Features of translation of abbreviations

Translation of an abbreviations and acronyms as the object of linguistic research. The problem of communication. Translation examples of acronyms and abbreviations by the example of scientific and technical texts. Methods of decoding Kazakh language.

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I. Translation of an abbreviations and acronyms as the object of linguistic research

1.1 Abbreviation and the problem of communication sounds

1.2 Derivational model of English abbreviations and shortenings

1.3 Semantic analysis of the features of English translation of acronyms and abbreviations

II. Functional - semantic analysis of the translation of an abbreviations and acronyms in the scientific and technical and professional literature

2.1 Methods of decoding abbreviations in Kazakh language

2.2 Translation examples of acronyms and abbreviations by the example of scientific and technical texts




Translation - this is a complex and multifaceted human activity. Although usually talk about translation "from one language to another, but, in reality, the process of translation is not simply a replacement of one language to others. Translated face different cultures, different personalities, different mindset, different literature, different times, different levels of development, different traditions and installation. Translation of cultural experts, ethnographers, psychologists, historians, literary critics, and the different sides of translational activity may be an object of study within the relevant sciences.

Abbreviations and discover a range of grammatical features. In scientific and technical literature occupy a special place in the text, not so much focused on the carrier a particular language, but rather on the representatives of a professional group with specific extra linguistic knowledge.

Despite the fact that there are fairly numerous, though fragmentary, studies the problems of the abbreviation in modern languages, lexical units are reduced in many ways an enigma in linguistic terms, as applicable to them have to be considered under a specific angle of view, such fundamental issues as the problem of the structure of words and its meaning problem of the morpheme, etc. This complexity is due divergent views, and sometimes controversial approach to reducing lexical items. Translate abbreviations and an acronym has always been a hot topic for study, but in the last decade he paid special attention.

Problems of reduced lexical items as a specific linguistic phenomenon in the modern languages have attracted the attention of many researchers. These problems are addressed in numerous papers and some works by Russian and foreign authors. The most extensive works on these issues may include working D.I.Alekseev, E.P.Voloshin, V.G.Pavlova, T.Paylza, M.M.Segal, L.A. Shelyahovskogo, R.Uelza, O. Jespersen, etc.

Research hypothesis: one can assume the presence of semantic features of translation of English abbreviations and acronyms in Kazakh language, formed under the influence of extra linguistic factors.

The purpose of the work - to give the general characterization of the shortened lexical units and identify key techniques and features of their translation.

The subject of study in this work is the translation of shortened lexical items.

To achieve the objectives of the study should address the following problems:

1. Make an analytical review of linguistic literature on the subject;

2. Analyze the existing classification of abbreviations and acronyms;

3. Determine the functions of reduced lexical items;

4. To characterize the methods of translation.

5. Identify and analyze the semantic features of the translation of acronyms and abbreviations on the material and technical literature.

In this study, we used the following methods and techniques of research: the study of reception dictionary definitions, component analysis and a method of contextual analysis.

I. Translation of an abbreviations and acronyms as the object of linguistic research

abbreviation acronym linguistic kazakh

1.1 Abbreviation and the problem of the relationship of sound and meaning

The unity of form and content the relationship between sound and meaning, plays an important role in addressing the abbreviation. The basic situation here is the link abbreviations with the phenomena of reality through the corresponding full names. Implied by V.P.Voloshin [7].This relationship is manifested in the fact that the value of the original phrase is fixed not only for the acronym as a whole, but for each of its components - a sound or sound combination, allocated as part of an abbreviation. Relevant components of the original phrase referred to in this "deciphering". As a result, the abbreviation can be understood only by "decoding", except in special cases. On this occasion, we find the following conclusion, K.A.Levkovsky, which indicates that the connection between playing with the meaning of words has a hard shortening completely different character than the ordinary words of language: it is carried out not directly but through the proper decoding [13].

True, the widespread hard shortened words and more or less prolonged existence in its language may be gradually set up and direct connection between sound and meaning, and the abbreviation is already beginning to be understood without decryption.

Means the dual nature of the relationship with the value of sound: first, hard shortened word has no independent meaning, and therefore cannot be realized out of shape and values of the original phrase, which is its decoding; Secondly, we have in mind to relate not just two units - the acronyms and phrases - as such, but their elements, which implies that each component has a value of the corresponding abbreviation word in the original phrase.

Thus, a direct relationship between sound and meaning may exist, but this requires two conditions: the breadth of distribution and lifetime of the abbreviations.

Investigated this question RI Mogilev [17].Considering the "internal form" as a linguistic category, he compares it with the usual words and abbreviations. In this case, RI Mogilev true causes the differences that exist between the morphological and semantic structure of the ordinary word, which has a traditional shape, and abbreviations.

The very specificity of acronyms tends to eliminate the "internal form". It is known that the abbreviations do not have roots, affixes, i.e., these grammatical elements that characterize the word as a kind of linguistic units. Consequently, an abbreviation of the formal aspect is not a common word. Further, the author concludes that the abbreviations for each sound-letter hidden meaning of a word, whereas in ordinary words, each sound has no such semantic autonomy and only a certain fixed value in word only for the sum of all the sounds of the verbal complex.

Problem of the relationship of sound and meaning differently solved by scientists for different kinds of cuts, but it is the most controversial in the study of abbreviations.

Problem of the relationship of sound and meaning of abbreviations - one of the central, most difficult and controversial issues in the theory of the abbreviation. From its solution depends on recognition of acronyms full words, or relating them to the "lexical-semantic variants of" complete forms that do not have their own values and cannot count words in the full sense. There are two diametrically opposite concepts about the relationship of sound and meaning of the abbreviations [14].

According to the first concept of value is not associated with a reduction in general and to its individual elements: sounds, or letters, it is assumed that each element has a certain semantic relation with the corresponding component of the full name. This concept stands in his works, K.A.Levkovskaya [13]. It is obvious that such a concept is unthinkable without the assumption that the value reduction and the original form is always the same, which is refuted by numerous facts discrepancies and shifts in the meaning of acronyms.

The second view, expressed by M.D.Stepanova and E.P.Voloshin, lies in the approach to acronyms like "a special type of two morpheme words." In considering the principle difference abbreviations of phrases, E.P.Voloshin said that acronyms and abbreviations word sounds - not shortened words as a structural-semantic type of compound words, and represent moneme, resample one morpheme words that do not allow the expansion of its morphological structure in terms of customary in such cases the analysis without the involvement of extra-data that should be attributed to use for those purposes the original phrase. Although the E.P.Voloshin does not speak directly about the nature of the relationship of sound and meaning of the abbreviations, the very fact that the recognition of their moneme can conclude that this relationship has to have the same nature as in simple words one morpheme [7]. Human V.V.Borisov indicating that at the same time it is unclear why the comparison with the original acronym is characterized by the phrase H.E.Voloshin as attracting extra-data ", since it is clear that a comparison of different lexical items is one of the techniques is the linguistic analysis [5].

It should be emphasized that the language does not always exist in two forms: the original, full name and abbreviations acronym. Sometimes combined with the reduction is not complete form, as in some cases, the lexical reduction may eventually become an independent word, the main way of expressing this notion.

Complete the original form may disappear, and a reduction in our opinion, is transformed into an independent word in the following circumstances:

1) If the reduction of acquired social significance;

2) If it is possible to read the decline as the word for the sound system of language rules;

3) If there is a regular reproducibility in the communication process, which, according to A.I. Smirnitsky is "a necessary condition for the very existence and functioning of language as a means of communication."Examples of abbreviations that are independent words, may be: in the French language maser - «maser», laser - «laser», radar - «radar», OTAN - «NATO», SECAM - «т?сті теледидар ж?йесі», ONU - «Б??» and others [27].

Recognizing the abbreviation of lexical items, we must recognize in them and the unity of sound and meaning, and the values associated not with the individual sounds (phonemes) that make up this acronym, but with a specially organized sound complex, which is the acronym. Abbreviations in Kazakh language appeared under the influence of the Russian language after the abolition of writing based on Arabic script. Therefore the rules for education cuts coincide with those used in the Russian language. Some reductions were in the Russian form, and now, for instance, the technical abbreviation, based on the international lexicon (KB, MHz, etc.). If there is no reduction for the English settled Kazakh shortenings, recommended to use a full translation or original English acronym.

List of common abbreviations (list of commonly used acronyms): English-Kazakh: API - API, CPU-орталы? процессор, CD -ы?шам дискі, DVD - DVD-diskі, LAN -жергілікті желі, MS - Microsoft

1.2 Derivational model of English abbreviations and acronyms

In British academic and professional texts occupy a considerable place a variety of types of cuts. Because they operate independently, are recorded in lexicographical sources and are often better known than their sources (radar radar, sonar sonar, laser laser), they can be considered lexical units of scientific and technical language. In the English language and abbreviations by the sound and graphics, can be divided into abbreviations and acronyms.

Acronyms (abbreviations) are formed from the initial letters of significant words combinations: AA (antenna array) array, RWM (read-write memory) RAM, kVA (kilovolt-ampere) kilovolt-amperes. With their pronunciation of the names of letters accent falls on the last letter. Letters reductions can be written from the point, but in modern English they tend to avoid [6].

Acronyms (acronyms) are the cuts that, in contrast to the abbreviations (read, spoken and perceived by the names of letters) are read and treated as ordinary lexical items. Acronyms are formed from different combinations of letters (from the first letters of the first few from the last, etc.) [25]. These include the above-term reduction of radar, laser, maser. Note that the translation correspondences of these units in the Russian language are these acronyms, but not wordy terms: radar (Radio Detection and Ranging - радиоба?ылау ж?не ара-?ашы?ты?ты аны?тау), laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation - орталы? ж?не квантты? генератор) maser (MicrovaveAmplificationbyStimulatedEmissionofRadiation - индустриялы? б?лінуді? к?шті микротол?ынды? к?шейткіші). These abbreviations (acronyms) have been moved in Kazakh language as new terms by the method of transliteration. Such units can easily enter into the terminology and quickly assimilated into the language.

For acronyms include termination method of contraction, or truncating the two words and combining them into one. According to the model of compound words: blends or portmanteau words (word-hybrids formed by contracting two bases), there are new complex terms of the two words by combining the initial part of a word with the last part of the second word: transceiver - ?абылдап жіберуші (transmitter + receiver), informatics - informatics (information + electronics).In the scientific and technical texts are used to reduce two types:

Text (author) which operate within just this text, text (copyright) reduction is explained in the text or presented in a separate list of acronyms to the text; generally accepted that recorded in official references and are part of the lexical system of language. Short use of long and wordy-word terms is the result of attendance action, leading to the creation of user-friendly pronunciation, reading and comprehension of terms, acronyms.

According to the structure of scientific and technical reduction can be divided into [9]: letter: E (electric field strenght - электрлік ке?істікті? басымдылы?ы), PP (peripheral processor - периферийттік процессор), DOS / VS (disk operating system / virtual storage - дискті? операциялы? ж?йесі, виртуалды таби?и са?тау ж?йесін ж?зеге асырады), Dwg (drawing - сурет), tmtr (tr) (transmitter - жіберушіі);syllabic: magamp (magnetic amplifier - магниттік к?шейткіш), preamp (preamplifier - алдын алы к?шейтуші) truncated words: rect (rectifier - к?шейтуші), app (apparatus - sam, apparatus), aut (automatic - автоматты?), man (manual, manually - ?олмен жасау); ?ріп (буын) + с?з: sompole (commutating pole - к?мекші немесе ?осымша полюс), NC programming language - санды? бас?ару программалары ?шін жабды?тау тілі);letters and syllables (syllables and letters): Abs E (absolut eerror - абсолюттік ?ателік), Bur (of) Stds (Bureau of standards - стандарт бюросы), cirbkr (circuit breaker - ?шіруші сан); alphanumeric: A1 (A one)-бірінші сортты, PC (micro programmable computer - компьютердік бас?ару программалары).

It should be noted that the reductions are highly homonymous, and the smaller number of characters, so it is higher. In the list of acronyms, even for specialized dictionaries letters (A, B, AC) represent a variety of unrelated concepts and objects. New terms in scientific and technical texts, can be formed by the names of authors of the new theories and discoveries. In English, there is a tendency to reduce every term. Kazakh language falls far short in number of abbreviations: what is called the term in Kazakh language, in the English language is transformed into the acronym:

LK "left kidney" б?йректі? сол жа?ы '';

RK "right kidney" б?йректі? о? жа?ы ';

LN "liquid nitrogen" 'с?йы? азот'.

Slower rates of abbreviation in the Russian language has its advantages: there are fewer difficulties in the perception of health information and the translation appears more likely to convey adequate information to the recipient. G.ON "God only knows" тек ??дай ?ана біледі '.

A special challenge for the translator represent abbreviations of Latin origin. This is especially true for the languages of Europe, in particular, for the English alphabet which, in contrast to, say, Russian, coincides with the Latin, which leads to an inadequate explanation of the abbreviations of the term. Abbreviations of Latin origin circulated in writing formal and the informal business speaking health professionals. They stand out more because the transcripts, prototypes of most Latin abbreviations, completely forgotten, so they can justly be regarded as "symbols" of some English terms [4].

This class is represented by such abbreviations as: ac "antecibum, before meals" т?скі ас ішу алдында '; bid "Bis in die, twice a day" ' к?ніне екі рет '; po "peros, orally" 'ішке ?абылдау ?шін', etc.

As a result of lexicalization abbreviation finds "their own formative paradigm and is no different in this respect from the ordinary words" [1].For example, OD - ODs "patients with over dosage of some drug" 'patients received an overdose of drugs. "

One interesting and heterogeneous class of lexical abbreviations - it is truncated. Traditionally isolated truncation formed by apocope (truncating the last element of the word), apheresis (truncation of the first element) and syncope (loss of sounds and letters within words).

The most productive type of truncation is apocope. However, it is characteristic of colloquial speech, forming a stylistically reduce the decline of identity in contemporary British medical conversation. Fact apocope advantages over other types of truncations linked by some scholars with the concentration of information at the beginning of words and the presence of stress on the initial syllable in most English words "[3].

Apokope reduction may act in its pure form (uncomplicated truncation): op (eration) or complicated by suffixation (complicated truncation): bact + y ( <bacteriology); trach + y (<tracheal). Among the cuts are not uncommon apokope homonymous reduce what the translation should pay particular attention to: mono ( <mononucleosis? `мононуклеоз') или (<monozygotic? `монозиготалы').

Truncation of apheresis found in the literature and language of health professionals is extremely rare. Consequently, it is significantly less productive type of truncation. Translation apheresis truncations complicated by the fact that the truncated not only grammatical information, but also an important semantic component, without which adequate translation reduction is often not possible: (hypodermic) clysis 'subcutaneous (Phys.) solution';(Hemato) crit 'percentage of the sample volume of blood occupied by cells'. For all its scarcity among apheresis truncations also occur homonyms: (micro) scope, (broncho) scope, (cysto) scopeit.d. In such cases, to clarify the meaning should focus on the area of ??medicine, which is the context of communication.

Since the end of the last century increased the popularity of truncations formed with the help of syncopation: polysome (polyry bosome) - 'poliribosoma'; scoline (succinylcho-line) - 'muscle relaxant'; dopamine (dihydroxyphenylethylamine) 'dopamine' (the name of the hormone).

Obviously, the second case is of great difficulties, because a large proportion of information is omitted and only the hint of the term, the semantic cluster, which reflex cause in memory of the recipient the appropriate term. It happens that when cropping, the first component of the second operates in full form: cat (arrhal) fever 'bluetongue'; trach (eal) tube 'tracheal tube. "

So, when translating English medical abbreviations should primarily focus on that branch of medicine which is used in the context of this reduction. This is especially true for the homonymous abbreviations. Impossible for the English translation of medical abbreviations do without dictionaries, reference books. There will be a great help dictionaries of slang, dialect. Also note that truncation often formally correspond to the same part of speech, and actually serve a function other parts of speech. Thus, the term visually perceived by us usually say, as an adjective in this context is a noun and is translated as a noun.

Find the reduction of adequate translation often helps, and the principle of analogy, to determine if unknown values are used in similar models of constructing contractions with a certain value.

And, of course, an important role in the translation are the goals, objectives and conditions for cross-language professional communication, as ARTCC - Air Route Traffic Control Center.

1.3 Semantic analysis by translations of English abbreviations and acronyms

Use of abbreviated words and phrases is a widespread phenomenon in the Anglo-American scientific and technical and professional literature [24]. There are three types of abbreviations: alphabetic abbreviations, syllable reduction, truncated words. We consider each of these categories.

Letter reductions generated from the initial letters of abbreviated words and phrases. These are initial reduction of words are pronounced in full as the original words: p [peIG] - betc [kq'Tthoude] - cathode

Abbreviations phrases uttered most often by letter, according to their alphabetical name:

emf[I: emef] = electromotive force - электр ?оз?аушы к?ші

TUC [ti: ju: si:] = Trades Union Council-TU советі

In some cases, the initial letters of the reduction of merge and form like a new word that is pronounced in accordance with the English pronunciation rule:

UNESCO [ju: 'neskou] = United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

UNO ['ju: nou] = United Nations Organization

UFO ['ju: fqV] = Unidentified Flying Object

Letter reductions nominative phrases can take the plural ending - the letter-s (sometimes separated from the reduction of the apostrophe to avoid the merge), as well as the end of our everyday life -'s:

S. R. T. 's = cathode-gay tubes - cathode ray tubes

CO'SRV = Commanding Officers' Rendezvous - бастаушыларды? кездесуі

The language also has a number of shortening phrases in which the literal reduction undergone only the first element. When reading this shorter element to pronounce the name of the alphabetic letters:

R-wire ['RrwaIq] = ring wire - wire, coupled with a call

A-bomb ['eIbPm] = Atomic bomb - атомды? бомба

Syllabic reduction arise from the initial syllable combinations of components. Syllables form a fused writing reads like an independent word:

Benelux ['benIlAks] = Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg - Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg

Warcor ['wLkL] = war correspondent. Sometimes, especially in American literature, there are compounds of the initial syllable of the first element and the final syllable of the second element combinations; Bomron = Bomber squadron Squadron Bomber Command.

Truncated words. With this method can reduce dropping out:

a) the initial part of the word, and the remaining part is read as a new word:

chute [Su: t] = parachute, bus [bAs] = omnibus bus

b) The final part of the word:

min = minute, fig. = Figure picture, drawing

c) the middle part of the word:

Ry = railway road - темір жолы, ft = foot

The last three types of abbreviations are read as short words. Truncated words can form a phrase:

Sp. gr. = Specific gravity weight

at. wt. = Atomic weight

List of abbreviations in alphabetical order is usually given at the end of every dictionary in a special section.

It should be borne in mind that due to widespread use of abbreviations in the English language has many cuts that requires careful selection of an interpreter desired value, for example:

EP = electric primer

EP = equipment part, EP = extreme pressure

EP = earth plate electrical fuse warehouse technical

Property limiting pressure grounding plate

Writing rate is not stable. The same reductions are written and uppercase and lowercase letters, and sometimes they are separated inside the dots or vertical bars, for example:

SSor s / s = Steamship, sometimes they are written together [16].

As we have seen some reductions (image reduction) are used only in letter but in the spoken language, they correspond words. Others are used as a reduction in letter and in speech, in which case we are dealing essentially with a type of word formation.

When translating reductions should take into account that the Russian scientific and technical and professional style abbreviated words are used much less often and therefore many abbreviations must be deployed in words.

II. Functional -semantic analysis of the translation of an abbreviations and acronyms in the scientific and technical and professional literature

2.1 Methods of interpretation of foreign abbreviations

From the practice is well known that the emission reductions are one of the most difficult to understand and translate the elements of foreign special texts. A full understanding of reduced lexical units is possible only if perfect knowledge of the subject, which is devoted to a specific text, as well as in the case where the reader knows in advance the value used in the text cuts. Nevertheless, familiarity with the basic laws and principles of education abbreviation abbreviations greatly facilitates the task of understanding and translating reductions [1].

When working with contractions widely used term "decoding" which is usually understood as?

1) The process of establishing correlative (unabridged form);

2) Correlate very specific reductions.

But the significance of reduction does not always correlate with the value. Therefore, "decoding" - not only to establish correlative but the definition of the value of this reduction in the specific context [7].

For abbreviations, the following basic methods:

1. Analysis of context.

In most cases, reduction at the first use in this text is usually accompanied by decoding. Therefore, if the nature of the work requires no acquaintance with the first and subsequent sections of text, and they found an unknown reduction, you should review the earlier sections of text, it is particularly important to review the entire text, if the abbreviation is not given [4].

2. Using a dictionary of acronyms and other reference materials.

While the imposition of value reductions using dictionaries seem at first glance, the most reliable and efficient way, in fact it has its serious limitations. Since the reductions are among the most moving elements of vocabulary, dictionaries become obsolete much faster rate than other language dictionaries. [6] In this regard, in recent literature one can find a lot of cuts, which are not yet reflected in the existing dictionaries. When working with a dictionary should remember the following:

- Before they turn to the dictionary, you must first set the context to which the knowledge applies to this reduction;

- For the correct translation should be available to the general bilingual dictionary and terminology;

- Monolingual dictionaries contain only the transcript, which can lead to errors [19].

3) Analysis of the contractions.

This method applies only to reductions in the complex structure. The composition may include reductions in addition to letters of additional signs: point, oblique lines, etc. For the correct interpretation is necessary to know their function. The presence or absence of a point in the reduction, as a rule, does not affect the reduction. Oblique line can perform several functions:

- Denote the boundaries of words and word parts (a / c - aircraft - aircraft, F / C flight control - flight control);

- Replace prepositions and conjunctions (L / A - lighter than air-lighter than air);

- Provides additional information to the main part (DCS / 0 Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations - Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations).

In parentheses is always provided additional information to the main part of the reduction. A hyphen is usually a boundary of words or phrases to correlate [6].

4. Use analogies.

The use of analogies is inextricably linked with the analysis of the structure of cuts and applies a helper method, since it may provide only a rough understanding of contraction.

The above classification methods for deciphering abbreviations rather conventional. In principle, analysis of the context is a prerequisite for the understanding of any given text, using the method of analogy requires an analysis of sentence structure, etc.so in practice will inevitably use a combination of these methods. For some the experience of the interpreter himself identifies specific to certain texts of the model reduction that allows him to continue to easily navigate the common values of the new cuts, built on such models [4].

2.2 Transfer of foreign abbreviations, examples of translation of acronyms and abbreviations by the example of the scientific and technical text

First of all, it must be emphasized that the system cuts in any language is an integral part of its overall lexical-semantic system, and that therefore a system of abbreviations in different languages vary considerably. Very different frequency of consumption of specific groups of cuts, particularly in English eg (exempligratia), while in the Russian language is preferable to use in similar cases, "мысалы.This shows that we should not seek in each case to transmit foreign reductions in Russian as reduction [11].With almost exclusively denominative function like, and even more so than the term and the proper name, the acronym is translated equivalent - the name of the same referent in the GOJ and in the absence of the same - often called a similar notion (cf. kaz. Registry Office, Eng. Registry office ).In essence, this transfer can only be described conventionally as an abbreviation, usually their own do not matter, but is a reflection of the reduced value of the initial units - a ratio that should be preserved and translated to Kazakh language also reduction [8]. Nevertheless, the translator must know the main modes of transmission of foreign abbreviations in Kazakh language. Such methods are:

1. Transfer of foreign reductions equivalent Kazakh shortening.

2. Borrowing foreign abbreviations (with preservation of the Latin spelling).

3.Transfer of letter of reducing the Kazakh foreign and Russian letters (transliteration).

4. Transfer of the phonetic form of foreign reductions Kazakh words(transcription).

5. Descriptive translation.

Transfer of foreign reductions equivalent Kazakh and Russian reduction

Presupposes it to AEs. Best of all, when it is already established in the language unit. In the GOJ reduction can be built on the same model: the USSR is initial in English. and dumb. USSR; Eng. UNO meets Russian. UN or other models: Rus. SEVl.COMECON (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance) [17].

This method is used most often in the translation of scientific and technical texts, particularly for the transmission of abbreviations denoting different physical quantities, units, etc. (English m - meter, Rus. M-meter) [19].For all the seeming simplicity of this method, it is fraught with some danger. Since many of the names of physical quantities and units created by international roots, transfer errors may occur (born reduce mmf - micro micro farads translated into Russian, not MMF, and pF - pF). When using this method must firmly know Russian equivalent reduction in cases of doubt, check the spelling in relevant directories, rather than relying on intuition. Foreign borrowing to reduce In many European languages (in writing), there are cuts, mostly in Latin, which did not differ in form and meaning and can move in translation in izIYa AEs without translation and transcription / transliteration. Many of them were previously very popular - for example, PS (хатта?ы жазба) or NB (nota bene - "бай?ау", "?мытпау ?шін"), but are gradually moving or have already fallen into disuse. This, however, cannot be said of SOS. Particularly strong roots have the Latin reductions in the English language, where they replaced the pronunciation of English words: e. g.(Exempli gratia) Englishman reads for instance, for example; ie (idest) - that is; AD (Anno Domini) - in the year of our Lord, etc., without even knowing their Latin transcripts [4].


With the help of this method is usually transmitted acronyms military units, political parties and other political organizations, industrial firms, and various societies, etc. Transliteration contractions characteristic of the designated abbreviation of proper names. A good example - Eng. UNESCO - UNESCO; INTERPOL - INTERPOL [17]

It is hardly possible to track which units are transliterated and which are to be transferred. A tendency to endure unchanged over the top, with the international value of the expansion: the names of organizations, institutions and societies; so, in reducing the known names of the major news agencies (APN, UPI, BTA, TASS).

As a result, the reception transfer abbreviations born not motivated in terms of AEs unit: Eng.GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), quite natural reduction of VIA, we cannot withdraw his Kazakh form - the GATT - the translation of the original form:- turned out to TSPC, and the same with the U.S. A

(National Aeronautics and Space Administration), FIFA (Мемлекетаралы? футбол ассоциациясыны? ке?істігі), etc., [19].


Transcription of the original form, it is admissible in cases where the abbreviated name of the company, society, company, etc. Without correlative forms of AEs. So, am. AR (Associated Press) passed Rus. AL, but often the Associated Press, Eng. BOAC (British Overseas Airways Company), aviation company in Kazakh language called British over size company. This method is also used for transmission in Russian acronym, acronyms, especially to coincide with the literal composition of commonly used words. So the English acronym EAGLE (elevation angle guidance landing equipment) is transmitted to komand in Kazakh language language as "Eagle," that is transferred to its pronunciation in English, which coincides with the sounds of words eagle - б?ркіт [13].This includes transcription letter wise pronunciation reduction in foreign language. An example would be recorded in Russian letters - BBC, Air Force reduce the pronunciation of English.

Until recently, such cases are relatively rare, but in recent years, the transfer letter by letter pronunciation reduction has been applied much more broadly.


1.Final clipping in which the beginning of the prototype is retained, is practically the rule, and forms the bulk of the class: eg ad, advert:: advertisement, coke:: coca-cola, ed -.-.' editor,-fab:; fabulous, gym:: gymnastics or gymnasium, lab:;laboratory, mac:: mackintosh, vegs:: vegetables and many others.

2. Initial-clipped words retaining the final part of the prototype are less numerous but much more firmly established as separate lexical units with a meaning very different from that of the prototype and stylistically neutral doublets, eg cute adj, n (Am): acute, fend v: defend, mend v: amend, story n: history, sport n: disport, tend v:: attend. Cases like cello: violoncello and phone: telephone where the curtailed words are stylistically synonyms or even variants of their respective prototypes are very rare. Neologisms are few: eg chute: parachute. It is in this group that the process of assimilation of loan words takes place.

Final and initial clipping may be combined and result in curtailed words with the middle part of the prototype retained. These are few and definitely colloquial: eg flu: influenza, frig ox fridge: refrigerator, tec: detective. It is worthy of note that what is retained is the stressed syllable of the prototype.

3. Curtailed words with the middle part of the word left out are equally few. They may be further subdivided into two groups: (a) words with a final-clipped stem retaining the functional morpheme: math: mathematics, specs: spectacles; (b) contractions due to a gradual process of elision under the influence of rhythm and context. Thus fancy: fantasy, ma'am: madam may be regarded as accelerated forms.

Descriptive translation

Descriptive translation is applicable in cases where there is no reduction in the five-equivalent. Translated the original one: English.TV (T-form), is widespread in English-speaking countries have to pass an expanded "TV" or "Television»; kaz. Editorial Board - Eng., editorial board; S. R. N. (Centre dephysique nucleaire)-kaz. Ядерлы? физиканы? орталы?ы (Belgium), etc. [6]

In a strictly scientific text specialists are trying to replace their transcript reductions, based on terminological systems and scientific experience, and the interpreter of art can afford the "liberty" only if the text appears and the full form of abbreviations [19].

Translation expanded form - it is a translation of the original one, which should be as accurate. [4] Thus, as a rule, are translated and contraction ¬ of academic degrees and titles, particularly those that have no equivalents in the names of AEs. For example, B. A. (S.)- Bachelor of Arts (Science) translation in kazakh-гуманитарлы? ба?ытта?ы бакалавр.

As a general position, abbreviations, like terms, and in fiction is translated as a terminological literature, and all with the same caveat: not always and at all costs [7]. But there are a number of special cases.

1. The abbreviation is usually straightforward, and this, as we have said makes it easier to translate. Here, however, will have to add that at the same time many of the cuts at different referents have the same or approximately the same letter (syllable) structure, the same graphical form: for almost the full unmotivated these units (eg, of initial with ¬ acronym), even in the broad context of a homonymous creates tangible difficulties and becomes the cause of translation errors [12].For example, Russian and Kazakh reducing AK stands for 10 words (SSRYA):

- Air compressor;

- Air Corps;

- Kalashnikov;

- Truck crane;

- Administrative Committee;

- Anthracite fist;

- Army Corps;

- Artillery compass;

- Artillery Corps;

- Astronomical calendar.

It is easy to see that even in a special text cannot always be sure of the correct choice cuts - with at least presented here are military terms 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9.British and American cuts, composed of the initials M and P in different combinations (MP, M / P, M. P., mp, m. p., Tp), represent 28 different concepts, including five types of police: Marine Police, Metropolitan Police (London), Military Police, Mounted Police, Municipal Police.

There are some examples of such abbreviations, puns, borrowed from the V.A. Itskovich [11] V.Borisov [4]: English. IDIOT - Instrumentation Digital Online Transcriber, MANIAC - Mechanical and numerical integrator and calculator etc. Deliberately created a curious pair: CAT (English homonym."мысы?") and MOUSE (English homonym."тыш?ан"), and the appointment of a cat - CAT (Celestial Atomic Trajectile = ядерлы? к?ші бар ракета) - тыш?анды жою - MOUSE (Minimum Orbital Unmanned Satellite Earth = минималды ортамен ж?не экипажсыз жерді? жасанды) [17].

In case of accidental, unintentional coincidence form of a reduction of any other word, the translation of an abbreviation is carried out on a consolidated basis, as if it were not for this homonymy [4].

Close to the punning is anecdotal explanation of one of the most common in today's world of words, abbreviations okay. They say that it owes its birth spelling anarchism U.S. President Andrew Jackson, who believed that the bad is the spelling, which does not allow for different spellings of the same words, and instead all correct ("барлы?ы д?рыс") wrote "Ol-korrect", respectively, reducing the "OK".

2. Sometimes the question of zero translation abbreviations. Here it is appropriate to note the characteristic Soviet decline, which has no correspondence in other languages - to them, such as theater. Stanislavsky, the Bulgarian language is transmitted through the reduction of the zero translation: Theatre C. S.станиславты?", with an appropriate name must be put in quotation marks [20].


In this study, we investigated some features of the translation of acronyms and abbreviations from English to Kazakh and Russian languages. As a result of this work the author concludes the following.

In this paper, the characteristic of reduced lexical units, defined the concept of reduction as a unit of spoken or written language, created from the separate elements of sound or graphical shell of a long-form with which this unit is in a certain lexical-semantic relation. The reasons of education cuts, there are 4 of these reasons:

- Phonetic;

- Graphics;

- Functional;

- Economy of effort.

Accepted was the separation of all reductions in visual and lexical, a graphic reductions imply a reduction applies only in writing, not having its own special sound form. Lexical reduction - a unit of language that has not only external (sound) side, but the outward expression of value, and exists in the speech as something that already exists and is reproducible only in speech. Describes the main types of reductions, abbreviation, acronym, abbreviation code name, contracture, organizational designation. Function is defined as abbreviations:

1. An integral part of the lexical-semantic system of language-specific.

2. Means saving efforts and linguistic resources.

3. Method of derivation.

4. As common lexical unit.

5. Stylistic means to give a special flavor.

6. Tool replenishment vocabulary, etc.

The work identifies the main methods for deciphering abbreviations transcript - is to establish the correlates and determine the value of this reduction in the specific context, for abbreviations, the following basic methods:

- Analysis of context;

- Use of dictionaries and other reference materials;

- Analysis of the structure of abbreviations;

- The use of analogies.

The main methods of transferring foreign reductions:

- Transfer of foreign reductions equivalent Kazakh acronym implies ¬ contrast to her on the GOJ is used most often in the translation of scientific and technical texts, particularly for the transmission of abbreviations denoting different physical quantities, units, etc.;

- Reduction of foreign borrowing, mostly words with Latin roots this method is used infrequently, mainly for the transfer of the reductions occurring in any system of symbols;

- Transliteration, used primarily for transmission of proper names;

- Transcription, and transmission rate with no correlative in the form of AEs;

- A descriptive translation when there is no reduction in the five-equivalent;

- Creation of a new Kazakh reductions, is to translate a foreign correlate the reduction and the creation on the basis of transfer in accordance with the laws of Russian and Kazakh abbreviation of the new reductions in the Russian language. The choice of ways to transfer foreign reductions in Kazakh Russian depends on many factors, including the nature of the text, structure, reduction, transfer of established traditions of certain groups of cuts.

We also consider the number of special cases causing difficulty in translating acronyms. Difficulties in translation may be associated with the transfer synonymous with abbreviations, cross-language homonymy, ambiguous abbreviations, acronyms like common lexical units and educated by her unit, zero transfer of abbreviations, acronyms, translations obsolete.

Informative capacity, ease of pronunciation, easy memorability cuts, especially acronyms, promote the growth of their numbers and use in various fields of communication, and thus increases the need for their research. In studies on the problems of abbreviations, contains many controversial and conflicting statements. Until now, much remains unclear on the question of the nature of the reductions on their relationship with the language system, there is no strict, clear classification of structural types of reduced lexical units, not given a rigorous scientific analysis of the characteristics of individual structural types. Extremely much unclear on the issue of lexical-semantic features cuts, patterns of their semantic development. Thus, currently one of the biggest challenges in creating a general theory of the abbreviation is the collection and analysis of reliable and extensive factual material on which one could construct a generalization of the reduced lexical items and give them a detailed description which may be a topic for further research.

Abbreviation has recently become one of the most productive ways of updating the vocabulary of many languages. Number of abbreviated lexical items in language development in the tens of thousands.

The problem of abbreviation growing attention of linguists. The widespread use of a variety of cuts - a kind of answer of the tongue to world scientific and technological revolution. And not surprisingly, the most intensively used abbreviation is to supplement the vocabulary of new, rapidly developing fields of science and technology: space, rocket cases, electronics, nuclear engineering, programming, etc.

Abbreviation puts a lot of problems from the standpoint of word formation. Until now, debated the question of how rightly regarded as one of the ways abbreviation word formation.


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3. Balishin SI reductions in the sublanguage of medicine (on the basis of the English language) / / Types and genres of science fiction. Lingvostilystical features. - M., 2005. - With. 33.

4. Bankevich VVn On the question of the relationship between lexical-semantic and thematic groups, Semantics words and sentences. - Saint-Petersburg, 2005. - With. 113-115.

5. Borisov VV Abbreviation and acronyms. Military, scientific and technological reductions in foreign languages, ed. AD Schweitzer. M, 2004. - With. 132-135.

6. Breus, EVBasic theory and practice of translation from English into Russian. - M., 2003. - With. 43-46.

7. Varina VG Lexical semantics and the inner form of language units / / Principles and Practices of Semantic Research: [Sat Art.] / Editorial Board.: VN Yartseva, etc. - M, 2004. - With. 27.

8. Vereshchagin, EM, Kostomarov VG Lingvostranov theory of speech. - Moscow: Russian language2003. - With. 55.

9. Vlach, S., FLORIN S. untranslatable in the translation. - Moscow: International Relations,2005. - With. 117.

10. Voloshin, EP Abbreviations in the lexical system of English: Dis. Cand. Sc. Science. M2005. - With. 12.

11. Goncharov, BA On the typology and translation of abbreviations in the English-language scientific and technical literature. / / Theory and Practice

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12. Zrazhevskaya TA, Belyaev LM, Lost in Translation. - M., 2005. - With. 13-17.

13. AO IvanovBezekvivalentnaya English language and its translation. - Saint-Petersburg, 2005. - With. 66.

14. Komissarov, VN Linguistics translation. - M., 2003. - With. 25.

15. Levitskaya TR, Fiterman A. The problem of translation. - M., 2003. - With. 78.

16. Lviv ZD Theoretical problems of translation. - M., 2005. - With. 111.

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