Structural-semantic and functional features of repetition in english texts-announcements

Study of the structural-semantic and functional characteristics of repetition in English-language announcement texts. Implementation of informative, integrative, accumulative, emphatic, nominative and topic functions of repetition in announcement texts.

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Язык английский
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Structural-semantic and functional features of repetition in english texts-announcements

Y. Kats, PhD in Philology, associate professor

A. Romanenko, student Sumy State University

The article deals with the study of the structural-semantic and functional features of the repetition in the English texts-announcements. The conducted research determines that the repetition in TA acts as a multifunctional phenomenon, the effectiveness of which is aimed at the implementation of informative, integrative, accumulative, empathic and nominative / topical functions. It was found that the implementation of these repetition functions contributes to the implementation of informative and advertising functions of the texts-announcement and their pragmatic effectiveness in general.

Key words: text-announcement, informative function, advertising function, pragmatic-communicative purpose, category of repetition, implicit / explicit repetition, text level.

Структурно-семантичні та функціональні характеристики повтору в англомовних текстах-анонсах

Ю.В. Кац, канд. філол. наук, доцент;

А.А. Романенко, студентка Сумський державний університет

Стаття присвячена вивченню структурно-семантичних та функціональних характеристик повтору в англомовних текстах-анонсах. Проведене дослідження визначає, що повтор у ТА виступає як поліфункціональне явище, дієвість якого спрямована на здійснення інформативної, інтегративної, акумулятивної, емфатичної та номінативної/топікової функцій. Було з'ясовано, що реалізація даних функції повторів сприяє здійсненню інформативної і рекламної функцій текстів-анонсів, та загалом їх прагматичної ефективності.

Ключові слова: текст-анонс, інформативна функція, рекламна функція, прагматико-комунікативна настанова, категорія повтору, імпліцитний / експліцитний повтор, текстовий рівень.

Структурно-семантические и функциональные характеристики повтора в англоязычных текстах-анонсах

Ю.В. Кац, канд. филол. наук, доцент;

А.А. Романенко, студентка

Сумский государственный университет

Статья посвящена изучению структурно-семантических и функциональных характеристик повтора в англоязычных текстах-анонсах. Проведенное исследование доказывает, что повтор в ТА выступает как полифункциональное явление, действенность которого направлена на осуществление информативной, интегративной, аккумулятивной, эмфатической и номинативной / топиковой функций. Было выяснено, что реализация данных функций повторов способствует осуществлению информативной и рекламной функций текстов-анонсов и их прагматической эффективности в целом.

Ключевые слова: текст-анонс, информативная функция, рекламная функция, прагматическо- коммуникативная установка, категория повтора, имплицитный / эксплицитный повтор, текстовый уровень.


The category of repetition is regarded as a universal linguistic category, which organizes the process of communication, encompasses the psychological, linguistic and communicative-pragmatic aspects of communicative activities, participates in realization of informative and advertising functions of texts-announcements, and provides pragmatic and communicative efficiency of the investigated types of texts.

The relevance of the research is determined by the general desire to explore the pragmatic-communicative characteristics of the language phenomena, their complex analysis in modern linguistics, and that the correlation between the pragmatic text guidance, the conditions of their functioning on the one hand, and the choice of language tools on another, remains insufficiently investigated. All this predetermines the relevance of the scientific task of our thesis that is a complex research of the repetitions from the point of view of their place in the process of ensuring the effectiveness of communication through information and advertising type of texts.

The purpose of the study is to establish regularities of the optimal choice of structure and semantic varieties of repetitions with their pragmatic and communicative characteristics in the process of the texts-announcements' formation for the most effective impact on the recipient.

The aim determines the concrete tasks of the research:

-To identify the text-announcement in the aspect of its structural, semantic, compositional and pragmatic-communicative options

-To provide a comprehensive definition of a repetition, taking into account its structural, semantic, functional characteristics and psychological, linguistic and pragmatic- communicative aspects

-to identify structural and semantic options of the repetitions in the texts-announcements of English publications

-To develop a classification of repetitions on the basis of their pragmatic and communicative characteristics

-To identify features of using the category of repetition in different communicative blocks of texts-announcements in English publications

-To determine the degree of repetitions' influence on the implementation of the text integrity, informative and promotional functions and on the pragmatic effectiveness of the text-announcement of English publications.

The object of this research is the category of repetition in the texts-announcements.

The subject of the study is the structural-semantic and pragmatic-communicative peculiarities of repetition in the texts-announcements of English publications.

Repetition is a multifunctional phenomenon

repetition english announcement texts

The researchers of the category of repetition note an outstanding role of repetition in the presentation of a text as a whole that is semantically and structurally coherent [1, p. 72]. The main purpose of the repetition is semantic and emotional strengthening statements [2]. The multi-functionality of repetitions is implemented in integrative, informative, retrospective, accentuating, accumulative, evaluation and topical functions.

Repetition is one of the main elements ensuring the integrity of the text [1]. Lexical repetition (LP) holds a special place in TA among existing means of communication. LP is actualized in the headline of text and in key/thematic words. The headline is focused on a specific theme that is the peculiarity of TA. Thus, the integrity of TA is carried out using the repetition of the headline and repetition of the words in thematic chains.

Comp.: Handbook of Petrochemicals and Processes. The Handbook of Petrochemicals and Processes provides comprehensive, up-to-date information of 76 petrochemicals and their processes... [...]

The Handbook of Petrochemicals and Processes gathers together, in one volume, all the most frequently needed information on all major petrochemicals.

LR functions together with morpheme repetitions, providing thematic coherence. Lexical and morpheme repetition of the key words contributes to the stability of the theme, what, in its turn, stimulates the understanding of the text, increasing its pragmatic effectiveness [3].

Comp.: Entries also make abstract scientific concepts concrete by using examples from everyday life, show how science affects other disciplines (e.g. social sciences, humanities) and explain the impact the scientist has had on the discipline itself.

(The Gale Group Catalogue)

Routledge History of Philosophy

This unrivalled series provides a chronological survey of the history of Western philosophy, from its beginning in the sixth century BC to the present. Each volume: - includes in-depth discussion of all major philosophical developments and philosophers.

(Routledge Library Reference)

Morpheme repetition occurs in the level of affix - suffix and prefixal repetitions. Affixal repetition (AR) is parallel to word-formative model of repetition.

Comp.: The scope extends to:

- Structural and mechanical design

- Fluid dynamics and aerodynamics

- Propulsion systems and fuels

- Transmission and landing systems

- Tribology, hydraulics and pneumatics

(Professional Engineering Publishing)

The usage of AR (in particular the suffixal repetition) acts as a stereotypical tool in texts- announcements because it has great frequency of usage within the paradigm of TA. This is due to the saturation of TA by terminology and nomenclature vocabulary, using words with one derivational model.

Comp.: Nitriding, nitrocarburising oxidizing boronising surface layer hardening, and remelting are among the most important processes for modifying the characteristics of the surface layers...

(Professional Engineering Publishing)

The usage of AR as a means of expression for the logical and emphatic highlight of the root morpheme is atypical for texts-announcements, where the usage of stylistic devices is subjected to pragmatic purpose. The main function of AR is to ensure the compression of information.

Almost all kinds of repetitions take part in providing of texts-announcements' integration. The words substitutes and paraphrase, which are used mainly in the thematic chains, in addition to the integrating function, perform accumulating and reporting functions, serve for the accumulation of information in the text, which increases overall performance of the TA [6].

Comp.: Modern American Literature.

This standard reference work... presents a collection of important critical excerpts... This edition... features expanded coverage of black, Hispanic, Native American and women writers.

(The Gale Group Catalogue) Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories

This ground-breaking volume offers an accessible, multidisciplinary insight into the complex field offeminist thought. The Encyclopedia contains...

(Routledge Library Reference)

Morphological repetition in the texts-announcements mostly consists of the repetition of verb forms (time, status and etc.). The repeated use of a particular temporal form of the verb reinforces, on the one hand, the formal coherence of the text, on the other hand, is a means of accentuating a certain value. For example, the repetition of the perfekt form draws the attention of the recipient to the fact that the action has already ended:

Comp.: Recent years have seen the growing challenge to the idea that politics and religion are distinct and autonomous ideas. Modern study has highlighted how traditionally religion has played an important role in politics, and conversely how politics itself has become inextricably assimilated...

(Routledge Reference)

Repetitions have pragmatic guidance, because the recipient hopes in a clear and concise manner to see the main work and is an important tool that increases the information content in TA. The informative function of repetitions is based on the opposite features of the category of repetition. Tautological repetition slows down the temp of presenting information. In fact, it reduces the information content of text but simple contact repetotion in TA, executes the same evaluation function, emphasizing the specific item of statement:

Comp.: It provides access to a range of documents which have hitherto been highly inaccessible - both difficult to locate and difficult to interpret and understand.

(Routledge Library Reference)

In six outstanding volumes WEST documents artistic development all over the world county by country, region by region.

(Routledge Library Reference)

Tautological repetitions give an element of expressiveness to TA, bringing it closer to the style of the artwork. This increases the impact on the recipient, creating a positive atmosphere around the main piece [14].

Synonymical, antonymical, morpheme repetitions, usage of the words-substitutes and paraphrases increase the information content in TA, because except the repetition of certain seme, they provide additional information and act as a means to attract and hold the attention of the recipient on the element which is repeated.

Comp.: This volume contains the papers of the sixth annual conference organized by... Application of Multi-Variable System Techniques includes...

(Professional Engineering Publishing)

Worldmark Encyclopedia of the States

“The one-volume compilation makes this a convenient source for comparative date on the states ".

- School Library Journal

This compendium offers... Reach for this single-volume resource for...

(The Gale Group Catalogue)

Repeating the basic seme and enriching it with additional elements, the above-mentioned types of repetitions are implementing together integrated informative, accumulative and accentuating functions [15].

Syntax repetition (SR), which we define as identical to the construction of syntactic units with the possible (but not necessarily) identical lexical content, is also characterized by multifunctionality. First of all, SR provides structural integration of the text. Incomplete parallel constructions, enumeration and the usage of one structural type of sentences, integrating text, facilitate the perception and understanding of TA from the recipient's side.

The structural-semantic model of TA is characterized by the repeated usage of one part of speech words - list. The list is used in the main communication unit to inform the recipient about the structure and content of the main works.

Comp.: Tribal essays include: Introduction, History, Religion, Language, Buildings...

(The Gale Group Catalogue)

Contents Include: Machine tool monitoring Systems; Identification systems; Non contact vision systems...

(Professional Engineering Publishing)

Recommended for both college and university libraries, public libraries, theological libraries, and anyone interested in ancient history.

(Routledge Library Reference)

The list involves the implicit repetition of a certain seme. It is often used instead of syntactical parallelism to compress information and improve the information content of the text. A colon acts as a marker of semantic repetition - the theme of the message is implicit, and the new rheme is presented explicitly [5]:

Comp.: Areas covered: traditional taxonomies of feminist theory.; theoretical subdivisions...; discipline-specific issues...

(Routledge Library Reference)

Thus, the list, in addition to the integrative function, performs accentuating - draws attention to the repeated seme, holding the attention of a recipient, facilitating the perception of information.

The pragmatic guidance of TA offers a rare usage of full syntactic parallelism in the context of TA, because full parallelism is one of the types of redundancy (semantic and structural). Enumeration and incomplete parallelism serve to reduce redundancy and to increase the information content in TA.

Comp.: Strengths of the Wellesley Index:

- It gives evidence for the attribution of author.

- It lists for each author all their articles...

- It shows the contents of every issue...

(Routledge Library Reference)

The repeated usage of a specific structural type of the sentence ensures the structural and logical integrity, improves information content of TA. Through the implementation of the abovementioned functions, repetition of the type of sentence contributes to pragmatic efficiency of TA, provides adequate understanding of the information and interest of the recipient in the acquisition of a new product [6].

Comp.: What was the pilgrimage like in “Canterbury Tales?” What kings were in reign during the British legend “The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood”? What areas of Africa does the autobiography “Out of Africa” take place in?

(The Gale Group Catalogue)

Who invented the gas chromatograph?

How has the telescope evolved?

What is the difference between an eastern abacus and a western abacus?

(The Gale Group Catalogue)

The repetition of interrogative sentences in the introduction block of TA creates a positive atmosphere around the product that is advertised. The recipient comes to believe that by purchasing the book he will find answers to these questions. The combination of accumulating and accentuating functions leads to the increasing of pragmatic efficiency [9].


The pragmatic guidance determines the functional load of repetition and its structural-semantic characteristics. Texts-announcements' guidance to inform the recipients in a clear and logical provision of information determines the effectiveness of integrative, informative, retrospective and topical repetitions. The desire for advertising new publications with a view to their sale contributes to the functioning of accentuating, accumulating and evaluating iterations within TA.

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