Diplomatic Relations Between Ukraine and North Korea: History and Specific Features of Development

Comprehensive investigation of the reasons and rethinks of the development of diplomatic ties between Ukraine and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on the aphids of geopolitical changes. Peculiarities of militarization policy of North Korea.

Рубрика Международные отношения и мировая экономика
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Дата добавления 26.06.2023
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Diplomatic Relations Between Ukraine and North Korea: History and Specific Features of Development

Maksym Serhiienko

Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

01601, Ye. Konovaltsia, 36, Kyiv, Ukraine

Che Huang

Fudan University

200437, 220 Handan Rd., Shanghai, China


The relevance of the subject of the study is largely due to the need to investigate the causes and prerequisites for severing diplomatic ties between Ukraine and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea against the background of modern geopolitical changes. The importance of such an analysis lies in the militarisation policy of North Korea, which may affect the partnership of the country with the Ukrainian state. The need to conduct such an examination also lies in the insufficient number of papers on the outlined subject. The purpose of the study was to clarify the main aspects of cooperation between Ukraine and the DPRK during 1992-2022. The methods of scientific knowledge used to conduct the research are: historical, comparative, statistical, systemic, and terminological. The main achievements that were obtained as a result of the study can be outlined as follows: clarification of the course and development of relations between Ukraine and North Korea, examination of the nature of the relevant relations through the analysis of regulatory legal acts concluded between the two states. The attitude of Ukraine to the nuclear potential of the DPRK and the policy towards the unification of the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are outlined. The main reasons why Ukraine declared a statement on the termination of diplomatic relations with the DPRK and the position of North Korea on the annexation and occupation of certain territories of Ukraine, diplomatic relations between Russia and the people's diplomatic Republic of Korea against the background of a full-scale invasion of the territory of the Ukrainian state by the Russian Federation are clarified. The results of the study can be used by historians, geopolitics, lawyers, and other researchers as a basis for further work on related subjects

Keywords: Asian vector, international relations, geopolitics, bilateral relations, cooperation agreements between countries

Максим Сергієнко

Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв 01601, вул. Є. Коновальця, 36, м. Київ, Україна

Че Хуан, Університет Фудань, 200437, шосе Хандан, 220, м. Шанхай, Китай

Дипломатичні відносини України та КНДР: історія та специфіка розвитку


diplomatic militarization policy korea

Актуальність тематики наукового дослідження значним чином зумовлена потребою дослідження причин та передумов розриву дипломатичних зв'язків між Україною та Корейською Народно-Демократичною Республікою на тлі сучасних геополітичних змін. Важливість такого аналізу полягає в мілітаризаційній політиці Північної Кореї, яка може впливати на партнерство країни з українською державою. Необхідність проведення такого дослідження полягає також у недостатній кількості робіт на окреслену тематику. Метою проведеного дослідження постало з'ясування основних аспектів співпраці між Україною та КНДР протягом 1992-2022 років. Методи наукового пізнання, за допомогою яких було здійснено дослідження, є: історичний, порівняльний, статистичний, системний та термінологічний. Основними здобутками, що були отримані внаслідок проведення науково-дослідної роботи, варто окреслити наступні: з'ясування перебігу та розвитку відносин між Україною та Північною Кореєю, дослідження характеру відповідних взаємовідносин, за допомогою аналізу нормативно- правових актів, що були укладені між двома державами. Окреслено ставлення України до ядерного потенціалу КНДР та політику щодо об'єднання Республіки Корея та Корейської Народної Демократичної Республіки. З'ясовано основні причини, відповідно до яких Україна проголосила заяву щодо розірвання дипломатичних відносин з КНДР, а також позицію Північної Кореї щодо анексії та окупації деяких територій України, дипломатичні відносини між Росією та Корейською Народною Дипломатичною Республікою на тлі повномасштабного вторгнення Російської Федерації на територію української держави. Результати науково-дослідної роботи можуть бути використані істориками, геополітиками, правознавцями та іншими дослідниками як базис для подальших праць на суміжні теми

Ключові слова: азійський вектор, міжнародні відносини, геополітика, двосторонні відносини, договори про співпрацю між країнами


Active foreign policy in all existing fields (economic, trade, social, cultural, etc.) is the key to the development of the country and its stable position in the international arena. The cooperation of Ukraine with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region is not as active as one, for example, with representatives of Europe and the United States of America. As for the countries that are located in the Asia-Pacific region, among them it is worth highlighting Japan, the people's Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, etc. The most interesting country among the above-mentioned is the DPRK, largely due to the lack of scientific papers on the relevant subject. That is why the purpose of the study is to clarify the moment of the origin of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and their change over 30 years.

Among the available papers that in one way or another cover the development of diplomatic relations between the Ukrainian state and North Korea, there is, for example, the work of A. Honcharuk, in “Asian vector of Ukraine's foreign policy: new pragmatism”, in which the author emphasises the need to increase the diplomatic presence of the Ukrainian state in the Asia-Pacific region to build effective bilateral relations with its representative countries. In particular, A. Honcharuk notes that increased attention should be paid to countries with a high level of economic and technical development, among which the author highlights China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, bypassing the mention of North Korea. Therefore, it is advisable to conclude that the author's position is based on avoiding the DPRK in the development of diplomatic relations [1]. A similar position is present in the analytical work of the team of authors under the editorship of O. Litvinenko, “Ukraine and the countries of East, South-East, and South Asia: results of 2020 and development prospects”, which consists in the lack of data and possible prospects for the development of cooperation between Ukraine and North Korea [2].

It is worth analysing the work of the American researcher J. Hoar, “Historical Dictionary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea”, to understand the position of the above-mentioned authors on the inexpediency of building strong diplomatic relations. It contains considerations about the difference between North Korea and all countries of the world. The isolation of this country does not provide many opportunities for studying the internal policy of the state, except for the presence of a slightly modified communist approach to economic management, a dictatorial form of government, and nuclear weapons, which in one way or another still forces the states of the world to take the first steps towards the common ground with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea [3].

The position of the author I. Pohorielova in the paper “Ukraine and East Asian countries: the political dimension of the present” is similar. It focuses on the unpredictability of the leadership of North Korea as a country with nuclear weapons, so this makes it necessary for a dialogue between the DPRK and some countries around the world that have an influence on the geopolitical situation in the region [4].

In addition, the presence of nuclear weapons in the DPRK as the main factor that should encourage countries of the world, including Ukraine, to develop effective communications with the state, is mentioned by S. Snyder in the paper “Denuclearisation of North Korea” [5].

Interesting to consider is another work of historian I. Pohorielova, in “Current state and prospects for the development of Ukrainian-South Korean diplomatic relations”, in which the author emphasises that Ukraine supports the unification of the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea exclusively through negotiations and supports a peaceful settlement of the conflict between the two respective states. Another important aspect in the development of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and North Korea is the readiness of the Ukrainian state to help in the nuclear disarmament of the DPRK according to a similar scenario to the Ukrainian one [6].

The need to develop high-quality cooperation with North Korea is also emphasised by such an American author as D. Chubb in “Human rights, nuclear security, and interaction with North Korea”. The main reason why European countries, including Ukraine, should establish diplomatic relations with North Korea is the difficult human rights situation on the territory of this country and the lack of access to international control bodies to monitor this situation [7].

The relevance of the study is that there is a need to investigate relations between Ukraine and the DPRK against the background of the current situation in the world, and military operations in Ukraine, in particular. The originality of the study is that this subject has not been studied before, so the disclosure of this issue is quite important.

Materials and methods

The study on the subject of Ukrainian-North Korean relations was conducted using some research methods, among which the following can be highlighted: the historical method, which clarified the development of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in different periods. In addition, the use of the relevant method allowed identifying the main prerequisites and reasons for the termination of such relations against the background of Russian armed aggression against Ukraine, and the Ukrainian foreign policy of the Asian vector.

The identification of the main components that have become decisive in the implementation of Ukraine's steps toward the emergence of diplomatic relations has become possible through the use of a systematic method. In turn, the statistical method of scientific knowledge allowed identifying the main reason for most of the established communications with North Korea: its nuclear weapons, the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles, determining their range, etc.

The use of the terminological method of scientific knowledge allowed defining such terms as “international relations”, “diplomatic relations”, “Korean question”, “quasi-states”, etc., which was of great importance for a deeper understanding of the subject under study.

The study was conducted in three main stages:

The first stage was characterised by the clarification of the theoretical basis for further work with the data, in particular, the main points that characterise the general foreign policy of the state based on the Law of Ukraine “On the principles of the internal and foreign policy of Ukraine” were outlined. Issues related to the foreign policy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea were also investigated; it was determined with which countries the relevant state has diplomatic ties, etc.

In the second stage, the issue of statistical data that characterise North Korea as a nuclear state was clarified. In addition, based on the analysis of some normative legal acts, including, for example, the Joint Communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea [8], the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “On Condemnation of Tests of Weapons of Mass Destruction by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea” [9], the Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on trade and economic cooperation [10], Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation between the State Committee of Ukraine on Science and Technology [11], etc, a study was conducted on the development of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the DPRK.

The third and final stage of the study is characterised by highlighting the main prerequisites and reasons that served as the basis for the termination of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The analysis of the Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine regarding the severance of diplomatic relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was also conducted [12]. At the relevant stage of the study, a comparative analysis of the results obtained from the papers and achievements of other authors and researchers on similar, related subjects was conducted. The main pros and cons of the above-mentioned papers were clarified and a general conclusion on the development and history of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and North Korea was formulated on their basis.


The foreign policy of the Ukrainian state is characterised by attempts to establish effective and long-term diplomatic relations with other countries, international organisations, etc., to promote national interests. Now the foreign policy vector of Ukraine is pro-European and pro-Euro-Atlantic. Mostly, this choice is due to the aspirations of the country's people to move in this direction and the similarity of Ukraine's values with European states [13].

It is important to monitor and control changes in the global geopolitical situation: which countries become geopolitical leaders, and who has enough influence on the development of other countries to maintain the priority course of integration of the Ukrainian state. All these aspects should be considered for Ukraine's entry into the political and global economic space as its full participant. Consequently, tracking new trends in economic and technological development has led to an expansion of the vector, which is currently aimed at cooperation with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (APR) [14].

Notably, the main normative legal act regulating the foreign policy actions of the Ukrainian state is the Law of Ukraine “On the Basics of Internal and Foreign Policy” [15]. Thus, according to this act, the following are the main Andorra principles on which the foreign policy activities of the country are based:

respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence of states, recognition of their equality;

peaceful resolution of conflicts and contradictions;

refraining from interfering in the internal politics of states;

establishment of effective ways of communication and cooperation between states;

compliance with and fulfilment of obligations imposed on the country as a result of signing international agreements;

prioritising international legal norms over national ones [15].

It is also worth highlighting the main principles that the state relies on in the implementation of foreign policy, in particular: the establishment of Ukraine as a sovereign and independent state with defined borders through the use of acquired international potential; strengthening the international authority of Ukraine; support for cooperation between Ukraine and foreign countries for the development of the economy, trade, technology, modernisation, and innovative development, etc.; integration of Ukraine into the global information space [15].

One of the main tasks of foreign policy is the emergence, development, and maintenance of diplomatic relations as the main form, which is designed to ensure communication and relations between countries following international legal norms; through diplomatic relations, cooperation between countries is established, etc. Any diplomacy begins with the recognition by one country of another as a full subject of the international community (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Recognition of Ukraine's independence by some foreign countries

Source: [16]

In total, Ukrainian independence, sovereignty, and unitarity were recognised by 171 states between 19912003 [17]. With the acquisition of the status of an independent state by Ukraine, it began to build diplomatic ties with many foreign countries in a variable activity. Now the best solution for the Ukrainian state is to direct its foreign policy not only in the European but also in the Asian direction, in particular with such countries as Japan and China, which are leaders in this region both in terms of economic and technological indicators.

An interesting issue is the attitude of Ukraine to the so-called “Korean issue”. The history of the division of the Korean Peninsula begins in 1910, during its annexation by the Japanese Empire. Subsequently, after the events of World War II that led to the Surrender of Japan, the annexed Korean territory was divided into two zones: North and South, which were occupied by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America, respectively. Later, in 1948, two separate government institutions were formed: the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Attempts to unite the two parts of the Korean island resulted in the Korean War, which lasted from 1950 to 1953, and resulted in the conclusion of a Korean Armistice Agreement signed by the DPRK, the People's Republic of China, and the UN, only South Korea did not sign. Therefore, a further peace agreement was never concluded, although the ceasefire was observed [18].

As for the relations that exist between Ukraine and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, their beginning dates back to January 1992 [19]. It is advisable to analyse some regulatory legal acts that will allow getting an idea of the nature and history of the development of Ukrainian-North Korean diplomatic relations. The document that marked the beginning of relations between the two states can be considered a joint communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea [8]. The text of the document states that the government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Government of Ukraine agree on the establishment of diplomatic relations and the exchange of diplomatic missions at the embassy level for the development of cooperation in the fields of economy, culture, etc. Cooperation between the two countries by the document is based on the principles of mutual non-interference in foreign affairs and respect for each other's sovereignty [8].

The next important document certifying the historical development of relations between Ukraine and the DPRK is the Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on trade and economic cooperation dated June 1992 [10]. In general, the treaty provides for the adoption of some measures for the sustainable development of trade and economic relations between the two countries. Thus, the parties agree to comply with the most-favoured-nation regime regarding the customs policy for goods of both countries, etc. It is also planned to encourage various forms of cooperation between enterprises at variable levels. In particular, it will encourage the direction of foreign economic activity of organisations, companies, and enterprises to cooperate with representatives of the relevant country by trade practice at the international level [10]. Similar in its content is the Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation between the State Committee of Ukraine on Science and Technology, which proclaims the desire to create favourable conditions for cooperation between the two countries in the field of science and technology [11].

Another step not only towards the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and North Korea, but also toward the security of citizens of both countries, was the signing of the Agreement between Ukraine and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on legal assistance in civil and criminal cases dated 2004 [20]. Thus, the treaty defines the regime and mechanism for complementary actions on the part of states in the civil and criminal fields. Thus, citizens of both contracting parties and legal entities established according to the legislation of the countries, have the right to enjoy the same legal protection as citizens of foreign countries, that is, to apply to law enforcement agencies, and judicial institutions, submit applications, etc. [20].

An important issue related to the development and specific features of relations between Ukraine and North Korea is the issue of the latter's military power, in particular its nuclear weapons. Thus, according to various sources, as of 2019, the DPRK has about 20-30 warheads, and available material used in the manufacture of nuclear weapons, the use of which will increase the arsenal to 3060 warheads of nuclear weapons. [21]. The aspect of North Korea's missile power remains important (Fig 2).

Figure 2. The range of missiles in service with the DPRK is in kilometres

Source: [22]

The position of Ukraine is to support the aspirations of other countries for North Korea to obtain nuclear-free status. In particular, the Ukrainian side expressed its readiness to share its path, which went to the status of a country that does not have nuclear weapons [23].

Ukraine also condemns the DPRK's nuclear tests [23]. This is confirmed by some acts, among which it is worth highlighting, for example, a letter from the State Financial Monitoring Committee of Ukraine addressed to Ukrainian banks and their branches, which notes that the US Treasury Department has included eight North Korean companies in the list of those related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction [24]. The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the implementation of the UN Security Council resolution regarding the Democratic People's Republic of Korea”, which contains a list of obligations imposed on Central and other authorities to restrict trade and cooperation with the DPRK under the economic sanctions imposed by the United States of America and other countries in response to North Korea's nuclear programme, is also indicative [25]. In particular, the text of the decree contains the following: a ban on the sale or transfer to North Korea of tanks, artillery systems, combat aircraft, warships, missiles, etc., and all materials, means, and items included in the list of military goods; goods belonging to luxury goods [25]. Another important document certifying the position of Ukraine on the nuclear potential of the DPRK is the resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “On Condemnation of Tests of Weapons of Mass Destruction by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea” [9]. The text of the decree contains the following: the nuclear tests conducted by the DPRK are facts of gross violation of international law and also create a real danger for states located near the country. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine notes that the development of weapons of mass destruction is unacceptable in the modern world and poses a threat to its security [9].

Diplomatic relations between North Korea and Ukraine, whose development was difficult and not intensive, due to the isolation of the first country, began to deteriorate after 2014 [26]. In particular, the main reason for this deterioration was the positive reaction of the DPRK to the annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the hostilities in the Donetsk direction, which were unleashed by Russia. In response, Ukraine, by a Cabinet resolution of 2016, cancelled the agreement concluded between the USSR and the DPRK on mutual travel of citizens [27].

The turning point and completion of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea were in 2022. In July 2022, the DPRK government recognised quasi-state entities (special subjects of the international legal system that have some of the characteristics of a state, but are not recognised as such) - the so-called “Luhansk” and “Donetsk People's Republics” [28]. In response, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine announced a statement on the severance of diplomatic relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea [12]. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine strongly condemns the decision of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to recognise the so-called “independence” of the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine considers Pyongyang's decision to recognise the DPR and LPR as non-recognition of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, the UN Charter, principles and norms of international law, and a lack of respect for the borders of Ukraine. However, the recognition of the LPR and DPR as full subjects of international law by the DPRK will not change the internationally recognised borders of Ukraine [12]. Thus, after the severance of economic and trade ties, the severance of diplomatic ones was also added to them. The government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea explained the decision to recognise the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics. They noted that as a result of Ukraine's accession to the sanctions initiated by the United States of America, and the condemnation of its missile and nuclear programmes, such actions were perceived as disrespectful to the sovereignty of the DPRK [29].

Thus, Ukraine's decision to break diplomatic ties with the DPRK seems logical and justified, given the close relations of the DPRK not only with the countries of the communist regime, but also with Russia, which has begun a full-scale invasion and gradual occupation of the territories of sovereign Ukraine. The development of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and North Korea is marked by only a few agreements that could have started cooperation, but against the background of economic and other sanctions against the DPRK, which Ukraine joined, they were not implemented sufficiently.


The subject of Ukrainian-North Korean relations is not popular among researchers and authors. Some papers devoted to the “Korean issue” only indirectly characterise the development and history of relevant diplomatic relations. However, the analysis of the available papers and identification of the main aspects that may be important in the research is interesting.

Thus, it is advisable to highlight the paper of R. Mukoid, “Mechanism for recognising an organisation as a terrorist organisation in Ukraine”, where the author outlines not only ways to recognise countries or entities as a terrorist, but also notes North Korea's direct attitude to terrorism, in particular, notes that from time to time the country is included in the list of countries-sponsors of terrorism, which was compiled by the United States of America. The analysis of this thesis allows us to conclude that it is advisable to establish strong diplomatic ties with the DPRK as an unstable country. This status of the country in the world and its isolation did not provide enough opportunities for expanding or improving diplomatic relations with Ukraine [30].

The study by S. Kahn, “The regional role of the DPRK in the SAA”, is a statement about the deterioration of diplomatic relations between North Korea and many countries around the world. The author notes that this is more related to nuclear tests, the development of nuclear weapons, and the policy of militarisation of the country. This led to the isolation of the DPRK and a change in the attitude towards it even from the country “friendly” to the Pyongyang regime - China. Not only has China changed the character of diplomatic relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Ukraine also condemns the DPRK's nuclear policy and has joined the sanctions imposed against the state at the initiative of the United States of America. In particular, it was the support of sanctions from Ukraine that became the decisive argument in favour of recognising the quasi-states of the so-called “LPR” and “DPR” by North Korea [31].

O. Samoilov in the study “The North Korean problem in international relations” highlights some recent changes in the internal policy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, in particular, the author notes that there is an aggravation of military conflicts and provocations on the part of North Korea to distract the attention of world leaders from the failure of economic and social programmes of the country, numerous violations of human rights and freedoms, the number of which is now difficult to accurately determine or calculate due to the isolation of the DPRK. There is also an unstable political situation and the elimination of some of the country's leaders, etc. All this can serve as an appropriate argument about the need for Ukraine to refrain from establishing strong diplomatic ties and serve as a refusal to resume any relations with the relevant country [32].

In the work of M. Zapletnyuk, “The position of Ukraine on the problem of Korean Unification” can find considerations on other reasons for the insufficient development of international relations between Ukraine and North Korea. Thus, the author believes that cooperation and the establishment of diplomatic relations with the countries representing the Asian space were important in the framework of the policy of rapprochement with the Far East. However, in this approach, Ukraine at the very beginning of its independence had to consider the position of such a world leader as the United States of America, which substantially influenced regional and global international relations in the most substantial parts of the world. Despite this, Ukraine supported the US position on resolving the “Korean issue” and reducing North Korea's nuclear weapons reserves and later joined the economic sanctions imposed against the DPRK [33].

A thorough analysis of the history of the development of the DPRK is available in the work “Reading North Korea: an ethnological study” by S. Ryan. The author, like most researchers, emphasises the total isolation of North Korea from the outside world and the directly proportional loss of authority among other countries of the world. By shutting down development and cooperation, the state loses its nationality and is perceived only as a militarised entity with nuclear weapons reserves. Also, S. Ryan emphasises the blatant disregard and hostility towards the American authorities and Americans in general on the part of North Koreans at the government level. This, in particular, maybe the reason for the corresponding negative attitude towards Ukraine due to the support of economic restrictions on the DPRK proposed by the United States of America [34].

It was the support of sanctions by the Ukrainian state and the emphasis on the need for the denuclearisation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea that could serve as tranquilisers for the development of diplomatic ties between the two countries, and in the future - even to their rupture. However, the strong and long-term relations that have developed between North Korea and the Russian Federation are notable. Pyongyang's support for the Moscow regime was another impetus for denying the territorial integrity of Ukraine and, as a result, recognition by the DPRK of the quasi-state entities - the so-called “Luhansk” and “Donetsk People's Republics”.

Also quite interesting is the work “Daily authoritarianism in North Korea” by the Irish researcher O. Dukalskis.

The author focuses on the large-scale changes that are taking place year after year in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and leading to its increasing isolation. In general, as already noted, such isolation substantially affects the state of rights and freedoms of North Korean citizens and leads to their numerous violations. O. Dukalskis considers the gradual increase in the level of corruption in the country and the failure of its economic programme [35]. It is worth agreeing with the researcher's reasoning because it is the isolation and militarisation of the country that allows hiding many violations of human and civil rights and freedoms within the country, the lack of security, and the poverty of the population. Despite such indicators, Ukraine still signed some diplomatic agreements, which expressed its readiness to cooperate with the state.

The next issue that often becomes the subject of discussion among authors is the issue of North Korea's nuclear arsenal. The Ukrainian position on this issue remains stable and consists of disapproval of the country's accumulation of nuclear weapons. Thus, Ukraine offered empirical data for the gradual nuclear armament of the DPRK, and later joined the implementation of the UN resolution on North Korea. Such actions substantially worsened diplomatic relations between the two countries [25].

However, nuclear disarmament is not seen as the main thing in the paper “Nuclear North Korea without intercontinental ballistic missiles: the best goal” by H. Zhang. In the study, the author argues that due to North Korea's lack of a reliable ally that would compensate for the balance of power between it and, for example, South Korea or the United States, it is nuclear weapons that remain the only deterrent for many countries regarding offensive actions against the DPRK, and a means of security. H. Zhang also expresses the opinion about the possible repetition of the “Ukrainian scenario” regarding the renunciation of nuclear weapons but considers it unjustified. Instead, he suggests coordinating the forces of the United States of America to negotiate with the DPRK on the rejection of intercontinental ballistic missiles, which would substantially reduce the level of tension in the region [36].

As for the conditions under which Ukraine can restore diplomatic ties with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, it is worth paying attention to the paper “North Korea: sanctions, cooperation, and strategic reorientation” by the American author M. Noland. The paper notes that the position of “maximum pressure”, which is currently practised in most of North Korea's partner countries, can lead to consequences that are strikingly different from those expected. In particular, the author suggests that in relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, adhere to a policy of “soft power”, which would not encourage the state to total isolation, but rather encourage a change in the regime of power, openness to foreign policy life, etc. [37].

However, this statement seems contradictory, because a loyal attitude to the methods of development of the DPRK and its militarisation can provoke a precedent and encourage other countries to join such a scenario. Thus, to change the position of Ukraine on North Korea, the latter must recognise the territorial sovereignty and integrity of the former, stand in the way of conducting an open foreign policy, and start the path to nuclear disarmament.


As a result of the study on the subject of Ukrainian-North Korean diplomatic relations, it was identified that their beginning dates back to 1992 when a joint communique was adopted on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. In the future, it is advisable to identify the stages of development of relevant relations with the moments of adoption of relevant agreements that allowed developing relations between the two countries in scientific, technical, legal, and other areas.

It was also possible to identify the position of Ukraine on the “Korean issue” regarding the unification of the peninsula. Thus, the Ukrainian side supports peaceful unification through negotiations between the two states. In particular, the state's position on nuclear weapons shows Ukraine's desire for North Korea to acquire the status of a nuclear-free state. This desire is also demonstrated by the state's accession to the economic sanctions initiated by the United States of America. Since Ukraine joined the restrictive measures against the DPRK, a period of lack of progress in diplomatic relations between the two countries begins.

The main reason for the severance of diplomatic ties between Ukraine and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is appropriate to consider the recognition by the DPRK of quasi-state entities - the so-called “Donetsk” and “Luhansk People's Republics”, and non-recognition of the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula. Thus, it demonstrates disrespect for the territorial integrity of Ukraine and its internationally recognised borders and is a good reason to terminate any type of relations between the two countries. In their defence, representatives of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea note Ukraine's identical disrespect for North Korea's sovereignty by joining economic sanctions against it; therefore, they consider their decision justified.

The research is not limited to this subject. The following papers should be devoted to the question of the correlation between the development of Ukrainian-South Korean relations and its impact on relations between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Ukrainian state. It will also be interesting to analyse the impact of North Korea on the course of the war in Ukraine, in particular through the arms trade of the DPRK with Russia.


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