The ideology of azerbaijanism in the context of globalization

Ideology aimed at protecting the independence of Azerbaijan, its democratic development, the fight against nationalism and chauvinism. Unity of the people, the formation of values for the combination of multinational and development of the state.

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Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, (Azerbaijan, Baku)

The ideology of azerbaijanism in the context of globalization

Asgarova Z.

PhD, Ass. Prof., Department of Social Sciences

The term Azerbaijanismis a relatively new term in social sciences. Nevertheless, in recent years scholars and researchers, public figures and writers have devoted a number of valuable articles, monographs and textbooks to the topic and interpreted the bases, essence and conceptual aspects of Azerbaijanism. Academician RamizMehdiyev notes that “Azerbaijanism has emerged as the verbalization of the idea of really uniting all the ethnic groups and nationalities in the country on the bases of the national interests and values, as an idea of combating the spirits of chauvinism and separatism widely spread especially in the years of 1992-1993” (Mehdiyev R. 2003).

Thus, one can conclude that the idea of Azerbaijanism is an ideology evolved against the bellicose nationalism and chauvinism, along with protecting the independence of Azerbaijan and providing the democratic development. The idea of Azerbaijanism stems not from nationalism, but from the value of citizenship. This idea is aimed at shaping a system of values laying foundations for the unification of the multinational Azerbaijani people and its democratic development.

The idea of Azerbaijanism uniting the multinational Azerbaijani people promotes the maintenance of independence, democratic development and formation of a legal, social state. National leader HeydarAliyev said in his speech at the Parliament of Azerbaijan on 15 June 1993, “Irrespective of his/her nationality, religion, political identity, every citizen in the territory of Azerbaijan should enjoy an identical right. If we succeed its actual realization, we can provide the unification of all the peoples, all the nations in the Republic of Azerbaijan”. In this way the great leader declared the bases of the idea of Azerbaijanism reflecting the position of the power in Azerbaijan.

However, Azerbaijanism is not confined only to the solidarity of the people in the territory of Azerbaijan. This ideology unites the people who wish Azerbaijan's independence and want its re-enforcement, along with negating the bellicose nationalism. Professor NizammaddinShamsizadeh notes that “Azerbaijanism is not a geographical notion, it is rather a political notion”. The ideology of Azerbaijanism aims at the maintenance of the national unity and national relations, at the explanation, approval and development of the position of the nation and its state.

Thus, Azerbaijanism is a system of values reflecting the primary signs of our national-spiritual existence, the people's identity and integrating its national mind. Language, territory, citizenship, customs and traditions and ideological unity encompassing these values make the ideology of Azerbaijanism boundless. Alongside with our compatriots living beyond the boundaries of Azerbaijan, anyone desiring the independence, unity and development of Azerbaijan as a legal democratic state, irrespective of his/her nationality bears the ideology of Azerbaijanism.

It is methodologically challenging to analyze the notion Azerbaijanism]!], to realize its essence, to characterize its elements, which is natural. For, it is hard to identify the exact framework of most categories and concepts in social sciences. The French philosopher, the founder of neo- Thomism, J. Maritain pointed out, “The trouble of modern history is its generalizing the main concepts”.

The Moslem theoreticians admit that [5] in Islam the main concepts are interpreted differently, but presented as general philosophy. The main goal of social sciences is to generate a systematic knowledge about the social reality. The Austrian sociologist A. Schutz indicates in his theory, “There is no uniform approach to a concept in social sciences, the main in these researches is going towards the objectivity when acting from scientific logics”. That is why, although there is no uniform approach in elucidating the nature of Azerbaijanism, one can try to define its elements grounding the scientific logics.

In any case, although there are different approaches to the term Azerbaijanism from politological, sociological, even etymological points of view, its main philosophy is steady. Azerbaijanism integrates citizenship, patriotism, loyalty as well as the citizen's responsibility before society and state.

As a national state ideology Azerbaijanism is a system of values relying on the Constitutional bases, shaping individuals' citizenship, patriotism, loyalty and civil responsibility, serving Azerbaijan's independence, its development as a legal and democratic state and the maintenance of its national security.

One should note on the correlation of the ideologies of Azerbaijanism and constitutionalism that the ideology of Azerbaijanism pursues concrete goals along with having a wide radius. This ideology promotes the development of a free civil society and strong statehood in Azerbaijan. In Azerbaijan, the formation of the ideology of Azerbaijanism in the people's thoughts, and the guidance of their activities by these ideological values also lay foundations for the stability of the bases of constitutional structure. On the other side, the existence of this ideology allows the outside appraisal of the social unity generated in Azerbaijan.

Although a relatively new ideology, Azerbaijanism comprises the elements of constitutionalism which has long played a part in the formation of a legal state and democratic regime, unites the free nations, has been sufficiently analyzed in the legal science. The key elements of constitutionalism includes the following: a democratic and legal regime, the rule of law, the division of powers, constitutional supervision, local self-government and others. It is natural that the understanding of the ideology of constitutionalism in the power structure, in the institutions of civil society is associated with the sustainable development of constitutional relations. A very laconic and comprehensive definition of constitutionalism was expressed by the Hungarian professor A.Shayo, “Constitutionalism is a process of restricting power in the name of social stability”.

There is a great resemblance in the goals of Azerbaijanism and constitutionalism. For their ideological functions both of them create the system of equal fair relations and values between the individual and state, as well as serve the effective organization of management in a democratic and legal state. The resemblance between Azerbaijanism and constitutionalism can be expressed by the following statement: the ideology of Azerbaijanism serves to strengthen the legal and democratic Azerbaijani state, to raise the independent Azerbaijan to the rank of civilized states.

Every nation advances towards development. This development is based on uniform principles. It is true that peoples have different ways of development from the civilization perspective. For instance, the customs and traditions of Eastern civilization differ from the values of Western civilization [4]. However, people are bearers of universal values. Everyone wishes that his/her society guarantees legal equity, justice of power, free market economy, freedom of speech and consciousness, non expo sure to violence, personal integrity, justice and so on.

These values have been generalized in international standards of human rights. To guarantee them, a democratic regime and legal statehood are required.

Although in a certain historical period and situation even in Europe there were critics of democracy, people who observed the negative complications of this regime of government. For example, in one of his post-war speeches Winston Churchill pointed out, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time”.

Time proved that a democratic regime and legal state are a path of development leading to the increase of peoples' welfare, and the idea of global constitutionalism is a path of development leading to a fair society. That is why, the values of the ideologies of constitutionalism and Azerbaijanism are given preference in the process of building a state in Azerbaijan.

In modern times some development indicators of globalization have an impact on national identity. In the globalized world sometimes the feeling of patriotism is replaced rather by the feelings of citizenship, loyalty and tolerance. And in some cases industrialization, democratization, expansion of the circle of information exchange and other globalization processes cause conflicts influencing the ethno-national identity. Some analyzers, who take this into consideration, emphasize the contradiction between globalization and national ideology, and characterize them as a system of antagonistic values.

And therefore to achieve the harmony between national ideology and universal values, and to join the process of globalization with one's own national spiritual heritage are of great significance for every nation. The idea of Azerbaijanism meets these challenges and comprises universal values along with the protection of national identity.

Any society becomes vulnerable in the face of general competition when it is not part of the world economic space. And the economic failure, in its turn, makes the solution to the social problems impossible, causes social tension, and finally, complicates the realization of human rights. In the present-day world countries cannot provide a complete guarantee for the economic development, maintenance of national security and legal regime without international participation. From this point of view, states see the solution to their domestic problems in international cooperation, giving more preference to globalization processes.

From this point of view, Azerbaijanism constitutes the ideational basis of Azerbaijan's integration to the world community. Through this idea we introduce ourselves to the world, advocate it as an ideology comprising progressive global values (tolerance, ethnic diversity). As President Ilham Aliyev repeatedly noted in his speech, one of the priorities of Azerbaijan today is integration to the world community on condition that our customs and traditions are guaranteed. Azerbaijan's finding itself in this integration, also its maintenance of its national identity are of exceptional importance: “For centuries the Azerbaijani people has longed for independence. In different periods we lived within the administration of different states. However, we didn't lose our national characteristics. At what expense? At the expense of the facts that we have managed to maintain our mother tongue, our culture; our literature has developed, national traditions have been preserved. These are the key issues preconditioning each people's national identification”.

The idea of Azerbaijanism [3] considers the maintenance of universal values under the conditions of globalization significant and sees the integration to the European space, where these values are established, as our country's path to national modernization. The history of the developed European countries indicates that despite any political, economic cataclysms, replacement of one power by another, changes in state structure, the path to independence and democratic development in these countries is steadfast and unshakeable. The idea of Azerbaijanism also considers globalization as a natural development process of the modern world, having in mind the protection of human rights as a universal value, guarantee of international security in the single European zone, at the same time the principle of territorial integrity of the countries and other important values.

Citizenship is one of the main elements of Azerbaijanism. Citizenship has several meanings in the Azerbaijani language. For example, in accordance with Article 1 of the Law on the Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 30 September 1998 the right of citizenship is understood as a norm defining the legal status of an individual in the country. According to Article 52 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan [1], `a person belonging to the Republic of Azerbaijan, having a political and legal bound with it and also having reciprocal rights and obligations is a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan”. Citizenship is the person's psychological status reflecting his attitude to socio-political relations, along with his legal status. Ideologically, the individual's attitude to society and his position in this attitude are of special interest. Thus, citizenship is understood as an individual's attitude to sociopolitical relations generated in the country by realizing his rights and obligations in the context of Azerbaijanism.

The conceptual analysis of the notion citizenship is a methodologically complicated issue. Since, it is hard to define the framework of categories less studied in social sciences. These categories are analyzed from different aspects and represented in relatively different ways in the context of social relations. At the present stage of Azerbaijan's development, citizenship is a factor constituting the basis for appraising the human mind, and the motivation of his behavior in society, and reflecting their political interests. Although the notion citizenship is theoretically less analyzed, its practical side is easily observed during the individual's participation in sociopolitical processes. For example, participation in election process being not obligatory, every individual has a stance as a citizen in accordance with his/her activity in this political process.

The poor development of the phenomenon of citizenship in society is socio-politically dangerous. Every citizen participates in state building. This can be realized through his/her active and passive voting right. The voting right is not a citizen's legal obligation. Every individual can enjoy his/her voting right. While using his voting right the individual should demonstrate his stance of a citizen. He should take an active part in elections not remaining indifferent to socio-political processes. The strength of the state, the stability of statehood, the correlation between the individual and the state, and finally the social welfare of the individuals depend on this stance of a citizen.

Acting from the citizenship stance, every individual should be reared up in the spirit of patriotism. Pedagogically, it is considered that political culture, legal culture, the culture of patriotism and inter-ethnic relations are a significant quality pertinent to every citizen of the state. That is why, the development of the young generation in the spirit of patriotism is important from security perspective. Patriotism means loving one's Motherland, defending it.


ideology democratic nationalism chauvinism

1. Azarbaycan Respublikasinin Konstitusiyasi - B., 1998. - 11 s.

2. Azarbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyasi. - B.: Azarbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyasi Elmi Markazi, 2007. - 883 s.

3. Azarbaycan Respublikasinin milli siyasati: problemlar, perspektivlar. - B.:“Azarbaycan” na§riyyati, 1994. - 94 s.

4. Cafarov N. Azarbaycan§unasligin asaslari. - B.: Pedaqogika, 2005. - 256 s.

5. Dunya dinlari: ensiklopedik malumat kitabi. B.: Azarbaycan Milli Ensiklopediyasi, 2003. - 548 s.

6. Mehdiyev R. 21-ci asrda milli dovlat9ilik. - B.: Yeni Na§rlar Evi, 2003. - 248 s.

7. Rzayev R. Dovlat quruculugunda azarbaycan9iliq ideologiyasinin rolu. - 16.11.2013. -

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