Fauna of metacercariaes (trematodes) in cyprinid fish of the Seversky Donets river and its tributaries

Cyprinid fish from the Seversky donets river and its tributaries — Vezeika river, Razumnaya river and Nezhegol river. Metacercariae speeies of trematodes in Cyprinid fish. Analyzes the parasitofauna of fishes from river net in the belgorod region.

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cyprinid fish parasitofauna trematode

Yu.A. Prisniy, M.I. Kononova, D.V. Vinakov

Ю.А. Присный, М.И. Кононова, Д.В. Винаков

Belgorod NatiOnaI ReSearGh University


In cyprinid fish from the Seversky donets river and its tributaries -- Vezeika river, Razumnaya river and Nezhegol, river today there are 16 spegies of metacercariaes (trematodes) from 7 families, among whigh there are spegies that are potentiauy epizootic (apophallus muehlingi and posthodipiostomum cuticoia and spegies from the genus diplostomum and ichthyocotylurus) and epidemiologically (pseudamphistomum truncatum,metagonimusyokogawai and paracoenogonimus ovatus) dangerous.

Key Words: Cyprinid fish, Cyprinidae, ParaSite fauna, metacercariae, trematodes, Trematoda, Belgorod Provinge, Seversky Donets river.


У карповыx рыб из р. Северский донец и его притоков Т» рр. Везелка, разумная и нежеголь ha сегодняшний деhb отмечено 16 видов metацеркарий трематод из 7-ми семейств, cpeди которых имеюtcя виды, являющиеся потенциально onachblmи эпиз оот ологич е ckh (пред ct авители рр. Diplostomum, ichthyocotylurus, а takже apophallus muehlingi и posthodiplostomum cuticola~) и эпидемиологически (pseudamphistomum truncatum, metagonimus yokogawai и paracoenogonimus ovatus). Промежуточными хозяевами большей части отмеченных трематод являются широко распространенные двустворчатые и брюхоногие моллюски из рр. Anodonta и unio , lymnaea , lithoglyphus, bithynia, planorbis, viviparus, valvata и physa. Представители всех перечисленных родов отмечены b белгородской области, b том числе и специфичные для отдельных видов трематод промежуточные хозяева. Для таких опасных в эпидемиологическом плане видов, как metagonimusyokogawai и pseudamphistomum truncatum b исследуемом регионе следует провести целенаправленные исследования по установлению промежуточных хозяев. Дополнительными хозяевами, то есть хозяевами собственно метацеркарий, для всех отмеченных видов являются многие карповые рыбы, а зачастую и рыбы других семейств. Поэтому отмеченные виды метацеркарий будут, скорее всего, в том или ином количестве встречаться у других видов рыб, которые еще не были охвачены исследованиями в регионе. Apophallus muehlingi и posthodiplostomum cuticoia являюtcя возбудителями «черно-пятнистой болезни» kapnobbx и могут вызывать гибель молоди рыб, а представители диплостомид и ихтиокотилурид могут провоцировать развитие очагов трематодозов. Среди 16-ти отмеченных видов метацеркарий только один вид трематод поражает во взрослом состоянии рыб Т» это rhipidocotyle campanuia. Остальные же виды являюtcя преимущественно паразитами птиц, takhx kak цапли, чайки, поганки, кваквы, выпи и вороны, которые являются обычными для территории области.

Ключевые слова: карповые рыбы, cyprinidae, паразитофауна, metацеркарии, трематоды, trematoda, белгородская область, северский донец.


Fishes belong to family Cyprinidae are hosts of many metacercariae speeies of trematodes. There are autogenous speeies that parasite in predatory fishes on marita,s stage and allogenous species that use birds and mammals as definitive hosts. Among these species of trematodes, there are a lot of economically significant for the fishing industry as well as potentiai causative agents of dangerous disease of human and animals used by them. In addition, parasites are integral components of biocenoses and perform regulate functions in it, that,s why knowledge about their species composition and abundance allow monitor changes in the ecosystems in within the irameworks of ecological monitoring. Such data can be used to prognose epidemiological, epizootic situation or to assessment of the impact of anthropopression and prophyiactic actions pianning. But faunal lists of particuiar regions are the base for all measures we have named.

There is belgorodskoye reservoir on the Seversky donets river within the boundaries of belgorod, parasitofiuna of fishes of it was studied by the staff of the dmitrov fishery technological institute and the all-russian research institute of freshwater fisheries (settiement rybnoye, moscow region) for severai years (2010-2017). Resuits of their studies were pubiished by n.a. Golovina with her co-authors [golovina et al, 2017; golovina et al. There are 12 speeies of trematodes on metacercariae stage in those articles. It's worth noting that the fish for these studies was caught by fishing nets and it's age exceeded 3 (and even 4) years. Therefore data about invasion among fsh juveniles was not pubiished in these articles, authors pay attention. Furthermore, parasitological situation mays vary for the belgorodskoye reservoir and for minor rivers even though those situate near the reservoir. This may be due to peculiar existence conditions, for example, the presence of different intermediate hosts species of molluscs or different definitive hosts species, they are birds and mammals. Also, the state of coasts and coastal vegetation are important. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate and analyze the parasitofauna of fishes from river net in the belgorod region. In this article we present first results.

Materiais And Methods

The SamPIing of fishes took Place at all four sites:

1. SeVerSky DOnetS RiVer, the north edge of Belgorod (50°37'56.80"N, 36°38'29.00HE)- fishing float rod, 2018, June: bleak - AbramiS albumus (Linnaeus, 1758) (15 indiVduals, age 1+-3+);

2. VeZeIka River, the Center of Belgorod (50°35'28.00"N, 36°34'51.20"E) - EShing float rod, 2017, May, June, SePtember: redfin - Seardini-US erythrophthaImUS (Linnaeus, 1758) (14 indiViduals, age 1+-3+), roach - RUtiIUS rutilus (Linnaeus, 1758) (1 indiVdual, age 2+), bleak (17 indiViduals, age 1+-2+);

3. RaZUmnaya River, RaZUmnOe village, Belgorod district (50°32'2.45"N, 36°39'50.00"E) -fishing nets and fishing float rod, 2017, May: redfin (8 indiViduals), roach (29), bleak (3), bream - AbramiS brama Linnaeus, 1758 (6), SiIVer bream - BIieea bjoerkna (Linnaeus, 1758) (15), tench - Tinea tinea Linnaeus, 1758 (8), CrUCian CarP - CaraSSi-US CaraSSiUS (Linnaeus, 1758) (4) - the age of all fishes - 3+ and more;

4. Nezhegol RiVer, Shebekino district, betWeen the Villages Arkhangelskoe and TitoVka, near the COnflUenCe of the SeVerSky DOnetS RiVer (50°38'52.90"N, 36°38'41.80HE) - EShing float rod, 2018, June: SUnbIeak - LeUeaSPiUS delineatUS Heckel, 1843 (3 indiViduals, age 2+), bleak (4 indiViduals, age 1+-2+).

All caught fish besides fishes from Razumnaya RiVer Were inVestigated according to method of ComPlete Parasitological autOPsy of fish WaS aPPlied [BykhoVskaya-PaVloVskaya, 1969]. From CyStS that haVe been found metacercariae Were extract for doing temPorary PreParatiOnS and StUdying them Under the microscope Motic BA300 (40-400Ч). ThiS microscope fitted Wth a digital Camera and has SOftWare for taking measurements for identification of species.

IdenltifiCatiOn of fishes WaS Carried out according to "The keys of Vertebrate animals of the fauna of the USSR" [Kuznetsov, 1974], age of them WaS Set "on SCales" [Pravdin, 1966], identification of trematodes metacercariae Was carried out according to special keys With species descriptions [Opredelitel' ParaZitOV ..., 1987; SUdarikOV et al., 2002].

ReSUIting from StUdy metacercariae belonging to at least 15 SPeCieS Were found, of WhiCh 14 Were identified.

Resuits and discussion

As a result of combining the data pubiished by n.a. Golovina et al. [2017, 2018] and data from our own research, a list of species of trematodes metacercariae that are a parasite in carp fish (cyprinidae) fi*om seversky donets river (with belgorodskoye reservoir) and its inflows - vezelka, razumnaya and nezhegol rivers today includes at least 16 species fi*om 7 families. Hereinafter annotated iisting with helminths species, hosts in which they were found and their localizations in the host,s body and data about intermediate, supplementary, definitive hosts fi*om iiterature sources [opredelitel' parazitov ..., 1987; sudarikov et al., 2002] are

Piacement. Acronyms and abbreviations: sd - seversky donets river, v - vezeika river, r - razumnaya river, n - nezhegol river, "*" - species was noted in belgorodskoye reservoir by golovina et al. [2017, 2018].

Bucephalidae poche, 1907

Rhipidqcqtyie campanula (dujardin, 1845)

Metacercariae in cysts and without them were found on the body surface, in fins, gills, muscles of bleak, roach, redfin and sunbieak from sd, v and n. This species are invasion more often for fish juveniles, and the number of cysts can reach severai dozen in one individual. Intermediate hosts are species of anqdqnta and uniq genus, 7 of them were noted in the belgorod region, among them uniq pictqrum (linnaeus, 1758), anqdqnta stagnaiis (gmelin, 1791) and a. Cygnea (linnaeus, 1758) mollusks [here and iurther by: mandrygina, snegin, 2005] are widespread species. Suppiementary hosts are many species of cyprinidae and percidae, the iatter are also the definitive hosts of this species of trematodes, like some other predatory fish.

Diplostomidae poirier, 1886

*diplqstqmum sp.

Unidentified for various reasons species of the genus dipiqstqmum nordmann, 1832 were found in the lens of the eyes of bleak, redfin, roach, tench and silver bream from v, r and

N. Number of metacercariae in the eyes of explored fishes goes up with age of host. Intermediate hosts are mollusks of lymnaea genus, they are usual water bodies inhabitants in the belgorod region. Suppiementary hosts are species of cyprinidae and percidae; definitive hosts are piscivorous birds (laridae).

*diplqstqmum chrqmatqphqrum (brown, 1931) shigin, 1986

It was found in bleak from v and r. Intermediate hosts are lymnaea stagnalis (linnaeus, 1758), l. Qvata (draparnaud, 1805), l. Paiustris (mueller, 1774) mollusks, they were registered in the belgorod region. L. Stagnalis is one of the usual widespread species from water bodies in the region. Supplementary hosts are species of cyprinidae, percidae and other fishes; definitive hosts are piscivorous birds (laridae).

Dipiqstqmum cqmmutatum (diesing, 1850) dubois, 1937

Its metacercariae were found in bleak from sd. N.a. Golovina and her co-authors registered *d. Rutili razmashkin, 1969 in the belgorodskoye reservoir, it simiiar to cqmmutatum. Probably, its intermediate hosts are l. Qvata and l. Fqntinalis (studer, 1820) as at d. Rutili, that mollusks were registered in the belgorod region. Supplementary hosts are species of cyprinidae and percidae; definitive hosts are piscivorous birds (laridae).

Dipiqstqmum helveticum (dubois, 1929) shigin, 1977

It was found in bleak from sd. Among its intermediate hosts only l. Ovata was found on the territory of the belgorod region. Suppiemenltary hosts are speeies of cyprinidae and percidae; definitive hosts are piscivorous birds (laridae).

*tylodelphys ciavata (nordmann, 1832) diesing, 1850

It was found in the vitreous of the eye in a large individual of roach, redfin and tench from v and r. Metaeereariae weren,t found in fish juveniles (younger than 4 years old). The intermediate host - l. Ovata. Suppiementary hosts are species of cyprinidae, percidae and other fishes; definitive hosts are piscivorous birds (podicipedidae).

Heterophyidae (leiper, 1909) odhner, 1914

Apophallus muehlingi (jagerskiold, 1899) luhe, 1909 (fig. A)

This parasite was found in skin, fins, gills and muscles of bleak and sunbleak from sd and n. Among its possibie intermediate hosts lithogiyphus naticoides (c. P^ifler, 1828) was found on the territory of belgorod region. Supplementary hosts are species of cyprinidae; definitive hosts are piscivorous birds (laridae), carnivorous mammals (cats, dogs). Apophallus muehlingi metacercariae are dangerous pathogen for fish juveniles of cyprinidae, this species intense invasion can cause their death.

Metagonimusyokogawai (katsurada, 1912) katsurada, 1913 (see fig., c)

Were found bean-shaped and rounded cysts on the body surface and in scaies of bleak from sd. It is difficult to say, what mollusks species can be intermediate hosts on the territory of belgorod region, because among species that were iisted in iiterary sources no one was regisrter in the belgorod region. However, mollusk parafossaruius manchouricus (bourguignat, 1860) fi·om bithyniidae in some articles [solov'yeva et al., 2015] are noted as its intermediate host. We can assume that representatives of bithynia genus can participate in iife-cycies of

Metagonimus yokogawai in the belgorod region. Of course, this hypothesis requires verification. Supplementary hosts are species of cyprinidae; definitive hosts are herring gull, cormorants, night heron, carnivorous mammals and human. Metagonimus yokogawai is potentially dangerous speeies for human that,s why more carefid study of its biology must be continued in the region.

Opisthorchiidae braun, 1901

Methorchis xanthosomus (creplin, 1846) braun, 1902 (see fig., d)

Thick-walled cysts of this metacercariae were found in gills and muscles of redfin, bleak and sunbieak fi*om sd, v and n. The indermediate host is bithynia tentacuiata (linnaeus, 1758). Supplementary hosts are cyprinidae; definitive hosts are piscivorous birds (laridae, corvidae).

*pseudamphistomum truncatum (rudolphi, 1819) luhe, 1908 (see fg., b)

Its metacercariae have thin-walled large cysts that were found in gills and muscles of redfin, bleak, roach and tench fi*om seversky donets, veseika and nezhegol. Intermediate hosts are mollusks of bithynia genus (?); suppiementary hosts are species of cyprinidae; definitive hosts are predatory mammals and human. This species is the causative agent of pseudamphistomos and morphologically similar to opisthorchis felineus (rivolta, 1884) blanchard, 1895, that is pathogenic for humans too. At this moment opisthorchis felineus is not register in sd and its inflows but there is some information about found of opistorchis in oskol river [buryak, malysheva, 2009].

Posthodiplostomidae sudarikov, 1997

*posthodiplostomum brevicaudatum (nordmann, 1832) wisniewski, 1958

It was found in the vitreous of the eye of a large individual of roach from r. The intermediate host is planorbis planorbis (linnaeus, 1758) that is frequently encountered species in the water bodies in the belgorod region. Supplementary hosts are species of cyprinidae, percidae and other fishes; definitive hosts are bitterns.

*posthodiplostomum c-uticola (nordmann, 1832) dubois, 1936

Metacercariae of this species have cysts that are located under specific black spots on the skin of fish. It was found in muscles of redfin, roach, bleak and tench from sd, v and r. In the region the intermediate host is p. Planorbis; supplement hosts are species of cyprinidae and percidae; definitive hosts are herons (ardeidae). This speeies of metacercariae gauses "black-spot disease", mainly of carp fish.



Fig. Metacercariaes fromabramis alburnus from seversky donets river:

A--apophallus muehlingi in the fin (increase 10Ч); b -- pseudamphistomum truncatum (extracted from the cyst) from the muscles (increase 10Ч); c -- metagonimus yokogawai from the scaies (increase 40Ч);

D -- methorchis xanthosomus from the muscles (increase 40Ч)

Рис. Metацеркарии из уклейки из р. Северский донец:

A--apophallus muehlingi b лучах плавниka (увеличение 10Ч); b -- pseudamphistomum truncatum (извлеченный из цисты) из мышц (увеличение 10Ч); c Т» metagonimusyokogawai из чешуи (увеличение 40Ч); d -- methorchis xanthosomus из мышц (увеличение 40Ч)

Prohemistomidae (lutz) 1935) sudarikov, 1961

*paracoenogonimus ovatus katsurada, 1914

It was found in the muscles and hepar of roach, tench and sunbieak from r and n. Intermediate hosts of this species are viviparus viviparus (linnaeus, 1758) mollusks; suppiementary hosts are speeies of cyprinidae and percidae; definitive hosts are piscivorous birds, sometimes mammals. This species is likely to be pathogenic for humans.

Strigeidae railliet, 1919

* Ichthyqcqtyiurus piatycephaius (crepiin, 1825) odening, 1969

It was found in the heart of bleak, roach and crucian carp from sd and r. The intermediate host is vatvata piscinaiis (o.f. Muller, 1774); suppiementary hosts are speeies of cyprinidae and percidae; definitive hosts are piscivorous birds (laridae, podicipidae and others).

The next three species were register only in the belgorodskoye reservoir.

* Ichthyqcqtyturus variegatus (creplin, 1825) odening, 1969

The intermediate host is v. PiscinatisЈ» suppiementary hosts are species of cyprinidae and percidae; definitive hosts are piscivorous birds (laridae).

*ichthyqcqtyturus erraticus (rudolphi, 1809) odening, 1969

The intermediate host is unknown in the belgorod region, but perhaps it is mollusks of physa genus. Suppiementary hosts are species of coregonidae and rarely - cyprinidae; definitive hosts are piscivorous birds (laridae, gaviidae).

*ichthyqcqtyturus piteatus (rudolphi, 1802) odening, 1969

The intermediate host is unknown; supplementary hosts are species of cyprinidae and percidae; definitive hosts are piscivorous birds (laridae).


As can be seen, intermediate hosts of most of the marked trematodes are widespread bivalves and gastropods, representatives of the genera anqdqnta and unio, and lymnaea, lithogtyphus, bithynia, planqrbis, viviparus, vatvata and physa. Representatives of all named genera, including specific intermediate hosts of specific species of trematodes were found in the belgorod region. For metagqnimus yokogawai and pseudamphistqmum truncatum, which are dangerous species for the epidemiological situation, in the researched region need to be further purposeful studies to establish intermediate hosts.

Supplementary hosts, in which metacercariae develop, for all the found species of trematodes are many species of carp fish, and often fishes from other families. Therefore, the registered species of metacercariae will most likely be found in one quantity or another in other fish species that have not yet been covered by research in the belgorod region.

Apqphattus muehtingi and pqsthqdiptqstqmum c-uticqta are the causative agents of 'fblack-spot diseasen of cyprinid fshes and can be the cause of fish juvenilies death. Representatives of diplostomidae and ichthiocotyluriidae can provoke the development of focal of trematodosis.

Among registered the 16 metacercariacea species only one species of trematodes is autogenous parasite in water bodies - rhipidocotyle campanula. Its marita parasites in gut of predatory fishes. 15 others are allogenous species, its mainly parasites of birds, for example, herons, night herons, terns, grebes, bitterns and crows that are usual species on the territory of the belgorod region [zhivotnyy mir ..., 2012]. Among trematodes that were identified there are some potentially dangerous for mammals including human - first of all, pseudamphistqmum truncatum, and also metagqnimusyokogawai and paracqenqgqnimus qvatus.

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Судариков В.Е., Шигин А.А., Курочкин Ю.В. 2002. MeTацеркарии трематод -- паразиты гидробионтов России. Т. 1. Метацеркарии трематод - паразиты пресноводных гидробионтов Центральной России. М., 297.

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