Anatomical and morphological changes of plant pollen of species of the genus Pinus L. under the influence of pests and diseases

The study of variability of the morphology of pollen grains of the genus Pinus. Differences in the total amount of abnormal pollen under the influence of pests and pathogens of different nature. The possibility of diagnosing of biotic influence on plants.

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Anatomical and morphological changes of plant pollen of species of the genus Pinus L. under the influence of pests and diseases

Elpitiforov E.M., PhD, Leading Engineer at the Department of Landscape Construction, National botanical garden M.M. Grysko

The development of plants is always accompanied by the influence of certain factors on their vegetative and generative sphere. The effect of abiotic factors is described in some detail, but the overall biotic effect is described in some fragments. Species of the genus Pinus L. are characterized by changes in the assimilation apparatus under general influence, we tried to show changes in the generative sphere under the influence of biotic factors, primarily changes in pollen under biotic influence. Diagnosis of pollen, changes in pollen grains is a reliable, affordable and environmentally friendly way to diagnose general changes under the influence of biotic factors on species of the genus Pinus L.

It is also important to understand the nature of the factors that affect the species of the genus, so the article presents the impact of only one biotic factor on plants, and presents in comparison with those factors that have a different nature. Thus, anatomical and morphological changes in the generative sphere of plants of the genus, in particular in the change of pollen grains, allow not only to identify the adaptation of a particular impact, but also to understand the difference in action and reactions to various factors.

Changes in the morphological structure of pollen grains of the studied species under the influence of pests are shown. Photodocumentary confirmations of morphological changes under the influence of pests on pollen of plants of the studied species, as well as statistical data are given. The ratio of the number and variety of pathogenic changes in the morphological structures of the pollen grains of Pinus plants has been clarified.

Determining the impact of plant pests on the generative sphere of plants of the genus is an important issue for research in botany, forestry and plant protection. In 1977, V. Geodakyan suggested that pollen not only transmits genetic information, but also can carry information about the ecological state, so it is important to understand how the protective and adaptive mechanisms of new plants and parental forms exist. The article also shows the adaptive capacity of species of the genus to pathogens and pests at the level of pollen grain formation, adaptation potential, as well as the possibility of diagnosing the presence of biotic effects on plants of species of the genus Pinus L.

Key words: pollen, pine, morphology, Pinus L., pests, change.

Анатомо-морфологічні зміни пилку рослин видів роду Pinus L. за впливу шкідників та хвороб

Єльпітіфоров Є.М.

Розвиток рослин завжди супроводжується впливом тих чи інших факторів на їх вегетативну і генеративну сферу. Дія абіотичних факторів описана досить докладно, але загальна біотична дія описана фрагментарно. Для видів роду Pinus L. характерні зміни асиміляційного апарату за умов загального впливу. Ми спробували показати зміни генеративної сфери під впливом біотичних факторів, насамперед зміни пилку під біотичним впливом. Діагностика пилку, змін пилкових зерен є надійним, доступним і екологічно чистим способом діагностики загальних змін під впливом біотичних факторів у видів роду Pinus L.

Також важливо розуміти природу факторів, які впливають на вид роду, тому в статті представлено вплив лише одного біотичного фактора на досліджувані рослини, а також представлено порівняння з тими факторами, які мають іншу природу. Таким чином, анатомо-морфологічні зміни в генеративної сфері рослин роду, зокрема в зміні пилкових зерен, дозволяють не тільки виявити адаптацію до того чи іншого впливу, а й зрозуміти різницю в дії і реакції на різні фактори.

Показано зміни морфологічної структури пилкових зерен досліджуваних видів під впливом шкідників. Наведено фотодокументальні підтвердження морфологічних змін пилку рослин досліджуваного виду під впливом шкідників, а також статистичні дані. З'ясовано співвідношення кількості та різноманітності патогенних змін морфологічної структури пилкових зерен рослин роду Pinus.

Визначення впливу шкідників рослин на генеративну сферу рослин роду є актуальною проблемою досліджень у ботаніці, лісівництві та захисту рослин. У 1977 році В. Геодакян припустив, що пилок не тільки передає генетичну інформацію, але й може нести інформацію про екологічний стан, тому важливо розуміти, як існують захисно-пристосувальні механізми нових рослин і батьківських форм. У статті також показано адаптивну здатність видів роду до патогенів і шкідників на рівні формування пилкових зерен, адаптаційний потенціал, а також можливість діагностики наявності біотичного впливу на рослини видів роду Pinus L.

Ключові слова: пилок, сосна, морфологія, Pinus L., шкідники, зміна.


Today, the topical issue of botany and related sciences is the prevent- ive diagnosis and development of methods to control biotic factors in general and pests and pathogens in particular, in forest and agricultural crops.

Of particular importance in the context of this issue are those plant groups that are used in landscaping and tend to health and disease prevention. One of the most popular genera in this regard is Pinus L., which is also the most common throughout Ukraine. Pinus silvestris L. is a typical representative and is a model species in the study of anatomical-morphological and physiological-biochemical changes of the assimilation apparatus [6].

However, not all changes in the assimilation apparatus of plants can be considered diagnostic, part of a complex complex diagnosis can be based on the detection of changes in the generative sphere, namely anatomical and morphological changes in the structure and shape of pollen species. It is also important that the changes that occur in plants of this species are generally diagnostic for other species of the genus in terms of man- made exposure [4] and radiation [5], and therefore it makes sense to study them under the influence of biotic factors.

I.I. Korshikov, L.P. Hlebova, O.A. Neverova and other studied the problem. A num- ber of scientists were involved in the natural regeneration of pine: P.M. Megalinsky, M.I. Gordienko, V.P Shlapak, A.F. Goychuk, V.O. Rybak, V.M. Maurer, S.B. Kovalev- sky, N.M. Gordienko, V.B. Loginov and other.

Purpose: To show anatomical and morphological changes of pollen under the influence of pests, to reveal the basic tendencies and regularities of changes under the influence of pests and pathogens: comparison of anatomical and morphological changes of pollen of investigated plants at biotic influence.

Маterials and Methods

Pollen collection was carried out in the period from 14 to 21 May on the territory of the National Botanical Garden MM Gryshko for three samples of 7 plants of the studied species that had microstrobiles. Microstrobiles were collected from each group tree during mass maturation, from the lower part of the crown. The studied types of pines grow on the territory of NBS. M.M. Gryshko and introduced (Table 1). All plants grow in groups, and were selected those plants that are inhabited by one pest or affected by one pathogen with the maximum degree of damage on a fivepoint scale (S.I. Kuznetsov, F.M. Levon, Y.A. Klimenko, V.F. Pylypchuk, M.I. Shumyk) [6] Pests and pathogens were identified by qualifier. The control group was absent because the aim was to compare the anatomical and morphological changes of the pollen of the studied plants at the lesion. Also, control involves the presence of completely intact or undamaged plants, which in conditions where minimized chemical protection processes are virtually impossible.

Table 1 Plants and pests influencing their pollen formation are studied

Study plants, group


The degree of damage to the crown

Pinus sibirica Du Tour

Leucaspis newsteadi Sulc


Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc

Leucaspis lowi Colvee


Pinus sylvestris L.

Cinara brauni Borner


Pinus mugo Turra

Cinara pinea Mordvilko


Pinus nigra subsp. Рallasiana Holmboe

Неrpotrichia nigra Fuckel


Samples of dry pollen were glued to metal tables with double-sided tape. Carbon spraying was performed in the vacuum universal post VUP-5M of Sumy JSC “Selmi” in the mode of thermal evaporation using a device for turning and tilting objects. Next, the samples were sprayed with platinum using an ion etching device JFC-1600 and studied using a scanning electron microscope JSM-6700F JEOL, (Tokyo, Japan) in the mode of secondary electron emission. Pollen samples were studied by microphotographs in the AxioVision program.


For comparison, the average values of biometric indicators were used, although in one species within the group they can vary widely. When the plants were damaged by pests and pathogens, it was found that the proportion of abnormal pollen is not less than 18% (Fig. 1) and reaches even 33%, whereas it is usually not more than 4-5 % [7; 8].

Fig. 1. The share of abnormal pollen in the studied species of the genus Pinus under the influence of pests and pathogens

The widest range of abnormal grains is characteristic of R. sylvestris, which may indicate a wide reaction norm (table 2).

The largest aerial bags of pollen grains were recorded on R. sylvestris plants with an average length of 53.2 мm and a height of 48.7 мm of pollen, but with a greater coefficient of variation than normal. This may indicate a change in the anatomomorphological structure of pollen grains under biotic exposure.

There is a general pattern: the smallest amount of pollen with structural abnormalities has five-needles species - Р. sibirica та Р. koraiensis.

Pollen with the following developmental anomalies is characteristic of all studied plant species under the influence of biotic factors: immature, deformed, degenerating, with a lenticular body, “dwarf”, with damaged air sac, with altered body shape and air sacs, disproportionate, with underdeveloped sac, Fig. 2), ie pollen grains with anomalies that corresponded to the types described in the literature [1; 3; 8; 9].

Table 2 Morphometric variability of pollen grains and air sacs of the studied species of the genus Pinus on the territory of the National Botanical Garden M.M Gryshko



Air bag

body length

body high




CV %


CV %


CV %


CV %

Р. sibirica









Р. koraiensis









Р. sylvestris









Р. mugo









P. nigra subsp. рallasiana









in the table. 2 differences in reliability for Student's t-test at P <0.05; * M ± m - average value with false.

Fig. 2. Pollen grains of the genus Pinus with developmental abnormalities for exposure to pests and pathogens a - immature, b - deformed, c - degenerating, d - with an underdeveloped bag, e - with a damaged air bag, f - “dwarf”, j - with a lenticular body

Pollen anomalies are a general reaction to biotic influences (Fig. 3) and are local in nature. There is no specific deviation in the defeat of a particular biotic factor. Most immature (4-6%), deformed (5-8%) and degenerating (2-6%) pollen.

Fig. 3. Differences in the total amount of abnormal pollen under the influence of pests and pathogens of different nature: a - Leucaspis newsteadi, b - Leucaspis lowi, c - Cinara brauni, d - Cinara pinea, e - Неrpotrichia nigra


The study of the variability of the morphology of pollen grains makes it possible to understand the processes of reactions of the generative sphere of the studied plants of species of the genus Pinus under the influence of the pest. The widest norm of reaction to a pest is shown by Р. sylvestris which range of morphological changes of pollen is the greatest. Perhaps this is also due to its intraspecific variability, in the con- text of which the morphological changes in the structure of the pollen body and sacs are decisive in the methods of bioindication.

It should also be noted that pests of the family Diaspididae have a less negative impact on the pollen of the studied species than members of the family Lachnidae. However, pathogens from the family Nerpotrichia create a significant background effect on changes in the formation of pollen grains Pinus After all, the proportion of pollen with abnormal development in the above cases is different.

In this context, we can say that the overall frequency of anomalies of Pinus pollen grains, as well as pathologies of pollen development can be used to indicate biotic effects in introduced and natural plantations of Ukraine.

pollen grain pinus morphology pest


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