Prosodic organisation of english utterances of sympathy

The generalized model of the complex of communicative factors’ stochastic interplay in sympathy utterances actualization. Characterization of the features of nature of the interaction of intonation means with paralinguistic lexico-grammatical means.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 13.06.2022
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Prosodic organisation of english utterances of sympathy

Larysa Taranenko, Mykola Kutsenko

Larysa Taranenko (National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine), Mykola Kutsenko (Military Diplomatic Academy named after Yevheniy Bereznyak, Kyiv, Ukraine) Prosodic organization of English utterances of sympathy

The paper is a complex study of prosodic organization of English utterances of sympathy. The research is based on functional and communicative approaches to the study of oral communication and is conducted within the framework of psycho-energetic, social and cultural aspects. In order to objectify the data obtained and explain the dynamic interplay of the speakers' pragmatic aims and their cultures of micro and macrosocieties we also used the apparatus of linguistic synergetics. All the experimental utterances were classified according to their pragmatic orientation, type of communicative situation, speakers' social statuses, their social and cultural levels and the level of the utterance emotional and pragmatic potentials. On the auditory analysis stage we found out a set of prosodic means typical of English utterances of sympathy having a definite pragmatic orientation (sympathy proper, compassion, consolation, encouragement). Besides, we singled out the invariant intonation pattern and specific features of its variant realizations. The analysis of video data allowed us to describe the interplay of prosodic means with paralinguistic, lexical and grammatical means as well as define the role of phonetic means in proper decoding of sincerity or insincerity of English utterances of sympathy. Acoustic analysis enabled us to instrumentally verify the data obtained during the auditory stage of the experiment and identify the variant and invariant patterns of English utterances of sympathy prosodic organization. Linguistic interpretation of the obtained results made it possible to model the synergetic processes of the utterances of sympathy self-development based on the individuals' personal communicative experience acquired within his/her micro and macro-societies cultures. Using such modeling, we managed to identify that generation and actualization of sympathy of a certain pragmatic type is only possible due to the presence of phonoconcepts prototypes in the individual's memory, which, in their turn, are able to form one of the four invariant intonation patterns.

Key words: sympathy utterance, prosodic means, invariant and variant intonation patterns, auditory and acoustic analyses, linguistic interpretation.

Л. І. Тараненко, М. А. Куценко. Просодична організація англійських висловлень співчуття.

Статтю присвячено комплексному дослідженню закономірностей просодичної організації різних типів і видів англійських висловлень співчуття. Дослідження здійснено в межах функціонально комунікативного підходу до вивчення усного мовлення з позицій психоенергетичного й соціокультурного аспектів. З метою об'єктивації отриманих даних та пояснення процесів динамічної взаємодії прагматичних намірів мовця та культур його мікрой макросоціумів у процесі усної актуалізації висловлень співчуття традиційні методи експериментально-фонетичного аналізу було доповнено методами лінгвосинергетики. Корпус експериментальних висловлень систематизовано за їхньою прагматичною спрямованістю, ситуацією спілкування, соціальним статусом та соціокультурним рівнем мовців, а також рівнем емоційно-прагматичного потенціалу. У результаті виконання аудитивного аналізу встановлено номенклатуру просодичних засобів, які слугують реалізації конкретного прагматичного спрямування англійських висловлень співчуття (власне співчуття, співпереживання, втішання, підбадьорювання) та обґрунтовано інваріант їхньої інтонаційної моделі й диференційні ознаки її варіантних реалізацій. Вивчення експериментального матеріалу, супроводжуваного відеорядом, дозволило здійснити опис участі засобів усіх рівнів мови у процесі актуалізації співчуття, а також установити характер взаємодії інтонаційних засобів з паралінгвальними й лексико-граматичними засобами та визначити їхню роль у коректному декодуванні щирості або нещирості висловленого співчуття. Шляхом акустичного аналізу інструментально підтверджено дані, отримані в ході аудитивного аналізу, що слугувало підґрунтям для визначення інваріантної і варіантних моделей просодичного оформлення англійських висловлень співчуття. Лінгвістична інтерпретація результатів вивчення інтонаційного оформлення висловлень співчуття дозволила синергетично змоделювати процес саморозвитку співчуття, перебіг якого відбувається на підставі особистого комунікативного досвіду індивіда, набутого в межах культури його мікрота макросоціумів. Таке моделювання показало, що породження й актуалізація співчуття певного прагматичного різновиду виникає завдяки наявності в пам'яті мовця фоноконцептівпрототипів, здатних формувати одну з чотирьох інваріантних інтонаційних моделей.

Ключові слова: висловлення співчуття, просодичні засоби, інваріантна й варіантна інтонаційні моделі, аудитивний і акустичний аналізи, лінгвістична інтерпретація.

Л. И. Тараненко, Н. А. Куценко. Просодическая организация английских высказываний сочувствия.

Статья посвящена комплексному исследованию просодической организации различных типов и видов английских высказываний сочувствия. Исследование выполнено в рамках функционально-коммуникативного подхода к изучению устной речи с позиций психоэнергетического и социокультурного аспектов. Для объективации полученных данных и объяснения процессов динамического взаимодействия прагматических намерений говорящего и культур его микрои макросоциумов был использован инструментарий лингвосинергетики. Корпус экспериментальных высказываний был систематизирован согласно прагматическим намерениям говорящего, коммуникативной ситуации, социальному статусу и социокультурному уровню коммуникантов, а также уровню эмоционально-прагматического потенциала. В результате выполнения аудитивного анализа была установлена номенклатура просодических средств, служащих реализации конкретной прагматической направленности английских высказываний сочувствия (собственно сочувствие, сопереживание, утешение, подбадривание), обоснован инвариант их интонационной модели и дифференцирующие признаки их вариантных реализаций. Изучение экспериментального материала, сопровождаемого видеорядом, позволило описать участие средств всех уровней языка в процессе актуализации сочувствия, а также установить характер взаимодействия интонационных средств с паралингвистическими лексико-грамматическими средствами и определить их роль в корректном декодировании искренности или неискренности высказанного сочувствия. Путём акустического анализа инструментально подтверждены данные, полученные в ходе аудитивного анализа, что послужило основанием для определения инвариантной и вариантных моделей просодического оформления английских высказываний сочувствия. Лингвистическая интерпретация результатов изучения интонационного оформления высказываний сочувствия позволила синергетически смоделировать процесс саморазвития сочувствия, течение которого происходит на основании личного опыта индивида, приобретенного в рамках культуры его микрои макросоциумов. Такое моделирование показало, что порождение и актуализация сочувствия определенного прагматического типа возникает благодаря наличию в памяти говорящего фоноконцептов-прототипов, способных формировать одну из четырех инвариантных интонационных моделей.

Ключевые слова: высказывания сочувствия, просодические средства, инвариантная и вариантная интонационные модели, аудитивный и акустический анализы, лингвистическая интерпретация.


grammatical communicative sympathy

Present-day linguistics is characterized by the gradual change of its research paradigms which is taking place due to steady integration of the results obtained by the adjacent to linguistics areas whose scientific inquiry is aimed at an in-depth explanation of the individual's cognitive activities while generating and receiving verbal and non-verbal information. As a result, issues related to the identification of emotional and pragmatic factors' interplay are getting more and more relevant as they play a significant role in the process of sympathy utterances' production in general and their prosodic organisation in particular.

Since sympathy is traditionally related to the phenomenon of empathy and is defined as an emotional response to the feelings of others (Epstein & Mehrabian, 1972), it is usually viewed as an instrument of a person-to-person interaction. That is why some aspects of sympathy expression have been sufficiently reflected in a number of Ukrainian and foreign studies focused on empathy (Debes, 2017; Hoffman, 2001; Zhuravliova, 2008). Thus, some sympathy related issues have acquired a various degree of their elaboration in linguistic studies, namely: verbal and non-verbal realisation of sympathy (Kazachkova, 2006), functional-and-pragmatic loading of sympathy in communication (Sugiharto, 2008), lexical and grammatical features of sympathy utterances (Kazachkova, 2006), forms of their expression (Kalyta, 2001), gender related specificity of sympathy actualization in speech (Dolia, 2013), common and distinctive features of sympathy with other varieties of empathic communication (Tatsenko, 2017), etc.

Results of scientific justification of the communicative-and-functional paradigm fundamental principles (Kalyta & Taranenko, 2006; Pierhambert, 1993; Tatham, 1987) turned our attention to the issue of the human factor in language and thus directed us towards the analysis of the connection between language and cognition, the notion and its acoustic image, speech and speaker's psyche, etc. However, the scientific sources on hand lack the generalized and unanimously accepted understanding of the phenomenon of sympathy as one of the forms of human emotions' materialisation which could enable us to identify the communicative specifics of prosodic organisation of English utterances of sympathy.

In view of this, the aim of the present paper is to define the regularities of prosodic organization of English sympathy utterances by means of identifying their typical intonation patterns. To reach this aim, we have undertaken the following sequence of methodological steps. It was rational within the first step to analyse the linguistic status, semantic, structural and functional features of the utterances of sympathy. The second step presupposed the formation of an inventory of verbal and non-verbal means of sympathy expression whose interplay varies depending on the role of a number of extralinguistic factors. Within the third step, on the basis of auditory and acoustic analyses of the experimental utterances, we described the specificity of their prosodic organization, experimentally substantiated invariant and variant intonation patterns typical of the sympathy utterances of different pragmatic orientation as well as performed linguistic interpretation of the experimental data obtained.

Theoretical background of the research

Having analysed a number of existing views on the notion of sympathy (Debes, 2017; Tatsenko, 2017) we have come up with the definition of a sympathy utterance as an expressive unit of speech actualised either orally or in writing as an emotional reaction to any negative or difficult situation of one of the interlocutors. Sympathy utterance is usually realised in speech as compassion, consolation or encouragement. The choice of verbal and non-verbal means actualizing the utterance of sympathy largely depends on the communicative situation, interlocutors' social and cultural statuses as well as their communicative aim. On the subconscious level sympathy should be viewed as a complex process that includes emotional contagion (Sheler, 2017). This presupposes understanding of the addressee's feelings, parallelization and reconstruction of his/her emotional state on the basis of the speaker's personal experience, which in its turn directly influences the utterance's pragmatic orientation, the degree of its sincerity and the manner and nature of sympathy utterance realisation in speech.

Research results of different aspects of sympathy actualization (Zhuravliova, 2008; Kazachkova, 2006) prove that the main function of sympathy is to express distress, sorrow or grief about the negative situation with a view to support the addressee psychologically. Consequently, from a functional perspective the most significant feature that influences the speaker's choice of the language means of all levels is the utterance pragmatic orientation which enables us to trace the link between the speaker's intentions and his/her emotions conveyed in speech by prosodic means.

Taking into account the mentioned above and synthesizing the linguists' ideas about the interaction of verbal and non-verbal means in emotional utterances actualization, we substantiated the generalized model outlining the complexes of communicative factors' stochastic interplay which allows us to take into consideration the factors that appear in social and cultural domains of any given communicative situation (see Fig. 1).

Figure 1. The generalized model of the complex of communicative factors' stochastic interplay in sympathy utterances actualization

The given generalized model presents a scheme of stochastic interaction of a number of communicative factors that influence the expression of sympathy, namely: the form of a communication situation (formal/informal), the utterance pragmatic orientation (sympathy proper, compassion, consolation, encouragement), a set of lingual (lexical, grammatical, phonetic) and para-lingual (body posture, gestures, facial expressions, etc.) means. The offered scheme serves as a reliable methodological and structural basis for conducting an experimental research aimed at deepening scientific ideas about the oral actualization of the utterances of sympathy.

Besides, on the basis of the knowledge existing in linguistics we formed the classification of the key linguistic features pertaining to different types of sympathy utterances that contribute to the variability of sympathy utterances' prosodic organization (see Fig. 2).

In accordance with the classification, all the utterances of sympathy can be differentiated (see the first level) according to the criterion of their pragmatic orientation into those conveying sympathy proper (i.e. expression of pity), compassion (i.e. demonstration of understanding the situation), consolation (i.e. calming and soothing expression) and encouragement (i.e. communicating support). The second level of the given classification distinguishes the utterances of sympathy depending on the communicative situation in which they are actualized, namely: formal or informal. The third level of the classification takes into consideration the speaker's social status with respect to the addressee's (higher, equal, and lower statuses). The fourth level, as is seen from Fig. 1, differentiates the utterances of sympathy according to the speaker's social-and-cultural level (high, mid, and low), while the fifth one deals with the emotional and pragmatic potentials of the utterances, grouping them into those having high, mid or low levels.

The analysis of psycho-energetic component of oral realization of sympathy was conducted on the basis of the model (Klymeniuk, 2010) representing the interaction of microand macrocosm thesauri spheres in the processes of an individual's psychic existence. The model allowed us to experimentally describe a complex set of factors that influences the prosodic organization of sympathy. These factors include, in particular, an individual's self-perception and their views on the role the person plays in the society, their belonging to a certain social group, the worldview that dominates in social and professional consciousness of a person, the form of government, social and cultural statuses of an individual, etc.

Figure 2. Classification of the key linguistic features of English utterances of sympathy

Program and methodology of an experimental phonetic study

The program of our experimental study included several steps necessary to find out common and differential features of prosodic organization of the utterances under analysis. According to research methodology, the first step presupposed the selection of experimental utterances. They then were evaluated by native speakers and grouped according to the classification criteria of key linguistic features of sympathy utterances. After that, in the course of the auditory analysis, the utterances were scrutinized by phoneticians who defined the specificity of prosodic means' interplay in different types of sympathy utterances and came up with their invariant and variant intonation patterns. This way of study organization allowed us to identify the nomenclature of prosodic means typical of each pragmatic type of sympathy utterances in relation to the communicative situation, social and cultural statuses of speech participants and the level of the utterance emotional and pragmatic potentials.

The next step comprised the acoustic analysis of tonic, dynamic and temporal parameters of the spoken utterances of sympathy as well as was aimed at verifying the results of the auditory analysis. To measure acoustic parameters we used such speech synthesizing software as CoolEditPro, Version 1.2 (Johnston, 2002), SpectraLab, Version 4.3213 (Sound Technology, Inc., 1997), and Praat, Version 6.0 (Boersma & Weenink, 2015).

Finally, we performed the linguistic interpretation of the experimental data and summarized all the information obtained during the study process. To achieve this, the traditional phonetic analysis was accompanied by the innovative synergetic analysis that enabled identifying psychoenergetic properties of stochastic processes that take place in the speaker's psyche while expressing various types of sympathy. These processes are based on the dialectic synergy of the speaker's macro and micro-society cultures. Synergetic analysis also allowed us to clarify the influence of stochastic processes on the sympathy prosodic organization. To trace the changes in emotional and pragmatic potential within the utterances actualization, we applied the quantitative A-criterion developed by Ukrainian linguists A. Kalyta and L. Taranenko (Kalyta & Taranenko, 2012).

Results and discussion

Results of the experimental study showed that explicitly expressed utterances of sympathy, which in their structure have performative verbs, such as to regret, to support, to be sorry, to grieve, to sympathize, etc. or nouns derived from these verbs, usually convey the pragmatic function of sympathy proper, e.g.:

We 1all grieve *with | and \stand with | the community of La jNoche | and1all of Saskatchewan | on this terrible \tragic \day. (sincere sympathy, formal communicative situation) (a fragment from Justin Trudo's interview)

On very rare occasions, the utterances of sympathy with performatives have the function of consolation or encouragement, e.g.:

/Shocked but \resolute, | in vsorrow § but un\bowed. || (a fragment from David Cameron's interview) (consolation, formal communicative situation).

On the prosodic level such lexemes are intensified by a nuclear tone (falling, rising or falling-rising tone with a low or decreased rate of its movement) as well as by the utterance stress or special rise.

The analysis has also revealed that all types of sympathy utterances are characterized by the usage of qualitative adjectives within their structure, namely: sad, angry, terrible, dreadful, appalling, devastated, heart-breaking which are marked on the prosodic level by a special rise or falling nuclear tone and a widened pitch interval at the juncture between a pre-nuclear part and a nuclear tone. In such cases the adjectives function as sematic centers of intonation groups and actualize the sympathy utterances having mid and high levels of emotional and pragmatic potentials, as is shown in the example:

\Hey, | 'I feel \just as \bad | about the professor as you \do. 11 I \do. 11 (a fragment from `Peter Benchley's Amazon') (compassion, informal communicative situation).

In utterances of sympathy with mid and high emotional and pragmatic potentials several lexemes, as a rule, are made prominent which strengthens the sincere and somehow persuasive character of the uttered sympathy. Such language means' interplay enables the speaker sound convincing and creates the atmosphere of full understanding of the addressee's situation. This is achieved by using the intensifying adverbs such as absolutely, simply, quite, so, really, too, very, which on the prosodic level are emphasized by the special rise or utterance stress in combination with a positive widened pitch interval.

Well, the ''loss of \life § in 1Norway has been \absolutely ho rrific. || (a fragment from Tony Blair's interview) (sympathy proper, formal communicative situation).

Sympathy utterances having a low level of emotional and pragmatic potentials comprise the smallest group of utterances. In our view, this fact can be explained by the nature of sympathy itself which presupposes empathy, or understanding of the feelings and emotional state of the interlocutor. According to the results of the experimental study, sympathies with a low level of emotional and pragmatic potentials are typical of formulaic expressions, formal sympathizing or of those expressions which are perceived as insincere ones, for instance:

We fight | alongside you | to 'uphold our /values, | the 'values that \we /share, | universal lvalues I that fide us together § as friends and as \allies. || (fragment from Barack Obama's interview) (consolation, formal communicative situation).

Proper decoding of the sincerity or insincerity of sympathy utterances depends on its prosodic organization. In the sincere ones, regardless of the communicative situation they are used in, social and cultural statuses of speech participants, the verbs and nouns conveying the meaning of “sympathy” make up a separate intonation group and are marked by a medium or widened pitch interval and/or perceptive pause. Due to such prosodic organization, the whole utterance acquires a regular rhythmic structure and is actualized in a slowed-down or moderate tempo:

'V 'sorrow with \you. || (a fragment from `Peter Benchley's Amazon') (informal communicative situation).

Another specific feature of sincere sympathy utterances is that, in contrast to a similar syntactic structure of the statement of an unpleasant fact, failure, tragedy, etc., within their intonation groups not only notional parts of speech acquire prominence, but also function words (conjunctions, prepositions, some pronouns, modal and auxiliary verbs, e.g.: ..'.'"your girls..., -To ml those..., ..'.'"with the Norwegian people), which, as a rule, are not emphasized in affirmative emotionally neutral utterances.

On the contrary, insincere utterances are marked by the increase of the falling tone movement rate, tempo acceleration and narrowing of the pitch range.

\Alec, § (1) I'm 1so \sorry! || (a fragment from `Broadchurch') (insincere sympathy proper, formal communicative situation).

The performed study also demonstrates that one and the same expression of sympathy can acquire a different pragmatic orientation depending on the communicative situation. For instance, increased loudness and greater emphasis of the notional words is typical of encouragements. Decreased loudness, decreased tempo, a slowed rate of nuclear tone movement, elongation of vowels are characteristic of sympathies proper and compassions realized in informal situations. This means that decoding of sympathy utterances actualized with the same lexical and grammatical structures depends on their prosodic organization and that phonetic means play a key role in decoding the utterances' degrees of sincerity and formality.

The analysis of experimental video data proved that in explicit utterances of sympathy prosodic means perform the intensifying function and they are closely coordinated with paralinguistic means. In case of implicit sympathy expression prosodic and paralinguistic means become prominent in proper decoding of the speaker's intentions.

The carried out auditory analysis enables us to form the variant intonation patterns of English sympathy utterances subdivided into four groups according to their pragmatic orientation. The intonation pattern of the utterances of sympathy proper is characterized by the long pause initiating the utterance, absent or mid-level pre-head, medium voice range, actualization of the utterance beginning within a heightened voice pitch, a low falling nuclear tone with a moderate rate of its movement, zero pitch interval between the utterance pre-nuclear part and its nuclear tone, simple rhythmic structure, moderate tempo and loudness, e.g.:

|| \Oh, \God§ (1) I'm 1so \sorry || (a fragment from `Broadchurch');

|| -We hurn our *thoughts and prayers this \week § -to those § -Effected by these 1terrible \storms § and floods || (a fragment from `One of us').

Intonation pattern of compassions is characterized by the absent or mid-level pre-head, actualization of the utterance beginning within mid-high pitch and utterance ending within mid-low pitch, absent or checked ascending scale, ascending-descending melodic contour, a low falling nuclear tone with a moderate rate of its movement, zero pitch interval between the utterance pre-nuclear part and its nuclear tone, moderate tempo and loudness as well as long pauses at the juncture of neighboring intonation groups, e.g.:

|| And you can \callme *any \time || (a fragment from `Broadchurch');

|| -I feel like | 'everyone else in this country to day. || Utterly \devastated. || (a fragment from Tony Blair's interview).

It is typical of intonation models of consolations to be introduced by a short pause. The utterance starts at a mid-low pitch, is characterized by no pre-head or its low level pitch, a checked scale, an ascending-descending melodic contour, a low falling nuclear tone with moderate rate of its movement, moderate tempo, decreased loudness and a short pause at the juncture of neighboring intonation groups, e.g.

Get it \out of your mind || (a fragment from `Peter Benchley's Amazon');

Oh, Aon't *do \that. || -It wasn't your fault || (a fragment from `Peter Benchley's Amazon').

Prosodic organization of encouragements has the following characteristics: short pause before the utterance, actualization of the utterance beginning within a mid-low voice range, low-level pre head, presence of scale, a mid-low and low-falling nuclear tone with a low rate of its movement, a narrow range, moderate tempo and decreased loudness, e.g.:

We weren't \wrong. |1 (a fragment from `Broadchurch');

But hkose who perpetrated | these 'brutal \acts | against 'innocent people | ~should \know | that they will not change our way of pfe. |1 Atrocities § 1such as \these | 1simply \reinforce § our sense of community, | our humanity | ~and our \trust § in the Vule of \law. |1 | That is a \clear message § from us \all. || (a fragment from Queen Elizabeth II interview).


According to the research results, we found out that the most important feature that influences the choice of language means in conveying sympathy is its pragmatic orientation which with the help of certain prosodic means complexes allows the addressee to decode the speaker's intentions, their emotions, the level of formality of the utterance and the sincerity of sympathy expressed by the speaker. Results of both, the auditory and acoustic analyses revealed a set of typical intonation parameters which allow the listener to decode sincerity of sympathy in different communicative situations. These intonation parameters comprise the pitch of the utterance beginning, voice range, allocation of the pitch maximum, types of melodic contours, the pitch of the nuclear tone beginning and the rate of its movement, configuration of the nuclear tone, pitch intervals at the juncture `prenuclear part / nuclear tone', presence of pauses and tempo. Acoustic analysis enabled us to objectify the data obtained at the auditory stage which, in its turn, gave us the possibility to identify invariant and variant patterns of prosodic organization of English sympathy utterances.

We experimentally verified that irrespective of the communicative situation, the invariant intonation pattern of sympathy utterances is characterized by the following perceptive features: absent or mid-level pre-head, actualization of the utterance beginning within a mid-low voice range, absent or checked ascending scale, ascending-descending melodic contour, zero or negative pitch interval between the utterance pre-nuclear part and its nuclear tone, mid-low or low falling nuclear tone with a moderate rate of its movement, moderate tempo and loudness, short pause at the juncture of intonation groups, regular rhythm and comforting voice timbre.

Results of the acoustic analysis provided grounds to claim that the invariant prosodic pattern of sympathy realization includes the following acoustic parameters: a widened and wide range of fundamental frequency, high and extra high level of the frequency maximum, allocation of the frequency maximum on the head of the first and second intonation groups, high and extra high pitch of the utterance beginning and low and extra low level of its ending, prevalence of negative pitch intervals, allocation of intensity maximum on the head and nuclear syllable of the first or final intonation groups, middle and widened range of utterance intensity, middle and increased average syllable duration of sympathy, short or extra-short pauses at the juncture of intonation groups.

Linguistic interpretation of the experimental results made it possible to model the synergetic self-developing processes of the utterance actualization by an individual based on his/her communicative experience. By means of such modeling we found out that generation and actualization of sympathy utterances of a certain pragmatic orientation takes place due to the presence of certain phonoconcepts' prototypes in the speaker's memory which can form in his/her consciousness one of the four invariant intonation patterns. Within the four typical intonation patterns conveying the utterance pragmatic orientation, the speaker can actualize the variety of variant realizations of sympathy. This variety appears as a result of the influence of such communicative factors as the degree of formality, social statuses of speech participants, cultures of their micro and macro-societies and the level of the utterance emotional-and-pragmatic potential.

The obtained results of auditory, acoustic and synergetic analyses are characterized by the correspondence of invariant and variant intonation patterns which makes it possible to use them in further linguistic practice.


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