• The use of property resources or the provision of local public goods is a key determinant of economic performance. Aspects of collective action problems in developing countries. Characteristics of persons who participate in the collective enterprise.

    статья (164,6 K)
  • The ability to cooperate in collective action problems as a key determinant of economic performance: analysis of the major problems, familiarity with the key stages of development. General characteristics of institutions for collective action, features.

    курсовая работа (164,6 K)
  • The intensification of international collaboration at the regional and global levels - the main trend in the development of the modern cooperative movement. Directions for improving the activities of the European community of consumer cooperatives.

    статья (167,0 K)
  • Analysis of economic growth rates and annual GDP per capita growth in Armenia in 1990-2018 Description of the model for the coordination of fiscal and monetary regulation. The interdependence between the mechanisms of monetary, credit and tax regulation.

    статья (1,4 M)
  • The theoretical foundations of ensuring the investment attractiveness of the national economy in the context of the implementation of state investment policy are revealed. Implementation of the model of state regulation of investment attractiveness.

    статья (20,1 K)
  • Theoretical corporate and state principles of ensuring the investment attractiveness of the national economy in the context of the implementation of the state investment policy. Set of factors that determine for regulation of investment attractiveness.

    статья (41,6 K)
  • The factors that determine R & d investments in industry. Analysis of financial factors from the point of view of the corporate structure. Methodology of research the influence of corporate governance and insider ownership on risky R & d investments.

    дипломная работа (151,1 K)
  • The issues of corporate reorganizations, their types and difference. Advantages and disadvantages of each type of reorganizations. Recommendations to solving a problem of lack of reorganization types in terms of managing them in the national legislation.

    статья (27,1 K)
  • Study of the necessity of corporate social responsibility training in Bangladesh. Analysis of attitudes of bankers and corporate professionals in Bangladesh to this question. Characteristics of present scenario of corporate social responsibility training.

    статья (103,1 K)
  • Experience the practical application of the principles of corporate social responsibility in Ukraine. Determinants of corporate social responsibility. Assessment of correlation between corporate social responsibility and financial results of the company.

    статья (150,5 K)
  • Generalizing the results of literature review about corporate social responsibility, peculiarities of CSR implementation in SMEs. Providing comparative analysis of definitions, investigating meaning of practices and stages, "formal" and "informal" CSR.

    статья (142,4 K)
  • Analysis of the main drivers for corporate social responsibility activities in different countries. Study of the corporate social responsibility concept development in Ukraine, and the main obstacles for socially responsible activities of companies.

    статья (223,5 K)
  • Verrnam encryption as the coding system with proved absolute cryptographically secure resistance. Commercial attractiveness, high rate of implementation and autonomy like one of the main valuable characteristics of a build technical developments.

    статья (11,7 K)
  • Analysis of the behavior of officials of the United Nations, economic situation and cost structure. Conditions and the confiscation of diplomatic plates. Enforcement rules and regulations in this area. Evaluation, assessment of the future prospects.

    статья (215,6 K)
  • The European Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries and the modernization of industry through its mechanization. Description of the system used to record cost data and determine the cost of producing a product or providing a service.

    статья (252,7 K)
  • Features of the use of modular transport containers as a temporary place of residence in emergency situations. The conditions for their application for resettlement accommodation, an assessment of the technical and financial advantages of this approach.

    статья (109,8 K)
  • Non-profit organizations deliver a wide range of meaningful resources to communities in such diverse areas as education, arts, social services, etc. The growing social and economic influence of the nonprofit sector as a reason to expand its opportunities.

    статья (55,4 K)
  • Упpaвлeние oбopoтными aктивaми как oбшиpная чacть oпepaций финaнcoвoгo мeнeджмeнтa, cвязaнная c бoльшим кoличecтвoм элeмeнтoв иx внyтpeннeгo мaтepиальнo-вeщecтвeннoгo и финaнcoвoгo cocтaвa, тpeбyющиx индивидyaлизации yпpaвлeния в рамках предприятия.

    статья (16,4 K)
  • Обзор процесса и проблем потребительской, сельскохозяйственной, промысловой кооперации в предвоенные годы в СССР. Рoль и место кooпepaции в oбecпeчeнии нaceлeния в coвeтcкoй индуcтpиaльнoй cиcтeмe. Cтpoй кoлxoзнoгo кpecтьянcтвa. Cиcтeмa Цeнтpocoюзa.

    контрольная работа (46,0 K)
  • Methodological support for specifying requirements for construction projects in rural areas. Profit: the economic sense, the problem of determining and displaying accounts. The basic models of the functioning of investment in regional development.

    тезисы (300,3 K)
  • An analysis of the main factors, which have zoomed in the most successful among all the affected states of the development of Estonia. As a result of the marriage of material resources, the small Baltic state has given respect to non-material resources.

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  • Creative industries as strong driving force behind economic growth. The purpose of creative industries. The talent and creative abilities of the population as the greatest competitive advantage and unlimited resource of creative industries in Ukraine.

    статья (465,8 K)
  • Comparative characteristics of economic systems. Providing access to global markets, the formation of design thinking, using a wide range of resources and contributing to the development of the human personality - the tasks of the creative economy.

    статья (767,1 K)
  • The role of creative industries in the economic growth of the country. Institutional support of creative industries in Ukraine. Taking into account trends in the creative sector in other countries of the European Community, in domestic conditions.

    статья (277,5 K)
  • The concept of the economic cycle, its phases: crisis, depression and recovery. Spontaneous transition from one phase to another. Occurrence and prevention of problems of an economic crisis. Its causes and role in the socio-economic development.

    эссе (23,9 K)
  • Considers the development of attractive strategies featuring cryptocurrency assets, considering their costs and potential risks. The object of analysis is cryptocurrency as an investment instrument. Therefore, cryptocurrencies should not be correlated.

    статья (376,4 K)
  • Analysis of cryptocurrency as a contender for the role of the single world currency. Currently, none of the world currencies can become a single world currency, and without this the rapid development of the economy throughout the world is impossible.

    статья (15,5 K)
  • Current development of RF company towns. Classification of Russia’s single-type city. State support for single-industry towns of the Russian in the conditions of economic growth recovery. Lateral diversification of single-industry towns in the region.

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  • Foreign direct investments play a significant role in development strategies in developing countries. They are fundamentally important for the economic development. Foreign direct investments support the national economy facing domestic investment.

    статья (2,8 M)
  • Approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the concept of "development". Characteristics of the concept of "development of the national economy". Autonomous and integration approaches to the assessment of the socio-economic system of Ukraine.

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