The Verbal category of number in Ukrainian

Typological Characteristics of the English and Ukrainian Verb. Presentation the category of number in English by the forms of the verb. Determine the verbal category of number. The expression of the category of person in Ukrainian imperative mood forms.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 23.07.2014
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Kyiv National Linguistic University

Project Work in English Theoretical Grammar

The verbal category of number in ukrainian

Translators'/Interpreters' Department

Research supervisor: V.G. Nikonova

Professor, Doctor of Philology

Kyiv 2014

Typological Characteristics of the English and Ukrainian Verb

This part of speech in English and Ukrainian has the largest number of features in common. They include first of all the general implicit meaning (the lexico-grammatical nature) of the verb which serves to convey verbiality, i. e. different kinds of activity (go, read, skate), various processes (boil, grow,obtain), the inner state of a person (feel, bother, worry), possession (have, possess), etc. Due to these lexico-grammatical properties the verb generally functions in the sentence as predicate going into some combinations a) with the nominal parts of speech performing the functions of the subject (or the object) of the sentence, for example: The sun shines. The trees grow. The student passed his examinations. Сонце світить. Дерева ростуть. Студент склав іспити; b) The verb goes into combination with verbs (to want to know, to want to read; хотіти вчитися/знати) or with adverbs (to read well гарно читати);

The category of number

The category of number shows whether the action is associated with one doer or more than one. In English the category of number is represented in its purity only by the forms of the verb to be was: were in past tense and by the discontinuous morphemes of the continuous aspect of the past tense and the past tense in the passive voice containing was/were. In the rest of the forms (am - are, is - are; speak - speaks; has - have) number is blended with person.

In Ukrainian the category of number is represented by the inflexions of the present tense and also synthetic (perfective) and analytical (non-perfective) future tense forms, the paste tense and the subjunctive mood forms and also by the imperative mood forms.

Completely allomorphic is the expression of the category of person in Ukrainian imperative mood forms, cf. пиши - пишіть, будьмо здорові - будьте здорові, встань - встаньте etc.

The category of number expresses the quantity of the subjects (one or more than one). Speaking deductively, we might build the following system of personal and numerical categories:

1st person singular - the speaker 1-ша особа однина (пишу, малюю)

2nd person singular-one person spoken to 2-га особа однина (пишеш, малюєш)

3rd person singular - one person or thing 3-я особа однина (пише, малює)

1st person plural - the speaker and another person or other persons 1-ша особа множина (пишемо, малюємо)

2nd person plural - more than one person spoken to 2-га особа множина (пишете, малюєте)

3rd person plural - more than one person or - thing (neither speakers nor spoken to) 3-тя особа множина (пишуть, малюють)

However, this system does not hold good for the Modern English verb, and this for two reasons,

First, there is no distinction of persons in the plural number. Thus, the form live may, within the plural number, be connected with a subject of any person (1st, 2nd, or 3rd).

Second, there is no distinction of numbers in the 1st or 2nd person. Thus, the form live in these persons may refer both to one and to more than one subject.

So what we actually find in the Modern English verb is this:

3rd person singular - lives All the rest - live

If we analyse this state of things in the Modern English verb in exact terms we shall reach the following conclusion. The opposition lives I live, or, in general terms, stem + s / stem + Ш, expresses the relation: 3rd person singular / any person of both numbers except 3rd person singular.

It is quite clear that the first item of the opposition is marked both in meaning (3rd person sing.) and in form (-s), whereas the second item is unmarked both in meaning (everything except the 3rd person sing.) and in form (zero-inflection). We ought to add that the category of mood is implied in this opposition, the form lives belonging to the indicative mood only, whereas live may also be any person of both numbers in the subjunctive mood (as far as we recognise its existence at all). Another consequence of this analysis is, that the - s-inflection in verbs conveys 4 meanings:

1) 3rd person,

2) singular number,

3) present tense,

4) indicative mood. The present tense is of course characterised by other signs as well: by the absence of the - d (or - t) morpheme denoting the past tense in regular verbs, and by alternation of the root vowel (e. g. [э] in drinks as against [ae] in drank) in irregular verbs. But in verbs of the type put the - s is the only distinctive sign of the present.

The ending - s having four meanings to express simultaneously is of course a synthetic feature, standing rather by itself in the general structure of Modern English.

Some verbs do not fit into the system of person and number described above and they must be mentioned separately both in a practical study of the language and in theoretical analysis. We will limit ourselves to the verb can (the verbs may, shall, and some others sharing some of its features) and the verb be, which stands quite apart and, of course, is very widely used.

The verb can, as is well known, takes no - s-inflection parallel to such forms as lives, writes, takes, etc. Hence it follows that this verb has no category of person or number at all.

In analysing the system of person and number we have so far bypassed the forms of the type livest, takest, livedst, tookest. These forms are associated with the personal pronoun thou and are only used in religions and occasionally in poetical texts and among Quakers. As they stand outside the received grammatical system we need not go into details concerning them. Suffice it to say that with these forms the category of number appears within the category of the 2nd person and the whole system of person and number (including the past tense) must be presented in a different shape.

Practical assignments

Exercise 1. Write down the verbs. Determine the verbal category of number.

1. Людське око може розрізняти дуже багато кольорів.

2. У січні були сильні морози.

3. Від холоду жовтіють трави, в'януть квіти. Листочки літають у повітрі і лягають на землю.

4. Вони поїхали туди автобусом.

5. Деканат знаходиться на вулиці Пушкінській.

6. Ми поверталися додому метро.


1. розрізняти (3-я особа, однини);

2. були (3-я особа, множини);

3. жовтіють (3-я особа, множини); в'януть (3-я особа, множини); літають (3-я особа, множини); лягають (3-я особа, множини);

4. поїхали (3-я особа, множини);

5. знаходиться (3-я особа, однини);

6. поверталися (1-а особа, однини).

Exercise 2. Determine the verbal category of number.

Робить, побачать, дивляться, прилетять, зрадіють, заспіває, вилікують, допомагає, їде, їж.


3-я особа, однини; 3-я особа, множини; 3-я особа, множини; 3-я особа множини; 3-я особа, множини; 3-я особа, однини; 3-я особа, множини; 3-я особа, однини; 3-я особа, однини; 2-а особа, однини.

Exercise 3. Read Shevchenko's poetry. Write down the verbs in the past tense. Determine the category of number and person.

Поклала мати коло хати Маленьких діточок своїх, Сама заснула коло їх. Затихло все. Тільки дівчата Та соловейко не затих.


Поклала (3-я особа, однина); заснула (3-я особа, однина); затихло (3 - я особа, однана); затих (3-я особа, однина).

Exercise 4. Put the verbs in the imperative mood; the 2nd person singular form.

Збільшити, перевірити, входити, стати, озвучити, підставити, вдарити, попередити, передбачити, ужалити, відмітити, насипати, плавити, звузити, відрізати, зважити, переглянути.


Збільшиш, перевіриш, зайдеш, станеш, озвучиш, підставиш, вдариш, попередиш, передбачиш, ужалиш, відмітиш, насипеш, плаваєш, звузиш, відріжеш, зважеш, переглянеш.

Exercise 5. Emphasize the verbs and define their category of person and number.

Весною співають птахи. У вівторок буде конференція. До університету я їду автобусом. Ми навчаємося на третьому курсі. "Не розмовляйте, будь ласка," - сказав викладач. Ти добре говориш українською! На першому курсі студенти вивчатимуть іноземні мови.


Співають (3-я особа, множина); буде (3-я особа, однина); їду (1-а особа, однина); навчаємося (1-а особа, множина); розмовляйте (2 - особа, множина); сказав (3-я особа, однина); говориш (2-а особа, однина); вивчатимуть (3-особа, множина).

verbal category number ukrainian

The literature used

1. Жлуктечко Ю.О. Порівняльна граматика української та англійської мов. - К., 1960.

2. Bloch M.Y. A Course in theoretical English grammar. - M., 1983.

3. Корунець І.В. Порівняльна типологія англійської та української мов. Навчальний посібник. - Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2003 - 464 с.

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