Економіко-математичне моделювання інвестиційної діяльності на водному транспорті

Економіко-математичні моделі підвищення конкурентоспроможності суден і інфраструктури водного транспорту із залученням інвестицій для оновлення основних фондів. Оптимізація інвестиційної стратегії судноплавної компанії, розвиток бункеровочних комплексів.

Рубрика Экономико-математическое моделирование
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.08.2014
Размер файла 66,1 K

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The planning of the investments on the water transport is directed not only at increasing of performance of vessels and infrastructure objects, at decreasing of production costs, but also at improvement of the working conditions, at increasing of production standards, at providing with high quality of transport service, traffic and ecological safety. It responds to the unanimity principle of scientific and technological, social and economic problems of the water transport development.

The economic and mathematical model of a "port - fleet" system is designed. The problem of optimization of investments distribution consists in searching of such a sequence of stages of power escalating for transfer complexes, assisting to full control on target freight flows. It also meets the requirements of the fleet.

The solution of the problem of optimization for distribution and development of fuelling facilities of a complex in two phases is substantiated. On the first stage there is distribution of scheduled volumes of petroleum among fuelling facilities of the region by the years of the scheduled term. On the second stage there is optimization of sequence of stages for development of each of the fuelling facilities for every planning year. It provides with necessary production capacity under condition of given attaching of bases to ports of service.

Keywords: a water transport, investment policy, merchant marine fleet, fuelling facilities, economic and mathematical model, optimization.

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