Ecologization of education through a foreign language

Problem of environmental education, which should be addressed at the stages of continuous environmental education. Preparation of generation of ecological culture as a need of society. The contribution of a foreign language to the solution of this issue.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Ecologization of education through a foreign language

Галькиева Зинфира Хайдаровна, Валитова Лилия Радиковна, Губарева Татьяна Александровна Маркова Гульфия Альмянсуровна к.п.н., доцент кафедры английского языка и гуманитарных дисциплин

Россия, г. Оренбург


Только экологически грамотный человек может остановить загрязнение окружающей среды, предотвратить катастрофу, выстроить взаимовыгодное сотрудничество с природой. Поэтому крайне важно знать основные составляющие педагогического процесса и понимать задачи экологического воспитания, которые должны решаться на всех этапах непрерывного экологического образования. Подготовка поколения высокой экологической культуры является ключевой задачей и потребностью общества, и иностранный язык позволяет внести определенный вклад в решение этого вопроса. Задача преподавателя состоит в том, чтобы заинтересовать учащихся экологическими проблемами, используя различные формы и методы обучения и воспитания.

Ключевые слова: экологическая культура, экологическое образование, методы экологического воспитания, учебный процесс, учитель, ученик. студенческая деятельность, иностранный язык, учебный процесс, воспитательная работа.



Galkieva Zinfira Khaidarovna

Valitova Lilya Radikovna Gubareva Tatyana Alexandrovna Markova Gulfiya Almyansurovna

Ph.D, Associate Professors of the Department of English Language and Humanities Orenburg State Agrarian University

Russia, Orenburg

Only an ecologically competent person can stop environmental pollution, prevent a catastrophe, and build mutually beneficial cooperation with nature. Therefore, it is extremely important that teachers are aware of the main components of the pedagogical process and understand the tasks of environmental education that should be addressed at all stages of continuous environmental education. The preparation of a generation of high ecological culture is a key task and need of society, and a foreign language at school makes it possible to make a certain contribution to solving this issue. The task of a foreign language teacher is to interest students in environmental problems using various forms and methods of education and upbringing.

Keywords: ecological culture, environmental education, environmental education methods, educational process, teacher, student. student activity, foreign language, learning process, educational work.

Nowadays, the ever-increasing needs of the growing population of the planet, the active production activity of the world community, and the one-sided, consumer, development of science and technology have a detrimental effect on the world around us, lead to serious changes and disruptions in the ecological balance of the planet and inexorably lead to a global environmental crisis. The results of violent and thoughtless human activity have been pollution of the World Ocean, lakes, rivers, soil pollution and depletion of its resources, destruction of forests, green spaces, soil erosion, air pollution, the appearance of ozone holes in the atmosphere, the disappearance of many species of flora and fauna, huge reserves of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons, posing a threat and risk of destruction of the biosphere [5]. The issue of the relationship between humanity and the environment today is the most acute and is of a planetary nature, since the current environmental situation cannot be resolved within the framework of one country or one nation, this is a problem for all countries and nations, and it must be solved within the framework of the entire planet. It is necessary to work on raising the level of consciousness and tolerance of the entire population [9]. So that each person realizes that environmental problems concern each of us. People must move from contemplation of the general picture of the world around and selfish consumption of the gifts of nature to awareness of environmental problems, to forecasting the prospects for further development within the thoughtless use of natural resources, to foreseeing a potential environmental catastrophe. The way out of the ecological crisis is impossible without the active participation of people with an ecological worldview, ecological culture, which is part of the general culture and includes natural science, philosophical, moral, political, legal, aesthetic, labor and other aspects of the relationship between Man and Nature [6].

The formation of ecological culture is an important condition for the further existence of mankind, environmental education and upbringing is one of the most important factors in creating the personality of a new generation, who cares about the future of the planet and is able to solve the problem of the ecological crisis. Before educational institutions there is a social order of society for the formation of personality traits that will ensure the use of creative potential for the global problems of mankind. Today's younger generation will face the need to develop new technologies to prevent an environmental catastrophe - the solution to the most global problem of human survival. This causes a surge of interest both abroad and in Russia in the development of environmental culture, one can observe the greening of school subjects in order to develop environmental knowledge and environmental culture of students as elements of environmental education. In the field of pedagogical science, the first to turn their attention to the prospects of raising a child in relationship with nature were the Italian humanists. Ya.A. wrote about the influence of nature on the moral and ecological development of children. Comenius, I.G. Pestalozzi, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, F. Diesterweg, A. Humboldt. In Russian pedagogy, the theoretical foundations of moral education through communication with nature were covered by A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, K.D. Ushinsky, for whom natural beauty was a kind of background for the spiritual development of a person, the source of his emotional and intellectual life. L.I. Bozhovich, A.N. Elkonin, E. Erikson noted the important role of attitudes towards nature in the study of psychological and pedagogical characteristics and pointed out the need to take into account the age characteristics of children in the development of environmental education methods.

A foreign language as an academic subject has a huge potential for the upbringing, education and development of a student. In the process of teaching a foreign language, the teacher's arsenal has a lot of opportunities for realizing this potential and making intersubject connections, including for environmental education. In the course of educational activities, including when teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to convey to the students the idea that it is not enough to protect and take care only of their native land, that the planet is our common home.

In order to prevent an ecological crisis and solve universal problems, it is necessary to unite the forces of all mankind, direct them to protect the environment, to develop environmentally friendly technologies [7]. The role of the university and each individual subject in achieving these goals is very great, and foreign language lessons contribute both to the study of the problem itself and to communication with representatives of other countries and other nations. Together with other disciplines of the natural science cycle, a foreign language will contribute to the formation of the ecological formation of the personality of students, since this subject has a significant educational potential, often not fully realized. All this determines the relevance of the study.

The ecological culture of society and the individual is part of the general culture, and in recent years, due to the current situation, this concept has become the subject of close study in various fields: philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, sociology. Ecological culture is associated with the personality of a person, his qualities, it includes natural science, aesthetic, philosophical, moral, political, legal, labor and other aspects of the relationship between Man and Nature, and is a complex, multifaceted and multilevel problem [8]. Ecological culture and its content are based on universal human values and have a humanistic orientation. Its formation requires an integrated approach and a systematic analysis of all the features of environmental education and upbringing, as well as taking into account the changing needs of society. This issue is especially acute today, when without the education of the ecological culture of the population, the planet is threatened with extinction, and this type of culture is one of the key factors in the existence of mankind. environmental education language

In connection with the indicated problem, there is a need, in addition to financial injections and costs, to increase the general level of environmental culture in society and improve environmental policy. The problem was identified twenty years ago. In 1992, the UN Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro, approved the strategy of sustainable development as a guide to action for all countries of our planet. In Russia, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1208 "On measures to improve the environmental education of the population" dated 03.11.1994 declared the priority direction of the work of schools - environmental education and upbringing of schoolchildren. However, despite the past two decades, we do not observe a trend towards a clear improvement in the environmental situation both in our country and around the world. Ecological culture is determined by ecological ethics, which creates the basis for actions that are inherently aimed at preserving and developing the existence of man and nature, at developing moral relations between man and nature.

The peculiarity of ecological ethics lies in the fact that its main priority is concern for the natural conditions for the existence of future generations, and concern for the future involves concern for the present. Under the ecological culture of the individual, we mean a neoplasm in the individual, born and developing under the influence of motivational, intellectual and emotional spheres of life and materializing in the style of relationships with the social and natural environment. For the formation of ecological culture, a targeted system of environmental education is necessary, it is necessary to ensure a favorable healthy environment in which a person lives, because its quality affects people's health - the basic right of every person and the goal of the development of civilization. In the absence of natural favorable conditions, the very existence of society is called into question, and all other tasks lose their meaning. That is why environmental education and upbringing should become the basis of the education system.

After all, natural science is necessary for understanding the laws of nature, and literature and history help to assimilate the values of toletant culture [15]. Environmental education contributes to the formation of a truly humane attitude towards nature, understanding how and to what extent a person can transform it, to what extent he can use natural resources without negative consequences, helps to understand the patterns and norms of behavior, thanks to which humanity will be able to exist and develop further ecological consciousness [14]. It is necessary to educate ecological consciousness - a set of views, theories and emotions that reflect the problems of the relationship between society and the natural environment in terms of their optimal solution. This type of consciousness is also called ecocentric, and it is characterized by the following key points:

- the harmonious development of man and nature is the highest value. Everything

that is natural should be considered inherently valuable in itself, having the right to exist regardless of its usefulness, uselessness, or even harm to humans;

rejection of the hierarchical picture of the world. Man is no longer considered the "king of the universe", "the crown of creation", etc., despite the presence of reason and intellect. The world of people and the world of nature are elements of a single system.

In the interaction of man and nature, it is necessary to strive to maximize the satisfaction of both human needs and the needs of the entire natural community. The fundamental essence of relationships is not the impact on nature, but interaction with it.

Interaction with nature is no longer of a pragmatic and consumer nature, but becomes ecological: only that which does not violate the ecological balance existing in nature is correct and allowed:

activities for the protection of nature are dictated by the need to preserve nature for its own sake;

nature is an equal and full subject in interaction with a person;

the development of nature and man is seen as a process of joint evolution, mutually beneficial unity;

ethical rules and norms apply both to relationships between people and to interaction with the natural world.

Such ecological consciousness radically changes the attitude of man to nature, it is no longer consumerist or pragmatic.

For a long time, ecological relations were deformed, humanity did not have a responsibility to the future, which formed the basis of the ecological crisis. The consumer approach to nature prevails among the population as a whole, environmental problems are not perceived by most people as personally significant, and the percentage of those who do not want to participate in real work to improve the environment is very high. Therefore, the main goal of environmental education is the formation of a responsible attitude towards nature.

By environmental education, we mean a permanent, continuous process of education, upbringing and development aimed at the formation of a common environmental culture, responsibility for the fate of one's country and loved ones, the planet and the entire Universe.

For the formation of environmental responsibility, it is necessary to cultivate in a person such character traits as self-control, the ability to foresee the results and consequences of one's actions, a critical attitude towards oneself, etc. It is necessary to voluntarily comply with moral requirements in relation to nature, a mature, formed personality should not experience fear of punishment, a fine, etc., his actions should be driven by conviction and awareness of the need to care for nature, for the planet. Such personal qualities are brought up primarily in general educational institutions, therefore, an international environmental movement of educators was created who consider environmental education a priority, and believe that the state and government should develop an appropriate education policy in the light of the global environmental crisis.

At the same time, two aspects are distinguished: environmental education and the greening of the education system. These phenomena are interrelated, but characterize somewhat different phenomena. The greening of the education system is a feature that demonstrates the tendencies of the penetration of environmental ideas and principles and approaches into all educational disciplines, as well as the training of environmentally literate specialists of various profiles. Environmental education involves the direct assimilation of environmental knowledge.

There are two main areas of environmental education:

education in the spirit of general ideas of environmental protection and human health;

the acquisition of special professional knowledge about the general laws governing the existence of natural and anthropogenic systems. Both of these areas are interconnected, because they are based on the knowledge of the principles, approaches, patterns of ecology.

The environmental issue, due to its interdisciplinary specificity, implies the same interdisciplinary approach, environmental education should be one of the factors in the development of education. Previously, it was a priority of natural science: biology, ecology, geography, and partly technical sciences, whose task was to develop technologies for nature conservation, treatment facilities, etc. In the humanities, the environmental issue was not raised, except perhaps for legal norms and economic problems. Now this problem has acquired a pronounced humanitarian character, and social ecology has emerged in environmental education, which is looking for patterns of favorable and sustainable development of the interaction between society and nature.

The main tasks of environmental education are as follows:

Formation of adequate ecological ideas, that is, ideas about the relationships in the "man - nature" system and in nature itself. When they are formed, a person will be aware of what processes take place in nature, between a person and nature, he will know how to behave and act from the point of view of environmental expediency;

Formation of attitude towards nature. The presence of ecological knowledge cannot serve as a guarantee of ecologically expedient behavior of a person without a correct attitude towards nature. With a well-formed attitude to nature, a person performs environmentally sound actions, behaves purposefully and consciously;

Formation of technologies (a system of skills) and strategies for interaction with nature. This follows from the previous rule: a person must be able to perform the right actions, must implement the acquired knowledge in the system of his actions. If he has mastered the necessary skills, and realizes which strategy will be correct, then he will act on the basis of environmental expediency.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the formation of an ecological culture and a new ecological consciousness is the task of teachers of any discipline. This work is part of the global strategy for the development of education.

The formation of the system of environmental education and upbringing should be based on the following principles: continuity, consistency, generality, humanitarization, complexity, interdisciplinarity, the relationship of the global, regional and local (local history) level of environmental problems. Environmental education includes scientific knowledge and ideas proper, as well as images of art and literature. Thanks to the unification of scientific knowledge and the corresponding artistic images, the gap between the logical and figurative forms of cognition of reality is overcome.

The following aspects are distinguished in the content of environmental education:

the scientific aspect ensures the development of a cognitive attitude to the environment. It includes natural science, sociological and technological patterns, theories and concepts that characterize the interaction of the individual, society, production and nature;

the value aspect is responsible for the formation of a moral and aesthetic attitude to nature, to the departure from a rational and consumer attitude towards it. Thanks to him, children learn to see the beauty of the world around them, receive aesthetic pleasure, and also make a feasible contribution to caring for the world around them, to restoring the natural balance, they get used to leading a healthy lifestyle;

the regulatory aspect involves the development of a system of norms, rules, recommendations and prohibitions of ecological properties;

the activity aspect forms cognitive, practical and creative skills of an ecological nature in children. In the course of environmental activities, children learn to solve environmental problems, get acquainted with equipment and technology, and get an idea of scientific and technological progress.

So, ecological culture and ecological education of both society and the individual is covered in many humanities: in philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, this is a multifaceted and multilevel problem. The formation of environmental consciousness is based on an integrated approach to the methods of environmental education and education and involves their advanced development in comparison with the development of needs. The formation of ecoculture in our days is the key to the survival of mankind and is a vital necessity.

Based on the foregoing, environmental education is the basis of the entire education system, including the foreign language teaching program, since all members of society and international organizations at the highest level are interested in this. Practically all scientists- ecologists, humanists are now talking about the universal scale of the importance of environmental education, discussing international forums on environmental problems, with the help of it, a constructive transformation of social and individual environmental consciousness is possible.

Environmental education is the integration of scientific knowledge and ideas and social perception of the relationship "man-nature". Despite a number of contradictions in approaches to the implementation of environmental education, scientists almost unanimously recognize the need to include an environmental orientation of the discipline in almost all curricula: from mathematics and physics to geography and a foreign language. Environmental education should become an integral part of the content of all levels of education. For the sustainable formation of a new ecological consciousness, it is necessary to use all channels of influence on a person. At the stage of personality formation in university years, teachers can exert such an influence, and they must have an idea of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of environmental education. Their task, in addition to the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities - the formation of a humane attitude to nature, goals and motives for interacting with it, a willingness to choose environmentally sound strategies for activity - this is the task of all teachers, including teachers of a foreign language.

Environmental education should be an integral component of general educational training of students, including a component of foreign language lessons; in the course of environmental education, it is necessary to cultivate a responsible attitude towards the environment, to form environmental spiritual and moral values and guidelines. Teaching a foreign language opens up great opportunities for educating a harmoniously developed personality. It has an ecological orientation, which is focused on the implementation of actions aimed at the preservation and development of human and natural existence, at the formation of a caring attitude towards nature. The educational experience of different peoples has invaluable ecological traditions that have not lost their relevance in modern conditions. The formation of a meaningful and careful attitude to nature cannot be carried out only within the framework of one separate subject, it requires the participation of all disciplines, an integrated approach. Many scientists (A.N. Zakhlebny, E.S. Oganesyan, G.A. Yagodin and others) believe that school education lacks integrity, many school disciplines need to be reworked in order for school education to give students holistic clear ideas about the world around.

At the elementary school stage, children still have a poor command of the language, but it is already possible to organize an environmental project, for example, "My Pet" (My Pet), where students will talk about their animal, which they care for, describe him, his character, preferences and behavior. The purpose of this project is to draw the attention of students to animals, emphasizing their friendliness and dependence on humans. Another theme of the project is "Who is the fastest?" (Who is the fastest?), where students compare different wild animals by gathering information about their lifestyle, habitat, appearance, and physical features. The purpose of the project is to acquaint children with the specifics of animal life in the wild.

In secondary school, students work on the topic "Animals in danger" (Animals in Danger), during which they get acquainted with the problem of endangered species of animals, with the negative consequences of human activity, with the red book and other ways to save endangered animals, organizations, dealing with this problem, the discussion of these problems is aimed at drawing the attention of schoolchildren to the importance of preserving biological diversity. Another important topic in foreign language lessons is the “World around us”, during the study of which students get acquainted with the various manifestations of wildlife that surround them in everyday life, it also includes the topic “Save our planet” (Save our Planet), which studies international experience in creating youthful environmental movements and organizations. The problem of "Global Warming" is explored, and students have the opportunity to draw on knowledge of biology and chemistry, study the impact of exhaust gases on human health, as well as draw up an action plan to reduce air pollution and green the area. Such work in the lessons of a foreign language forms in schoolchildren an ecological consciousness, an effective attitude towards nature.

In high school, the main direction of teaching a foreign language is the study of global problems of the modern world and the application of this knowledge to a specific situation and human environment. The content of the topics of this stage of training includes the projects "Ecological Catastrophes", "The World around us", aimed at studying natural and anthropogenic disasters and their consequences, as well as individual social problems of a global nature. The goal of environmental education during this period is to develop the ability to think strategically, solving large-scale tasks of preserving the world around us, caring for nature, becoming aware of oneself as a member of the world community, where everything is interconnected, cultivating respect for oneself as a person who can influence the order of things and change it to the best.

Having illustrated the implementation of environmental education in foreign language lessons at all levels of education, it is necessary to identify the tasks that need to be addressed in the course of environmental education:

to form in children an awareness of the need for environmental protection activities in their city, region, country, as well as in the whole world;

educate civil responsibility for their actions in relation to nature;

involve students in active practical activities aimed at improving the ecological state in their region;

to develop an understanding that with careful nature management it is possible not only to preserve, but also to improve the state of the environment;

to cultivate patriotic feelings, love for the motherland, care for the country.

The success of the formation of ecological culture and consciousness depends largely on the activities of the teacher, who must be able to use non-traditional active forms of education and upbringing. Analysis of currently existing educational and methodological complexes in foreign languages shows that the material included in the content of the courses generally contributes to educating children in a humane attitude towards nature and the world around them, local history materials are provided with recommendations for the teacher and are accompanied by interesting cognitive tasks. It is obvious that the level of development of environmental issues depends on the stage of education, which we demonstrated in the example above: if at the initial stage certain elements of environmental education are involved, then at the middle and senior stages a sufficiently large volume is already included, which allows us to solve practical, educational and upbringing tasks at a higher level.

When teaching a foreign language to younger students, the formation of a basic dictionary begins (seasons, names of animals, natural phenomena, etc.). Due to the limited vocabulary, the content of texts and conversations on environmental issues is simplified, but the emotional background is very important, and love for nature should be instilled from the first years of learning a foreign language. From the descriptions of weather and nature at the initial stage, as the vocabulary is accumulated, students move on to expressing value judgments about the problems discussed, to their analysis in line with environmental topics. The textbooks contain material on socially useful work, which contributes not only to the development of skills for observing nature, but also demonstrates ways of rational activity in relation to nature. Regional studies material is aimed not only at the development of patriotic consciousness, but also teaches love for the native land. The study of environmental problems in foreign language lessons allows you to diversify the course of the lesson, combine activities in the language with other activities: gaming, educational, cognitive, etc., you can change the form of the lesson, including excursions, expeditions, conferences, creative projects, quizzes, olympiads [16]. The list of creative collective activities is endless: keeping diaries, photo exhibitions, drawings, album design, work on the school site, all this can be discussed in foreign language lessons. Such activities will correspond to the age and psychological characteristics of students, increase their interest in the subject and motivation for learning. Non-traditional forms of education always contribute to the effectiveness of learning, such forms of organizing classes as a lesson-conversation, a lesson-dispute, role-playing, protection of creative projects cause activity and stimulate the activity of children in a foreign language.

In the course of teaching a foreign language and realizing its potential for the formation of an ecological culture, a teacher can apply the following methods and techniques:

Work on the creation of an ecological dictionary. The sooner a child learns about nature, learns to take care of it, to feel the relationship between man and nature, the kinder and more holistic he will grow up. When teaching a foreign language, the topic of ecology is considered as the program material progresses. The vocabulary on the topic in elementary school includes the following vocabulary: "Environmental Protection", "Nature", "Animals", "Earth". Through a basic vocabulary, which will subsequently be expanded, the first ecological knowledge begins;

Working with texts on an environmental theme. At the initial stage, these are descriptions of nature, then students are already moving on to environmental texts, on the basis of which all types of reading can be practiced: viewing, searching, introductory, and studying reading, since students receive basic information from texts. When working with them, the perception of speech by ear is improved, work is underway on the development of oral speech, grammatical structures are fixed. Thus, working with texts, dialogues, performing lexical and grammatical exercises allow you to express your thoughts on environmental issues [13];

Conducting thematic environmental lessons:

Winter has come;

Zoo in the classroom;

There are many interesting things in the world;

Environment and us;

Seasons, etc.

Non-traditional lessons: a lesson-conversation, a lesson in demonstrating handicrafts, a lesson-excursion, a lesson in visiting or holding an exhibition, a lesson-debate, a lesson in role-playing and business games;

Game. In the course of the game, many positive qualities are formed: flexibility in thinking and actions, a rich imagination, the ability to analyze the behavior and feelings of others, confidence in one's strengths and abilities, a sense of humor and the spirit of competition. While playing, children acquire leadership skills, communication skills with friends and adults in an informal setting. Environmental games form an active life position: the desire to make the world around us cleaner and better, environmental consciousness develops, responsibility and concern for the future of one's country;

Poetry, poems. Many poems deal with the theme of nature and the environment, and they are a good help in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. In elementary grades, this can be small rhymes, poems, counting rhymes, at the middle and senior levels, English classics (Shakespeare, Byron, Frost). Methods of working with poetry are varied: answering questions, searching for ecological vocabulary for a dictionary, searching for the main idea of a poetic work, telling a story by heart. Poems are of great educational value, they teach readers to admire nature, protect and love it;

Use of proverbs, popular expressions. Proverbs contain folk wisdom, they are figurative, meaningful, practical, they have a clear rhythm and syllable, they are built on consonances and rhymes, so they are easy to remember. Winged expressions help to assimilate the wisdom of the people, their moral principles. The creation of each proverb initially reflected a person's specific observation of nature and society, and only later did it acquire a generalized character;

Rhymes, songs on an environmental theme. According to research by psychologists, teachers and doctors, a foreign language belongs to the group of the most complex disciplines that require significant stress on the nervous system of students, which can lead to overwork and reduced attention. In order to relieve fatigue and increase the efficiency of children, it is recommended to conduct physical education sessions in the classroom, while the creative range of their use is very wide. They not only help relieve fatigue and increase the activity of students, but at the same time provide an opportunity to repeat the studied language material. In such classes, you can use chants, rhymes, songs that are either pronounced by children or listened to in the recording. The language material selected for this purpose is very simple. During the warm-ups, schoolchildren memorize new words and phrases (the name of movements and actions that are performed during physical education sessions), fix individual forms of verbs;

Crosswords, riddles, drawings, collages, videos, presentations. The use of entertaining material and the creativity of the students themselves have a beneficial effect on cognitive activity and the formation of ecological culture. The task of a foreign language teacher is to interest schoolchildren in environmental problems in the course of language learning, using various forms and methods of education and upbringing.

The formation of ecological culture is more of an educational goal. Environmental education and upbringing are effectively implemented not only in foreign language lessons, but also in various types of extracurricular activities: circles, electives, clubs. As practice shows, interest in a foreign language decreases among students with years of study. If at the initial stage, students show a high degree of interest in learning the language, then at the middle level, special work is needed to increase motivation. The tendency to reduce children's interest in learning in general and in a foreign language in particular is manifested precisely at the middle stage of education, which is due to the specific age and socially determined individual characteristics of students. Also, the curriculum is reduced, and the speech material increases in volume and becomes more complicated in content. As a result, the accumulated linguistic material is partially forgotten. As observations show, one of the main reasons for the decline and loss of interest in most students in a foreign language is the lack of a natural need and a real possibility of using it. All this leads to de-automation of speech skills formed in the lesson, and a decrease in the level of foreign language oral speech. It is important for the student to see the result of mastering the language, apply it in practice, use it in life, and this opportunity is best revealed in the course of extracurricular work. Its individualized nature, voluntary participation in it, the absence of a formal style of communication make it possible to more fully realize the educational function of a foreign language as a means of forming an ecological culture. There are a lot of types of extracurricular activities: excursion, hike, ecological game, competitions, theatrical production, quiz, travel through the stations, brain ring, wall newspapers, holding evenings and olympiads, organizing correspondence, making visual aids, situational games, etc.

Educational work work has a unique opportunity to actively use almost the entire arsenal of pedagogical techniques for environmental education through a foreign language. The most effective formation of ecological culture is realized through such forms as excursions, ecological projects and games, environmental monitoring, expedition, practical exercises, walks, trips to nature, ecological holidays and other events. For the development of communication skills, the game is recognized as one of the most effective means. The formation of communicative skills and abilities is especially important in adolescence, since during this period there is a reorientation of consumer psychology to the psychology of social productivity, a reassessment of one's importance in society. The teacher must think over and specially organize the work on the formation of communication skills and the development of communication skills, and a nonstandard environment helps to open up and acts more efficiently than the ordinary environment of children.

Environmental issues allow you to implement communication skills during excursions, trips to your native land, expeditions, nature observations, stay in labor and recreation camps. Students can keep nature diaries, design albums, collect a herbarium and make crafts, hold photo contests, improve the school yard and school grounds, plant trees in the area. All activities are subject to discussion in a foreign language, which activates oral speech activity. Written speech can be improved by correspondence with young ecologists from English-speaking countries; with the help of a foreign language, you can improve their communication and exchange of experience. It is important that children know about the environmental situation in the world, about the state of affairs, about existing international movements, about the work that is being done to protect the environment in other countries. This information can be obtained from television programs, newspapers and magazines in a foreign language. Young ecologists from different countries could establish contacts with the help of the press, tell about their "green" actions aimed at preserving nature. Extra-curricular activities also provide an opportunity to implement environmental actions in practical activities. This activity, which has found application in real life, will have a special personal meaning for children and an awareness of bringing benefits to society. All this contributes to the successful socialization of the student's personality and the development of independent cognitive activity of students both in caring for the environment and in mastering a foreign language [17]. Thus, using environmental materials and various forms of working with them in foreign language lessons, we kill two, even three birds with one stone: we improve the language skills of students, form their environmental consciousness and environmental culture, and stimulate and increase interest in the subject and motivation for learning. The formation of an active life position of schoolchildren contributes to their desire to make the world around them better, in the hands of the teacher there is a real opportunity to form a new generation with a high level of environmental responsibility, which will take care of the future of their country and planet. The preparation of a generation of high ecological culture is an urgent need of society, and a foreign language has every chance in its arsenal to solve this problem.


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