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History of Television Broadcasting Development in Japan (From Experimental Broadcasting to Nationwide Broadcasting in the 1960s)

E.A. Goryacheva, Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (Vladivostok, Russia),

The article views and analyzes the early period of the nationwide television broadcasting in Japan (from the mid-1920s to the end of the 1960s). Previously, this problem has not been a subject of research in Russian oriental studies, and taking into account the operation of established television broadcasting system in modern Japan, it seems necessary to identify the features of the genesis and evolution of the nationwide television broadcasting in Japan at its earliest stage, using both historical-genetic and problem-chronological methods. Based mainly on the media history research of Japanese media historians, which are introduced into the Russian scientific community for the first time, the stages of the genesis and nationwide spread of television broadcasting in Japan are consistently identified: the pre-war period of experimental broadcasting, the reform of the media sphere during and after the occupation of Japan by the GHQ, the origins of the integrated system of Japanese public and commercial television broadcasting nigen taisei.

In addition, the author concludes that television played an important role in the process of spreading Western values of democracy, as well as the renewed values of the nuclear family institution in Japan, which were declared by the GHQ, US occupation authorities. Based on the results of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the fundamental foundations of the modern multifaceted and original culture of Japanese television, as well as the model of broadcasting companies' interaction: competition and coexistence of public and commercial television broadcasting, were laid precisely in the key period for the history of Japanese television - the 1950-1960s. The findings of this research can serve as a basis for studying the next stages in the evolution of television broadcasting in Japan up to the present period. This paper is aimed at orientalists, students of similar specialties, as well as a wide range of people interested in the history of Japanese media.

Keywords: Japan, media history, television history, television in Japan, nationwide broadcasting

. , - , 50- 60- . XX ., 2040 . ., 1945-1952 .

50-60- . . : 񌳓I̐ 񌳑̐. ( ) - ( ) . - NHK { (Nippon Hs Kykai, Japan Broadcasting Corporation). NHK, : ANN (TV Asahi), FNN/FNS (TV Fuji), JNN (TBS), NNN/NNS (NTV), TXN (TV Tokyo).

, , , .

. - -. , , , - - - , . - , -, - , , , ; -, ( NHK) ( Nippon TV) ; -, .

, , , . .. [4], .. [3] .. [5], . A.M. , .. , .. , , 1974 ., 1974 . [2]. , (50-60- . XX .), , , (. ) [8], (.. ) [6].

, , . , . XX- XXI . , 1953 2019 . . 2018 . , , [20]. NHK : [19]. . : 50 : 50- . XX . XXI . [11].

. , , , 1 1953 ., NHK.

(1926-1945). 50- . XX . 1926 . - (Y) [23, . 54]. . Ѹ, 31 1930 . , 1930 . NHK .

1940 ., . XII , 1936 . . . , , , 1940 . 2600- , , . - - 1937-1945 . , [20, . 219]. . , 1940 . ([MO ) . 13 1940 . 12- .

: . , , , . : , , erh}̂͂܂12Ԃ́w[MOi䂤܂jx : 12- - : // The Evolution of TV. 1940̓ܗփerp = 1940 - . - : // The Evolution of TV.

, , : . .

. 15 1945 . . (GHQ), , , . , , , . , 19 1945 ., (Press Code For Japan)1, , , , , , , , - . , , 22 1945 . (Radio Code for Japan). [1, . 99].

. , 50- . XX . , [6, . 389; 9, . 216].

1950 . : dg@, (dgėψݒu@), (@), .

. 1950 . SCAPIN-43: RADIO CODE FOR JAPAN 1945/09/22 - SCAPIN-43. (22 1945 .). - : // NHK , . , 1951 . . , NHK, , , , . 1 1951 . - JOAR, 1952 . 18 . : - , NHK, ?

, (Vision of America, VOA), . Ѹ, , , .. , - The Japan National Network Company ({erԊ), [6, . 45-48]. Nippon TV (Nippon Television Network Corporation, NTV, {erA e).

NHK NTV, . 1955 . WIer TBS5, 1957 . 43 (NHK 7 , 34 36 ) [21]. , (ꉭs): , . , , , () [18].

TBS 1959 . , L[ : ( - , - ({er), ). 1964 . - {er - 12- , - itWerj TV Tokyo. 53% 30% , - 60% - 20% - . : , , , . : - . 1973 . , - 10%, 20% [20, . 220].


1950- . , , . , . 50- . 34 - , - , Radio Corporation of America (RCA) [ , . 221].

1955 . , - , , : , (. 1) (ŋ) - , , . . .: ŋ = . O̐_ = ..

50-60- . . , . . (1868-1912) , , 20 , . : , , . , , (1912-1926) Ѹ (1926-1945) 30 . , . [13, . 27] . [12]: , . . -, , 1950- . - . - , (. 2) [12].

, 1953 . 14- 175 000-180 000 , 10 (15 000-16 000 ).

. 1. 1950-

Fig. 1. "Three Sacred Treasures" for a Japanese in the 1950s on display at the Tokyo National Museum

. 2. ( 1950- - 1960- .)

Fig. 2. A Japanese family watching TV (late 1950s - early 1960s)

1958 . 60 000-69 000 , 1962 . 45 00060 000 . 1962 ., 1953 ., (. . 3) [11, . 113].

10 1960 . NTSC, , . NHK

. 3. - National 17K-531 Matsushita Electric ( Panasonic) 1952 1

Fig. 3. One of the first models of Japanese black-and-white TV-sets National 17K-531 manufactured by Matsushita Electric (modern Panasonic) in 1952

Tokyo / Osaka, Nippon Television (NTV), Radio Tokyo ( TBS), Asahi Broadcasting Yomiuri Television Broadcasting .

, . , . NHK , NTV - 2 42 , TBS - . 21 500 000 : Panasonic. - 2,1 , 19 000 . . .: a N1~ÂɊZƂǂ̈ʂɂȂ܂H

1965 . 10 000 . - : [. ]., . 1 200 , 1966 . Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT), , , 93% (. 4) J[er{Aܗ = , ..

. 1964 . , , . : .

. , , , . : , . 50- . XX . : , , . , [16].

50- . . , , .

. 4. National K 21-10 Matsushita Electric ( Panasonic) 1960

Fig. 4. One of the first models of Japanese color TVsets National K 21-10 manufactured by Matsushita Electric (modern Panasonic) in 1960

, 1960- ., , , : , -, XXI . , , . : Panasonic. , - . 1963 . - - , [7].

1953-1974 . , , , : , , . .

, 1960- . (z[h} : ), 60-70- . . [11, . 118]. (NCYԑg ). . . , , [15; 22, . 42].

(1953-1959) . 1960- ., . , 1 1964 . ( 1977 - ) - , Today' NBC (). [17]. . , . , 1959 1993 ., , 145 , , 63 1960-1970- . [14, . 3].

5060- . XX . . . : , , . 1964 . , , , 1940 ., . 50-60- . . , , , , , NHK .

. : , , . : .

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