameters which were Cu-source- depended. The most significant were an decrease of the bone weight, yield load and stiffness in CuSalt group when compared to the CONT group. This indicates a decrease in certain mechanical features of the bones. On contrary, in CuNano group an increase of elastic energy was observed. This indicates that the bones of the rats from the CuNano group were able to absorb more energy during bending, which proved their improved mechanical endurance. However, the knowledge of the relations between the mechanical properties and structure of bone tissue is still incomplete. A number of other bone parameters, e.g. hydroxyapatite structure [17], influence bone mechanical parameters, irrespective of mineral density, bone geometry or structure of collagen fibrils.

The knowledge of bone mechanical parameters facilitates assessment of the distribution of stresses and strains occurring in bones under the external loads. The influence of various mineral nanoparticles on the bone biomechanical properties should be further investigated. In our study, a selected biomechanical indicators showed that Cu given at reduced dose increased mechanical endurance of bone, however, more significant improvement was observe when cooper was supplemented in form of nanoparticles than in traditional form of cooper carbonate.


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