Protection strategy of historic sites in the view of micro renewal

The diversity of urban space tradition, small scale, human nature and other characteristics disappeared, and these features are the material basis of the past humanistic way of life. Historic site is an important part of urban history and culture.

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Protection strategy of historic sites in the view of micro renewal

Li Zhi Ji

Zhang Yu Qing JLJU

Changchun, China


The diversity of urban space tradition, small scale, human nature and other characteristics disappeared, and these features are the material basis of the past humanistic way of life. Historic site is an important part of urban history and culture, played a heritage of urban culture, highlight the important role of urban characteristics. China's urbanization development is entering a new stage, urban incremental planning to stock planning, urban economic development point of growth, urban history and culture of publicity and display will be more dependent on historical sites. However, due to the fact that the destruction of historical sites in the development of historical development, excessive commercialization, social structural damage and other common problems, exposing the history of protection theory and practice of the divorce and legal planning requirements of the lack of content. The «micro-update» of the emerging cities in the context of the built environment is a response to the macro-policies, industry trends and social needs.

Keywords: Historic Sites; Protection; Micro Renewal

Ли Чжицзи, Чжан Юйцин JLJU, Чанчунь, Китай


Абстракт -- Исторический район является важной частью истории и культуры города, играет роль наследия, подчеркивая характерные черты. Урбанизация в Китае вступает в новый этап развития, городское планирование постепенно улучшается, происходит экономическое развитие городов, история и культура, присущие городу, будут больше зависеть от расположения исторического центра. Тем не менее, в связи с реальным уничтожением духа и образа исторических центров, чрезмерной коммерциализацией, социальными и другими проблемами, неизбежными при развитии, появляется необходимость в охране исторического наследия от разорения и разрушения. Определены четыре основных направления защиты исторического наследия: сохранение непосредственной, недвижимой пространственной исторической среды (здания, сооружения, площади и т. п.), охрана и возрождение в нематериального наследия (через фестивали костюмов, фольклора, другой народной культуры в исторических местах), введение микрореконструкции в исторической зоне, подчеркивание региональной составляющей. Значение последней описано на примере исторической застройки г. Чанчуня, которая была создана во времена Маньжоу-го по японским проектам и представляет собой ассимилятивную архитектуру, включающую в себя черты Востока и Запада и являющуюся особенностью северо-восточной части Китая. Введение реконструкций в процесс появления городов и создания урбанистической окружающей среды станет прекрасным ответом макро-политике, индустриальному течению и социальным требованиям.

Ключевые слова: исторические районы; защита; микро-реконструкция.

The Status Quo and Problems of the Protection of Historical. Historical sites are an important part of city history and culture. The protection and utilization of material cultural resources and intangible cultural resources are of great significance to the continuity of urban context and the display of historical and cultural characteristics. According to the preservation of historical sites, the protection level, generally can be divided into historical and cultural blocks, historical style area and the general history of three levels.

For the protection of historical and cultural blocks and scenic areas, there Eire more stringent protection requirements and protection system, the state and local governments have special funds to support, all aspects of the more attention. And for a wide range of general historical sites, relatively few historical and cultural relics, the protection of weak regulation, lack of capital investment, protection system is imperfect. The general historical location with better location, the higher potential for commercial development, the trap of “developmental protection” [1, p. 81], which leads to the constructive destruction of historical cultural relics; and the general historical sites with obvious location advantages cannot obtain the necessary protection funds Input, and gradually decline.

For example: Changchun City, Jilin Province, Changchun, Manchu subsidiary southeast block of the study found that the shape of space. In June 2011, the history of the lot has basically maintained the modem city style, left a variety of traces of modem cities. Most of the regional architecture in Japanese style hybrid Western-style, but also combines the special characteristics of the Northeast region. The use of a unique technical means and material use is different from the regional architecture of the distinctive characteristics of local architecture. These historical remains for future urban construction has a very important role (fig. 1).

historic site strategy

Connotation of Protection Strategy in Micro Renewal Perspective. Microupdate refers to the maintenance of the status quo construction pattern is basically unchanged under the premise of the building through the local construction and demolition, building functional replacement, retention repair, and remediation improvement, protection, activation, improve the infrastructure and other means to implement the update method, the main application However, there are contradictions between land use function and surrounding development, land use efficiency is low, and the living environment is not good enough for the urban area to be built. Micro-renovation is different from the big demolition of large-scale construction, but by small repair small way to upgrade the city to optimize. Micro-update “micro” contains three meanings: small-scale wide participation update the overall protection and quality improvement; small investment low threshold update environmental benefits and social and economic benefits; micro space environment update detail design and cultural reproduction.

In the protection of capital investment under the premise of the general historical site protection and micro-updates, to highlight and display the cultural value of the region's purpose. Micro-update protection strategy includes the following four aspects:

the protection and utilization of material cultural resources. In the protection of historical authenticity of the principle, the historical site of the spatial pattern, historical buildings, structures for protection and maintenance.

the protection of non-material cultural resources. Depth excavation of non-material cultural resources, the traditional arts, folk culture, historical and cultural resources to protect and display.

historical site elements micro-update. Based on the deep analysis of the value of regional historical and cultural resources, the spatial environment renovation of historic sites is carried out in the form of small-scale and micro-processing.

regional reactivation. Small-scale functional replacement, and cultural prosperity to promote regional social and economic development (fig. 2).

Protection Tactics of Material Cultural Resources in Historical Sites. According to the distribution of existing historical relics, to determine the scope of protection of general historical sites and important protection object. The scope of protection shall include all historic buildings and structures. The protection of the important protection of the file should be established in the detailed basis of the basis of data collection, record its construction, historical and cultural value and the use of the situation. Important material cultural relics should be in accordance with the city purple line protection and control requirements, its strict protection. The comprehensive evaluation of the status of the building within the lot, the historical building in accordance with the principle of insured to be protected and repaired, structural damage to be strengthened, the choice of wall material to fill the traditional repair and restoration of internal facilities to be added, and Pay attention to waterproof, ease the erosion of external factors for the building. The functions of cultural tourism, such as museum display, popular science education and library, are only part of the diversified use of material cultural resources, and the historical building technology of historic buildings can be divided into two parts: historical buildings, historical residences, commercial functions, , Building materials, color matching, decorative patterns in the excavation of local characteristics, and innovative use and display in order to achieve the sustainable protection of material and cultural resources.

Figure 2. Small-scale junctional construction in Shanghai

Protection Tactics of Non-Material Cultural Resources in Historical. Traditional cultural arts include traditional performing arts such as opera and dance and traditional handicraft techniques. Folk culture includes festivals, temple festivals, sacrifices and so on. The traditional arts include traditional arts, traditional folk arts and historical humanities. Local customs and etiquette; history and culture are mainly reflected in the historical evolution of neighborhood street name, celebrity house, celebrity anecdotes, historical events.

When the material carrier of intangible cultural resources remains, it can be combined with its material carrier to establish cultural exhibition sites. The historical sites with the function of residence can be used as public facilities such as memorials, community cultural centers, museums, community libraries, screening rooms, activity rooms, etc., and showcase traditional culture; It can be set up the old artist studio, the traditional process experience workshops, etc., to reproduce the traditional handicrafts, not just the traditional strategy of the sale, but should pay more attention to the inheritance of technology. When the non-material cultural resources for festivals, sacrifices and other customary activities, folk cultural activities and tourism development can be combined to open festivals, customs, cultural festivals and other theme tom, through the tourism industry, promote cultural transmission and regional economy of the boom.

When the history of human resources need to be “materialized” in the form of display, through the text, pictures, images, historical materials combined way to display a rich image display [2, p. 102]. Such as the historical building, the facade set display logo, display of architectural art, historical events, historical figures, etc.; in the history of street lane guide signs set up, through the hand-painted map vivid form of historical evolution.

Conclusion. In the new situation, the city from the original extension of the development of the extension to the endogenous, intensive development of the transformation of these cities in a large number of historical sites in stock, will be the engine of future development is to achieve a new round of economic growth.

The protection strategy of micro-update is to protect the material environment, protect the capital investment, protect the material environment, and cover the space, building interface and other material cultural relics. The activation of non-material culture, covering the folk culture, traditional arts and historical and cultural aspects, the use of vertical and horizontal excavation protection and display double activation simultaneously. The core is the environmental elements of the micro-update, the sequence of streets and nodes, streets and courtyards greening seven categories of twenty-four categories of regeneration and cultural reproduction. From the subtle to see the culture, from the micro level of environmental remodeling, fundamentally integrated into the city's historical environment display system. Environmental micro-update protection strategy Low budget, diversified strategy, not only greatly reduce the historical site protection of capital investment, and avoid the "developmental protection" on the historical and cultural relics caused constructive damage. Encourage the public to participate in the location of microupdates and community construction, to arouse the sense of belonging and pride of local residents, arouse the public's desire to protect, the combination of regional culture, community economy, culture and culture to be revitalized and developed again.


Jing Hui. The Concept of Historic Sites Protection. China, Urban planning, 1998. 81 p.

Steve Tiesdell. Revitalising Historic Urban Quarters. England, Routledge. 2013. 102 p.

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