The figure of T.G. Masaryk in Ukrainian historiography in 20-30-s XX century

Disclosure of the identity of T. Masaryk, his worldview, scientific and political activities. The assessments of the Ukrainian scientists and publicists of the philosophical and political views of T. Masaryk, his attitude to national problems in Europe.

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The figure of T.G. Masaryk in Ukrainian historiography in 20-30-s XX century

Oleksandr Kravchuk

Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky, PhD (History), Associate Professor (Ukraine)


The article is devoted to the coverage of T. G. Masaryk's personality in the 1920's and 1930's by Ukrainian authors, his outlook, scientific and political activity. The author analyzes the estimation by Ukrainian scholars and publicists of philosophical and political views of T.G. Masaryk, his attitude to national problems in Europe, in particular to the issue of Ukraine's independence. In the conditions of the Ukrainian lands in the interwar period of different states, the objectivity of the coverage and estimations of the views and activities of the first president of Czechoslovakia depended on political conditions. T.G. Masaryk's presidential speech in the Ukrainian Soviet literature was characterized by the prism of the ideology of the Bolshevik Party, presented in the context of criticism of the capitalist system, in particular, in its concrete Czechoslovak incarnation. T. G. Masaryk's activities were disclosed more impartially and comprehensively by Ukrainian authors in Galicia, Transcarpathia, representatives of Ukrainian emigration. The political success of the first president of the Czechoslovak Republic has led to the glorification of his activities. Particular attention was paid to the relevance of the creative heritage of T. G. Masaryk for the liberation struggles of Ukraine. In general, the apologetic nature of publications, some authors expressed critical remarks regarding to T. G. Masaryk in connection with the unrealization of the autonomy of Transcarpathia. Comparison of publications allows us to conclude that the most complete objective publications were published in the Czechoslovak Republic, Galicia, USA. The factual material offered in the publications remains an value basis for the research of T. G. Masaryk's figure.

Key words: Ukrainian bohemistika, historiography, T. G. Masaryk, O. I. Bochkovs'kyy, M. Omel'chenkova, N. Hryhoryyiv, I. Mirchuk, M. Shapoval, Ia. Yarema, Prague, Podebrady, Kharkiv, Transcarpathia, Galicia, the USA.

Олександр Кравчук

Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського, кандидат історичних наук, доцент (Україна)

Постать Т.Ґ. Масарика в українській історіографії 20-30 рр. ХХ ст.

Анотація. Стаття присвячена висвітленню українськими авторами особистості Т.Ґ. Масарика, його світогляду, наукової та політичної діяльності. Проаналізовано оцінки українськими науковцями та публіцистами філософських, політичних поглядів Т. Ґ. Масарика, його ставлення до національних проблем у Європі, зокрема, до питання самостійності України. Порівняння публікацій дозволяє зробити висновок, що у найбільш повній мірі об'єктивні публікації видано у Чехословацькій Республіці, Галичині, США. Наведений у публікаціях фактичний матеріал зберігає важливе значення для дослідження постаті Т.Ґ. Масарика.

Ключові слова: українська богемістика, історіографія, Т. Ґ. Масарик, О. І. Бочковський, М. Омельченкова, Н. Григоріїв, І. Мірчук, М. Шаповал, Я, Ярема, Прага, Подєбради, Харків, Закарпаття, Галичина, США.

Александр Кравчук

Личность Т.Г. Масарика в украинской историографии 20-30 гг. ХХ в.

Статья посвящена раскрытию украинскими авторами личности Т.Г. Масарика, его мировоззрения, научной и политической деятельности. Проанализированы оценки украинскими учеными и публицистами философских, политических взглядов Т.Г. Масарика, его отношение к национальным проблемам в Европе, в частности к вопросу самостоятельности Украины. Сравнение публикаций позволяет сделать вывод, что в наиболее полной мере объективные публикации издано в Чехословацкой Республике, Галичине, США. Приведенный в публикациях фактический материал сохраняет важное значение для исследования личности Т.Г. Масарика. political masaryk national

Ключевые слова: украинская богемистика, историография, Т.Г. Масарик, О.И. Бочковский, М. Омельченкова, Н. Григориив, И. Мирчук, М. Шаповал, Я. Ярема, Прага, Подебрады, Харьков, Закарпатье, Галичина, США.

The objectivity of the research of the problems of world history depends on generalization of the accumulated knowledge. In this context, we note the insufficient level of historiographical analysis of the activity of the prominent Czech scientist and politician of the 1880s-1930s, one of the founders and the first president of the Czechoslovak Republic, Tomash Masaryk.

The comprehension of the figure of the Czechoslovakia's president in Ukrainian historiography began in the 1920's and 1930's. However, the corresponding summarizing labours did not appear. Only the separate aspects of this topic were mentioned in the article by the emigrant M. Pavlichuk about the figure of T. G. Masaryk in Ukrainian writing (1937) [28, c. 3] and in modern publications about the Ukrainian scientists of the interwar period: T. Bevz about N. Hryhoriyiv [1; 2]; I. Kanevs'kaia, Z. Sokolovskaya and V. Shenderovskii about O. I. Bochkovs'kyy [17; 33]; M. Kril' about I. Bryk [20]; A. Shendryk about I. Mirchuk [39]; N. Myronets' about M. Shapoval [23] and others. The recollections about the Ukrainian scholars of T. G. Masaryk are also contained in the works of S. Kalytko and O. Kravchuk [15; 19], V. Motornyy and A. Motornyy [25], V. Polyek [31].

The purpose of the article is to reveal the illumination of T. G. Masaryk's figure in Ukrainian historiography in the 1920s and 1930s.

In the conditions of stay of Ukrainian lands in different states, the objectivity of illumination and evaluation of the activities of the first president of Czechoslovakia depended on political circumstances.

T.G. Masaryk and the First Czechoslovak Republic in the Soviet Ukraine were perceived through the prism of the ideology of the Bolshevik Party. Masaryk with his concept of humane democracy and Soviet leaders - the adherents of the idea of the proletariats' dictatorship - were political antipodes. T. G. Masaryk's public-political and state-owned activities in the years 1882-1935 were not the subject of scientific studies, but estimated for political reasons, were presented in the context of the criticism of the "doomed" capitalist political and economic system of Western civilization, in particular, in its concrete Czechoslovak incarnation. The corresponding ideologized approach was followed by the publicist H. Piddubnyy (pseudonym Tolmachov) in the work "Czechoslovakia: Czech Republic Slovakia Transcarpathian Ukraine. Sociogical, political and economic essay with drawings and a map of Czechoslovakia", published in Kharkiv in 1931 [30].

More favorable conditions for the development of Ukrainian Slavic studies existed outside the Soviet Ukraine during the interwar period. It is about the environment of Ukrainian emigration, Transcarpathia, which, under the name Subcarpathian Rus in 1919-1939, was part of the Czechoslovak Republic, the western Ukrainian lands of Poland. One of the largest emigration communities of Ukrainians was in Czechoslovakia, which was the result of the destruction of national state institutions. In 1921-1931, the government of the Czechoslovak Republic carried out the "Russian support action", which extended to immigrants from the territories of the former royal empire. T. G. Masaryk substantially supported the scientific and cultural work of Ukrainian emigration in the framework of this humanitarian action. In particular, a network of educational institutions was set up at the Czechoslovak Republic: Ukrainian Free University, Ukrainian Academy of Economics, Ukrainian High Educational Institute, etc. Teachers (often among them were the figures of the Ukrainian state formations) and students of these educational institutions in their works covered the activities of T.G. Masaryk, expressed gratitude to the Czechoslovak Republic for their support. Among the Ukrainian emigrants we mention such authors as O. I. Bochkovs'kyy, M. Veligorskyy, Y. Gorovenko, N. Hryhoriyiv, D. Doroshenko, G. I. Zhatkovich, A. Z hyvotko, A. Zhuk, M. Konovalets', V. Martynets, I. Mirchuk, M. Shapoval, M. Omel'chenkova, Y. Pan'kevych, O. Shul'hyn, Ya. Yarema, etc. In Transcarpathia, the activities of T. G. Masaryk were written by socio-political and pedagogical figures A. Voloshyn, A. Voron, I. Kaminskiy, S. Klochurak, A. Markush, S. Fentsik, P. Yatsko, etc., in western Ukraine - I. Bryk, K. Tryl'ovs'kyy and others.

Much of the publications of Ukrainian emigrants is devoted to the biography of T. G. Masaryk and his activities.

One of the first turned to the figure of T. G. Masaryk Olgerd Hippolyte Bochkovs'kyy. He lived in the Czech from 1906, was acquainted with T.G. Masaryk, contributed to the establishment of relations between the Czechoslovak Republic and Ukraine in 1919, worked in the Extraordinary Diplomatic Missions of the UNR in Prague in 1919-1922, later-assistant professor of the Ukrainian Academy of Economics [17, c. 3]. In 1921 O. I. Bochkovs'kyy published a brochure "T. G. Masaryks' Life and World View. Masaryk about Ukraine" [4]. The main result of the public-political activities of Masaryk, the author considered the election of the independence of the Czechoslovak nation during the World War. The author emphasized the importance of his works for the development of Ukrainian political thought [4, c. 12, 13, 9].

The political success of the first president of the Czechoslovak Republic has led to the glorification of his activities. This approach is typical of many publications, in particular, the works of N. Hryhoriyiv "A Brief History of the Land of the Czechoslovak Republic" (1923) [26, c. 139] and the most complete contemporary of Ukrainian slavic work "The Slavic World in its Past and Present" (Berlin, 1923) [13, c. 602]. Her author is D. Doroshenko, a well-known historian, public-political and state figure, professor of Ukrainian Free University and Charles University in the 1920's and 1930's, head of the Ukrainian Scholar Institute in Berlin (1926-1931), the Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences 1945-1951). Especially the panegyric tone of emigre writings about T. G. Masaryk is seen in publications in honor of his 75th anniversary in 1925, whose authors also paid tribute to the president of the Czechoslovak Republic for their support. These are biographical essays about T. G. Masaryk which were prepared by M. Konovalets' [18], V. Martynets' [22], A. Pukhovs'kyy (A. Zhyvotko) [32], K. Trylovs'kyy [34]. Among them, we will mention the work of K. Trylovs'kyy, who lived in Kolomyia and wrote to newspaper Svoboda (USA).

The solid analytical works on Masaryk were published as introductory articles to the collection of his works and speeches "Diverse thoughts. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of life. 1850- 1925" [12; 37; 41]. The collection contains a tangible biography of T. G. Masaryk, a Ukrainian politician, a teacher of the Ukrainian High Educational Institute and Ukrainian Academy of Economics N. Hryhoriyiv (signed by N. Hryhoriyiv-Nash, H. Nash). The scientist concluded that as President Masaryk sought to ensure peace in international relations, to support peaceful interethnic relations in the Czechoslovak Republic, to raise the economic well-being of the population through the development of culture and radical social reforms [12, c. 93].

In the collection "Diverse thoughts ..." also contains the article by M. Shapoval "T. G. Masaryk as a sociologist and politician". According to the author, T. Masaryk belongs to the founders of the scientific theory of society [37, c. 132]. Covering Masaryk's sociological views and his political activities, M. Shapoval emphasized that it together creates a monumental Masaryk image of a social reformer and leader of a nation [37, c. 107].

The third introductory article of the collection "Diverse thoughts ..." is "The Essay of Masaryk's Philosophy". It's author - the professor of the Ukrainian High Educational Institute Ya. Yarema noted the practical nature of the philosophy of politics [41, c. 97-98], whose content was considered "the doctrine of humanity" [41, c. 103]. The theses of article Ya. Yarema are described in more detail in the brochure "The top ideas of the philosophy of Tomash Masaryk" [42].

The Transcarpathian teacher A. Markush in the article "Masaryk as a politician" noted that the activities of the first president of the Czechoslovakia were marked by "the desire that in the republic they could peacefully live and find the well-being of all nationalities, so that everyone could enjoy full national rights and civil rights" [21, c. 30]. In the article "Masaryk and Rusyns" A. Voloshyn, the leader of the Christian-people's party, emphasized the achievements of the national program of politics, built not on the principles of imperialism, since "its main base was sincere work for the rise of the common people" [8, c. 13]. These publications, as well as the works of emigrants, are characterized by the idealization of the figure of the first president of the Czechoslovak Republic.

The ancestor of Galicia Y. Pan'kevych, since 1920 - advisor of the department of schooling in Subcarpathian Rus, in Uzhgorod collection "T. Masaryk On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the life of 1850-1930", he published an article "How to teach President T. G. Masaryk to rule the state". It emphasized the democratic principles of the first president of the Czechoslovak Republic, based on universal human moral ideals, in particular, his critique of the dictatorship and ideology of communism was noted [29].

A thorough monographic study "T. G. Masaryk: 1850-1930" belongs to M. Omel'chenko - a public figure, a member of the Kuban Regional Council after 1917, and from 1920 - on emigration to Prague, the head of the Ukrainian Women's Union (1926-1927). The author reveals the formation of personality, the main stages of the scientific-pedagogical and political activities of T. G. Masaryk. The main attention is paid to its activities until 1918, the subsequent period is not detailed in detail.

Describing the role of Masaryk in the political life of Czechoslovakia, the author called it modern Marcus Aurelius, who is trying to find a consensus for the common good of the state in the conflicts of various political forces. Also, the president's desire to establish in the Czechoslovak Republic the equal rights of citizens of all nationalities and to create an opportunity for them to "participate in public life" is highlighted [27, c. 326-327]. Criticism of the activity of Masaryk is absent, only the political opposition to the course of the presidency of the Czechoslovak Republic, in the face of communists, national democrats, clerics, was mentioned [27, c. 314]. The author also stated that Masaryk's ideal program of "true democratic Europe" was not realized [27, c. 310]. Analyzing Masaryk's work "New Europe. Slavic point of view" (1918), expressed regret that the politician did not support the aspiration of Ukrainians to independence [27, c. 310].

The works of Ukrainian emigrants also consider the scientific work of the first president of Czechoslovakia. The teacher of the Mukachevo's trade academy, who came from Galicia, M. Veligorskyy in an article published in the collection "T. Masaryk 1850-7. III. 1925". published in Uzhgorod, noted that "the truth, objectivity and strict criticism, which characterize all the scientific activities of T. G. Masaryk made him a great scientist of the world name" [7, c. 15].

The author of another article in this collection was A. Zhyvotko, a Ukrainian teacher, a political figure, a senior lecturer of the Ukrainian High Educational Institute, reviewed the pedagogical views of Masaryk [14]. According to A. Zhyvotko, T. G. Masaryk's comprehensive pedagogical ideal consisted of national, civil, political and moral upbringing.

The teacher and writer A. Voron noted the financial support of the president of the Prosvita Society - the allocation of funds for the development of the theater and the "People's house" [9, c. 34-35].

According to S. Fentsik, the head of the "Association of O. Dukhnovych", T. G. Masaryk with a clear "program of enlightened democracy" equally recognized "all national-cultural aspirations" of the land and did not reject the natural contest between them. The author presented the facts of the support of the president of the Czechoslovak Republic "Association of O. Dukhnovych" [35, c. 12].

Professor of Ukrainian Free University I. Mirchuk published the article about the philosophical views of T. G. Masaryk [24]. The author noted that the philosophical work of Masaryk is directly related to the specific actual problems of the present and its active activities in their solution. In this regard, I. Mirchuk defined Masaryk as "through Slavic thinker". Underlined Masaryk's ethical approach to politics, his conviction that she should rely on morality, law and justice as signs of genuine democracy.

I. Mirchuk draws attention to the development of the Masaryk philosophy of the small people. According to the scientist, the purpose of the political struggles of T. Masaryk "was the idea of humanity, the desire for equality, freedom and justice" [24, c. 9, 10, 8]. The author is convinced of the great meaning of Masaryk's political views for other Slavic peoples [24, c. 10-11].

Much of the work of emigrants is devoted to T. G. Masaryk's relation to Ukraine. One of the first was the remembered brochure by O. I. Bochkovs'kyy [4]. It was Bochkovs'kyy who first emphasized the significance of the scientific and practical political activity of the Czechoslovak president for the Ukrainian cause.

O.I. Bochkovs'kyy's most comprehensive scientific work on this problem is the monograph "T. G. Masaryk: National Problem and Ukrainian Question (Attempted Characteristics and Interpretation)" [5]. The author called T. G. Masaryk one of the predecessors of the national, theoretician of the problems of the revival of the nation, of its liberation struggle. The researcher discovered the geopolitical reasons for Masaryk's rejection of the idea of creating an independent Ukrainian state during the 1914-1918 World War. The politician believed that Ukraine's national separation would weaken Russia, which Masaryk regarded as one of the pillars of the future state of the Czechs and Slovaks. The president of the Czechoslovak Republic was convinced that independent Ukraine would be politically dependent on Germany [5, c. 223-224]. O. I. Bochkovs'kyy disagreed with these views and noted a certain contradiction between Masaryk's nationalist theory and methodology and some of his conclusions regarding the Ukrainian problem [5, c. 216].

Policies of the Ukrainian People's Republic who worked in various emigration agencies in the Czechoslovak Republic were also included in the coverage of this topic. In 1917-1918, they had the opportunity to observe the activities of Masaryk in Ukraine, and therefore their works preserve the value of source-study.

In the notes "T. G. Masaryk and Ukraine" [40] O. Shul'hyn, professor of Ukrainian Free University and Ukrainian High Educational Institute, noted the policy of state-building efforts during World War II, expressed the view that the support of Prague for Ukrainian emigration was generously grateful for the support of Czech legionnaires in 1917-1918 [40, c. 3].

The presence of Masaryk at that time in Ukraine was mentioned in the publications of the leaders of the Ukrainian Public Committee in the Czechoslovak Republic (1921-1925) by N. Hryhoriyiv [11] and M. Shapoval [38].

The Western Ukrainian scholar I. Bryck in his article "T. G. Masaryk (on the occasion of the 75th anniversary)" showed his influence as a professor at the University of Prague for Ukrainian students from Galicia at the beginning of the 20th century. Particularly important was the support of Masaryk and his supporters in explaining the essence of the Ukrainian movement and the difference between Ukrainian and Russian students [6].

A number of works about T. G. Masaryk were published by authors from Transcarpathia, where he enjoyed great respect and popularity in the population of the province, with the exception of procommunists. Most of the authors emphasized the role of T. G. Masaryk in liberating the province from the Hungarian authorities and joining the democratic Czechoslovak republic, and noted the support of the cultural and educational societies of the region.

In the collection "T. Masaryk. On the occasion of 80 years of life. 1850-1930" published an article by P. Yatsko about the visit by the president of the Czechoslovak Republic of Transcarpathia in September 1921 [43].

Transcarpathia also published publications criticizing T. G. Masaryk on the issue of the unrealization of the autonomy of the region. In 1927, I. Kaminskiy in his work on the history of the Central Russian People's Council, noted the support of T. G. Masaryk joining the region to the Czechoslovak Republic. He also reminded of the memorandums of the Central Russian People's Council to the Czechoslovak authorities with the requirements of granting autonomy, the unification of Subcarpathian Rus with Presovshchyna, where Rusyns also lived, and others like that [16, c. 46-51]. T. G. Masaryk's more critical approach to political activity contained emigrant labor published in the United States. First and foremost, they criticized the unrealization of the autonomous rights of Transcarpathia. Among the authors of such works was G. I. Zhatkovich [44] - the first governor of Transcarpathia in the Czechoslovak Republic in 1920-1921, as well as A. Bevolyt (A. Zhuk) [3], Yu. Horovenko [10] and others.

M. Shapoval prepared the work "The international situation of the Ukrainian people", which saw the world after the death of the author. Lack of Masaryk's support for the political independence of the Ukrainian people during the First World War, Shapoval explained his belief in Ukraine's political unpreparedness, which, in the status of an independent state, would be under the significant influence of Austria and Germany [36, c. 59-60]. In the monograph "The International Situation of the Ukrainian People", the scientist, along with gratitude T.G. Masaryk and E. Benesh, for the great help to Ukrainian emigrants, criticized the leading figures of the Chechen Republic for inconsistency in the solution of the autonomy of Transcarpathia [36, c. 66, 76]. After all, they formulated the principle of national unification and state independence of each Slavic people, the problem of the land decided to include it in the CSR, promising to provide autonomy, which they did not fulfill [23, c. 59]. It should be noted that, in practical terms, M. Shapoval did not have the opportunity to influence the policy of the Czechoslovakia on Transcarpathia.

Consequently, the political circumstances in which Ukrainian bohemianism developed during the interwar period influenced the coverage and evaluation of T. G. Masaryk's views and activities. The perception of the figure of the president of the Czechoslovakia, T. G. Masaryk, in Ukrainian Soviet literature is characterized by politicization and ideological approach. T. G. Masaryk's activity was more balanced than the Ukrainian authors in Galicia, Transcarpathia, representatives of Ukrainian emigration. They analyzed the political, philosophical, and educational views of the first president of the Czechoslovak Republic, his attitude to the national problem and the Ukrainian issue. Even in spite of the apologetic nature of most publications, the factual material presented by them remains an important basis for the study of T. G. Masaryk's figure.


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S. 2-3.

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42. Yarema Ya. Providni ideyi fil'osofiyi Tomy Masaryka. Praha: "Lehiohrafiya", 1925. 78 s.

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44. Zatkovic G. I. Otkrytie-expoze Dr. G. I. Zatkovica byvsoho gubernatora Podkarpatskoj Rusi o Podkarpatskoj Rusi. Homestead, 1921.21 s.

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