Trends in parliamentary effectiveness in ensuring the development of society

Consideration of reforms of the national parliament as part of the strategy for action at a new stage of development of Uzbekistan. The role of parliament in shaping the foundations of a strong civil society in society and ensuring its development.

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Дата добавления 19.02.2021
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Karakalpak State University

Trends in parliamentary effectiveness in ensuring the development of society

Bayriyeva Almagul Kurbanovna

assistant of professor


This article examines the development reforms of the national parliament within the framework of the strategy of action at a new stage of the development of Uzbekistan and the trends of parliamentary efficiency by analyzing the activities of Parliamentarism in the international community.

Key words: civil society, parliament, parliamentary control, parliamentary commission, parliamentary cooperation, local council, Oliy Majlis, Legislative palatasi, Senate.


parliament civil society

В данной статье рассматривается развитие реформ национального парламента в рамках стратегии действий на новом этапе развития Узбекистана и тенденции повышения парламентской эффективности на основе анализа деятельности парламентаризма в международном сообществе.

Ключевые слова: гражданское общество, парламент, парламентский контроль, парламентская комиссия, парламентское сотрудничество, местный совет, Олий Мажлис, Законодательный Палата, Сенат.

The formation of civil society is a complex and continuous process associated with the elimination of many problems. The role of Parliament in forming the foundations of a strong civil society in society and ensuring the development of society is considered important. Issues related to state institutions operating on the basis of Parliamentary printing are of great importance in the political system of each developed state.

By the 21st century, the professional parliament, which has a strong authority in the decision-making, formation and development of the foundations of civil society, of democratic values, has become important in the world community. The formation of a professional Parliament provides an opportunity to ensure the broad participation of citizens in the management of the state and society, to imagine the democratic values and ideas of civil society, as well as to develop legislative creativity that affects the development of society. In this regard, it is very important for parliamentary institutions to find a decision and to ensure that the experience of development is studied, to understand its place in society, to understand the nature and essence of the current evolutionary development, to determine the prospects for its further development and to ensure the development of society. The analysis of Parliamentarism activity in the political system of international States shows that at the stage of its development, we can see that each state's parliament is functioning effectively, in addition to the universal principles of democracy, embodying the national principle.

In particular, the legislation of Turkmenistan provides for the control over the execution and interpretation of laws by the Parliament. The Turkmen Assembly is carrying out the work on increasing the number and quality of legislative projects, creating additional legal conditions for the development of the market economy, attracting society to successful reforms. We can see that the constitutional reforms launched in Turkmenistan are aimed at ensuring the highest requirements of the basic law, including the right of citizens to acquire knowledge, to renew their health, to constitutional regulation of market relations in the national economy, to guarantee the protection of all forms of ownership, to serve the state support of entrepreneurship and personal initiatives [1].

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, too, the main task of the parliament is the main task of legislative creativity -- (in particular, the development of legislative norms that stimulate the innovation process in important sectors; the lawful maintenance of the continuation of social modernization; the expansion of the legal framework for the reform of law enforcement bodies and the system of justice; the development of practice shows that the parliament is operating effectively. Although in this place there are also such problems as parliamentary opposition, a critical approach of the supreme legislative body to government activities [2] .

Later, the Kazakhstan Parliament set new tasks: legal provision of stable economic growth, adoption of new norms of law, which in particular stimulate the processes of taxation in the priority sectors, social provision of citizens, first of all, reform of the pension provision system, modernization and deep reform of legislation on law enforcement, the state that Kazakhstan signed with other countries set the At the same time, within the framework of the limitation of powers in the field of civil society, the task is being set to continue work on the transfer of public functions to the non-public sector [3].

The Georgian political system is formed by a powerful parliament, which forms and controls the current leadership and government headed by the President. In accordance with the Georgian constitution, the main goal is to regulate relations between the government, parliament and most importantly, society and in this process, the order of society is of paramount importance [4]. The legislative activity of the Georgian parliament was reflected in the constitutional reforms as follows (the parliament and the government were given great powers, since November 2013 a new Constitution was introduced, within the framework of which the rights and obligations of the president were changed, the president was separated from the executive power, but he has the right to demand consideration of some, in times of crisis, on the one hand, it has the authority to ease the tension between the government and the parliament, on the other hand, to carry out management functions in military or emergency situations). The normative-legal acts on attracting and protecting investments, strategic objects, maintaining state control over May nations are among the priority issues in this country today [5].

There are many problems associated with the legislative activity of the parliament, including the formation of civil society and the implementation of the division print of power.

For example, the granting of authority to the creativity of law, that is, the right of the parliament to issue laws under the control of the parliament for a certain period of time and on certain issues to the government. Thanks to this, flexibility, which facilitates the introduction of amendments to the current legislation, saves Parliament time. According to one of the authors, the imposition of the authority to establish and issue laws does not lead to a violation of the division print of power. Because, the legislative activity of the government in certain areas is approved by the supreme legislative body and is carried out under the strict supervision of the parliament and the court in accordance with the general spirit of the noted printsip [6]. In particular, the experience of granting the authority of legislative power in the US - in 1930 year from Congress transfer to the executive power headed by President F. Roosevelt, in the period of “great stagnation”, as well as in the 70-ies of the XX century (The period of the R. Nixon presidency), as well as partially in the 80-ies (see. Reagan's presidency) can be cited as an example of a similar experience in the United States - as the effective influence of the process of granting powers on the economy and socio-political life.

In Uzbekistan, the two-chamber professional parliament, which is based on real democratic prints recognized by the international community and operates on the basis of national interests, was formed in the period of independence. As a result of the gradual transfer of new powers to the parliament in our country, the growth of the legal culture of our people, the development of political parties on the basis of democratic principles, the legislative power embodied the aspects of parliaments in developed countries.

In accordance with the Constitution and laws, the absolute powers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan have been established to the extent that it is able to ensure the independent and democratic conduct of the activities of legislative power: the adoption of Constitution and laws, the introduction of changes and additions to them, the development of the main directions, confirmation of the decisions on the organization and liquidation of new structures in the structure of management, regulation of issues, currency and credit, administrative-territorial structure by law is in the sentence.

Strengthening the foundations of civil society in our country requires the implementation of radical reforms in the management of the state and society. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan as Sh. Mirziyoyev noted “the restoration of civil society, the expansion of the freedom and initiatives of our compatriots and their participation in the social life of our country will also become an important direction of the development of the political system of Uzbekistan. Special attention should be paid to the role of Chambers of the Oliy Majlis in the system of state power bodies, resolution of important tasks on internal and foreign policy of the state, further and further in the control of the activities of executive power bodies” [7].

The adoption of the law “On parliamentary control” of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which came into force on 11 April 2016, was of great importance in the acceleration of Parliamentary Reforms in our country. According to this law, the parliament was given the powers to carry out the following parliamentary control:

Review of the implementation of the state budget; review of the annual report of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the most important issues of the socio-economic life of the country; review of the report of the Cabinet of Ministers on the implementation of the state program for the corresponding year, arising from the application of the President; To hear the information of the members of the government on issues related to their activities at legislative meetings; to hear the answers of the members of the government to the questions of legislative deputies at legislative meetings; to hear the reports of the governors of regions, districts, cities on issues of development of the relevant territory at legislative meetings; to hear the report of; The request of a deputy of the legislative chamber, a member of the Senate; the request of a legislative chamber, a member of the Senate, to hear the information of the heads of state bodies, economic management bodies by the legislative chamber; to carry out monitoring by them on the implementation of legislation, the study by the Legislative Chamber of the practice [8]

The election of Shavkat Mirziyoyev as the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the last quarter of 2016 in our country was shown as an important historical reality. Within a short period of time, a number of legal bases were adopted on modernization of Public Administration, further deepening of reforms of civil society and legal State Building in the country. They began to be introduced intensively into socio-political and economic life.

The adoption of the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the strategy of actions for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan” for 2017-2021 years marked a new stage in the development of civil society in the country.

The first direction of the strategy of action on five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 is called the priority directions of improvement of the system of state and social construction 1.1. the article focuses on the issues of deepening democratic reforms and modernizing the country, further strengthening the role of the Oliy Majlis and political parties, and sets out the following priority tasks:

to increase the role of the Oliy Majlis in the system of state power, to solve important tasks related to the domestic and foreign policy of the country and to further expand its powers for the implementation of parliamentary control over the activities of the executive power;

radical improvement of the quality of the activity of law-making in the direction of the impact of the laws adopted on the process of socio-political, socioeconomic and judicial-legal reforms;

the development of the political system, the role of political parties in the life of the state and society, the formation of a healthy competitive environment between them [9].

Due to the tasks learned in the strategy of action, National parliamentarism has been consistently developed in our country.

President of our country Sh. Mirziyoyev noted: ''Parliament is a school of democracy.” Therefore, our national parliament must become a school of true democracy. In this regard, you, respected deputies and senators should be an example for all. Really controversial, printsipial disputes should first be here - on the pulpit of Parliament. It is only then that the true image and position of each political party, each party faction in parliament, is clearly manifested [10].

Due to these tasks and tasks, the activities of the parliament in our country were radically reformed.

In the strategy of action, by President Sh.Mirziyoyev on the basis of the principle put forward that “the public should serve our people and not state agencies”, the activity of the Oliy Majlis was radically improved, the activity of the legislative chamber and Senate of Oliy Majlis on studying the situation of affairs in places and effective communication with the people was radically improved, the system of studying, in order to ensure the popularization of the laws adopted, a new system was introduced, which works in the Order of “Center - Regional - District”. Through this system, the main attention was paid to the study of the problems of the population by the deputies of the Oliy Majlis and the local council, the activity of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis, political parties, the creativity of the law, the level of awareness of the adopted laws. Also, through political parties, the right to control the relevant ministries and departments through parliamentary control has been improved According to the joint decision of the Legislative Council of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Council of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 149 of February 27, 2020, the structure of the Parliamentary Commission on control over the implementation of national goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development of the The main tasks of the parliamentary commission are to support, Control and facilitate the performance of the tasks assigned to the Coordinating Council; to hear the reports of the Coordinating Council on the implementation of national goals and objectives and the achievement of them once a quarter; to prepare proposals for the development of projects of laws and other normative legal acts; Systematic monitoring of the implementation of legislative acts and normative legal acts aimed at ensuring the implementation of goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development of the Republic of Uzbekistan; critical analysis of the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the period up to 2030 in the field of sustainable development in the areas included in national goals and; To determine the current state of work on the implementation of national goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the period up to 2030 years; to study advanced foreign experience, to participate in the development of international cooperation; to consider the adequacy of the annual budget parameters provided by the government and compliance with the; In order to broaden the achievements in the BRM area, the objectives of supporting public relations, including through participation in the discussion and presentation of Voluntary National comments, were identified at the High-Level Political Forum of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOS) [11].

Due to the tasks set by the strategy of actions in our country, the activities of the parliament are steadily developing. Further strengthening and strengthening the activity of legislative creativity in the activities of the parliament, development of parliamentary cooperation, radical improvement of the activities of local councils, further strengthening the role and prestige of women and girls in socio-political life, public control in the discussion of legislative projects from the point of view of regional interest, control of the activities of executive bodies.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the strategy of action on five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 is an important program in the construction of civil society in Uzbekistan, ensuring active participation of civil society institutions in the management of state and society, establishing effective parliamentary activities. The implementation of the activities defined in the strategy of action allows strengthening the foundations of civil society in our country and increasing the effectiveness of the parliament in ensuring the development of society.


1. Constitutional reform is a new stage of state building. September 20, 2014 // Turkmenistan: the Golden age -

2. N.A. Nazarbayev Speech at the opening of the 5th session of the fourth convocation of the Parliament. September 1, 2011 //

3. Nazarbayev N.A. Speech at the opening of the fourth session of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the fifth convocation. September 2, 2014 //

4. Meeting of the President of Georgia with the Majority Members of Georgia's Supreme Legislative Body in Anaklia // Web-site of President of Georgia -

5. Margvelashvili G. Annual report to the highest legislative body of the country. February 21, 2014 // website of the President of Georgia -

6. Dzybova S.G. Institute of delegated lawmaking // Bulletin of the Adygeya state University. - 2006. - № 2. - P. 131-134.

7. Mirziyoev Sh. We will continue our path of national development with determination and raise it to a new level. T. 1. - T.: Uzbekistan, 2017. -P. 44.

8. The law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on parliamentary control of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 403.

9. Decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan on measures to ensure more effective organization of the process of acquisition of rights over land parcels and other immovable property as part of the South Caucasus pipeline expansion project more ...

10. From the speech of Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the video-projector meeting with the chambers of the Oliy Majlis, political parties and representatives of the environmental movement of Uzbekistan on July 12, 2017.

11. Joint resolution of the Legislative Council of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Council of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 27, 2020 № 149-IV/KQ-16- IV.

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