On the education of children who have difficulties in the pre-school education program learning in a traditional preschool educational institution

The implementation of the education and training of children in preschool institutions. Selling of the conditions for the professional development of kindergartens in the field of education and upbringing of children who experience learning difficulties.

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On the education of children who have difficulties in the pre-school education program learning in a traditional preschool educational institution

Likhacheva E.N.

The development of the general education system, higher education as the general population, and the quality of education of each member of society are fundamental to the growth of social welfare, the national security of any country.

The foundation of the whole educational process is a pre-school education. Feature of the preschool period is that it provides a common development, which is the foundation for the acquisition of any further specific knowledge and skills, as well as the assimilation of different activities. For the first 6-7 years of life, there is an intensive mental health. During this period, he learns all the main types of human actions, masters expanded connected speech, to establish relationships with their peers. he formed cognitive activity: improved attention, develop various types of memory, it gradually takes possession of verbal and logical thinking. At preschool age evolving needs and are formed on the basis of a variety of interests. The path of development needs in this period is very significant - from the organic, the satisfaction of which is necessary to sustain life, to social (activities, communication), which are based on the desire to navigate in the child really explore it. The work goes from preschool interest in the process of committing to actions of interest to the results of their work, when there is a definite sense of purpose in action: the child is beginning to see the target and choose the way to ensure its achievement. In the field of communication and contact with others more pronounced in the ability to build these relationships differentially based on the realization that it is possible and what is not. By the end of preschool child accumulates a certain social experience and knowledge that determine its readiness for school.

Currently, pre-school education in the Republic of Kazakhstan has a number of problems, among them especially important to the problem of access and quality of early childhood education. The possibility for equal access of children to pre-school education is not only in the level of funding, but also the need to create different models of pre-school education. In turn, the quality of pre-school education can not be seen in terms of the presence of well-trained groups of children. Quality development should be addressed, primarily due to the growth indicators of development, training and education of each child [3].

These provisions in the field of education due to the fact that at the moment a certain part of pre-school children have difficulty mastering the program material by virtue of their individual capabilities. Indeed, in the pre-school child's life is very much evident not only the general features of the age, but also substantial individual differences concerning, above all, the pace of mental development. For some children develop a proactive mental development, while some, on the contrary, its delay, which hinders the process of teaching and learning.

Mental retardation - a syndrome of time lag of the psyche as a whole or individual functions (motor, sensory, verbal, emotional and volitional), slow the pace of the properties encoded in the genotype of an organism [1, 4].

Analysis of the teaching characteristics of the child with mental retardation preschool revealed the following features.

Stock of knowledge preschool child with mental retardation of the outside world is limited. They are ill-informed, even in respect of those phenomena that often occurs in life: seasonal changes in nature, family and work of its members, the various signs of the specific items and other preschool children with mental retardation do not have many basic mathematical knowledge and skills. Speech of children with mental retardation and even meet the needs of everyday and has no serious violations in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammatical structure, but poverty is different vocabulary and syntax. They are also not well developed phonemic hearing: they are characterized by difficulties in understanding the works of art, causal and other links. The overwhelming number of children have low levels of basic employment skills, for example, in the paper, the designer, in self-marked motor difficulties [2,6,7,9].

Currently, some of the children with delayed mental development level pupils are not specialized and mass preschools. This phenomenon is due to several reasons:

1) Low level of preschool diagnosis of children with disabilities. Preschool age is crucial in the formation of the fundamental structures of the individual. This period, which still retains SENSITISATION (sensitivity) for the formation of the basic foundations of personality, of optimizing the formation of children and allows the latter at an earlier stage of its formation to join the environment normally developing peers, thus avoiding subsequent layers (secondary) disorders. however, the majority (80 %) of the children entered the psychological, medical, pedagogical consultation (PMPC), and, therefore, come to the attention of specialists practice only by the time they start school [8];

2) The coverage of educational support for children in need a part, due to mismatch of the number of special pre-school children with disabilities.

Statistical indicators of the education of children with disabilities in the past five years, the identification of significant negative trend growth discrepancy between the increase in the number of those in need in the training and the actual decrease such training.At present, the country found more than 150 thousand children with disabilities.The effectiveness of special education reached only 23.3 % of children [5]; 3) Low level of specialized care for children with mild disabilities.

One weakness of the targeted educational assistance is to help children with mild disabilities, which concerns children with mental retardation. In the operation of educational and medical institutions, in research focus is on the sick and the healthy, and “erased” cases, when a child does not feel sick, but its development is not quite fit into the concept of normal, not been studied sufficiently. Teachers and doctors pay little attention to these children. College and university training of preschool education does not involve the acquisition of knowledge on special education and special psychology, and, therefore, does not allow them to provide effective assistance to children in need [5].

Implementing education and training of children in preschool institutions, tutor has some difficulties.

Thus, the results of our survey of secondary teachers of pre-school institutions in the city of Karaganda and the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan showed that 80% of teachers have faced in their work with children who have difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school curriculum.The solution to this problem teachers are in a self-education - 41 % (the observed lack of educational materials on the subject), to obtain advice from the experts - 17 % (in the matter noted an informal party for consultations), to grant the right to solve this problemparents - 15 %. education training professional learning

As can be seen, many experts preschools not equipped with the knowledge of the special needs of children with difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school curriculum. In the practice of kindergartens, these features are often ignored. Attention caregivers, usually concentrated only on unformed of a skill or ability. Noticing any difficulty, teachers strive to help your child through additional training, constant gain control of the whole educational process. With intensive training child can achieve certain results, but it will cost a lot of physical and neuropsychiatric costs. Simultaneously with prolonged fatigue in the child produced aversion to learning, and carefullypassive type of behavior that he does not want to achieve more.

high and the full realization of the conditions of professional development of kindergarten teachers in the training and education of children with difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school education program, may contribute to teacher training institutions. Currently attached great importance to the process of retraining and advanced training of teachers. Key areas of improvement in this work stands out educational content. At the present stage of these educational programs should be aimed at developing professional skills of prospecting, research and creative activities in the work with different types of children. In this regard, in the learning process of the Karaganda regional institute of training and retraining of civil servants and educators (Kazakhstan) was introduced a course whose purpose is to reveal the mechanisms of psychological and pedagogical development in children. This course will cover issues such as the study of psychological and educational characteristics of children with difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school curriculum, training teachers and teaching methods of psychological diagnosis, description of the individual remedial work with children in this category, as well as methods and techniques for working with the child's family, experiencing difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school curriculum.

The main forms of training in this course are lectures, seminars and practical sessions. Lectures include raising the level of knowledge of educators in the field of training, education and development of children who have difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school curriculum. Seminars have the task of discussing preschool teachers (teacher-led) independently prepared their reports on the above theme. Seminars allow students more depth and detailed study of the proposed theme, as well as expand its boundaries to achieve a creative approach to solving the proposed questions. Practical classes to the acquisition and improvement of skills of teachers in the training and education of children with difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school curriculum.

The content of this course consists of four main parts.

1. The study of psychological and educational characteristics of preschool children who have difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school curriculum.

2. Presentation of the theory and techniques of psychological and educational assessment of children age.

3. Description of individual remedial work to compensate for the deficiencies of development.

4. The material is on the organization of the family caregiver of the child experiencing difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school curriculum.

Filling units lectures, seminars, workshops as follows.

The first block. The study of psychological and educational characteristics of preschool children who have difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school educational program:

? The origins of personality and their integration in educational activities (Lecture 2 hours);

? Psycho-educational characteristics of preschool children with mental retardation (Lecture 2 hours);

? Psycho-pedagogical classification of preschool children with mental retardation (Lecture 2 hours);

? The ratio of the primary and secondary defects in the structure of arrested development (Lecture 2 hours);

? Taking into account the individual characteristics of children (Seminar 1 hour).

The second block. Presentation of the theory and techniques of psychological and educational assessment of children aged:

? Especially the memory of preschool children with mental retardation (Lecture 2 hours);

? Especially the perception of preschool children with mental retardation (Lecture 2 hours);

? Especially thinking of preschool children with mental retardation (Lecture 2 hours);

? Special attention preschool children with mental retardation (Lecture 2 hours);

? Features emotional and volitional preschool children with mental retardation (Lecture 2 hours);

? Study (psychological-pedagogical diagnosis) preschool children with mental retardation (Seminar 2 hours).

The third block. Description of individual remedial work to compensate for the deficiencies of:

? Correctional system with pre-school children with learning disabilities (Lecture 2 hours);

? Organization of work for the implementation of the process of teacher training and education of children with difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school educational program (Lecture 2 hours);

? The identity of the teacher working with a child under school age, experience difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school educational program (Seminar 2 hours);

? The development of cognitive processes preschool child experiencing difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school educational program (practice session 1 hour);

? The development of emotional and volitional preschool child experiencing difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school educational program (practice session 1 hour);

? The development of fine motor skills preschool child experiencing difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school educational program (practice session 1 hour).

The fourth block. The material is on the organization of the family caregiver of the child experiencing difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school curriculum:

? Educational work with parents of preschool age children who have difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school educational program (Lecture 2 hours); ? The unity of the individual approach in kindergarten and family (Lecture 2 hours).

Seminarsare conducted in groups' activities. Each group of teachers asked to consider one aspect of the subject. During the practical training reliance was on the practical experience of educators, as well as the theoretical base, they have received while listening to the course. Practical classes are also conducted in batch mode, where each group of educators received a certain task, whose solution required the development of new and improvement of existing skills. The results of each practice session was the protection of the group to the project on the proposed topic. The rest of the group while at the same time acted as opponents.

The result of a course of lectures in the learning process of the Karaganda regional institute of training and retraining of civil servants and workers in education was to increase the level of knowledge among the teachers in question of psychophysiological characteristics of children with difficulties in the assimilation of the pre-school educational programs. At the same time teachers have mastered the method of psychological and educational assessment of preschool children, methods of correctional studies aimed at the development of mental processes, have mastered the techniques and methods of working with parents such children.

Development and implementation of a course of lectures in the learning process of the Institute does not solve the whole problem, further its development. One of the directions of this work should be her decision on the level of training of higher education.


1. Deti s otkloneniiami v razvitii [Children with developmental abnormalities]. Moscow, 1971.

2. Obuchenie s zaderzhkoi psikhicheskogo razvitiia [Education mental retardation]. Moscow, 1981.

3. Falyushina L.I. Upravlenie kachestvom obrazovatel'nogo protsessa v doshkol'nom obrazovatel'nom uchrezhdenii [Quality control of the educational process in preschool education]. Moscow, ARKTI Publ., 2004.

4. Mastyukova E.M. Rebenok s otkloneniiami v razvitii [A child with developmental disabilities]. Moscow, Prosveshchenie Publ., 1992.

5. Prikaz Ministerstva obrazovaniia, kul'tury i zdravookhraneniia Respubliki Kazakhstan № 43 ot 02.02.1998 g. O vvedenii v deistvie Tipovogo polozheniia o psikhologo-medikopedagogicheskoi konsul'tatsii [On introduction of the Model Regulations of the psychological, medical and educational consulting. Ministry of Education, Culture and health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 02.02.1998].

6. Puskayeva T.D. Vozrastnye osobennosti struktury poznavatel'noi deiatel'nosti detei s zaderzhkoi psikhicheskogo razvitiia [Age features of the structure of cognitive activity of children with mental retardation]. Moscow, 1984. 86 p.

7. Slepovich E.S. Igrovaia deiatel'nost' doshkol'nikov s ZPR [game activity of preschool children with mental retardation]. Moscow, Pedagogika Publ., 1990. 96 p.

8. Suleymenova R.A., Khakimzhanova g.D. Psikhofizicheskoe zdorov'e i razvitie detei i podrostkov v Respublike Kazakhstan. Problemy i perspektivy [Psychological and physical health and development of children and adolescents in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems and prospects]. Almaty, 1997.


Some children with mental retardation are currently pupils of mass preschools. Implementing education and training of children in preschool institutions, the teacher has some difficulties. Institutes of teachers' professional development should promote full realization of conditions of professional development of kindergarteners in education and upbringing of such children.

Keywords: child, education, training, teacher, difficulties, institute.

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