Development priorities of university education of Ukraine

The potential for innovations is in the democratization strengthening of the higher education management, the transition to the model of the participative management. It is about a founded distribution of management powers of the outside administration.

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Development priorities of university education of Ukraine

Kyrychenko Andrii Mykolaievych Doctor of Science, Professor, Vice Rector Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine

Stezhko Zoya Vasylivna Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of History, Archeology, Information and Archival Affairs Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


Last steps of Ukraine towards EU membership opened a new period for the country in the strategy of innovative development of university education. The dominant potential for innovations is in the democratization strengthening of the higher education management, the transition to the model of the participative management. It is about a well-founded distribution of management powers of the outside administration and self-government with a clear demarcation of decision-making rights and management responsibilities.

At present the innovative potential of all spheres of social life is the digitalization, an introduction of artificial intelligence. Therefore, university education is entrusted with the task of training specialists in the field of IT, capable of being the demiurge of progressive management technologies, and not its application. Modern technologies mean a new kind of specialist who is experienced in a complex of competences, has deep knowledge of a holistic scientific picture of the world and could adapt to Ukrainian social-and political realities. Under current complex social processes in Ukraine, the university is seen as an institution for the formation of not only qualified specialists, but also political elite of Ukraine. Higher education should become an elitist and the practical resource of the economic growth. Training circles of the project-based education model are becoming research centers and business as well. Acting in Ukraine funds and programs for carry out the technology of the project-based training, get it closer to the solvation of present economic projects being in cooperation with different universities were given.

The cooperation universities at the international stage require the bilingualism introduction in the education process, the formation of the communicative competency and the importance exaltation of the academic integrity. A perspective of joining the organization of the EU means a shape up a next generation of university graduates as the representatives of the elite with an active social position, and able to find out urgent economic and political tasks.

The originality of the represented study lies in highlighting the improvement of management in the system of university education in accordance with the changed social-and economic situation in Ukraine.

Practical results - management improving of university education in Ukraine. participative management distribution

Social consequences - of the integration of the Ukrainian and European educational systems.

Keywords: participative management, project-based training, innovation, competency, competence, elitism, academic integrity.

Кириченко Андрій Миколаєвич доктор технічних наук, професор, проректор, Центральноукраїнський національний технічний університет

Стежко Зоя Василівна канд.філос.н., доцент, доцент кафедри історії, археології, інформаційної та архівної справи, Центральноукраїнський національний технічний університет


Анотація. Останні кроки на шляху до членства України в ЄС відкрили новий етап у стратегії інноваційного розвитку університетської освіти. Істотний потенціал інновацій криється у посиленні демократизації управління вищою освітою, переході до моделі партисипативного менеджменту. Йдеться про обґрунтований розподіл управлінських повноважень між зовнішнім адмініструванням та самоврядністю з чітким розмежуванням прав у прийнятті рішень та управлінської відповідальності.

Наразі інноваційний потенціал усіх сфер суспільного буття становить діджиталізація, запровадження штучного інтелекту. Тож на університетську освіту покладається завдання з підготовки фахівців у галузі ІТ, здатних бути деміургом прогресивних технологій менеджменту, а не її додатком. Сучасні технології обумовлюють новий тип фахівця, який володіє комплексом компетенцій, має знання з цілісної наукової картини світу та спроможний адаптуватися до українських суспільно-політичних реалій. За сучасних складних соціальних процесів в Україні університет бачиться закладом формування не лише висококваліфікованих фахівців, а й політичної еліти країни. Вища освіта має стати елітарною та реальним ресурсом економічного розвитку. Навчальні лабораторії за проектної моделі навчання стають дослідницькими та бізнесовими центрами. Наводяться діючі в Україні програми та фонди для реалізації технології проектного навчання, наближення його до розв'язання реальних економічних проектів у співпраці з іншими університетами.

Співпраця університетів на міжнародному рівні потребує запровадження білінгвальності навчального процесу, формування комунікативної компетентності та піднесення значимості академічної доброчесності. Перспектива на входження в ЄС передбачає формування нової генерації випускників університету як представників еліти, з активною соціальною позицією, здатних до розв'язання нагальних економічних та політичних завдань.

Ключові слова: партисипативне управління, проектне навчання, інновація, компетентність, компетентність, елітарність, академічна доброчесність.


Becoming Ukraine the EU membership poses in a new way the problem of the innovative development in unuversity education, actualizes the task of the systemic reformation of management and a renewal of the organizational paradigm for the implementation of the national strategy of higher education.

The theme of a promising direction for the development of education is always on the top of scientific discussions, but currently the need of raising it on the level with the best European universities has become extra acute. It is sad to admit that Ukrainian universities still have not reached the level of leading European ones in accordance with certain criteria as the productivity of applied researches. The main reason for this is, we think, the imperfection of educational management and wrong theoretical-and methodological foundations in the content of the academic process. Therefore, the problem of introducing a participative model of management with the active participation of interested public circles became relevant.

Literature Review

It is relevant to underline that issues of the innovative development of education and its mamagement have always been a point of attention for the state and Ukrainian scientists. Therefore, a ground for our study is both the fundamental achievements of scientists, as well as the latest laws on education and higher education, and normative- and legal provisions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

An analysis of scientific literature proved that the science of education (оsvitolohiia) as a new direction has already been distinguished by significant researches, in particular, in the prints of such leading scientists as V. Andrushchenko, N. Batechko, V. Bekh, V. Bykov, S. Honcharenko, M. Yevtukh, M. Zghurovskyi, V. Kremen, V. Luhovyi, N. Mospan, V. Ohneviuk, S. Sysoieva. The problems of the educational management are highlighted in the writes of Ukrainian scientists M. Mykhalchenka, V. Zhuravskoho, O. Skidina. The highlight of the structure and the legislative base of the state management of higher education has facilitated the formation of our ideas about the prospects for the development of university education in Ukraine dominantly: N. Batechko, N. Mospan, S. Sysoieva has facilitated dominantly the formation of our ideas about the prospects for the development of university education in Ukraine, and the results of studies of strategic planning of the development of universities in the world, which are reflected in the publications of M. Mudzakkir, B.Sukoco, P. Suwignjo, D.Williams, F. Riccomini, C.B.S. Cirani, C. Carvalho, J. Storopoli, M. Mudzakkir, D. Williams, F. Riccomini. The main provisions of the participatory management were highlighted in the works by А. Ebunu, and D. Shvets. Actual are works by the works of N. Batechko and M. Mychajycenko, Z. Stezhko and S. Rymar, what about academic integrity in education and science as the condition for join' the European educational space.

The purpose of intelligence - it is to outline the strategic directions of innovative development of university education to ensure Ukraine's membership in EU.

The task of the research is to reveal the interaction technology of the structural elements of the participatory management model and to justify the theoretical-and methodological innovations of the academic process.

For the methodological basis of the study, we took a synergistic vision of education as an open system, which is characterized by dissipative processes, the interaction with the social environment as a system, the development of which is subject to both objective laws and subjective influences. The participatory management is considered in the synergistic conceptualization as a process of bifurcation with the subsequent access to the radically new attractor-aim.

The Presentation of the Basic Material

Fundamental criteria for determination of the development strategy of university education should become a foreseen of the main challenges that society is going to face both in the near and distant future. In order to, the management should be organized within the participatory model with a clear demarcation what about decision-making rights and responsibility. Let's take that “the formation of participatory structures is one condition to increase the efficiency of higher education management” [1. Р. 251]. Systematicity of the management by the participative model, under the condition of a clear structural organization of the relevant state structures for the university selfgovernance and the control of civil society, will ensure the radically higher level of management. “Qnly a systematic approach to solving the problem of organization and management of higher education gives us hope to move along the way of continuous development of the innovative potential in education: material and moral stimulation of a generation of new projects about the intensive social and economic development, a reaction mobility on requests of society” (Yu. Stezhko).

The management of education which was formed this way will oblige every participant to make to think about in innovative way and be able within their competence to anticipate and predict both global and local challenges caused by rapid social-and political processes. “And the faster is the speed of change, the more attention needed for recognizing the pattern of future events” [2. Р. 436]. A management should be a continuous process of disrupting the education system with an access to the desired attractor-aim.

The participative model reveals the potential of the systematic management activity - the fullest taking into account of all aspects of innovative development of education in their interconnection and a clear functions distribution between state departments and university governance. And, the main, it gives us a field of responsibility of a responsible person for every made and implemented administrative decision. A determining factor for the effective management is a clear distinction of power between structural elements having a dominant role for the university self-governance. The intrusion of departmental top management into the area of the competence of the university self-governance should be only as an exception. The introduction of effective supervisory groups, as it is in Western universities, should be a safeguard against unjustified restrictions on democratic education and corruption [3] .Administration becomes effective in combination with the self-governance technology, a proactive participation of a wide range of involved structures. The participative management provides a synergy effect under the harmonic interaction of state, specialized departments and the self-government of universities in the formation of the education development strategy [4, 5].

However, calls to improve the education management have risks to stay only as intentions without a creating of an effective system of motivation to generate ideas and their implementation. It is worth applying moral and material incentives for innovative activity not according to the principle “initiative is always punished”, which leads to passivity, but on the contrary, according to the principle “initiative is always rewarded”. A clear hierarchical system of the power delimitation between participants of management within the relevant freedom in the initiative will provide a vision of the results of one's own activness, and, in case of a favorable public assessment, will become the incentive for futher activity. As we know, the external social evaluation, its conversion into reward, career growth, etc. determines the internal motivation. On the part of government, the assessment of the effectiveness of management will be the demand for graduates, as a result of which the distribution of state orders is carried out, the rankings of universities with appropriate financial support and the expansion of autonomy are determined.

The demand for graduates proves the correct-chosen strategy of the university system development. Achieving a high-level professional training is provided by the involvement of students in scientific and research activity. The national doctrine of higher education of Ukraine defines the build function of the most favorable conditions for the progress and implementation of any creative skills of personality up from the student bench as the main direction of activity. The scientific and technical progress acceleration needs bringing the educational process closer to the real needs of society due to get a practice the project-based learning innovative model, the transformation of academic centers into interuniversity research-and engineering centers. Ukraine's getting the status of a candidate for EU membership gives a opportunity to organize research technoparks for students in close cooperation with leading European universities. The productivity of project-based training is in joint activity in the implementation of current projects with the financial support of stakeholders, both domestic and foreign businesses. Participation in specific projects, recognizing an achieved success becomes an important point of motivating to acquire knowledge. The real opportunities to carry out an idea in the combining education with research job on projects with the participation of Ukrainian universities are providing': program “Horizon 2020”, “Erasmus +”, the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, the agreement signed as a result of the twenty-third Ukraine-European Union summit on October 12, 2021 on the integration of Ukraine into the European research space under the international program “Horizon Europe” ( lang=uk). Administrative activity means an interaction of the university with other public and business organizations in order to attract investments and ensure control of financial costs. The state budget structure for the selective financing should be built in accordance with to the priority of the proposed projects, their innovativeness and the expected economic efficiency from implementation basing on the assessments of the effectiveness of the university activity in projects.

Objectively states that the future of all spheres of life support in the near future will be significantly determined by the country's achievements in breakthrough technologies of artificial intelligence and green energy, in particular, in the implementation the declared EU course on the decarbonization of the economy. Already today, the lack of specialists in artificial intelligence in the field of the state defense is a problem in Ukraine. And, in accordance with forecasts, the lack of specialists is going to be a big problem in the future. Therefore, high technologies are attractors for determining main fields of the university education.

The Digital Age to which humanity have stepped in, forming new technologies, has also formed a new behavioral type of personality - a specialist/manager in the field of IT, the creator of the country's future. Man is not an addition to artificial intelligence, man declare himself as the demiurge in all spheres of the cybernetic management model, - otherwise humanity faces the threat of degradation.

The organic combination of natural and artificial intelligence in new management technologies is an extremely difficult task for university education, but perspective. For achieving it is needed a reorientation of the educational process from the scattered learning of some disciplines to mastering a holistic scientific picture of the world. Science, which is separated up in the educational process into separate disciplines, is equates to a myth. Exact and imprecise sciences, anthropology/knowledge about man, nature, technology, laws of individual forms of movement of matter should not be separated. The declared thesis about man-demiurge, “the measure of all things” is to be filled with real content - integrative knowledge about the unity of nature and man. Mankind should be taken as an element of nature, and not only as a subject of its exploitation.

There should be no opposition between man and nature as antagonists at the stage of worldview, professional knowledge and research methodology of a university-level specialist. Technological achievements of rationalism, being without taking into account the laws of nature, became harmful for their creatorman. Therefore, Instead of the paradigm of ratiocentrism in education should come anthropocentrism, the humanization of technical-and technological achievements. At the theoretical and methodological levels, formal-logical rationality, alienated from human spirituality, is supposed to be reconciled as a means of knowledge with out of logical forms of understanding reality. In this way, the subordination of the educational process to the ideology of pragmatism and the service of knowledge to universal human values is achieved, and the quantitative accumulation of disparate knowledge traditional for education grows into a holistic knowledge of the world. This aspect is covered in more detail in [6].

The practical implementation of the specified theoretical-and methodological reorientation of the educational process foresees the rejection out of the modern policy of the massiveness in higher education [7]. It is impossible to achieve a high level of professionalism of all graduates if the state policy is oriented towards the general availability and the massiveness of higher education. We have to agree with M. Zghurovskyi that Ukraine is threatened by the industry formation of certified pseudo-education with a set of depressive development scenarios [8. Р. 26]. The European criteria of assessing intellectual potential, which Ukrainian education is oriented on, needs us to refuse the vestiges of the past- an assessing the development level of society based on the number of persons with higher education and their artificial employment in the economics.

Getting over threats of an industry formation of diploma pseudo education, about what M. Zghurovskyi talks, should take place at the stage of enrollee selection for higher education with help of strengthening the requirements to the intellectual and creative potential of the applicants. Higher education should become if not elitist than selective at least. So, “the technologies of the future do not need millions of uneducated people... - they need those who are capable for critical thinking, who are able to orient themselves in new conditions of life, who can quickly determine new connections in a rapidly changing reality” [2. Р. 435-436]. The era of the information society is coming to the end, instead of that we have the prospect for a society with knowledge, so education should act for the perspective (act in advance) with taking into account its needs.

The status of Ukraine as a candidate for joining EU opens up wide opportunities for the accelerated development of the national intellect thanks to existing programs for exchanging students with the world's leading universities- such as the program called “Global Undergraduate Exchange Program” (Global UGRAD), “Year of Exchange in America” and others. Such programs for expanding cooperation with leading European universities provide an opportunity to listen to lectures of leading European professors and successful stakeholders.

A significant resource for achieving the technical and technological progress lies in the combination of the scientific potential of academic stuff and students of university with scientists from research institutes in Ukraine. Such a synergy of fundamental and applied knowledge in the projects implementation, on the one hand, will bring up technological workings to the world level, and on the other hand, will significantly increase the profitability of investments in education and science and contribute to the attraction of off-budget funds.

However, contemporary education - it is not only fulfilling current technological needs, but also the prevention of social consequences. Therefore, the function of a designer of social-and political strategy in the wide sense of the term the “politics” has been added to the tasks of the university for formation of national intellect. The university should become the social institution that trains not only highly qualified specialists, but also forms political elite of the country. A graduate has to be competent in addition to professional competence of his, and in the field of Public Relations. Competency - it is not only a professional realization, but the ability to a social adaptation, mastering the soft skills- such as creativity, punctuality, balanced character, communicative, teamwork skills at the international stage [6. Р. 274]. Therefore, it is good an expanding the range of social-and humanitarian disciplines in university programs that would provide economic, legal, and political experience. In particular, as some European universities, it should introduce the integrated course “Social Technologies”, the study of which will provide the ability to analyze complex socio-political processes.

The competence of a specialist means a social maturity, which signs are the ability to think critically, resist the manipulative influence of the mass media. Therefore, the educational process should be correlated technologicalkind with the changes in social-and political issues and the improvement of manipulative technologies. Education in the times of mediocracy (what Ukrainian society is currently experiencing) should form immunity from the influence of the technology belonging to social engineering, doing that the mass media harm Ukrainian democracy. Information technologies of the postmodern kind demonstrate a wide range of psychological and linguistic methods for an influence (focalization, demagoguery, allusion, sophistry, etc.) of journalistic narratives on the consciousness of a reader about a formation of post-truth. Liberalism in the field of informatization does not get closer an average citizen to getting the authenticity, but does only expand the range of possibilities in the creation of post-truth. Manipulative information thanks to its simplicity, accessibility and an attractiveness of the journalistic genre finds a feedback in the recipient's mind as a personally realized truth of his. However, information without a critical rethinking makes a subject as an object for the sophisticated technology of the social engineering. So, the educational program includes an array of social-and humanitarian disciplines aimed at mastering an ability to reflect, to comprehend information critically, and not dogmatically taking it as truth. “To comprehend even the simplest texts, readers must engage such intricate processes as feature recognition, lexical access, memory storage and retrieval, integration, updating, etc. What is most remarkable, and often not realized, is that the words on the page merely provide the scaffolding for the meaning of a text. The lion's share of a text's meaning is actually constructed by the reader” [9. Р. 4]. The social- and humanitarian component of education is able to lift the intellectual experience of a graduate to a much higher level- compared to a level of an average information taker, and perhaps even the very narrator. The achieved in this way social maturity of a personality becomes a fuse against the manipulation of his consciousness.

One of the methods of making student the socially mature personality is to make his worldview wider thanks to an access to foreign language sources of information. Speaking English opens up unlimited opportunities to compare messages and know their authenticity.

In addition to the above mentioned need about the access to use the foreign language sources of information in order for searching truth, the need to master the English language was exacerbated by the joint work on projects of Ukrainian and European students. Communicative competence based on the English language is determined by a transversal background (transversal) of professional competence. At the same time, the content of communicative competence is not limited to mastering only Oxford English. A specialist should also know English Language for Special Purposes, and so-called background knowledge (knowledge of the culture, literature, traditions, history of the country, and religious preferences of the interlocutor) for an effective communication. Mastering bilingualism and background knowledge allow you to understand better the spiritual world of the companion, and therefore to get along working on a project.

University as a social institution with the background of Ukraine's status on EU membership is seen as an initiator and an active embodiment of the idea about bilingualism. Lexical non-equivalence (absence of an equivalent in the Ukrainian lexicon of English scientific terms) what about English scientific terms has turned into a saturation of the Ukrainian language with so called anglicism. There is currently neither possible nor advisable with all the good intentions to rid of English loanwords. Therefore, bilingualism already exists de facto among scientists. Under the conditions of the international cooperation expansion in the field of science and education, the growth of the role of global communication, the strategy of bilingual education has got significant importance as a way for exchanging ideas, scientific achievements at joint conferences, forums, etc. With the realization of European integration, Ukrainian universities have to complete the reorientation of the educational process to the English language, starting from the first year of study. Economic efficiency and political preferences from the introduction of bilingualism are determined, firstly, by the demand for Ukrainian specialists, their competitiveness (ability to compete) in the knowledge market, and secondly, by the affirmation of young Ukrainians in their own Europeanness at the mental level. With the expansion background of the communicative space, assimilation of the culture of other peoples, their personal self-identification himself as a representative of the great Ukrainian nation takes place.

Join the European educational space means not only mastering a foreign language, but also according European values, realization of the principles of academic integrity in the wide understanding of its meaning. Warry about the accordance to scientific ethics by students and academic staff is currently in focus of the governmental and departmental bodies, in particular, the newly created National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance of Ukraine. According to art.42 of the Law of Ukraine on Education, academic integrity means “a set of ethical principles and rules defined by law, which should be guided by the participants of the educational process in the time of learning, teaching and carrying out scientific (art) activities in order to provide trust in results of training/scientific (creative) achievements” [10, 11].

Academic integrity, under the participatory model of management, looks as a kind of agreement of all parties of the educational process: lecturers, students, the CEOs of the educational institution, and society. The observance of this agreement is very important for the prospect of Ukraine's membership in EU. Unpleasant are the data of the study of the independent Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) regarding academic integrity in Ukrainian realities. “On average, not less than 50% of dissertations do not meet the minimum standards for academic quality and 93% of students practice plagiarism more of less”, the report notes [8. Р. 27]. The data are impressive, nevertheless, there is no reason to doubt them, just as there is no reason to doubt the possibilities of participative management in overcoming the phenomenon of plagiarism in higher education. Currently, the latest regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine already provide certain achievements in the fight against various types of plagiarism.

It is much more difficult to overcome a dishonesty in the scientific-and research field, where it is quite difficult to prove a misuse. A falsification of the scientific value of the gained research results or, in general, their fabrication may lie latently in the error of the chosen methodology in the time of justifying the proposed hypothesis. “It is sad to state, write Z. Stezhko and S. Rymar, that currently representatives of the new generation of researchers quite often resort to methodological eclecticism for selfish purposes, referring to different in a situation, even opposing philosophical concepts. The pragmatism of a scientist, which is declared by the imperatives of postmodernism, should concern the practicality of research results, their social value, and not self-interest in order to increase one's own rating” [12. Р. 340]. It does not seem possible to reveal such a large-scale problem as the problem of methodology within the scope of an article investigation. We only note that review makers and redactors of scientific publications have an important role in overcoming the manifestations of dishonesty in science, who have a great scientific potential and a reputation.

The identified motivations of the dishonesty show the need to implement a number of new and improved contemporary documents about an organizational- and legal kind. At the same time, we should accept it, “supporting the academic integrity should be proceed only through such a procedures production that assist transparent communication of members of the academic society at the institutional level. It is necessary to think not as much about punishment as needed on a formation such conditions that would not require to turn to an academic dishonesty” [13. Р. 194].

In general, we only note that optimism about overcoming the phenomenon of academic dishonesty, which is shameful for education and science, inspires the introduction of participatory management as potentially the most independent and responsible for the European recognition of Ukrainian universities management model.

To determine promising directions for the development of university education in Ukraine, it is worth turning to foreign experience, which is revealed in [14],


We ought to underline that the current status of higher education in Ukraine does not fully match the needs of accelerated accession to the EU. Ukrainian education lifting up to the level of the leading European models requires the regular and consolidated activities in all chain of educational management with the government support and the participation of a society. The Europeanness, which Ukrainians appear in their aspirations, needs a person with a higher education of the new model. It's time to form a new generation of university graduates -proactive, creative, and adapted to find out urgent right solutions to social and political problems. A personality with a higher education is seen as a representative of the elite in the complex realities of today, who actively promotes Ukraine to the path of rapprochement with the highly developed states of Europe.

We are aware that the above-mentioned main provisions regarding the prospects for the development of university education cannot be final. The educational sector is the most sensitive to economic, social-and political and civilizational changes, so the research of relevant problems will always be in the focus of the science of education (osvitolohiia).


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