Privilege was given to Kamianets city by Princes Yuriy (George) and Alexander Koriatovych in 1374: lists and interpretations

The main privilege which was given to Kamianets city in Podillia by Princes Yuriy (George) and Alexander Koriatovych in 1374 is quite famous in the scientific community. It is believed that due to this privilege Kamianets received Magdeburg Law.

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Privilege was given to Kamianets city by Princes Yuriy (George) and Alexander Koriatovych in 1374: lists and interpretations

Dmytro Vashchuk

Candidate of Historical Sciences (Ph.D. in History), Senior Research Fellow, Institute of History of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

(Ukraine, Kyiv)

The privilege which was given to Kamianets city in Podillia by Princes Yuriy (George) and Alexander Koriatovych in 1374 is quite famous in the scientific community. It is believed that due to this privilege Kamianets received Magdeburg Law. Up to now it only has been preserved in a few lists which were studied in detail by Yu. Sitsinskyi in his work "Podillia under the Rule of Lithuania". According to him two lists were kept in Kamianets His-torical and Archaeological Museum: one in the diploma of King August III dated June 17, 1735, the second one in the diploma of King Stanislaw Augustus dated May 29, 1765. Besides in the State Archives of Khmelnytskyi Oblast we managed to come across several lists of this document. We are talking about the fund no. 120 "Podillia Chief Court" which has 4043 units of storage for the period 1796-1831 years. Until 2003 it was stored in Kamianets-Podilskyi City Archive. After the fire which occurred in April 2003 all materials were transported to the State Archives of Khmelnytskyi Oblast and restored. The texts of this privilege are contained in the following cases: 1) Inventory 1, case 3352: The case of lands belonging to the city ofKamianets. Volume 1. It was begun in 1537. It was completed in 1730. It had 240 sheets; 2) Inventory 1, case 1631: concerning the boundaries of Kamianets-Podilskyi city with adjacent possessions and state settlements. Volume 1: It was begun on November, 24 1799. It was completed on June, 11 1800. It had 130 sheets. In the first case we have only one version of the privilege in Polish (no. 1). The document was restored, glued of two parts with an offset of one line. The privilege is dated November 7, 1374. We do not know anything about this list at the moment. In the second case four lists were preserved. Polish versions are on sheets of 20-20 versus (no. 2) and 56-57 versus (no. 3) which had been dated November 7, 1374 and two translations into Russian are on sheets 6-6 versus. (no. 4) 21-22 versus (no. 5) with similar dating. Exactly this case is very interesting since this document had been used in the lawsuit concerning land demarcation in Kamianets-Podilskyi after the capture of Podillia by the Russian Empire in 1793. At the end of the article an academic version of the text privilege in Polish as well as a Russian translation of these archival cases are published.

Keywords: Princes Koriatovych, Kamianets, Podillia Principality, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, privilege, Magdeburg Law, the State Archives of Khmelnytskyi Oblast.

Дмитро ВАЩУК

кандидат історичних наук, старший науковий співробітник, Інститут історії України Національної академії наук України (Україна, Київ),


Привілей князів Юрія та Олександра Коріатовичів місту Кам'янцю на Поділлі 1374 р. є досить відомим у науковому середовищі. Вважається, що саме цим привілеєм Кам'янець отримав магдебурзьке право. До наших днів він зберігся лише у кількох списках, які детально дослідив Ю. Сіцінськийу своїй праці "Поділля під владою Литви". За його інформацією, два списки зберігалися у Кам'янецькому історико-археологіч- ному музеї: один у грамоті короля Августа III від 17.06.1735 р., другий - у грамоті короля Станіслава Августа від 29.05.1765 р. Крім цього у Державному архіві Хмельницької області нам вдалося натрапити на декілька списків цього документа. Йдеться про фонд № 120 "Подільський головний суд", який нараховує 4043 одиниці зберігання за період 1796-1831 рр. До 2003 р. він зберігався у Кам'янець-Подільському міському архіві. Після пожежі, яка сталася у квітні 2003 р., усі матеріали перевезено до Державного архіву Хмельницької області та відреставровано. Тексти зазначеного привілею містяться у таких справах: 1) Оп. 1, спр. 3352: Справа про землі, які належать місту Кам'янцю. Том 1. Розпочато 1537. Закінчено 1730. На 240 аркушах; 2) Оп. 1, спр. 1631: Про межі міста Кам'янця-Подільського із суміжними володіннями і державними селищами. Том 1. Почато 24 листопада 1799 р. Закінчено 11 червня 1800 г. На 130 аркушах. У першій справі маємо лише один варіант привілею польською мовою (№ 1). Документ відреставровано, склеєно з двох частин, зі зміщенням на одну стрічку. Привілей датовано 7 листопада 1374 р. Про цей список нам, наразі, нічого невідомо. У другій справі збереглося чотири списки. На аркушах 20-20 зв. (№ 2) та 56-57 зв. (№ 3) польськомовні варіанти із датуванням 7 листопада 1374 р. та два переклади російською мовою на аркушах 6-6 зв. (№ 4) 21-22 зв. (№ 5) із аналогічним датуванням. Саме ця справа є вельми цікавою, оскільки вказаний документ використовувався у судовому процесі стосовно земельних розмежувань у Кам'янці-Подільському після захоплення Поділля Російською імперією в 1793 р. У кінці статті опубліковано академічний варіант тексту привілею польською мовою та переклад російською із зазначених архівних справ.

Ключові слова: князі Коріатовичі, Кам'янець, Подільське князів-ство, Велике князівство Литовське, привілей, магдебурзьке право, Дер-жавний архів Хмельницької області.

The documentary heritage of the Princes Koriatovych during their rule in the Podillia Principality is extremely limited today. Well-known written documents cover the chronological period since 1374 up to 1392 and are sufficiently developed by scholars. They concern various endowments on the territory of Podillia Principality. In our opinion one of the most interesting documents is the diploma of Yuriy (George) and Alexander Koriatovych since 1374. Its original has not been preserved. Researchers only use later copies. It is believed that exactly this document records the first written mention of Kamianets, as well as the possible obtaining of the Magdeburg Law by the city. Its content was so important that this privilege was used in the delimitation of land holdings in Kamianets in the late 18. - early 19. centuries. Therefore the study of this document is extremely relevant especially taking into account the discovery of its copies and translations in the State Archives of Khmelnytsky region.

The privilege which was given by Princes Koriatovych in 1374 became the main source for researching. Up to now it only has been preserved in a few lists which were studied in detail by Yu. Sitsinskyi in his work "Podillia under the Rule of Lithuania" (Sitsinskyi, 2006: 18-25). According to him two lists were kept in Kamianets Historical and Archaeological Museum: one in the diploma of King August III dated June 17, 1735, the second one in the diploma of King Stanislaw Augustus dated May 29, 1765. Both A. Yurechko (Jureczko, 2000: 62) and V. Mikhailovsky! (Mikhailovskyi, 2012: 38) indicate to the other list of privileges (dated November 7, 1374 and included into the "Collection of Privileges to the City of Kamianets"). This list is stored in the Department of Manuscripts of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv. J. Kurtyka (Kurtyka, 2011: 325-328) also pointed out the existence of three lists (one from the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw, the second one from the Princes Czartoryski Library in Krakow, the third one from the Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Kyiv). Some of these lists have been used since the end of the 19th century. (Yu. Sitsinskyi and J. Kurtyka pointed out it in detail) and are being used up to now. In addition to these researchers we should also note the works of J. Tengowski (T^gowski, 1999: 168-169), M. Petrov (Petrov, 2009: 125; Petrov, 2012), O. Biletska (Biletska, 2004: 113), O. Plamenytska (Plamenitska, 2012: 187-188), S. Kramar (Kramar, 2010: 68-96) etc.

While working in the State Archives of Khmelnytskyi Oblast (SAKhO) we managed to come across several lists of this document. We are talking about the fund no. 120 "Podillia Chief Court" which has 4,043 storage units for the period 1796-18311. Until 2003 it was stored in Kamianets- Podilskyi city archive. After the fire that occurred in April 2003, all materials were transported to SAKhO and restored. The texts of this privilege are contained in the following cases:

1) Inventory 1, case 3352: "The case of lands belonging to the city of Kamianets. Volume 1. It was begun in 1537. It was completed in 1730. It had 240 sheets".

2) Inventory 1, case 1631: "concerning the boundaries of the city of Kamianets-Podilskyi with adjacent possessions and state settlements. Volume 1. It was begun November 24, 1799. It was completed June 11, 1800. It had 130 sheets". privilege kamianets prince yuriy koriatovych

Exactly these lists are the direct subject of study in our article.

The full content of the privilege is described and analyzed in details in the above works. It only should be noted that its articles regulated social and economic issues and some provisions concerned jurisprudence. In particular the inhabitants of Kamianets were given freedom for 241 years and 204 fields (lanys) between the rivers the Muksha and the Bahovytsia from Tarnavska road, the forest of Otkoriv , the bank of the Dniester river from the mouth of the Muksha to the mouth of the Bahovytsia, as well as pastures from the city well to the Muksha, and from the Muksha to the prince's fields. The townspeople could also "sue in accordance with their rights against their raitsies and the voivode should not interfere in it."

It was envisaged the possibility of a joint trial with the participation of both viyt and voivode: "when a kniazhy landlord (zemianyn) or a nobleman will have a trial with a philistine, then the voivode with viyt should judge". It was the presence of "viyt" that gave grounds to claim about the receiving of the Magdburg Law by Kamianets. Discussions as for this issue have been continued up to now (Kramar, 2010: 68-96; Plamenytska, 2012: 54-57).

In our opinion it is worth agreeing with Yu. Sitsinskyi's idea that certain provisions of this diploma concerned self-government, and "the real Magdeburg Law was granted to Kamianets later: in 1432 Kamianets viyt had been given a diploma confirming the German or Magdeburg Law" (Sitsinskyi, 2006: 25).

Another question is who exactly could enjoy the rights according to 1374 document: the whole city or representatives of individual communities. Perhaps we are talking about the natives from German lands or their descendants. According to V. Mikhailovskyi's study it is exactly how they identified themselves "during the 15th century Kamianets philistines who decided to come under the city jurisdiction of Lviv" (Mikhailovskyi, 2012: 31). So this question is still open.

The document had been written at the castle in Kamianets. Regarding dating, the researchers noted the presence of two dates: November 7 or February 7. However, another one was simultaneously mentioned in the text: St. John the Baptist's Day. It gave grounds for M. Hrushevskyi to date the document January 7 (Hrushevskyi, 1905: 2-3). This date has been accepted by us as well.

The total number of privilege lists consists of five samples. In the first case (Inventory 1, case 3352, sheets 1a-1a versus) we have only one version of privylege in Polish - list no. 1. The document had been restored, glued into two parts, with a displacement of one line (Fig. 3, Fig. 4). The privilege is dated November 7, 1374. Due to restoration it is impossible to set a rewriting date. Watermark "lily". However it is not on the original document, but on the paper on which the document was restored.

Overall sheet size: 30.5x19.5 cm. Number of lines: sheet 1a - 35, 1a-1a versus - 11. The ink is light brown. The scribe's handwriting is not expressive. The pressure is strong. Seal is under paper custodia. At the end of the document later inscriptions in Polish and Latin are illegible. We know nothing about this list at the moment. Visually it can be called the oldest one according to other lists which had been found in SAKhO.

The second case (Inventory 1, case 1631) contains four lists. (list no. 2) is on sheets 20-20 versus and 56-57 versus (list no. 3) - Polish versions dated November 7, 1374 as well as two translations into Russian on sheets 6-6 versus (list no. 4) 21-22 versus (list no. 5) with the same dating. Exactly this archival case is very interesting, since this document had been used in the trial regarding land demarcations in Kamianets- Podilskyi at the end of the 18th century.

Yu. Sitsinskyi mentioned list no. 2. He wrote that it was a diploma of King Stanislaus Augustus dated May 29, 1765 (Fig. 5). Watermark: the inscription "ГЕРБОВА". Overall sheet size: 34x22 cm. Number of lines: sheets 20-24, sheets 20 versus - 21. The document had been restored. The state of preservation is good. The ink is dark brown. The scribe's handwriting is expressive. The pressure is strong. At the end of the document on the right is the personal signature of Kazimir Kolutsky's adviser (radtsi).

Translation of this document into Russian - list no. 5 (Fig. 6). Watermark: sheets 21-21 versus: inscription "[7 П M R"; sheets 22-22 versus: a coat of arms in the center of which a bear standing on its hind legs with a long ax under its front paw was depicted. Overall size: sheets 21-21 versus: 34.5x22 cm; sheets 22-22 versus: 34x21 cm. Number of lines: sheets 21-28; sheets 21 versus - 28, sheets 22-24; sheets 22 versus - clean. The document had been restored. The state of preservation is good. The ink is light brown. The scribe's handwriting is expressive. The pressure is strong. The document had been translated by Kohutovek.

List no. 3 (Fig. 7) is a rewritten copy of list no. 2. Watermark: sheets 56 - letters T and A; sheets 57 - figures 1 8 3 7. The general sizes of sheets: 56 - 34x20,8 cm; 57 - 34,5x21 cm. Number of lines: sheets 56-18, sheets 56 versus - 24, sheets 57-33, sheets 57 versus - 14. The document had been restored. The state of preservation is excellent. The ink is dark brown. The scribe's handwriting is expressive. The pressure is strong.

The Russian-language list no. 4 (Fig. 8) is inscribed in the "Excerpt from the journal of the Podillia State Chamber on March 28, 1821", although without specifying the data on the document writing and the names of witnesses. The document had been restored. Watermark: coat of arms depicting an animal. Overall size: 33.3x24.5 cm. Number of lines: sheets 6-23; sheets 6 versus - 22. The document had been restored. The state of preservation is good. The ink is light brown. The scribe's handwriting is expressive. The pressure is strong.

This "Excerpt..." contains the "Report of the economic expedition on the case in the Civil Department of the Podillia Chief Court about the seizure of land by adjacent owners in the city of Kamianets". It was reported an attempt to pass off Koriatovych' privilege as a falsification. However it was found to be "true and not doubtful", by the decision of the commissioners on February 27, 1783 (ДАХмО, ф. 120, оп. 1, спр. 1631, арк. 7), and for the culprits a fine of 1,000 hryvnias was fixed due to their attempt of falsification. We also will note that the specified verdict was involved during trial in Volyn nadvirnyi court on November 24, 1799 (ДАХмО, ф. 120, оп. 1, спр. 1631, арк. 51).

Thus, despite the antiquity of the privilege, the content of some provisions, even for several centuries had played an extremely important role in the delimitation of land possessions around Kamianets-Podilskyi. It explains the existence not only of different lists but also of trial verdicts regarding its authenticity. These lists are not known in the scientific community. The list no. 2 may be an exception which had been written about by Yu. Sitsinskyi. Hereinafter the followings are published: list no. 1 (the variety of readings is given in references on the list no. 2) and list no. 5 (the variety of readings is given in references on the list no. 4). Preparation of documents for printing was carried out as follows: 1) the text is submitted in accordance with modern spelling; 2) in the Russian version the letter Ъ/ is saved; 3) in all variants the end of the line is marked with a vertical line |, and the end of the sheet with two - ||; 4) the variety of lists readings is indicated in the references; the restored text is written in square brackets.

Publishing of the Document

January 7,1374 Kamianets. Privilege with various endowments and rights was given to the residents of Kamianets city by Prince Yuriy (George) Koriatovych, the ruler of Podillia land, and his brother Prince Alexander.

1. Polish version

x[1a] W ymia Oica i Sina y Ducha Swiqtego Amen. |

Mi , Kniaz Jurgiey Kuriatowic , Bozq miiosciy Kniaz y Hospodar Po- dols|kiey ziemie, z bratem swoim Kniaziem Alexandrem, czynimi wia- domo swoim | listem, y to bqdzie swiadomo kazdemu dobremu, kto na ten list popatrzy. |

Zesmi przyziwabili11 k sobie Miasto Sadki do Kamien[ca] Miasta, a dalismy im | wolq na dwadziescia czteri lata, a lanow dwiescie i czteri dalismy ku mia|stu, a miqdzy Mukszq a Bagowicq od Tarnaw- skiego goscinca, las Odko|row , a ziemiq te az do Dniestra dalismy ku miastu to im tani2 niemierzqc, | y dalismy rzeki brzegu Dniestra od uscia Mukszi, az do uscia Bahowica3. A | wizsze4 krom tego dalismy ku miastu pastwy wigon5 od mieyskiej6 krynicy do | Mukszy, a Mukszq na dot do kniezich niw7.

A kiedi8 wolq wysiedzq osa|di9 miescanie10, tedi miescanie12 maiq dawac od tanu po Groszy 2013 ptaty.

A sqdzic14 | si^ maiq15 przed swim16 prawem i17 swemi rajcami18, a wojewodzie nietre|ba19 wst^powac do tego niczego. Az b^dzie ktory bojarzin20 albo stuga | kniazy, albo ziemianin ucziniwszy21 w miescie win^, a z tey winy godzien22 | by23 smierci24, miescanie25 niemaiq go sqdzic, ale maiq go dac w Kniaziq26 kazn | na zamek, aby go sam Kniaz sqdziet27. Aby tez byt kniazy28 ziemianin, albo dwo|rzanin b^dzie miat sqd z miesca- ninem29, tedy go ma sqdzic wojewoda | z wojtem30, y b^dzieli winowat kniazy dworzanin albo ziemianin, aby woie|woda31 brat win^ z kniazych1 slug. Jezeli by tez byl miescanin2 winowat, | tedy wojt3 win^ wezmie. A co przyidzie wszistkich4 win, przyidzie wojtowi | trzeciq5 cz^sc winy, dwie cz^sci6 winy tedy kniaza7 dal k miastu na pomoc. |

A komori8 sukienne, kramnicze, jatki szewskie9, chlebne, rzeznicze10 | y laznie, to kniaz dal k miastu.

A co kolwiek przyidzie z tego pieni^dzi , | na miasto maiq kladac. Miescanie12 maiq oprawiac miasto dla samych | siebie. A gdzieby miesca- nie13 nie chcieli opatrowac miasta temi pieni^dzmi, tedi14 | te pieniqdze15 od miescan16 zas17 majq18 bicz19 oddane do skarbu kniaziego.

A co | si^ kiedi stanie, zebi20 ktory czlowiek21 zmarl, y z domu, y z zony, y z dziecmi, | woit22 i mieszczanie23 dzierzac maiq ten dom do roku y szesci24 niedziel, a niczego25 | z tego domu nieruszac, az abo si^ naidzie26 iaki potomek, abo iego plemi^ | za ten rok y szesc27 niedziel. Nieznaidzieli28 si^ nicht anij iego plemi^, tedi2 ten | dom wziqsc na kniazia, to iest na jego woli b^dzie, kogo zechc^ w ten dom posadzy3. |

A gdy wysiedzq wolq dwadziescia lat, miescanie4 majq dawac plat5, jako | y w inszych6 miesciech daiq, tak b^dq ptacic.

A wojt z miescanami7 maiam8 | mnie kniaziu przyiac, a bicz9 wiernie, sprawiedliwi. A z wojewodamy10, 11 [1a v] y z bojary, y z dworzani bidz12 pospotu przi13 ztim14 y dobrim15, y maiq im bydz | pomocni robotq, stowem, j16 przyiazniq, y sita, y radq przez zadnich17 zrad | y chytrosci.

A na to zapisalismi swoi18 list i pieczec19 zawiesili swego Xi^|stwa.

A swiadkowie na to: Kamien[iecki] woiewoda20 Ostaphy Matwij Ma- lentowicz | i21 z bratem swoim Siemianem, Hrinko22 Czerwonogrodzki woiewoda23, Olesko24 Smo|tricki25 wojewoda, Olesko26 Holodonic27, Wasko Kobiac.

A pisan list w zamku | Kamienieckim Roku [1374]28 po Bozim29 Narodzeniu, miesiqca Nowem|bra Siodmego [Dnia na Swi^tego Jana]1 Krzciciela2.

R^kq suprona Pisarza knia|zego. Z Ksiag przywilejow .

Original: Державний архів Хмельницької області, ф. 120, оп. 1, спр. 3352 "Справа про землі, які належать місту Кам'янцю. Том 1. Розпочато 1537. Закінчено 1730. На 240 аркушах", арк. 1а-1а зв.

2. Russian Translation

4[21] Перевод польской привилегии, пожалованной го|роду Каменцу Подольскому Князями Куріятови|чами въ следующемъ со- держаніи. |

Во имя Отца, и Сына, и Святаго Духа. Аминь . |

Божіею Милостію Мы, Князь Юрій Курш|товичъ , Князь и Господаръ Подольскои земли, | съ братомъ нашимъ, Княземъ Алек- сандромъ. |

Да будетъ известно по семъ листу всякому до|брому, Кто на оный 11посмотритъ.

Что мы при|вабыли къ себе мЄстечко Сатки до города Ка|мен- ца, пожаловали оному вольности на 24 | года и земли 204 лановъ междуже1 Мукшею | и Баговицею, отъ Тарнавской2 дороги3, ліс Отко|ров4, и пожаловавъ имъ землю даже до ріки | Дністра неміря тамо ланы5, а притомъ | пожаловали береги Дністра6 отъ устья ріки7 | Мукши до устья Баговицы. И8 кромъ того | пожаловали9 еще то- мужъ10 городу 11выгонъ отъ | городской криницы до Мукши, а Мукшею низом | къ ксіондзовским12 нивамъ1314.

Когда же міщане | высидять волю15, 16иміють давать 17отъ лановъ18 | по 20 грошей.

А19 судится 20имъ передъ своимъ | правомъ, и предъ ихъ21 ратманами22, а воеводе23 | къ тому не мішатся нимало. Буде24 же ко|торый буяринъ25, либо княжеской26 служитель27, | или же зем- лянинъ28 учинить29 какое преступле|ніе въ Городі30, за которое долженъ быть | казненъ смертію31, то міщане не наказивая || [21 зв.] его иміють отослать его на наказаніе къ кня|зю на замокъ1, дабы 2самъ Князь судилъ. | Буди 3Княжеской землянинъ4, или5 дворянинъ | иміть будуть судъ съ міщанином^ то су|дить ихъ воеводі съ воитомъ6. И буде окаженъ7 | виноватъ8 Княжеской9 дворянинъ или земля|нинъ, то пущай воевода беретъ вина10 съ Кня|жескихъ людей, а ежели будетъ мЪщанинъ | виноватъ, то воитъ11 вину возьмет. Со всіх же | собранныхъ таковихъ винъ, войтъ получитъ | третью часть, а дві части Князь12 далъ | городу13 на пособленіе14 онаго15.

И отпустил16 то|му жъ городу Князь суконные лавки, крам|ницы, сапожничьи и хлібньїе лавочки, а | равно и для продажы говядины, и притомъ | банью17. А что только изъ сего собрано бу|деть, то иміеть принадлежать городу для | укрепленія города18. Ежели же19 мі- щане20 не|захотятъ21 строить22 города23 сими денгами, | то оные міщанам^4 взнестъ25 въ княжескую26 | казну27.

Естлибы же случилось1, что который | челов^къ вымретъ съ женою и сем^и|ствомъ2 своимъ, то держать тотъ домъ | войту и мЪщанамъ годъ и 63 неділь4, | а ничего изъ онаго не брать, пока не отъи|щетъся5 какой родственникъ6 его племени7 | за тотъ8 годъ и 69 недель. А буде никто | изъ родственниковъ его10 не появится, то || [22] тотъ домъ дать князю,11 и будетъ во власти его | отдать тотъ домъ кому пожелаеть.

А ви|сідів волю 20 літ, міщане иміюта | платить подать, какъ и въ другихъ горо|дахъ.

А войтъ и міщане иміють мні, | князю, быть привержены, вірньї и спра|ведливы, съ воеводою жъ, боярами и дворя|нами быть вмісті при худомъ и при | хорошемъ12, иміють быть помощниками ділом и словом, и13 дружбою и си|лою, и совітомъ безъ ималейшей хитро|сти.14

Въ чемъ сей листъ подписали и | печатью княжескою15 укрепить повеліли.

При семъ |свидітели: Каменецкій воевода Остафей | Матвей Ме- лентовичъ и съ братомъ своимъ | Семьяномъ, Червоногродскій воевода Грин|ко, Смотрицкій воевода Отеско16, Оте|ско17 Городонецъ18, Васько Кобъяцъ.

Писанъ | листъ въ замкі Каменецкомъ, літа | отъ Рождества Хрестова 1374го ноября | 7 дня на праздникъ Святаго Ивана Хрестителя, рукою супрона княжес|кого писаря.

Съ польской выписки пе|ревелъ переводчикъ Когутовек ||.

Original: Державний архів Хмельницької області, ф. 120, оп. 1, спр. 1631: "Про межі міста Кам'янця-Подільського і з суміжними володіннями і державними селищами. Том 1. Почато 24 листопада 1799 р. Закінчено 11 червня 1800 г. На 130 аркушах", арк. 2122 зв.


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