Humanitarian policy of decentralization in Ukraine: ways of improvement

Transformation of authorities and decentralization of management in Ukraine. Humanitarian development and social equalization of regions. Increasing employment and public control of government spending. Development of human capital and historical memory.

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Дата добавления 27.12.2023
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Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service

Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University

Humanitarian policy of decentralization in Ukraine: ways of improvement

Gradivskyi Victor Graduate student

of the Regional Policy Department Educational and Scientific


The article states that among the main problems of the humanitarian sphere's development at the regional level are the shortcomings of public administration's the existing system, its centralized burden, inherited from the time of the command-administrative system.

Several directions for improving humanitarian policy at the regional level have been identified:

· the first is decentralization of power (bringing management closer to its consumers, facilitating access to participation in making and monitoring the implementation of management decisions, simplifying public control over state expenditures and their results);

· the second - modernization of public management of the humanitarian sphere at the regional level (identification of fundamental spiritual values, achievement of understanding on the most acute problems of Ukraine's historical past, as historical experience and historical memory of all regions and all generations of Ukrainians);

· the third is humanitarian development and social equalization of regions (development of human potential: education, children's rights, health, culture, employment and social cohesion, gender equality), etc.

It has been proven that modern humanitarian policy, like politics in other spheres of social life, is implemented today in the conditions of transformation of central authorities and decentralization of management.

The main problems of the development of the humanitarian sphere at the regional level, according to the author, are the defects of the existing system of public administration, its centralized burden, inherited from the time of the command-administrative system. It was concluded that granting the maximum autonomy of the powers of local authorities to solve the problems of humanitarian development at their level is not only a reduction of the often unjustified influence of the center on the daily activities of local authorities, but also a strengthening of the initiatives of the latter, their activity and cooperation with by various subjects of humanitarian activity, which contributes to the democratization of the entire management system in the humanitarian sphere.

Key words: decentralization, humanitarian policy, ways of improvement, public administration, regional policy, humanitarian development, civil society.


Децентралізація гуманітарної політики в Україні: шляхи удосконалення

У статті зазначено, що серед основних проблем розвитку гуманітарної сфери на регіональному рівні є вади існуючої системи публічного управління, його централізована обтяженість, успадкована з часу командно-адміністративної системи. Визначено декілька напрямів удосконалення гуманітарної політики на регіональному рівні: перший - децентралізація влади (наближення управління до його споживачів, полегшення доступу до участі у прийнятті та контролю за реалізацією управлінських рішень, спрощення громадського контролю за державними витратами та їх результатами); другий - модернізація публічного управління гуманітарною сферою на регіональному рівні шляхом (визначення фундаментальних духовних цінностей, досягнення порозуміння з найгостріших проблем історичного минулого України, як історичний досвід та історична пам'ять усіх регіонів та усіх поколінь українців); третій - гуманітарний розвиток та соціальне вирівнювання регіонів (розвиток людського потенціалу: освіти, прав дітей, здоров'я, культури, зайнятості та соціальної згуртованості, гендерної рівності) тощо. Доведено, що сучасна гуманітарна політика, як і політика в інших сферах суспільного життя, сьогодні реалізується в умовах трансформації центральних органів влади та децентралізації управління.

Основними проблемами розвитку гуманітарної сфери на регіональному рівні, на думку автора, є вади існуючої системи публічного управління, його централізована обтяженість, успадкована з часу командно-адміністративної системи. Зроблено висновок, що надання максимальної автономії повноважень місцевих органів влади щодо розв'язання проблем гуманітарного розвитку на своєму рівні є не лише зменшення часто-густо невиправданого впливу центру на щоденну діяльність органів влади місцевого рівня, але й посилення ініціатив останніх, їх активності та співпраці з різними суб'єктами гуманітарної діяльності, що сприяє демократизації всієї системи управління у гуманітарній сфері.

Ключові слова: децентралізація, гуманітарна політика, шляхи удосконалення, публічне управління, регіональна політика, гуманітарний розвиток, громадянське суспільство.


Formulation of the problem. Effective decentralization of humanitarian policy is the result of rethinking the nature, functionality and features of interaction at the national, regional and local levels of a number of state policies, among which the humanitarian sphere plays a key role in solving the urgent life problems of human communities, communities, and society as a whole. For Ukraine, the formation and implementation of an effective humanitarian policy is an important task also because, in view of the external threats and internal challenges that faced the state after the Revolution of Dignity and the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of independent Ukraine on February 24, 2022, as well as the need for simultaneous implementation of a number of urgent social reforms and with limited resources for their implementation after the victory over the enemy, to find such solutions that would in a short period of time ensure a significant increase in the standard of living, as full as possible satisfaction of their spiritual and cultural interests and needs.

Analysis of recent research and publications. After the declaration of Ukraine's independence, domestic political science was dominated by the opinion about the need to implement decentralization practices in the country in order to reach a higher, European level of state-building and democracy. Mostly, the majority of scientists noted that the transfer of power competence and financial resources to the local level gives society more opportunities to realize its constitutional right to participate in ensuring the development of the statebuilding potential of the Ukrainian national idea, humanitarian policy, social consciousness, culture, education, science, religion and the church, humanistic principles of the state's ethno-national policy, etc.

Theoretical aspects of the relationship between the central government and local self-government bodies were analyzed at different times by foreign and Ukrainian scientists E. Arato, V. Burdenyuk, O. von Hierke, R. Gneist, M. Dragomanov, S. Makhina, A. Mykhailovskyi, B. Nolde, S. Peregudov, M. Pukhtynskyi, V. Rylska, A. de Tocqueville, I. Trofimova, M. Tugan- Baranovskyi, I. Franko, I. Shegaev and others. Among the domestic researchers who raised the problems of humanitarian policy decentralization, modern researchers concentrate their attention: V. Bakumenko, L. Honyukova, L. Gaevska, V. Knyazev, V. Karlova, V. Kupriychuk, V. Lugovoi, V. Maiboroda, I. Nadolnyi, R. Nebozhuk, P. Petrovskyi, I. Rozputenko, P. Sytnyk, V. Skurativskyi, V.Troshchynskyi and others.

The purpose of this study is the scientific substantiation of the humanitarian policy decentralization features in Ukraine and the ways of its improvement.

Presenting main material

The field of humanitarian development is gaining more and more importance in modern public administration systems. If previously the well-being of society was measured by its economic development, today, in the conditions of the post-industrial, information society, knowledge society, the prospects for the development of not only social, spiritual, but also economic wealth depend, first of all, on the humanitarian development of society. Therefore, it is not by chance that public management of humanitarian development is called the challenge and priority of the XXI century [1].

So, modern humanitarian policy, like politics in other spheres of social life, is implemented today in the transformation conditions of central authorities and decentralization of management. On the agenda are issues of powers and responsibilities' demarcation between central bodies and local self-government structures in relation to the implementation of humanitarian policy. At the same time, the analysis of political documents and many professional studies testify that the state regional policy in Ukraine is aimed mainly at the economic and spatial development of individual regions. It does not take into account the social equalization's needs and the features of the regions' humanitarian development. The negative consequences of such a policy became particularly acute as a result of the global financial crisis and are becoming threatening trends in the modern conditions of the growth of both external and internal economic and political threats. management ukraine humanitarian public memory

Among the main problems of the development of the humanitarian sphere at the regional level are the defects of the existing system of public administration, its centralized burden, inherited from the time of the command-administrative system. The situation in the humanitarian sphere at the regional level is also negatively affected by mistakes and miscalculations of public administration, which have mostly become the product of the latest Ukrainian realities. Among the most significant such miscalculations is the ignoring of regional specificity, formed under the influence of historical, religious, ethnic, linguistic, economic, institutional, value, geopolitical orientations and other features [2]. The situation in the field of regions' humanitarian development was negatively affected by the institutional incompleteness of the process of establishing the status and competence of state authorities and local selfgovernment bodies, non-transparent mechanisms of financial support for the regions' development, and, as a result, inefficient public management of regional development.

The instability of socio-economic and socio-political processes unfolding against the background of unjustified disproportions in the system of sociodemographic, territorial-settlement, social-labor, social-class relations intensified dangerous deep transformations in the humanitarian sphere of society. The spiritual and social division of the Ukraine's population launched the mechanism for the spread of separatist sentiments, increased the destructive influence of external incitement to anti-state actions, enabled the Russian occupation of Crimea, military operations in the East of the country and a fullscale invasion, and continues to pose a threat to statehood, peace and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens [3].

Today, humanitarian development is the key to Ukraine's exit from the systemic crisis and a key element of a balanced and predictable development of the state. Based on the above, against the background of recent events, the key role of decentralization of humanitarian policy in order to stop destructive humanitarian processes and create a basis for the further effective provision of social and cultural human rights, development of social relations, improvement of humanitarian security guarantees and the quality of population's life, equalization of humanitarian development of regions, increase of humanitarian potential of Ukrainian society as a whole is becoming more and more obvious.

Decentralization of power is the process of distribution of powers for the implementation of functions and tasks of the state both horizontally and vertically. There are different forms of decentralization of power. In the Strategy "Ukraine - 2020", the goal of the policy in the field of decentralization was to move away from the centralized model of management in the state, to ensure the capacity of local self-government and to build an effective system of territorial organization of power in Ukraine, to fully implement the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, the principles of subsidiarity, ubiquity and financial self-sufficiency of local self-government. In order to solve the problems of humanitarian policy, the distribution of management powers between the central and regional levels, the distribution of functions between central authorities and local selfgovernment [8, 10] is important.

Therefore, the decentralization of humanitarian policy means such a way of defining and distinguishing tasks and functions between subjects in the humanitarian sphere, in which part of the tasks for guaranteeing social and humanitarian rights, ensuring social and humanitarian human security, humanitarian development and the development of social relations are transferred from the central to regional and local levels [9]. The strategic task of humanitarian policy decentralization is the search for the latest innovative models of managing social and political processes. The experience of the European Union is important for the formation of an effective system of public administration of Ukraine in the field of humanitarian development at the regional level.

The issue of humanitarian development is an integral component of the regional cohesion policy of the EU, aimed at the economic and social cohesion of regions and member states.

By investing in supporting job creation, competitiveness, economic growth, improving the quality of life and sustainable development, EU regional policy contributed to the realization of the humanitarian goals of the Europe 2020 strategy [4]. Humanitarian policy coordinated with regional policy ensures cohesion of the European community horizontally (between regions - regional policy) and vertically (between layers of society - humanitarian policy). Since its formation and in the course of humanitarian development and social integration of the EU, there has been a departure from a limited view of humanitarian policy as a reflection of society, its reaction to certain current events and economic transformations related to the protection of the standard of living and the right of citizens to work. The process of EU expansion, the development of international relations on the one hand, and the intention to build a single humanitarian space led to the constant increase in the range of humanitarian policy, the intensive development of its external dimension and the legalization of its achievements. In modern conditions, the humanitarian policy of the EU is not limited only to the sphere of work, the solution of emerging humanitarian problems and the correction of an unfavorable situation, but is designed to predict and regulate them. Along with material means and plans for humanitarian aid, preventive programs for overcoming social conflicts are implemented, preventive measures are taken in the field of social ecology, including issues of regulating humansociety relations, business strategies, the level of its civilization, etc. [5].

The central idea around which the European policy of humanitarian development is built is that it is designed to ensure the protection of the interests of various groups and categories of society, not limited to supporting the disadvantaged by shifting the emphasis from measures of social protection of the population (it is usually guaranteed by the laws of the member states) to activities focused on the productivity and profitability of humanitarian policy as a whole. Investments in humanitarian policies are seen as productive investments, social cohesion as a productive factor, and spending on social protection as productive investments. The need for the uniform development of the humanitarian sphere of the regions, the improvement of the quality of life of the population, the development and enrichment of the social potential of each individual person and society as a whole actualize the task of substantiating conceptual approaches to the formation of a balanced, consistent, purposeful state policy regarding the humanitarian development of the regions, which should be based on the understanding of the development's peculiarities of individual regions, as well as national priorities [6].

The main directions and tasks for improving humanitarian policy at the regional level are:

I. Decentralization of power. Democratization of political and socioeconomic relations, activation of processes of horizontal (inter-industry, sectoral) and vertical (managerial) cooperation, cooperation of all branches of government and local self-government with the aim of bringing management closer to its consumers, facilitating access to participation in making and monitoring the implementation of management decisions , simplification of public control over state expenditures and their results. The development of civil society, self-organization of the population, social dialogue, public-private partnership, humanitarian responsibility for building up social capital, increasing the effectiveness of management based on program-target mechanisms, active involvement and participation of the population in decision-making that affect their interests at various levels and in various spheres of life [2].

II. Modernization of public management of the humanitarian sphere at the regional level by: defining fundamental spiritual values, achieving understanding on the most acute problems of Ukraine's historical past, as a historical experience and historical memory of all regions and all generations of Ukrainians. Creation and implementation into practice of a national system of permanent monitoring according to the human development index adopted by the UN in order to implement urgent measures regarding regional dimensions and humanitarian equalization of regions. Determination of goals and priorities, as well as the development of a comprehensive legal mechanism for the development of culture, implementation of the state language policy, including at the regional level. The development and implementation of national and sectoral medium- and long-term programs aimed at the humanitarian integration of the regions of Ukraine into a single national-state body and the formation of the national identity of Ukrainian society, which should be based on basic values common to all citizens of the state and take into account the multiculturalism of Ukraine as its society's positive benefit [2].

III. Humanitarian development and social equalization of regions. Development of human potential (education, children's rights, health, culture, employment and social cohesion, gender equality). Reducing poverty (ensuring fairness, globalization, sustainable development, security, conflict prevention, forced migration). Ensuring sustainable development (promoting employment and decent work, creating a "fair circle" of economic and humanitarian development, ensuring on this basis the competitiveness of the economy and social solidarity for vulnerable population groups, fiscal reform, corporate social responsibility, support for humanitarian provision, growth in the interests of the poor and employment). Development based on democratic values (respect for human rights, democracy, basic freedoms and the rule of law, good governance, gender equality, solidarity, social justice and effective multilateral actions), etc. [2].

IV. Modernization of state policy on ensuring humanitarian security (social protection). Optimization of social and state institutions (structural and functional conditioning of ministries, departments, relevant departments in local authorities, social services, etc.). Prevention of humanitarian risks, establishment of the living wage taking into account regional characteristics of the population's standard of living, provision of a guaranteed minimum income, overcoming inequality in access to education, health care and other services.

Decentralization of social services, diversification of suppliers with the involvement of public, private and charitable organizations. Implementation of a balanced distribution of responsibility for the formation of income to the social protection system and proportional distribution of its expenses according to functional areas, strengthening the responsibility of local bodies for quality, financial support, and the choice of a social services ' provider [2, 11]. Therefore, the decentralization of humanitarian policy in Ukraine involves the transfer of the main management functions in the humanitarian sphere to local authorities, expands the powers of regional and local state administration bodies, and strengthens their responsibility for the development of the humanitarian sphere. Granting the maximum autonomy of the local authorities'powers in solving humanitarian development problems at their level is not only a reduction of the often unjustified influence of the center on the daily activities of local authorities, but also a strengthening of the initiatives of the latter, their activity and cooperation with various humanitarian activity's subjects, which contributes to the democratization of the entire management system in the humanitarian sphere. At the same time, the distribution of competences should be based on the principle that only those functions that cannot be effectively implemented at a lower level are transferred to a higher level of management [1].


Taking into account the above, in order to successfully achieve the goals of humanitarian policy decentralization in Ukraine, it is necessary to ensure the implementation of the principles of this process: an optimal combination of centralization and decentralization of management activities in the humanitarian sphere; clear division of functions between central state authorities and local selfgovernment bodies; coordination of national tasks in the humanitarian sphere with regional features and interests; expertise and competence of humanitarian policy subjects; the maximum possible involvement of budget allocations and private funds in financing the humanitarian sphere.


1. Sytnyk, P. K., Kupriychuk, V. M., Karlova, V. V., & Nebozhuk, R. A. (2020). Pryntsypy detsentralizatsii derzhavnoho upravlinnia u sferi kultury [Principles of state administration's decentralization in the sphere of culture]. Investytsii: praktyka ta dosvid, 2, 89-94 [In Ukrainian].

2. National Academy of State Administration (2010). Sotsialna i humanitarna polityka [Social and humanitarian policy]. Kyiv: National Academy of State Administration [In Ukrainian].

3. Karlova, V. V. (2011). Osoblyvosti reformuvannia derzhavnoho upravlinnia u sferi kultury na rehionalnomu i mistsevomu rivni [Peculiarities of reforming state administration in the sphere of culture at the regional and local level]. Suspilstvo. Derzhava. Upravlinnia. Pravo, 1, 33-45 [In Ukrainian].

4. Kupriychuk, V. M. (2014). Humanitarna polityka ukrainskykh uriadiv u dobu natsionalnoi revoliutsii (1917-1920 rr.) [Humanitarian policy of Ukrainian governments in the era of the national revolution (1917-1920)]. Kyiv: Vyd-vo Yevrop. un-tu [In Ukrainian].

5. National Academy of State Administration (2018). Reforma systemy derzhavnoho upravlinnia ta mistsevoho samovriaduvannia v Ukraini: stan, vyklyky, perspektyvy zdiisnennia [Reform of the system of state administration and local self-government in Ukraine: status, challenges, prospects for implementation]. Kyiv: National Academy of State Administration [In Ukrainian].

6. Ukrainian Academy of State Administration (1997). Derzhavne upravlinnia v Ukraini: tsentralizatsiia i detsentralizatsiia [Public administration in Ukraine: centralization and decentralization]. Kyiv: Ukrainian Academy of State Administration [In Ukrainian].

7. National Academy of State Administration (2011). Entsyklopediia derzhavnoho upravlinnia [Encyclopedia of public administration]: Kyiv: National Academy of State Administration [In Ukrainian].

8. Ukrainian Academy of State Administration (2018). Sotsiohumanitarni chynnyky intehratsii i konsolidatsii ukrainskoho suspilstva [Socio-humanitarian factors of integration and consolidation of Ukrainian society]. Kyiv: Ukrainian Academy of State Administration [In Ukrainian].

9. Ukrainian Academy of State Administration (2018). Formation of Ukrainian identity in the conditions of modern challenges: theoretical and political aspects [Public administration in Ukraine: centralization and decentralization]. Kyiv: Ukrainian Academy of State Administration [In Ukrainian].

10. Sait zhurnalu «Fakhivtsiu biblioservisu» [Site of journal «To a library service specialist»]. Retrieved from [In Ukrainian].

11. Sait zhurnalu «Ukrfinskyi tyzhden» [Site of journal «Ukrainian week»]. Retrieved from [In Ukrainian].

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