Translation of pseudo-internationalisms in scientific and socio-political texts: English and Ukrainian parallels

Detection of pseudo-internationalisms during the study of journalistic and scientific texts. Implementation of "artistic" translation in the translation of socio-political and socio-political documents. Consideration of pseudo-international vocabulary.

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Sumy State University

Translation of pseudo-internationalisms in scientific and socio-political texts: english and ukrainian parallels

Prokopenko A. PhD in Philology, Assistant Professor

Kyrychenko I. Student


The article deals with the translation aspect of pseudo-internationalisms functioning in the English-speaking socio-political and scientific texts. While studying journalistic and scientific texts, a significant number of pseudo-internationalisms was found. Taking into account the fact that a big number of pseudo-internationalisms is familiar to internationalisms, they may cause a large amount of mistakes during the translation. Having analyzed some range of pseudo-internationalisms, we can say that the English word, which resembles Ukrainian one by its structure and pronunciation, may have different meaning. Its wrong translation into Ukrainian can cause serious distortion of text sense. The choice of one or another way of the translation of pseudo-internationalisms in Ukrainian mostly depends on context.

Keywords: socio-political text, scientific text, pseudo-internationalisms, internationalisms, translation.



Прокопенко А. В. Кандидат філологічних наук, старший викладач

Сумський державний університет

Кириченко І. Студент Сумський державний університет

У статті розглядається аспект перекладу псевдоінтернаціоналізмів на основі англомовних суспільно-політичних та наукових текстів. Під час вивчення журналістських та наукових текстів виявлено значну кількість псевдоінтернаціоналізмів. Враховуючи той факт, що велика кількість псевдоінтернаціоналізмів схожі на інтернаціоналізми, вони можуть призвести до помилкового перекладу. Переклад соціально-політичних і суспільно-політичних документів, або просто-суспільно-політичний переклад, є не менш складним, ніж художній або переклад тексту вузької спеціальної тематики. І в тому і в іншому випадку перекладач стикається з великою кількістю специфічних термінів, і тут і там йому надається право здійснити «художній» переклад. Саме тому, процес перекладу суспільно-політичної літератури досить складний. Адже, найчастіше, суспільно-політичний переклад не поступається за своєю художньою та соціально-значущою силою кращим зразкам літературних творів. Проблема псевдоінтернаціоналізмів у науково-технічному перекладі набуває своїх характерних особливостей. Можна відзначити, що «хибні друзі» в наукових текстах характеризуються певною специфікою. Ця специфіка проявляється як в кількісному складі псевдоінтернаціоналізмів, так і в їхніх якісних характеристиках. Оскільки великий відсоток слів, що відносяться до категорії «хибних друзів перекладача», складають інтернаціоналізми, нижче коротко розглядаються деякі характерні труднощі їх перекладу на прикладі загальнонаукових слів. Проаналізувавши певний діапазон псевдоінтернаціональної лексики, можна сказати, що англійське слово, яке нагадує українське за своєю структурою та вимовою, може мати зовсім інше значення. Неправильний переклад такого слова на українську мову може спричинити серйозне спотворення сенсу усього тексту. Вибір того чи іншого способу перекладу псевдоінтернаціоналізму на українську мову в основному залежить від контексту.

Ключові слова: соціально-політичний текст, науковий текст, псевдоінтернаціоналізми, інтернаціоналізми, переклад.


Contemporary linguistics captures more and more attention to the problem of international vocabulary. This is due to the significant and steadily growing role played by international words and terms in the most diverse areas of linguistic activity. In particular, the meaning of the international and pseudo-international vocabulary for the translation of both socio-political and scientific literature is significant and leads to the relevance of the study. Internationalisms here are the most easily apprehended elements of the foreign text. This category of words is very important for interlinguistics, where the vocabulary of the most common international subsidiary languages, such as Interlingua, is based mainly on the internationalisms of contemporary European languages. It is also important for the translation studies, when the theoretical mastery of the given subject is necessary as well as its correct and adequate use in practice.

The object of the research is English and Ukrainian pseudo-internationalisms functioning in scientific and socio-political texts. The subject of our research is the ways of translation of pseudo-international vocabulary.

The purpose of this article is to study pseudo-international vocabulary in English and Ukrainian language and to identify the ways of its translation, which provides intercultural communication.

This purpose implies the following tasks of the research:

- to identify the features of the international vocabulary of English and Ukrainian languages and determine its role in socio-political and scientific texts from the point of view of translation theory;

- to describe features of the international vocabulary of the English language;

- to characterize the general lexical features of the socio-political and scientific texts;

- to analyze the usage of international and pseudo-international lexical units in socio-political and scientific texts and methods of their translation.

The theoretical basis of the study is the works of such researchers as K. I. Kolakova, F. de Saussure, V. M. Komisarov, L. I. Borysova, V. V. Akulenko, Ya. I. Retzker, R. K. Miniar-Beloruchev, D. I. Yermolovych, A. L. Pumpiansky, A. D. Schweitzer.

This research demands to use the following methods: method of vocabulary definition - to differentiate between the main types of the translation of pseudo-internationalisms; method of comparative analysis - to compare the features of the international vocabulary of English and Ukrainian languages; systematization and generalization of scientific literature - to systematize scientific literature, which deals with the problem of translation of pseudo-internationalisms.

Results of the research

The translation of socio-political documents, or simply - socio-political translation, is as difficult as literary translation or the translation of special texts on narrow thematic range. In both cases, the translator faces a large amount of specific terms, so he/she has the right to make a literary translation.

As it happens, translation of socio-political texts is not inferior in its literary and socially significant force to the best examples of belletristic literature. In many cases, we can talk about the incomparably high importance of socio-political translation as an instrument of ideology and propaganda [1, p. 120].

That is why the process of translation of socio-political literature is quite complicated. Conventionally, it can be divided into four stages, each of which is equally important for achieving the goals: the authenticity and the necessary emotional coloring of the text [2, p. 215].

First of all, the translator acquaints with the structure of the text and its main idea. At the second stage of the socio-political translation, a specialist produces profound analysis: identifies and analyzes phrases and groups of words related by the content; determines the correct meaning of separate words that can change their meaning in a particular context, etc. Third level of translation - expressing of the original text by means of completely different language. Moreover, at this stage, it is very important to convey stylistic, semantic, and emotional coloring of the publication. The final stage of the translation of socio-political literature is the final correction of the result when a specialist estimates his/her work in terms of translation tasks and the general context of the entire publication, meanwhile correcting even the smallest inaccuracies [3, p. 253].

For the practical part of the study, in order to identify the specifics and methods of translation of pseudo-international words in socio-political texts, we used the article of Federico Ring «Obama outlines the Iraq pull out plan» [4]. Having analyzed the article, one can notice that it is rich in lexical expressions. This is due to the style of the author's story, a publicist one. One should also pay attention to the usage of various lexical units in the article that make it fascinating to all readers.

The article is characterized by abstract words with socio-political meaning, which indicate the publicist genre of its writing. The author manipulates the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys his thoughts and feelings, and uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles. The article is distinguished by imagery, emotionality, and specificity of the language, which is typical for the newspaper texts.

Let us analyze pseudo-international lexical units in this article.

Administration. This word can be mistakenly translated into Ukrainian as «адміністрація», although in English it primarily means «управління», «організація», in the American English - «уряд», infrequently «адміністрація». Another meaning is «застосування». The Ukrainian word «адміністрація» is translated into English as - «management», «authorities». Taking into account that this article is from the American issue, the appropriate translation is «уряд». For example:

He also announced that his administration would increase the number of soldiers and Marines. - Він також оголосив, що його уряд збільшить кількість солдатів і морських піхотинців.

Extra. The true meaning of the word «extra» is not «екстра», as at first it may seem, but «додатковий, екстрений, особливий, спеціальний; особливо; додатково; більше того». Although, at first, those who have not yet learned all the details of English can confound the meaning of this word. The Ukrainian word «екстра» has the following English equivalents: «superior-quality», «deluxe». For example:

Earlier this month, he ordered the deployment of up to 17,000 extra US troops to Afghanistan. - На початку цього місяця, він віддав наказ додатково розгорнути близько 17 тисяч американських військових на території Афганістану.

Troop. One should also be careful with the word «troop», which sounds like a Ukrainian «труп». For example, you may feel awkward, if you call commander of a military unit «a corpse». However, in fact, the «troop» is translated as - «загін, група людей, стадо, зграя, рій, війська, армія, збройні сили». The Ukrainian word «труп» is translated as - «dead body»; «(human) corpse»; «(big animal) carcass». For example:

President Barack Obama has announced the withdrawal of most US troops in Iraq by the end of August 2010. - Президент Барак Обама оголосив про виведення більшості військ США з Іраку до кінця серпня 2010 року.

Mr. Obama said the US troops would have left Iraq by the end of 2011, in line with the agreement signed between the two countries last year. - Пан Обама сказав, що відповідно до угоди, підписаної між цими двома країнами в минулому році, всі американські війська залишать Ірак до кінця 2011 року.

Combat. This word can be translated incorrectly into Ukrainian as «комбат» (= командир батальйону) battalion commander, (= командир батареї) battery commander, although in English it primarily means «бій, бойовий, стройовий». From meanings listed above, taking into account the context, the most suitable equivalent of the word «combat» - «бойовий». For example:

... he said the US «combat mission» in Iraq ... - … він сказав, що «бойова місія» США в Іраку…

Policy. «Policy» should not be confounded with the word «поліс». In English, «policy» is used in the sense of 1) політика, лінія поведінки, установка, курс, стратегія, 2) система, методика, правила, принципи; норми, стандарти, 3) позиція. In the meaning of «поліс», this word is used rarely. For example:

As a result of these lessons, he ordered a review of US policy in Afghanistan. - Він сказав, що в результаті цих уроків, наказав зробити перегляд політики США в Афганістані.

We have also analyzed a number of American and British publications that contain pseudo-internationalisms. The following lexical units are artist, revolutionary, academic, cabinet, repetition. Let us consider in details these lexical units.

As an artist, he was never too revolutionary to be easily understood, yet never academically enough to be dull. - Його творчість ніколи не була настільки революційною, щоб її важко було зрозуміти, але в той же час вона ніколи не була настільки традиційною, щоб бути нудною [5].

In this sentence, there are three pseudo-internationalisms - artist, revolutionary, and academic. It should be emphasized that for the word «artist» in the Ukrainian language there are such equivalents - «художник, артист; професійний музикант, співак, танцюрист, актор, майстер своєї справи». In English, for each of these words, there is its own equivalent. For example - «майстер своєї справи» - «know one's trade», «співак» - «singer», «танцюрист» - «dancer», etc. In this case, the Ukrainian word coincides with English, but only in one of its several meanings. The word «revolutionary» equally has the following equivalents - «революційний; той, що викликає докорінні зміни, що обертається, крутиться, повертається». According to the context, the suitable translation - «революційний». English adjective academic - «академічний; педагогічний; навчальний (пов'язаний з викладанням, переважно у вищій школі), університетський, науковий; учений (пов'язаний з науковим співтовариством)» is often confused with a Ukrainian noun «академік» - «academician».

The Government must accept the demand for the recall of the Parliament now made by Labor's Shadow Cabinet. - Уряду доведеться прийняти вимогу про скликання парламенту, висунуте «тіньовим кабінетом» лейбористської партії [6].

The first meaning of the word «cabinet» in English is «шафа для зберігання дорогого посуду». Secondary meaning is «кабінет міністрів, уряд, міністерський, урядовий, що відноситься до кабінету (міністрів)». In English, the word «кабінет» is translated as - 1) (у квартирі) «study» (робоча кімната чиновника) «office», 2) (спеціальне приміщення) «room», 3) (в ресторані, лазні і т.п.) «private room», 4) (комплект меблів) (office or study) «suite», 5) (рада міністрів) «cabinet».

3) One secret to a successful radio campaign is repetition. - Одним із секретів успішної рекламної компанії по радіо є повторення [7].

The word «repetition» means «повторення» («репетиція» = «rehearsal»); «заучування / читання напам'ять; переказ; копія; наслідування». Although it is often confused with the word «репетиція».

The problem of pseudo-internationalisms in socio-political and scientific translation acquires its own features. It should be noted that «false friends» in socio-political and scientific texts are characterized by a certain specificity. This specificity shows itself both in the quantitative composition of pseudo-internationalisms, and in their qualitative characteristics. Since a large percentage of words belonging to the category of «false friends of the translator» are internationalisms. Below we briefly examine some of the typical difficulties of their translation on the example of general scientific vocabulary.

In socio-political and scientific translations, there are always mistakes in the translation of both international terms and international general scientific words; moreover, mistakes in the translation of the last one significantly prevail.

Let us examine some examples that characterize the phenomenon under discussion - internationalisms as the «false friends of the translator».

The context with an international word

Translator's version

Editor's variant

adequate pressure

Адекватний тиск

правильний вибір тиску

candidate fumer compositions

кандидатні газоутворюючі суміші

газоутворюючі суміші, що представляють інтерес

ideal delivery promise date

ідеальна гарантійна дата випуску продукції

теоретична гарантійна дата випуску продукції

is only marginally larger

тільки маргінально більше

лише трохи більше

massive tube failures

масована руйнація труб

серйозні пошкодження труб

permanent change

перманентне перетворення

необоротне перетворення

laboratory control plays a critical part

лабораторний контроль відіграє критичну роль

лабораторний контроль відіграє важливу роль

The examples show that in some cases, the literal translation is stylistically incorrect, in others it leads to semantic distortions.

Most of the examples listed above contain general scientific international vocabulary, in the translation of which translators always make mistakes.

In the translation of socio-political and scientific texts, there are additional problems that require analysis of the factors that characterize the specifics of the socio-political and scientific translation.

There are three major transformations in the translation of international words, which are regular. These regularities are:

1) the specialization of English general scientific international vocabulary during the translation into Ukrainian;

2) deinternationalization of the English international vocabulary in scientific and socio-political texts in translation;

3) stylistic neutralization of stylistically colored lexical units. Some of them are more general, some - more private [9, p. 30].

Let us analyze one more scientific text «Flexible Transistors on a Roll» [10] and try to find «false friends of the translator» in it. This text is borrowed from a review article about latest technology of field transistors production. Its simplicity hides the words, the incorrect interpretation of which distort the meaning of the text and the impossibility of its adequate conveying into Ukrainian language. For example, the word «technique» is translated as «спосіб, метод», not «техніка». Such a common word, as «processing» is translated as «обробка», but not «процес». In the next paragraph of the analyzed text there are three pseudo-internationalisms. pseudo international vocabulary translation

Rolltronics' technology exploits an economic opening left by today's chip fabrication plants. In these facilities, integrated circuits and memory chips are burned onto crystalline silicon one wafer at a time.

In this context, given the kind of text, the word «chip» means «мікросхема» and it is not translated as «чіп». The word «wafer» means «підкладка», but not a «вафля». Such material as «silicon» is translated as «кремній», but not «силікон». The phrase «alligator clip» is translated as «щипковий затискач» or «затискач типу крокодил», but not «затискач алігатора». The word «gate» in combination with a «transistor» is translated only as «затвор», not «ворота».

There are also terms in the text relating to physics. For example, the word «current» in this case has the meaning «струм» or «електричний струм», but not «потік, течія». The word «terminal» means «висновок, клема», and not «термінал». Such a simple word as «promising» is translated as «перспективний», but not «обіцяючи». The phrase «semiconductor industry» is translated as «виробництво напівпровідників», not «напівпровідникова індустрія». The word «conventional» is translated as «звичайний, традиційний», not «конвенційний».

In the last paragraph of this text, there are two more pseudo-internationalisms. For now, Rolltronics can work without much fear of competition from semiconductor industry leaders, most of whom still focus their R&D primarily on making faster, denser microchips on silicon. Sauvante believes these chip-making giants «are essentially jostling around a pie that's getting smaller and smaller, instead of going out to find the game-changing new paradigm. That's what Rolltronics represents».

It seems the traditional word «competition» is translated as «конкуренція», but not «змагання». And the word «paradigm» is rendered as «зразок, примірник», and not «парадигма».


Having analyzed the above-mentioned material, we concluded that pseudo-internationalisms are false equivalents and misleading words of foreign origin. In a borrowed language, they change their meanings and denote diverse concepts. Such terms as «interlingual homonyms», «false friends of the translator» or «pseudointernationalisms» are used to denote them.

All pseudointernationalisms show translation difficulties of different words depending on the context and the impact of this translation on the meaning of the conveyed text. The main task of a translator in this case is to choose the correct equivalent unit that will satisfy the content of the text. However, it is a difficult task, if you have only typical English-Ukrainian or Ukrainian-English dictionary.

Список використаних джерел

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7. On a Tight Marketing Budget? All Business

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  • Peculiarities of asyndetic noun clusters in economic texts. Specific to translation of asyndetic noun clusters as the specific kind of the word from English into Ukrainian. Transformations, applied to asyndetic noun clusters in the process of translation.

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  • What is poetry. What distinguishes poetry from all other documents submitted in writing. Poetical translation. The verse-translation. Philological translation. The underline translation. Ensuring spiritual contact between the author and the reader.

    курсовая работа [38,1 K], добавлен 27.04.2013

  • The history of translation studies in ancient times, and it's development in the Middle Ages. Principles of translation into Greek, the texts of world's religions. Professional associations of translators. The technology and terminology translation.

    дипломная работа [640,7 K], добавлен 13.06.2013

  • Basic rules and principles of translation of professional vocabulary and texts in the field of jurisprudence and law, features and conditions of use of the verb "to be" and "to be". The arrangement of prepositions in different variations of the text.

    контрольная работа [33,8 K], добавлен 29.03.2015

  • The peculiarities in texts of business documents, problems of their translation, interpretation and analysis of essential clauses. The main features of formal English as the language of business papers: stylistic, grammatical and lexical peculiarities.

    дипломная работа [70,2 K], добавлен 05.07.2011

  • Translation as communication of meaning of the original language of the text by the text equivalent of the target language. The essence main types of translation. Specialized general, medical, technical, literary, scientific translation/interpretation.

    презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 21.11.2015

  • Translation is a means of interlingual communication. Translation theory. A brief history of translation. Main types of translation. Characteristic fiatures of oral translation. Problems of oral translation. Note-taking in consecutive translation.

    курсовая работа [678,9 K], добавлен 01.09.2008

  • Modes and types of interpreting and also lexical aspects of interpreting. Handling context-free and context-bound words. Handling equivalent-lacking words and translators false friends. Translation of cultures and political terms. Translation of verbs.

    дипломная работа [84,6 K], добавлен 22.03.2012

  • Translation is a kind of activity which inevitably involves at least two languages and two cultural traditions. Cultural Consideration in Translation. General cultural implications for translation. Cultural categories and references; lexical function.

    курсовая работа [29,6 K], добавлен 18.06.2014

  • Major methodological problem in the study of political parties is their classification (typology). A practical value of modern political science. Three Russian blocs, that was allocated software-political: conservative, liberal and socialist parties.

    реферат [8,7 K], добавлен 14.10.2009

  • Concept, essence, aspects, methods and forms of oral translation. Current machine translation software, his significance, types and examples. The nature of translation and human language. The visibility of audiovisual translation - subtitling and dubbing.

    реферат [68,3 K], добавлен 15.11.2009

  • A brief and general review of translation theory. Ambiguity of the process of translation. Alliteration in poetry and in rhetoric. Definitions and main specifications of stylistic devices. The problems of literary translation from English into Kazakh.

    курсовая работа [34,6 K], добавлен 25.02.2014

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