Analysis of the main stylistic language means and techniques expressing emotionality in English (using the example of a comedy series)

Theoretical aspects of the study of stylistic means of expressing emotions. Emotion concept. Types and features of emotional speech. Features of using the analysis of stylistic means of expressing the emotional component in the comedy series "Friends".

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1. Ross, as a scientist, and a man of analytical intelligence, was faced with a completely opposite, slightly miraculous look of Phoebe at the world.


There are a lot of things I don't believe in, but that doesn't mean they're not true.

Joey: Such as? Phoebe:

Like crop circles… or the Bermuda Triangle or… evolution.


What, you don't believe in evolution?

Phoebe: Not really. Ross:

You don't believe in evolution?


I don't know. It's just, you know....Monkeys, Darwin... it's a nice story. I just think it's a little too easy.


"Too easy"? Too…

Ross stopped.


The process of every living thing on this planet evolving over millions of years from single-celled organisms is "too easy"?


Yeah, I just don't buy it.

The more Phoebe expressed her opinion on evolution, the more she shocked Ross, causing a storm of indignation and bewilderment in him.


1. About Phoebe dating a young man.


Hey, Pheebs. How'd it go with Scott?


It was nice. Took him to a romantic restaurant ordered champagne. Nice.


He still won't put out?


Nope. Zilch. Nothing.

Chandler: Sorry, Pheebs. Phoebe:

Look, I don't mind taking it slow. I like him a lot. He's really interesting, and he's really sweet… Why won't he give it up?!


Maybe he drives his car on the other side of the road. If you know what I mean.


No, not really… He's not British.


Maybe he's gay.

To hint to Phoebe that Scott might not be interested in girls, Joey used the periphery, said he must be driving on the opposite side of the road.

In addition to the funds listed in the series, it is quite common to find such funds as:


Chandler and his neighbor Eddie, who had manic inclinations.

Eddie: You want me to move out? I gotta tell you, that's kind of out of the blue, don't you think?

Chandler: This is not out of the blue! This is smack-dab-in-the-middle of the blue!

Chandler is angry, because he has already told Eddie 3 times to move out while he is at work, and every time he comes home, he finds him at home again.

Nonsense of non-sequence.

Rachel talking to Amy's little sister.


This might be my one chance to have a child, Rachel. I mean, you know that I have been so busy focusing on my career....

Rachel: What career? Amy:

I'm a decorator.


You decorate Dad's office and now you're a decorator? Okay, I went to the zoo yesterday, now I'm a koala bear.

Listening to Emmy, who has never worked anywhere in her life, talks with full seriousness about her career, Rachel freaks out and gives out nonsense of non-sequence, which also contains irony.

The results of the analysis are summarized in the following table.

Tab. 1


Stylistic tool

Positive emotions



Joyful excitement

Interjection Exclamation

Unexpected joy caused by an event that is hard to believe

Repeat Exclamations

Negative emotions


Antonomasia Irony


Rhetorical question Metaphor, Gradation, Nonsense-of-non-sequence


Rhetorical question Epithet


Apoziopesis Gradation Irony Antithesis


Metaphor Comparison


Apoziopesis Metaphor Hyperbola Repeat




Irony Peripherase Euphemism Litotes



1. In the sitcom "Friends," stylistic techniques can most often be found in emotional scenes, which are negative emotions, stressful situations, with the inherent intensity of passions. It is in scenes where one of the heroes is worried about the other, is very upset, feels insecure about himself when there is a conflict, for example, betrayal by close friends or hurt by his self-love - protective mechanisms that take the form of stylistic techniques work.

2. Irony is the most commonly used trail in the series. It is especially characteristic of the character of Chandler, who reacts to almost any event that occurs with sharpness or sarcasm. Irony is a shield between Chandler and the world with his cruelty.

3. No less popular means of expressing emotions are the epithet, hyperbole and metaphor. They are the most visible means of expressing discontent, shock and absurdity. Speaking of the epithet, it is worth emphasizing that phrease epithets are often used. The epithet here is always fresh and interesting. The more absurd and emotional the situation, the more interesting the epithet. Hyperbola gives drama to the situation, and the metaphor is used to more expressive transmission of the degree, completeness, power of emotion. These tools allow you to better reveal the feelings and emotions of the hero for another person.

4. Stylistic means of expressing positive emotions in this material are much less than negative. This can be explained by the fact that when a person is happy, he just wants to rejoice - he mainly resorts to the help of exclamations and interjections. Hyperbole is also used to express euphoria and repetition when there is joy, which is difficult to believe. Negative emotions here have a rich

5. expression spectrum. Heroes use trails such as repetition, aposiopesis, antonomasia, rhetorical questions, periphery, gradation, comparison, beating the meanings of the word. All this helps to express the frustration, grief, and awkwardness they feel.


Stylistic techniques and means of expressing emotionality in a broad sense include various language units and their details. First of all, the analysis revealed the use of stylistic means such as: hyperbola, metaphor, epithet, comparison, antonomasia, etc. Without stylistic means, it is impossible to form emotional speech into a work, whether it is comic or conflicting.

The script, the plot of the situational comedy work "Friends" is gradually loaded with stylistic techniques and expressive means that provide during the plot the expression of the emotionality of the characters, their feelings and experiences, everyday communication. Quite often, these means, despite the tonality of emotions, are comic techniques, since we are talking about situational comedy.Knebel M.I., Lursh A.R. Ways and means of meaning coding. Questions of psychology. - 2018. - 257c.

Stylistic means of expressing negative emotions in the series prevail over positive ones due to their greater brightness and expressiveness. Irony is the main used means of expressing negative emotions.

The largest cluster of tropes is found in scenes with emotional heat, provoking heroes to use stylistic means, such as metaphor, hyperbola, epithet and gradation. Conclusions about the connection of means and emotions are presented in the table.

The results of this analysis may be relevant for practical application. In particular, the exercises presented in the work are aimed at acquiring the skills of stylistic analysis of English texts, as well as the development of such skills and skills as, for example, the development of monological and dialogical speech, listening skills, and the actualization and fixation in speech of the skills obtained.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the topic of this analysis is promising, since the results of the study of different works may differ greatly, since the material used for the analysis plays a large role in them.

The more research is conducted, the clearer and clearer the picture will be about the connection of emotions with speech and its reflection in the form of stylistic expressive means and techniques.

List of used literature

stylistic emotion speech

1. Antrushina G.B. Lexicology of English: textbook for students. - M.: Drofa, 2014. - 287s.

2. Antrushina G.B., Afanasyeva O.V., Morozova N.N. Lexicology of the English language. - M.: Drofa, 2018.

3. Arnold I.V. Stylistics of Modern English: Textbook for students of pedagogical institutes with a degree in Foreign Languages, 4th ed., Corrected and Additional M.: Flint: Science, 2017. - 384s.

4. Bally S. French stylistics - M.: Publishing house inst.lit., 2016.. - 393s.

5. Vakhitova G.V. Methods of transmitting the internal expressiveness of the text. Ufa - 2017. - 30c.

6. Demyankov V.Z., Voroniy JI.B., Sergeev A.I. Linguopsychology as a section of cognitive linguistics, or: Where emotion is there and cognition//With love for language ./Ed. V.A. Vinogradova, 2019. Publishing House: Institute of Linguistics RAS Moscow.

7. Efimov A.I. Style of artistic speech - M.: Moscow State University, 2016. - 520 s.

8. Ilyin E.P. Emotions and feelings. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2018. - 752s.

9. Knebel M.I., Lursh A.R. Ways and means of meaning coding. Questions of psychology. - 2018. - 257c.

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