Assessment of the competitiveness of industrial production influence on the foreign economic activity development under the conditions of globalization

The expediency of determining the level of competitiveness of industry taking into account the important structural characteristics. The author's definition of the concept of competitiveness of industrial production. Conquest of foreign markets.

Рубрика Международные отношения и мировая экономика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 18.01.2022
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Akymenko Olena


The article proves that the effective economic development of Ukraine is facilitated by foreign economic relations, which are a determining factor in the development and modernization of the economy, an important step towards solving many social problems and a driver of scientific and technological development. It is proved that the revival of foreign economic activity will promote the country's integration into the international economic space and will determine it not just as a partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation, but as a process that will serve as an effective means of solving global problems. The most significant in nature means of economic regulation of foreign economic activity depending on its impact on the competitive advantages of the enterprise. The expediency of determining the level of competitiveness of industry taking into account the important structural characteristics (the level of industrial economy, specialization of industry, its internal and external efficiency) is proved. The author's definition of the concept of competitiveness of industrial production is given - its permanent ability to withstand competition due to the availability of appropriate potential provided a high level of efficiency and a means for further development of long-term strategies for long-term development and conquest of foreign markets. industrial competitiveness foreign market

Keywords: competitiveness; industrial production; foreign economic activity; globalization; European integration; foreign market; competitive environment, strategy.



У статті доведено, що ефективному економічному розвитку України сприяють зовнішньоекономічні зв 'язки, які є визначальним чинником розвитку та модернізації економіки, важливим кроком до вирішення багатьох соціальних проблем та рушієм науково-технічного розвитку. Доведено, що пожвавлення зовнішньоекономічної діяльності сприятиме інтеграції країни в міжнародний економічний простір та визначатиме її не просто партнерством та взаємовигідним співробітництвом, а процесом, що буде слугувати ефективним засобом вирішення глобальних проблем людства. Наведено найбільш значущі за характером засоби економічного регулювання зовнішньоекономічної діяльності залежно від її впливу на конкурентні переваги підприємства. Доведено доцільність визначення рівня конкурентоспроможності промисловості з урахуванням вагомих структурних характеристик (рівня індустріальності економіки, спеціалізації промисловості, її внутрішньої та зовнішньої ефективності). Наведено авторське визначення конкурентоспроможності промислового виробництва, під якою пропонується розуміти перманентну здатність промислового виробництва витримувати конкуренцію за рахунок наявності відповідного потенціалу та умов досягнення високого рівня ефективності функціонування, засіб для подальшої розробки довгострокових стратегій розвитку і завоювання зовнішнього ринку.

Ключові слова: конкурентоспроможність; промислове виробництво; зовнішньоекономічна діяльність; глобалізація; євроінтеграція; зовнішній ринок; конкурентне середовище; стратегія.



В статье доказано, что эффективному экономическому развитию Украины способствуют внешнеэкономические связи, которые является определяющим фактором развития и модернизации экономики, важным шагом к решению многих социальных проблем и двигателем научно-технического развития. Доказано, что оживление внешнеэкономической деятельности будет способствовать интеграции страны в международное экономическое пространство и определять ее не просто партнерством и взаимовыгодным сотрудничеством, а процессом, который будет служить эффективным средством решения глобальных проблем человечества. Приведены наиболее значимые по характеру средства экономического регулирования внешнеэкономической деятельности в зависимости от ее влияния на конкурентные преимущества предприятия. Доказана целесообразность определения уровня конкурентоспособности промышленности с учетом весомых структурных характеристик (уровня индустриальности экономики, специализации промышленности, ее внутренней и внешней эффективности). Приведено авторское определение конкурентоспособность промышленного производства, под которой предлагается понимать перманентную способность промышленного производства выдерживать конкуренцию по причине наличия соответствующего потенциала и условия достижении высокого уровня эффективности функционирования и средство для дальнейшей разработки долгосрочных стратегий перспективного развития и завоевания внешнего рынка.

Ключевые слова: конкурентоспособность; промышленное производство; внешнеэкономическая деятельность; глобализация; евроинтеграция; внешний рынок; конкурентная среда; стратегия.

Articulation of issue

The effective economic development of any country is facilitated by the development of foreign trade cooperation between partner countries, especially in the context of the rapid development of globalization processes. For Ukraine, which is no exception, foreign economic affairs, in particular, foreign trade relations are a determining factor in the development and modernization of its economy, an important step towards solving many social problems, a driver of scientific and technological development that enables economic intensification through rapid re-equipment of production sectors and facilities with modern equipment.

The growing dependence of any country' economy on international economic cooperation actualizes the development of international economic relations, which contribute to the economic rise of the world community, strengthen of peaceful relations, reduce of international tensions and the formation of an international security system, which, like the national security of countries, is increasingly influenced by globalization. They identify the main trends in the world economy and politics, as well as lead to radical changes in the international security environment, which is becoming increasingly dynamic and controversial [1].

Thus, the recovery of the national economy is inextricably linked with the intensification of foreign trade, and strengthening the position of foreign economic activity should lead to a significant reduction of external debt, backing of import needs, successful implementation of export opportunities, and structural reorientation of the economy. The revival of foreign economic activity will promote integration into the international economic space and will determine it not just as a partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation, but as a process that will serve as an effective toolset of solving global problems of mankind.

In turn, European integration involves significant changes in the path of democratic development, joining the European security system, improving the political system and human rights, forming a modern model of management and doing business, consolidating the country' international status as investment-attractive and competitive, especially from the industrial development standpoint [2]. But despite the slowdown in industrial development in Ukraine, industry remains the leading economic activity sector. The introduction of a free trade zone between Ukraine and the European Union (hereinafter - the EU), firstly, had a positive effect on the dynamic development of foreign trade, and secondly, increased competition between European and Ukrainian industries as an important part of the process of commodity exports shaping. Under such economic conditions, the need to expand the presence of domestic producers in world markets becomes urgent, which requires increasing of their competitiveness to the level of EU member states [3].

Domestic industrial enterprises focused on innovative development, but operating in an aggressive environment, need to form and maintain their competitive advantages and mandatory determine the level of their competitiveness in order to develop long-term strategies for further development and foreign market capture, despite the fact that the national economic backdrop is not the best. During the years of independence, Ukraine has practically lost its industrial potential, which, if used effectively and modernized in accordance with the requirements of the time, could have ensured the growth of its competitiveness. Today, the airplane, space industries and other sectors of mechanical engineering, some sectors of the chemical industry, etc. are practically lost. Our country demonstrates not only low industrial growth (industrial production decreased by 1.8 % in 2019 compared to 2018), but also an inefficient structure of industrial production, which increases the vulnerability of many industries to challenges and constraints on external and internal markets. Thus, the share of the processing industry in the structure of gross value added (GVA) decreased from 14.9% in 2010 to 14.7 % in 2017. In addition, the investment goods and consumer durables, which show the increasing profitability, occupy only about 7% in the structure of industrial production.

It's a fact of life that the competitiveness of the national economy is determined not only with the country' ability to produce and sell competitive goods and services in free trade, but also by the country' ability to achieve consistently high GDP growth per capita (World Economic Forum). However, according to this indicator, Ukraine is progressively alienating not only from highly developed countries, but also from countries with medium and even relatively low levels of economic development. In 2016, our country ranked 138th among 189 countries, being in the group of the poorest countries [4].

That is why the study of foreign economic activity (hereinafter - FEA) from the standpoint of competitiveness of industrial production, as its permanent ability to withstand competition due to the availability of appropriate potential, provided a high level of efficiency, is relevant and timely.

Analysis of recent researches and publications

Research of the foreign economic activity development issues still remains relevant, as evidenced by the publications of such scientific professionals as: О. Amosh, S. Aptekar, I. Burakovskyi, A. Voronkova, A. Halchynskyi, V. Heets, V. Herasymchuk, C. Hryshchenko, O. Kredisov, I. Kriuchkova, Y. Makohon, Melnychuk, A. Mokii, T. Landyna, V. Pysmak, M. Prokopenko, V. Sydenko, Y. Orlovska, M. Chumachenko, M. Yankovskyi and others. Each of the scientists used his own approach to the study of the problems of foreign economic activity intensification, identified problems and prospects for the development of FEA at certain stages of Ukraine' economy development. The study of issues related to the definition of competitiveness in the context of European integration and prospects for domestic enterprises to enter the European market were within eyeshot of both foreign and Ukrainian scientists, among them: Ansoff, S. Briu, F. Kotler, D. Keins, D. Campbell, K. McConnell, K. Marx, A. Marshall, M. Porter, D. Rickardo, J. Robinson, A. Smith, F. Hayek, J. Schumpeter, V. Bezuhla, O. Vasylieva, A. Voronkova, P. Bielienkyi, V. Heets, B. Hubskyi, O. Dubovyk, Y. Ivanov, T. Ihnatova, O. Kuzmin, Y. Makohon, N. Mikula, N. Chukhrai, V. Shevchuk and many others. But, despite the depth of researches and the fundamental basis of these scientists' works, many issues related to the assessment of foreign economic activity from the standpoint of competitiveness of industrial production remain unresolved due to the unsystematic and episodic nature of their study. The importance and significance of these issues determined the choice of topic and substantiated its relevance.

Purpose of the article shaping

The main purpose of this work is to systematize methodological approaches to assessing the industrial production competitiveness and clarify its impact on foreign economic activity in the context of globalization challenges.

Statement of basic materials

Significant changes in the scale and structure of world merchandise exports during the second half of the twentieth century influenced on the growth of the finished products share while reducing the raw material component. In addition, the share of high-tech goods in value added and exports has increased many times over the past 30 years, especially in developed countries (increased from 37.3 % - USA to 43.6 % - Ireland). The increase in the share of high-tech products has intensified international competition and led to structural changes in the economies of exporting countries, forcing them to create higher demands on innovation and competitiveness of industrial production [5; 6]. This made actual the study of the competitiveness of industry as a leading sector of the economy, the development of which is determined by the general economic conditions of its operation, and the level of its competitiveness is formed under the influence of many different dynamic factors that most affect the competitive position of industry.

Of course, this study is preceded by a thorough analysis of the market competitive environment, performing of which will lead to the timely application of measures adapting changes in the competitive environment and the development and implementation of strategic decisions at the highest management level.

Analysis of the market competitive environment is the foundation for the development of technological, production, macroeconomic, socio-political forecasts; it serves as a basis for assessing the long-term potential of industrial production in the planned development of relevant processes. Forecasting threats and good prospects is a prerequisite for the timely development of situational plans in case of their occurrence, which facilitates the definition of a strategy to achieve by an enterprise the goals of its development and the transformation of inconvenient circumstances into favourable operating conditions.

The entry of industrial enterprises into foreign markets is associated with fierce competition, so increasing their prestige and efficient operation directly depends on the use of modern methods of regulation, which is caused by the following components:

- increased requirements of foreign markets for recommended goods, services, advertising;

- time-consuming process of foreign markets (as opposed to domestic) studying, which requires the processing of more information from different sources;

- effective work and its dependence on a creative approach to marketing research (control of the production process, the work of trading partners and the use of sales motivation methods, etc.);

- taking into account the requirements of the external marketing environment (specifics of national legislation, business customs, socio-cultural environment, political factors, conditions and forms of payment);

- tools of the competitiveness impact on foreign economic activity.

International competition requires a reorganization of domestic industrial enterprises such a way to meet at least the following requirements:

- effective inclusion of Ukrainian enterprises in the world economic space, which is dictated with constant market changes characterized by supply, demand and prices;

- ensuring the efficient use of production resources at the level of competitors, due to the existence of production factors markets in addition to the market of goods and services;

- achieving the high efficiency of functioning and stable market position.

Means of economic control of foreign economic activity in its impact on the competitive environment are diverse and can be represented in three groups:

1. means that simultaneously affect all competing subjects of foreign economic activity, using which the change of FEA conditions simultaneously impacts all subjects of the relevant market without exception and in the long run can not create a relative advantage for some of them; but also rapid (compared to other competitors) adaptation to these changes can to some extent be considered as an independent competitive advantage;

2. means, as a result of which use the specific FEA conditions are created for certain subjects of business activity due to subjective and objective circumstances and by means of which conditions for stimulating accelerated development of separate branches of economy or territories are created (for example, location of industrial production site will determine features of taxation and customs regulation of foreign economic activity, which will provide savings compared to competitors located outside such territories);

3. mechanisms that determine the alternative economic behaviour of the enterprise under current legislation (including a simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting of small businesses). Its prudent application can significantly reduce the tax burden, improve the financial results of economic activity and expand the possible price range for the implementation of active pricing policy.

Thus, the mechanism of FEA economic control influence on the competitive advantages of the enterprise is determined by the nature of the means of control [7-11].

It is generally accepted that the FEA development is closely related to the problem of competitiveness of the industrial sector of the economy in the world market, so it is advisable to explore a methodological approach that allows assessing the competitiveness of industry systematically and covering a number of structural characteristics, in particular: the level of industrialization of the economy, the specialization of industry, its internal and external efficiency.

The obtained results of the integrated assessment of the competitive advantages of domestic industry provide an objective opportunity for an analytical basis for developing a strategy for further development of industry and clarifying its impact on the development of foreign economic activity [3].

Indicators of the realization of the competitive potential of industry are the results (expressed in absolute and relative terms) of its operation. The actual competitiveness of industrial production and the country's place among competitors are determined by indicators of the realization of the competitive potential of industry. Accordingly, an integrated assessment of the competitive advantages of the industry should be carried out in stages:

- the first stage is characterized by the calculation of indicators that characterize the competitive advantages of the industrial sector of the economy, which together reflect various aspects of activity (production, export, investment, capital) and efficiency (innovation, resource, economic) of industry;

- the second stage - is characterized by an integrated assessment of competitive advantages of domestic industry by normalizing the values of primary indicators calculated in the first stage, and their subsequent integration by the method of arithmetic mean; the obtained results provide an objective opportunity to develop a strategy for further development of industry and clarify its impact on the development of foreign economic activity;

- the third stage is characterized by grouping countries according to the level of each of the 7 competitive advantages of their industry; the criterion of differentiation is the range of values calculated at the second stage of integrated indices (the first group - a high level of competitive advantage (the value of the integrated index is 0.667 + 1.0), the second group - the average level of competitive advantage (0.334 + 0.666); advantages (0.0 + 0.333);

- the fourth stage - determination of the general integrated index of competitive advantages of the industry of the countries taking into account production, export, investment, capital, innovative activity, resource and economic efficiency of the industry;

- the fifth stage is the ranking of countries according to the level of competitive advantages of their industry on the basis of the values of the general integrated index.

In the scope of the development of foreign economic relations, the concept of “competitiveness of the country” is mentioned more often, especially when it comes to competitive positions in various products sale and purchase markets, attracting foreign investment, implementation of interstate projects. The country' competitiveness is characterized by the following main criteria: stable and predictable legislation; flexible structure of the economy; investments in traditional and technological infrastructures; stimulating savings and domestic investments; aggressive exports and attractiveness of the domestic market; quality, flexibility and transparency of management and administration; interdependence of wages, productivity and taxes; reducing the gap between minimum and maximum incomes; expansion of the middle class; investment in education and training; balance of the benefits of economic globalization and national characteristics [12].

Certainly, an important condition for the successful attraction of foreign investment is the formation of a system of investment competitiveness [13, 14]. At the same time, investment competitiveness is understood by scientists as the ability to accept large investment infusions, ensure their payback and profitability, as well as transformation into production growth, market saturation with marketable products, expanding investor influence on the market and guaranteed return of investment [15-23].

Assessment of competitiveness according to such a multilevel system will attract foreign investors both in certain sectors of the economy and to certain regions, enterprises and projects. The general control of competitiveness depends on all its interconnected levels, and therefore, an important condition for attracting foreign investment is the formation of a system of investment competitiveness.


Thus, to increase the competitiveness of domestic products in order to develop foreign economic activity it is necessary to: re-equip production, expand R&D, attract investment through joint ventures, withdraw uncompetitive products from production, and introduce promising, high-tech goods, as well as create comprehensive manufactured products' competitiveness control systems at enterprises.


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