Linguistic aspects of personal identity research: theoretical grounds. The case study of the literary biography by W. Isaacson "Steve Jobs: biography"

Linguistic aspects of personal self-identification in literary biography. A study of the linguistic strategy of self-presentation. Analysis of the motivational-pragmatic approach, the main units of which are motive, language strategy and tactics.

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Дата добавления 26.12.2023
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Linguistic aspects of personal identity research: theoretical grounds. The case study of the literary biography by W. Isaacson "Steve Jobs: biography"

Yuliia Hlavatska


The subject of the paper is the linguistic aspects of personal self-identification in the literary biography. This work aims to outline the linguistic aspects of personal identity research. The topicality of the research is to clarify the theoretical grounds by which the linguistic aspects of personal identity actualization in the text of the literary biography can be revealed. The general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization), the contextual and interpretive method, and discourse analysis are used in the paper. The novelty of the paper is determined both by the object of the study and the angle of the analysis currently presented by means of the theoretical grounds.

As a result of the research, it has been established that the matter of studying the identity of Steve Jobs is correlated with a number of philosophical concepts (self-knowledge, selfrealization, self-identification, self-evaluation), the main means of implementation of which at the verbal level is the linguistic strategy of self-presentation. The starting level in the typology of Steve Jobs' linguistic personality is pragmatic. Its main units are motive, linguistic strategy and tactics. The description of Steve Jobs' self-identification, which is directly related to the realization of the motives of self-knowledge, image creation, and creative self-expression, is important for W. Isaacson, Steve Jobs' bibliographer. The realization of the self-knowledge motive is based on auto-communication; this motive is not related to communicative strategies and is actualized through such forms of self-knowledge as memories, self-observation, self-analysis, and selfevaluation. The motive of image creation is realized through the linguistic strategy of selfpresentation. The creation of Steve Jobs' image is embodied through a number of tactics (selfpraise, appealing to authorities, exculpatory self-defense, criticism, positioning himself as an example to follow, etc.). The motive of creative self-expression has a mixed character, since its implementation involves both an external (model) addressee and auto-addressability.

In future works, investigating the peculiarities of the self-identification process of linguistic realization and Steve Jobs' self-presentation in the literary biography "Steve Jobs: Biography" might prove important.

Keywords: biographical prose; identity; self-identification; motive of self-knowledge; image creation motive; motive of creative self-expression; motive of ideological influence on the addressee.


Юлія Главацька

Херсонський державний аграрно-економічниИ університет (Херсон, Україна)


Предметом статті є лінгвістичні аспекти особистісної самоідентифікації в літературній біографії. Мета дослідження -- окреслення лінгвістичних аспектів вивчення ідентичності особистості. Проблема ідентичності закономірно потрапляє до фокусу сучасних лінгвістичних досліджень, оскільки відповідає пріоритетам антропоцентричного підходу до мови. Тому актуальність дослідження зумовлена потребою з'ясування теоретичних підвалин, які зорієнтовані на опис лінгвістичних аспектів актуалізації ідентичності особистості в тексті літературної біографії. У роботі використано загальнона- укові методи дослідження (аналіз, синтез, узагальнення), контекстуально-інтерпре- таціинии метод і дискурс-аналіз. Новизна розвідки зумовлена об'єктом вивчення та ракурсом аналізу в теоретичніи площині, що створює сприятливии ґрунт для подальшого вивчення властивостеи особистісної самоідентифікації та мовних засобів вираження самопрезентації.

У результаті дослідження встановлено, що питання вивчення ідентичності особистості Стіва Джобса корелює з низкою філософських понять (самопізнання, самореалі- зації, самоідентифікації, самооцінки), головним засобом реалізації яких на вербальному рівні постає мовна стратегія самопрезентації. Вихідним рівнем при типологізації мовної особистості Стіва Джобса є мотиваціино-прагматичнии, основні одиниці якого -- мотив, мовна стратегія и тактика. Важливим для В. Аизексона, біографа Стіва Джобса, постає опис иого самоідентифікації, безпосередньо пов'язании із реалізацією мотивів самопізнання, створення іміджу, творчого самовираження. В основі реалізації мотиву самопізнання лежить автокомунікація; цеи мотив не пов'язании із комунікативними стратегіями и актуалізується через такі форми самопізнання, як спогади, самоспостереження, самоаналіз, самооцінка. Мотив створення іміджу реалізується через мовну стратегію самопрезентації, а створення образу Стіва Джобса втілюється через низку тактик (самовихваляння, апелювання до авторитетів, виправдувального самозахисту, критики, позиціонування себе як прикладу для наслідування тощо). Мотив творчого самовираження має мішании характер, оскільки иого реалізація передбачає як зовнішнього (модельного) адресата, так і автоадресованість.

Перспективним видається аналіз особливостеи мовної реалізації процесу самоіден- тифікації та самопрезентації Стіва Джобса в літературніи біографії Steve Jobs: Biography.

Ключові слова: біографічна проза; ідентичність; самоідентифікація; мотив самопізнання; мотив створення іміджу; мотив творчого самовираження; мотив ідеологічного впливу на адресата.

Defining the problem and the argumentation of the topicality of its consideration. Biographical prose has been around since ancient times, but even now it has not lost its relevance. It is noteworthy that more and more often authors are moving away from the traditional encyclopedic forms of presenting biographies according to established schemes, and rather start leaning towards an artistic presentation. The authors experiment with the form of biographies and pay considerable attention to the psychology of an outstanding personality, the motivation of his / her actions (Fiialka, 2018, p. 80).

It is evident that "the combination of accuracy and a compelling plot is probably the hardest part of writing a fictionalized, or dramatized, biography" (Schroeder, 2012). Behind the reader's interest in biography you are always eager to see an appealing and wealthy personality, the integrity of the central image.

In recent years there has been a growing interest in the difference between historical and biographical prose and the most significant features of such texts as well. Among them one can distinguish the specificity of a certain destiny (the generalization of life experience in one real person, through which all of the diversity of the phenomena of history passes); the hero is in the center of events (no one and nothing can push him / her out of the plot); the degree and quality of artistic fiction and conjecture is limited since the author is tied to the biography of the character (Halych, 2013).

As is the case in other literary genres, in the literary biography "the systematizing predicate that determines all processes of genre creation is the concept of personality" (Literaturna biohrafiia, 2023). Biographers address the problem of the creative personality as well as the nature and purpose of creativity in general.

According to T. Levchuk, modern biography marks the transition from plot-event to associative-psychological description. In the process of writing psychobiographical works, the object of a real life story turns into the object of the author's reflection. The aesthetic imperative is strengthening -- the writer's conscious desire to reproduce the life biography of an individual is both interesting and artistically complete. (2016, p. 172)

T. Levchuk believes that it is possible to write a reliable plot-event biography of a famous personality, but one cannot do it without associative and psychological allegories and artistic assumptions (2016, p. 177).

“Personality is constantly in a multi-angle system of micro- and macro-social mediating relations” (Li- sovyi, 2012, p. 7). Identification is a mechanism that ensures the individual's ability to self-development and the unconscious identification of the subject with the object. Identification contributes to socialization. It forms a person's willingness to accept certain social norms as his / her internal attitudes as well as the ability to objective and differentiated selfevaluation (Khoruzhyi, 2016, p. 6).

The topicality of the research is to clarify the theoretical grounds by which the linguistic aspects of the personal identity actualization in the text of the literary biography can be revealed. This project aims to outline the linguistic aspects of personal identity research. The subject of the paper is linguistic aspects of personal self-identification in the literary biography. The general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization), the method of contextual analysis, the interpretive method, and discourse analysis as well are used in the paper.

Research analysis. A critical analysis of scientific sources shows that the problem of personality identification has an interdisciplinary and multi-vector character, although “the methodological basis for a comprehensive understanding of the identification process is a rich philosophical heritage on the problems of self-determination and self-realization of the individual” (Honchar & Rohatiuk, 2014, p. 124). A recent review of the literature on this area points out various aspects of the analysis of the identity phenomenon among which philosophical (Lisovyi, 2012; Khoruzhyi, 2016; Kozlovets, 2011), cultural (Motuz- kova, 2014; Shevchuk, 2010), political (Nahorna, 2002; Pashyna, 2012), and psychological (Yablonska, 2010) ones exist.

Sociologists interpret identity as a person's awareness of belonging to a certain linguistic, cultural and social community. In the structure of social identity, two components are distinguished: cognitive -- the knowledge about the peculiarities of one's own group and awareness of oneself as a member of it, and affective - evaluation of the qualities of one's own group, the significance of membership in it (Ko- zlovets, 2011).

Self-identification is the process by which a person identifies “himself / herself with another person, a social group, a community of people, a certain model or image; it is self-definition, his / her social and moral guidelines influencing his / her own behaviour and decisions” (Khoruzhyi, 2016, p. 9). Each person has his / her own characteristic features distinguishing him / her from others. Awareness, the highlighting of these qualities and one's unique “I” is the subject of personal self-identification. Social selfidentification is a basis for determining life strategies in relationships with the social environment. In the process of social self-identification, a person becomes aware of his / her position in the society, determines the type of social relationships (Lisovyi, 2012, p. 8).

The analysis of different approaches to this problem allows us to conclude that self-identity is a part of identity, identification is the process of identity formation, and self-identification is the process of self-identity formation. The last two concepts are difficult to distinguish in practice as a person is constantly in search and analysis of his / her selfidentity; a person changes his / her preferences, values, norms together with the society in which he / she lives (Lisovyi, 2012, p. 7). linguistic self identification literary

In linguistics, the search and description of linguistic directions for the studying of this issue continues (Honchar & Rohatiuk, 2014; Shkamarda, 2015; Bezditko, 2019). For example, O. Shkamarda emphasizes the revealing of lexical, grammatical and stylistic means of presenting an English-speaking personality in the communicative situation of an Internet blog as one of the ways of self-identification in the conditions of virtual communication (Shkamarda, 2015, p. 176).

K. Honchar and A. Rohatiuk affirm that one of the main mechanisms of verbalization of the speaker's self-identification are self-evaluative expressions of praise reflecting his / her self-image. These expressions provide wide opportunities for expressing a variety of personal information about himself / herself, which is based on his / her understanding of his / her identity. These language units are aimed at presenting a positive self-image, which includes an individual's awareness of his / her existing and potential positive physical, intellectual, moral, and social properties. Positive self-identification is formed under the influence of the environment in which the individual lives and the people with whom he / she communicates; it involves receiving a positive evaluation and approval of his / her behaviour by the environment. (Honchar & Rohatiuk, 2014, p. 125)

Attention to the structure of self-image has already been paid to (Hlavatska, 2023). We have concluded that the self-concept is reflected via “Real self, Ideal self, Self-esteem” (Hlavatska, 2023, p. 148). There were just preliminary steps to further profound outlining the linguistic and stylistic markers of Steve Jobs' self-identity.

Presenting main material. Extrapolating O. Li- sovyi's opinion, we believe that identification primarily means the stimulation of specific socio- psychological thinking associated with cycles of processes of identification and alienation by each individual or group “I” with those who are nearby. Identification is also ensured by the formation of certain samples that will serve as reference samples and ideals performing the tasks of control and comparison (Lisovyi, 2012, p. 7).

Studies of the relationship between the concepts of self-knowledge, self-realization and self-identification are well documented; it is also well acknowledged that self-knowledge is an insight into one's inner world, an understanding of one's spiritual qualities. Self-identification is the self-determination of an individual in the social coordinate system, awareness of one's solidarity or alienation in relation to other social groups. Therefore, self-identification is a set of social practices, and self-knowledge can lead both to self-identification in the social space and to “self-isolation”. Self-knowledge is connected with the formation of evaluative characteristics that make up a certain person's self-evaluation of himself / herself. An individual's self-esteem is made on the basis of self-analysis of his / her own actions and the objective results of his / her activities as well as a result of comparing his / her behaviour with the behaviour of people in his / her environment. It allows him / her to draw conclusions and, if necessary, make corrections to his / her actions, that is, to carry out self-regulation (Lisovyi , 2012, p. 8).

Considering self-realization through the selfidentification of an individual, it should be noted that self-identification is not only related to identifying oneself with a certain person, group, but primarily with certain goals, values, principles, ideals, meaningful life orientations, patterns of behaviour with which a person correlates himself / herself. These are those patterns that a person focuses on in the process of his / her self-realization. This means that by self-identifying a person consciously chooses the direction and method of movement towards selfrealization, thus forming an individual strategy of self-realization, which is a product of the person's conscious aspirations and efforts, and not a byproduct of spontaneous processes of imitation, suggestion, etc. (Lisovyi, 2012, p. 9).

Any biography is the result of a deeply reflected life experience. It has been lived, evaluated and passed through one's own inner world. The literary biography “Steve Jobs: Biography” reflects the process of self-identification of Steve Jobs' personality, the peculiarities of which can be revealed with the help of linguistic analysis as the language becomes the main means of expression and formation of the speaker's identification.

Personal identity is one of the key concepts of a person's worldview. The main forms of personal identity are personal and social ones. Personal identity is a set of qualities that distinguish a certain person from others, it is based on auto-addressability. The goal of personal self-identification is selfdevelopment and achieving integrity. Social identity is the result of defining oneself through membership in various social groups. It is characterized by multifacetedness and a predominant orientation towards others. The main means of its implementation at the verbal level is the linguistic strategy of self-presentation.

The starting level in the typology of Steve Jobs' linguistic personality is the pragmatic one (“identification and characterization of the motives and goals that regulate a person's development, his / her behaviour. They govern his / her text creation and, as a result, determine the hierarchy of contents and values in his / her language model of the world” (Zas- trovska & Zastrovskyi, 2011, p. 162)). The main units of the pragmatic level are motive, linguistic strategy and tactics.

In linguistics, the concept of strategy occupies one of the central places as it reflects the purposefulness of speech, serves as a way of exerting speech influence on the addressee. As a result, a positive or negative image of the individual is formed. The choice of a discursive strategy depends on a number of cognitive prerequisites, when the addressee correlates his / her own communicative goal with a specific speech expression, using verbal units of different levels and methods of their representation (Shuhai- ev, 2016, p. 107). Any strategy serves to achieve the goals of speech behaviour.

N. Bondar, K. Bondar, and K. Dubovska, analyzing the psychological features of self-presentation of student youth in Internet social networks, point to three basic units of the self-presentation process analysis: linguistic strategy, tactics, and self presentation technique. The linguistic strategy of self-presentation corresponds to the motivational level and characterizes self-presentation as a separate activity. Tactics of self-presentation correspond to the level of the goal. The technique of selfpresentation is a way of providing information about oneself (Bondar, Bondar & Dubovska, 2012, p. 261).

Tactics of self-presentation are those specific behavioural techniques used by the subject to form a certain impression on the recipient. The technique of self-presentation characterizes self-presentation as an operation. The techniques of self-presentation described in scientific circles vary: from controlling one's own appearance (manners, clothes, etc.) to using the image of other people for one's own purposes (indirect techniques of “bathing in the rays of other people's glory” and “damage”) (Bondar, Bondar & Dubovska, 2012, p. 262).

Determining the main motives in large texts cannot be based on the methods of identifying intentions at the level of utterances, developed within the framework of the theory of speech acts, and, as a result, it requires consideration of various factors. Sometimes the authors of literary biographies explicitly talk about the motives that prompt them to write a biographical text, but there is also often an implicit expression of the authors' motives.

The fact is that Steve Jobs himself, since 2004 (7 years before his death), repeatedly asked W. Isaacson to write his biography, stating "that he would make a good subject' (Isaacson, 2011, p. 11). The biographer himself disagreed for a long time, thinking that Steve was still much too young to write a biography about him, mentioning the biographies of Einstein or Franklin: "Maybe in a decade or two, when you retire" (Isaacson, 2011, p. 10). However, in 2009 (5 years later), Steve Jobs' wife herself asked W. Isaacson as then Steve went on his second sick leave. The biographer was extremely surprised as he did not know about Steve's illness, just like most of those around S. Jobs. We may assume that if he had been healthy, he would never have written his autobiography. Here we think of at least three reasons: his dynamic occupation, the lack of time, and, probably, the lack of such a goal (other goals took priority). Sensing the inevitability of his fate, Steve Jobs entrusted it to a well-known author of biographies: “It's your book", he said. “I won't even read it" (Isaacson, 2011, p. 11).

So, "Steve Jobs: Biography" is a kind of "reassigned" autobiography.

It's not merely a narration of a figure's everyday life, but a presentation of the author's personal position, on the one hand, and the skillful description of an individual's life as an amazing story, through the prism of which one can outline his / her image, on the other hand. (Hlavatska, 2022, p. 81)

Steve Jobs himself, as the object of an artistic and biographical image, becomes a co-author of the text.

In the paper "Narrator as the moderator of the author's intention (case study of the literary biography by W. Isaacson "Steve Jobs: Biography")" one can find the conclusion that the essence of the narrator as a moderator of the author's intention is reflected in the author's digressions of a philosophical, journalistic and historical nature. Together, they contain the narrator's reflections and considerations regarding the protagonist of the literary biography, his life, life principles, character traits, etc. These author's intentions are presented both in the form of the first person as well as the third person narrative. (Hlavatska, 2023, p. 50)

Creating the literary biography of S. Jobs, which is based on more than 40 interviews with Steve Jobs himself and more than 100 interviews with his entourage over two years, W. Isaacson retrospectively recounts the real memories of the definite person with an emphasis on the history of the formation of his personality. The literary biography can create an image of a person, since such a text is characterized by the ability to assume, model and conjecture.

One of the criteria for determining the leading motive in the biographical text is the dominant type of addressee: auto-addressability and addressees from the author's close circle or external addressability as well as the significance of each of them.

In the literary biography "Steve Jobs: Biography", social and personal self-identification are opposed to each other according to the main type of addressability -- multi-addressability. The communicative position of the subject and the object of the literary biography is dual. On the one hand, this is the position of the carrier of internal speech directed at auto- communicative addressees; on the other hand, it is a task to create a complexly organized text, oriented to a possible (model) addressee. This interaction of "speech for oneself" and "speech for others" gives rise to the multi-addressed nature of the literary biography.

The most important feature determining the type of the autobiographical story is the principle of material selection: the dominance of the event description of the person's life or the description in the form of a thesaurus, and, accordingly, the predominant chronological or thematic sequence of the presentation.

The factual base is the basis for creating a biogram, which, in turn, acts both as the entire factual array of a particular biographical / biohistoriograph- ic research, and as a structured composition of this array of scientific facts, depending on the author's research strategy, completeness and representativeness of the factual base itself (Popova, 2017, p. 199).

A biographical reference (biogram) is a brief description of a person's life and activities. It contains important dates, events, places, successes and achievements relating to the person's life. Usually, a biography consists of a list of facts that characterize a person and a description of the main events in his / her life (Shcho take biohrafichna dovidka (bi- ohrama), 2023). In the literary biography "Steve Jobs: Biography", such biographies as childhood, family, parents, private life, career, etc. can be distinguished. This is very much the key component in future attempts to reveal the peculiarities of the selfidentification process linguistic realization and Steve Jobs' self-presentation in the text of the literary biography "Steve Jobs: Biography".

The way the author / narrator structures and systematizes the events of the literary biography depicts what he / she regards to be important. As evidenced by the results of processing the factual material, the description of S. Jobs's self-identification, which is directly related to the realization of the motives of self-knowledge, image creation, and creative selfexpression, is important for W. Isaacson. On the other hand, the author of the literary biography has a motive for creative self-expression and ideological influence on the addressee.

We imply by the motive of self-knowledge of a person his / her desire for self-actualization, that is, the ability to become what he / she is capable of becoming, and not what others and the social environment force him / her to become. With the help of selfknowledge, a person determines his / her attitude towards himself / herself and the surrounding world. Moreover, he / she forms his / her internal values, defines and corrects the ways of his / her spiritual development. Auto-communication is the basis of the realization of the motive of self-knowledge; this motive is not related to communicative strategies and is realized through such forms of self-knowledge as memories, self-observation, self-analysis, and selfevaluation: Jobs's compulsive search for selfawareness also led him to undergo primal scream therapy, which had recently been developed and popularized by a Los Angeles psychotherapist named Arthur Janov. It was based on the Freudian theory that psychological problems are caused by the repressed pains of childhood; Janov argued that they could be resolved by re-suffering these primal moments while fully expressing the pain--sometimes in screams. To Jobs, this seemed preferable to talk therapy because it involved intuitive feeling and emotional action rather than just rational analyzing. "This was not something to think about," he later said. "This was something to do: to close your eyes, hold your breath, jump in, and come out the other end more insightful" (Isaacson, 2011, p. 62).

The motive of image creation is revealed during the purposeful activity of a person to construct his / her own image in the minds of others for the realization of pragmatic goals such as a successful career, private life, increasing self-esteem, etc.

The motive of image creation is implemented through the linguistic strategy of self-presentation. Self-presentation is the desire of a linguistic personality to create an image for others that corresponds to his / her goals. The linguistic tactics of selfpresentation in the literary biography “Steve Jobs: Biography” include tactics of self-praise, appealing to authorities, exculpatory self-defense, criticism, positioning himself as an example to follow, etc. For example: When the design was finally locked in, Jobs called the Macintosh team together for a ceremony. "Real artists sign their work," he said. So he got out a sheet of drafting paper and a Sharpie pen and had all of them sign their names. The signatures were engraved inside each Macintosh. No one would ever see them, but the members of the team knew that their signatures were inside, just as they knew that the circuit board was laid out as elegantly as possible. Jobs called them each up by name, one at a time. Burrell Smith went first. Jobs waited until last, after all forty- five of the others. He found a place right in the center of the sheet and signed his name in lowercase letters with a grand flair. Then he toasted them with champagne. "With moments like this, he got us seeing our work as art," said Atkinson (Isaacson, 2011, p. 131).

The motive of creative self-expression is realized through self-development and disclosure of the author's creative abilities. It can be the main motive in the autobiographical discourse as well as an auxiliary one. Creativity is not only a form of realizing the talent of a linguistic personality, but also an aestheti- cization of reality.

The motive of creative self-expression does not allow a dry retelling of the facts of one's life, leaving room only for reality. The author pays attention even to small events and insignificant details of somebody's life, if they influenced the formation of somebody's personality. This motive prompts the author to write both about the events of a person's life and about emotions, feelings, and thoughts from the point of view of expressing the creative side of his / her personality. The motive of creative selfexpression has a mixed character, since its implementation involves both an external (model) addressee and auto-addressability: "They wanted to humor me and give me something to do, which was fine," Jobs recalled. "It was like going back to the garage for me. I had my own ragtag team and I was in control" (Isaacson, 2011, p. 114).

The motive of ideological influence on the addressee is implemented through strategies of persuasion, argumentation and appeal in order to form certain beliefs in the audience, suggest and consolidate social and moral values, ideals and attitudes. This motive is only indirectly related to the selfidentification of a person who implicitly positions himself / herself as one who occupies a leading position in the society: Despite being a denizen of the digital world, or maybe because he knew all too well its isolating potential, Jobs was a strong believer in face-to-face meetings. "There's a temptation in our networked age to think that ideas can be developed by email and iChat," he said. "That's crazy. Creativity comes from spontaneous meetings, from random discussions. You run into someone, you ask what they're doing, you say 'Wow,' and soon you're cooking up all sorts of ideas" (Isaacson, 2011, p. 375).

Conclusion and perspectives

Therefore, identity is a person's self-knowledge and self-determination in the world, whereas self-identification is defined as a procedural nature reflecting a person's formation and development. The concept of personality appears as a dominant genre-forming feature of the literary biography. Due to the author's possibility of assumptions, simulations and conjectures, the literary biography is characterized by the creation of a person's image.

As a result of the research, it has been established that the matter of studying the identity of Steve Jobs is correlated with a number of philosophical concepts (self-knowledge, self-realization, selfidentification, self-evaluation), the main means of implementation of which at the verbal level is the linguistic strategy of self-presentation. The starting level in the typology of Steve Jobs' linguistic personality is pragmatic. Its main units are motive, linguistic strategy and tactics. The description of Steve Jobs' self-identification, which is directly related to the realization of the motives of self-knowledge, image creation, and creative self-expression, is important for W. Isaacson, Steve Jobs' biographer. The realization of the self-knowledge motive is based on autocommunication; this motive is not related to communicative strategies and is actualized through such forms of self-knowledge as memories, self-observation, self-analysis, and self-evaluation. The motive of image creation is realized through the linguistic strategy of self-presentation. The creation of Steve Jobs' image is embodied through a number of tactics (self-praise, appealing to authorities, exculpatory selfdefense, criticism, positioning himself as an example to follow, etc.). The motive of creative self-expression has a mixed character, since its implementation involves both an external (model) addressee and autoaddressability. The motive of ideological influence on the addressee is implemented through strategies of persuasion, argumentation and appeal in order to form certain beliefs in the audience, suggest and consolidate social and moral values, ideals and attitudes. This motive is only indirectly related to the self-identification of a person who implicitly positions himself / herself as one who occupies a leading position in the society.

In future work, investigating the peculiarities of self-identification process linguistic realization and Steve Jobs' self-presentation in the literary biography “Steve Jobs: Biography” might prove important.


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