Directions of public administation regulation in Ukraine

The public administration reform, focused on the provision of quality services with convenient procedures. Today, the reform of the state administration system of Ukraine is carried out in compliance with democratic principles, based on the rule of law.

Рубрика Государство и право
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Дата добавления 12.02.2024
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Directions of public administation regulation in Ukraine

Dsbizha Vira Vasylivna Ph.D. in state Manager, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and Political Consulting, Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine",

Sandul Mykhailo Mykolayovych Master of Science 281 Public Management and Administration, Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine",

Skutelnik Ihor Volodymyrovych Master of Science 281 Public Management and Administration, Open International University of Human Development, "Ukraine",


administation reform democratic

The article examines the directions of public administration reform, focused on the provision of quality services with convenient procedures. Today, the reform of the state administration system of Ukraine is carried out in compliance with democratic principles, based on the rule of law and good governance. According to the conclusions of the experts of the SIGMA Program, Ukraine complies with many European principles, in particular in terms of the completeness and clarity of the legislative regulation of the civil service, the delimitation of civil service positions, political positions and other positions in state bodies. Areas of improvement of state procedures and work processes have been determined. To implement the tasks of providing high-quality services with convenient procedures, the implementation of measures related to the administrative procedure, quality and availability of services was introduced; efficiency of the infrastructure. For the formation of a professional public service in state bodies, it is advisable to implement measures regarding the competition and selection, motivation and remuneration, the capacity of personnel management and organizational culture, professional development and performance management, ensuring effective management of the service in local self-government bodies regarding the settlement of issues. Performance management processes have been implemented in the civil service at the government level, for which planned performance indicators of civil servants have been determined. Planned indicators of the formation of professional public service in state bodies have also been determined. In order to implement the tasks of improving management accountability, it is expedient to implement measures in the following areas: planning and policy development; effective organization and accountability, ensuring the constitutional right of citizens to appeal. Planned indicators of the results of improving management accountability are described. An approximate list of communication activities with civil servants regarding the development of personnel management and the formation of organizational culture is provided.

Key words: public administration, state management, public services, public servants, effective governance, European principles.

Дабіжа Віра Василівна кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент, доцент кафедри міжнародних відносин та політичного консалтингу, Відкритий міжнародний університет розвитку людини "Україна"

Сандул Михайло Миколайович магістрант спеціальності 281 Публічне управління та адміністрування, Відкритий міжнародний університет розвитку людини "Україна"

Скутельник Ігор Володимирович магістрант спеціальності 281 Публічне управління та адміністрування, Відкритий міжнародний університет розвитку людини "Україна"



У статті досліджено напрями реформування державного управління, орієнтованого на надання якісних послуг при зручних процедурах. На сьогодні реформування системи державного управління України здійснюється з дотриманням демократичних принципів, грунтується на верховенстві права та належному врядуванні. Згідно з висновками експертів Програми SIGMA, Україна відповідає багатьом Європейським принципам, зокрема в частині повноти та чіткості законодавчого регулювання державної служби, розмежування посад державної служби, політичних посад та інших

посад в державних органах. Визначено напрями вдосконалення державних процедур і робочих процесів. Для реалізації завдань надання високоякісних послуг при зручних процедурах введено здійснення заходів, повязаних з адміністративністю процедури, якістю та доступністю послуг; дієвістю інфраструктури. Для формування професійної публічної служби в державних органах доцільним є здійснення заходів щодо конкурсу та відбору, мотивації та оплати праці, спроможності управління персоналом та організаційної культури, професійного розвитку та управління результативністю, забезпечення ефективного управління службою в органах місцевого самоврядування щодо врегулювання питань. На державній службі на урядовому рівні впроваджено процеси управління результативністю, для чого визначено планові показники результатів діяльності державних службовців. Також визначено планові показники формування професійної публічної служби в державних органах. З метою реалізації завдань покращення управлінської підзвітності доцільним є здійснення заходів за напрямами: планування та вироблення політики; ефективної організації та підзвітності, забезпечення конституційного права громадян на звернення. Описано планові показники результатів покращення управлінської підзвітності. Наведено орієнтовний перелік комунікаційних заходів з державними службовцями щодо розитку управління персоналом та формування організаційної культури.

Ключові слова: державне управління, управління державою, державні послуги, державні службовці, належне врядування, Європейські принципи.

Statement of the problem in a general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks. Reforming public administration involves increasing the efficiency of providing administrative and other public services. The network of centers for the provision of administrative services is actively developing, and the provision of electronic public services is being introduced. However, the availability of services and the quality of service differ in different territorial communities. Obstacles to the integration of certain popular services into administrative service provision centers remain due to excessive centralization of powers to provide them. Ukraine should continue the political, socio-economic, legislative and institutional reforms necessary for the effective implementation of the Association Agreement, where Article 3 specifies that good governance is defined as one of the main principles for strengthening relations between the parties [1].

Analysis of recent research and publications. V. Votorin, A. Komirny, and

O. Mordvinov mostly pay attention to research in the field of public administration and regulation. A review of their scientific publications showed that in the field of public administration, the directions for improving public administration are not sufficiently deeply and fully revealed. The issue of developing an effective mechanism for the provision of public services remains relevant in view of the current situation of digitalization in Ukraine.

Forming the goals of the article (setting the task). The purpose of the article is the process of finding directions for reforming the state administration of Ukraine in the direction of providing high-quality and accessible administrative services according to convenient and understandable procedures. This will contribute to the formation of a capable service and digital state that ensures the protection of citizens' interests based on European standards and experience.

Presentation of the main research material. Proper governance is one of the main factors of the state's competitiveness, the development of its economy and a prerequisite for European integration. To ensure the effective activity of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding the formation of state policy in various spheres, it is necessary to create a professional, effective, efficient and accountable system of central executive bodies. Reducing the administrative burden on business entities, improving the quality of providing administrative services, ensuring the legality and predictability of administrative actions increases the state's position in international rankings, and is also of great importance for increasing the level of trust of citizens and businesses in the state.

The reform of the public administration system of Ukraine is carried out in compliance with democratic principles, based on the rule of law and good governance. The reform of the public administration system is implemented taking into account the European standards of good administration, developed by the Program for the Support of Governance and Management Improvement (the SIGMA Program) and outlined in the document "Principles of Public Administration". The specified document contains a system of principles and criteria for evaluating public administration based on international standards and requirements, as well as best practices of EU member states and countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (European principles).

According to the conclusions of the experts of the SIGMA Program, Ukraine complies with many European principles, in particular in terms of the completeness and clarity of the legislative regulation of the civil service, the delimitation of civil service positions, political positions and other positions in state bodies. However, the system of executive authorities should be clearly and effectively organized, provide access to public information and protect the rights of citizens during interaction with state bodies. In accordance with the established uniform requirements for the formation of an organizational model of the structure of the ministries' apparatus, policy formation is carried out in the directorates, which strengthens the ability of the ministries to plan and implement reforms. By the beginning of 2021, more than 90 directorates have been formed. The establishment of directorates and the formation of their personnel in 2020 and 2021 slowed down as a result of the suspension of competitions for civil service positions and a significant reduction in funding for the reform in connection with the introduction of restrictions to prevent the spread of the acute respiratory disease COVID-19, caused by the SARS coronavirus, on the territory of Ukraine. CoV-2.

According to the European principles, the civil service should be professional, honest, politically neutral, merit-based, and citizen-oriented. During the past period of public administration reform, a number of measures were taken to plan and implement training in the public service, in particular, an analysis of the training needs of civil servants was introduced, competition between state and non-state educational institutions was ensured, and the Ukrainian School of Government was established.

The gradual deprivation of ministries of non-proprietary policy implementation functions continues, in particular by transferring relevant functions to existing or new central executive bodies [7]. However, the ministries continue to perform a significant amount of policy implementation functions, which reduces the potential of the ministries for its formation.

The problem of low efficiency in planning the activities of central executive authorities remains relevant, in particular ensuring orientation to the result, not to the process. The main reasons that led to this are outdated legislation on state planning and accountability, as well as insufficient coordination with the reform of public finance management regarding planning and reporting by central executive bodies in the process of forming and implementing the state budget.

Despite the fact that the procedure for conducting competitions for civil service positions is generally brought into line with European standards, it needs further improvement. In addition, it is necessary to attract more qualified candidates, the selection procedure must also comply with the conditions of social distancing.

The mechanism for calculation of salaries of civil servants remains opaque due to the unregulated and unlimited amount of allowances. The variable part of the payment is too high. Thus, the introduction of the classification of civil service positions and the reform of the salary system, the further implementation of the integrated human resources management information system in public bodies (HRMIS) are key to further progress in this field and the achievement of European principles of public administration.

The priority for the development of the sphere of administrative services and procedures is the adoption of the law on administrative procedure and the gradual bringing of individual laws into compliance with European standards. This will require not only the adoption of relevant legislation and the revision of existing administrative procedures in each executive authority and local self-government body. It will also require training all civil servants on the new principles of the administrative procedure, as well as informing citizens and businesses about their new rights.

Enshrining at the legislative level the general principles and rules of the administrative procedure will contribute to legal certainty and the provision of guarantees of compliance with the rights of citizens and legal entities in the event that state authorities and local self-government bodies determine their rights and obligations.

Particular attention is paid to the further development of centers for the provision of administrative services, taking into account inclusiveness, accessibility and convenience for the subjects of appeals, increasing the number of administrative services (especially those that are most requested) provided through such centers, and improving the quality of their provision.

The development and optimization of the network of centers for the provision of administrative services, taking into account the administrative and territorial reform, will be carried out by local self-government bodies, taking into account the recommendations regarding the criteria for the territorial accessibility of the center for the provision of administrative services, including its territorial subdivisions and remote (in particular, mobile) workplaces of administrators. Compliance with the specified criteria will increase the level of availability of administrative services for citizens.

During the implementation of measures aimed at improving the quality of the provision of administrative services, the simplification/optimization of administrative procedures and the reduction of the administrative burden are expected. At the same time, the process of improving information systems, conducting training of civil servants and employees in local self-government bodies, periodic evaluation of such procedures and their optimization will continue.

In order to increase the level of availability of administrative services, it is necessary to continue work on the decentralization (delegation) of powers to provide administrative services to local self-government bodies, as well as the provision of appropriate resources; to regulate at the legislative level the issue of payment for the provision of administrative services (administrative fee), in particular, to update the methodology for calculating the amount of payment for such services (administrative fee) [3]. The monitoring system is also important, which, in particular, should include the assessment of the quality of the provision of administrative services, including through centers for the provision of administrative services.

Most of the services provided through administrative service centers are free of charge. In this regard, during the expansion of the list of services, it is necessary to pay attention to the strengthening of the capacity of administrative service centers in terms of covering expenses for the organization of the provision of services that belong to delegated powers or the subject of which are executive authorities.

A significant number of services are available in electronic form, in particular "e-Malyatko". As part of the reform, the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services was created, as well as the "Trembita" system of electronic interaction of state electronic information resources, but the exchange of information between public electronic registers using the specified system is not fully ensured.

One of the tasks is the further digitization of administrative and other public services, which will help bring them closer to users. For this, it is necessary to ensure the development of an effective electronic infrastructure, which will serve as a foundation for increasing the number of administrative services provided using information technologies. The use of modern information and communication technologies will contribute to the creation and improvement of electronic information resources (public electronic registers), ensuring the functional compatibility of systems and implementing data exchange. The functional compatibility of the systems will facilitate the exchange of data between public electronic registers and state authorities and local self-government bodies.

Public electronic registers must have open access for use by state authorities and local self-government bodies with guaranteed protection of personal data, which will contribute to the simplification of the procedure for providing administrative services to citizens and legal entities by state authorities and local self-government bodies, in particular in electronic form through web services . For this purpose, it is necessary to ensure the connection of all the main public electronic registers to the system of electronic interaction of state electronic information resources "Trembita".

To implement the tasks of providing high-quality services with convenient procedures, it is advisable to carry out measures in the following directions:

regarding the administrative procedure:

implementation of the administrative procedure and bringing regulatory acts into compliance with the law on administrative procedure;

conducting training of civil servants, increasing the level of awareness of citizens on issues of general administrative procedure;

regarding the quality and availability of services:

promoting the development of the network of centers for the provision of administrative services, taking into account inclusiveness, accessibility and convenience for the subjects of appeals;

ensuring the further integration of services to administrative service centers;

ensuring further decentralization of powers to provide administrative services by delegating them to local self-government bodies (including administrative services of a social nature, state registration of land plots and vehicles), as well as simplification of procedures for providing services in the field of registration of civil status acts;

introduction of a system of monitoring and assessment of the quality of administrative services provision in accordance with uniform standards with the aim of their further improvement;

re-engineering of administrative and other public services based on client- oriented principles and the introduction of their provision in electronic form, in particular a complex electronic public service related to the initiation and conduct of business activities, and a complex electronic public service related to the death of a person;

regarding effective infrastructure:

ensuring interaction between public electronic registers (including public electronic registers, the holders of which are local self-government bodies) to obtain information necessary for the provision of administrative and other public services without citizen participation, by connecting public electronic registers to the system of electronic interaction of state electronic information resources" Trembita";

ensuring the use by individuals and legal entities of reliable, safe, modern electronic identification means and schemes with the help of an integrated electronic identification system.

Performance management processes have been implemented in the civil service. On the basis of defined tasks and key indicators, the performance of civil servants is evaluated annually (table 1).

Table 1. Planned performance indicators of civil servants











The level of increasing satisfaction of citizens with the quality of the provision of administrative and other public services provided, %:

1) at administrative service centers





2) in state bodies




3) in electronic form





The number of electronic public services (including complex electronic public services), the provision of which is available using the Unified state web portal of electronic services, units







The share of state electronic information resources with which electronic interaction has been implemented and data exchange is carried out through the electronic interaction system of state electronic information resources "Trembita", from the list of priority state electronic information resources, %







The level of integration of certain service groups into administrative service centers (percentages of the total number of administrative service centers providing such groups of services):

1) registration of acts of civil status






2) services related to the registration and issuance of passports






3) administrative services of a social nature






4) services related to pension provision






5) tax services for citizens





6) registration (re-registration) of vehicles and issuance (exchange) of driver's licenses







5. Compliance of the network of administrative

service centers with the new administrative-territorial system:

1) the share of settlements - administrative centers of districts (as of January 1, 2020) in which centers for the provision of administrative services have been established, %






2) the share of territorial communities with more than 10,000 residents in which centers for the provision of administrative services have been established, %






3) the share of territorial communities with less than 10,000 inhabitants, in which centers for the provision of administrative services have been established (in case of allocation of appropriate state funding for the construction, reconstruction, furnishing of premises and provision of equipment for such centers), %







Number of simplified procedures for providing administrative and other public services, units






Implementation of the Law on Administrative Procedure:

1) the share of bills necessary for the implementation of the law, which have been submitted for consideration by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, %



2) the share of civil servants who have received training on the new principles of administrative procedure, the percentage of the total number of civil servants who need such training





Source: [10]

Professional public service and personnel management is a continuation of the development of a professional, honest, politically neutral civil service and service in

local self-government bodies, whose activities are aimed at protecting the interests of citizens [5].

An important component of proper state administration is the development of professional services in local self-government bodies. In order to establish new legal and organizational foundations for service in local self-government bodies as a professional and politically impartial activity for the benefit of the state and citizens, to guarantee the realization by citizens of Ukraine of the right to equal access to service in local self-government bodies, as well as to harmonize with the legislation on civil service, the legislation on issues of service in local self-government bodies need significant updating.

It is appropriate to adopt a new version of the Law of Ukraine "On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies" to create legal prerequisites:

increasing the prestige of the service;

regulating the status of an employee;

equal access to the service;

implementation of a transparent mechanism for hiring and stimulating career growth;

increasing the level of social protection and financial support of employees [6].

Increasing the prestige of the state and its competitiveness as an employer, creating an opportunity to attract and retain the most qualified specialists in the state service, necessitates the reform of the system of remuneration of civil servants, which will provide for the establishment of a competitive level of wages, increasing its transparency, predictability and fairness, strengthening the role of the permanent part and limiting the variable part (the part that can be changed at the decision of the manager) in the salary structure at the individual level and the salary fund of each state body (the share of the fixed part of the salary should be at least 70%, and the variable part - no more than 30 %), reduction and elimination of the wage gap for civil servants. Reducing the share of bonuses will help to prevent the manager from setting the salary at his own discretion, as well as reduce the risk of politicization of civil servants. In addition, the implementation of the classification of civil service positions (definition of typical civil service positions taking into account the functional orientation, purpose and value of the position) is relevant.

One of the main conditions for the successful reform of the civil servants' remuneration system is stable financial support. The issue of reforming the system of remuneration of civil servants will be resolved together with the issue of determining additional sources of funding. The costs of carrying out the specified reform can be covered, in particular, by improving the efficiency of state administration and optimizing the number of employees of executive authorities and eliminating vacant positions.

Information on the efficiency of the state administration system in Ukraine is fragmented and limited, and determining ways to optimize the number of employees of executive authorities is extremely difficult. State bodies have their own management information systems. The data sets stored in such systems are not sufficiently transparent and not suitable for comparison and do not provide an opportunity to analyze the human resources management system as a whole.

It is planned to continue the implementation of the integrated human resources management information system in state bodies (HRMIS), which will allow for operational and transparent monitoring of the number of employees of state authorities and the wage fund and, in the future, to replace similar information systems in such bodies. Trial operation of the mentioned system has been started in 19 central bodies of executive power, information on more than 20,000 employees has been added to it, but its further implementation needs to be accelerated.

Strengthening the civil service involves the involvement of highly qualified specialists with the provision of fair and transparent selection, appointment to civil service positions based on achievements and achievements and equal treatment of candidates regardless of their gender, ethnic and social origin, presence of disability, etc.

In order to improve the quality of the selection of applicants for civil service positions, the composition of the Commission on the Higher Body of the Civil Service and the competitive commissions formed by the subject of appointment in the state body will be formed to a large extent from specialists who have the appropriate qualifications. In addition, such a commission will include both women and men. Also, the competitive selection procedure needs to be improved, which will involve conducting the main stages of the competition through testing at the Center for the Evaluation of Candidates for Civil Service Positions.

One of the main conditions for the successful development of the civil service is to ensure the integrity of civil servants. It is advisable to continue the development and implementation of modern tools that help minimize the risks associated with unethical behavior of public officials and abuse of official position, and include the following components:

providing civil servants with the opportunity to receive consultations in difficult ethical situations and to file complaints in case of unscrupulous behavior;

conducting training on practical aspects of integrity and including issues related to the ethical behavior of civil servants in professional development programs;

conducting tests and surveys on manifestations of unscrupulous behavior among civil servants;

declaration of the interests of the civil servant, which certifies the absence of a conflict between the personal interests of the civil servant, his family members and his authority in the civil service position (especially regarding civil service positions of category "A").

An integral component of the modernization of state administration is the improvement of the quality of professional training of civil servants and officials of local self-government. The system of forming and placing a state order for training and advanced training of civil servants and officials of local self-government works inefficiently, which restrains the development of the market of educational services in the field of postgraduate education, creates unequal conditions for educational institutions in the field of training and advanced training of various forms of ownership.

The implemented mechanisms for determining the needs for professional training and planning the appropriate resources for financing the implementation of the state order for professional development do not ensure the prompt satisfaction of the current training needs and the anticipatory nature of the upgrading of the qualifications of civil servants and local self-government officials, which leads to a decrease in the level of availability of state-ordered training . A significant number of civil servants and local self-government officials cannot fully meet the needs for professional development. The content of professional training of civil servants and local self-government officials does not fully meet the needs of such training.

The issue of professional development of the higher body of the civil service, methodological and methodical provision of professional training of management personnel, preparation of the personnel reserve for the civil service is the basis for the formation of the concept of a new type of educational institution - a higher school of public administration.

It is appropriate to promote the formation of effective mechanisms for motivating civil servants and local self-government officials to professional development and continuous education. One of the tasks is to create a modern, integral, mobile and flexible system of professional training with a developed infrastructure, effective management and adequate resource potential, which will include the following components:

identification of professional training needs;

formation, placement and execution of a state order;

forming motivation to increase the level of professional competence;

ensuring the functioning and development of the market for the provision of educational services in the field of professional training;

monitoring and evaluation of the quality of education.

The success of the reform also largely depends on the quality of human resources management in state bodies, which must be provided by modern, efficient and effective personnel management services. In order to effectively perform the tasks assigned to it, the personnel management service must implement modem methods and tools of personnel management in the public service, develop organizational and managerial culture.

For the formation of professional public service in state bodies (table 2), it is advisable to carry out measures in the following directions:

regarding the competition and selection:

updating the selection procedure in terms of improving the assessment of the candidate's competencies, applying distance assessment and ensuring compliance with the principles of non-discrimination and equal access during the competition by candidates regardless of their gender, ethnic and social origin, presence of disability, etc.;

modernization of the work of the Commission on Higher Civil Service with the aim of professionalizing it, as well as ensuring equal representation of women and men in its composition;

introduction of the formation of a personnel reserve for civil service positions (with equal rights and opportunities for women and men) from among candidates who have a deferred right to occupy a position and may be appointed to an equivalent or lower civil service position in this or another state body;

development of criteria and provision of opportunities for career advancement, in particular to positions of the highest category, of civil servants who received an excellent rating based on the results of the annual evaluation of official activity;

motivating women to participate in competitions for civil service positions of the "A" category, taking into account their competence, achievements and achievements;

development and implementation of a policy to ensure a balanced representation of women and men in various civil service positions;

creating opportunities for internships in order to attract young highly qualified specialists to the public service;

popularization of civil service;

regarding motivation and remuneration:

introduction of the classification of civil service positions, including ensuring the integration of the positions of specialists engaged in work in state bodies as part of the implementation of public administration reform measures, into the general remuneration system;

carrying out a comprehensive reform of the wage system, which involves increasing the fixed part, limiting the variable part based on clear criteria, reducing the components of the wage structure, eliminating the reasons for gaps in wages, bringing the wages of civil servants closer to the level of wage indicators for positions of a similar level of complexity and responsibility in the private sector;

ensuring the prevention of a decrease in the level of remuneration of civil servants, in particular specialists involved in work in state bodies as part of the implementation of public administration reform measures;

regarding personnel management capacity and organizational culture:

implementation of the human resources management information system in state bodies (HRMIS), which, in particular, will enable the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators regarding the representation of women and men in various civil service positions;

conducting an analysis of the state body's needs in providing the necessary number of civil servants with the necessary qualifications to solve strategic tasks;

introduction of competency frameworks for various professional groups in the civil service in accordance with the catalog of typical civil service positions and criteria for assignment to such positions;

strengthening of guarantees to prevent unjustified dismissal of civil servants;

implementation of a program of continuous professional development for employees of personnel management services regarding modern practices and tools of personnel management;

ensuring the development and support of organizational and managerial culture, ethical behavior in public service, orientation towards cooperation, achievement of results and people-centeredness;

development and implementation of professional adaptation programs for civil servants;

regarding professional development and performance management:

conducting an independent review of the civil servant training system and preparing proposals for its development;

ensuring the development and implementation of training programs for civil servants on project management, strategic planning, management and European integration;

ensuring the formation of gender competence of civil servants by including the gender component in the training and professional development programs of civil servants;

ensuring the implementation of a training program for civil servants who hold civil service positions of categories "A" and "B", in matters of personnel management and performance management, as well as for employees of personnel management services;

improvement of the procedures and tools for assessing the effectiveness of the official activity of civil servants, its coordination with the processes of strategic planning and reporting;

creation of equal opportunities for educational institutions in the field of professional development of civil servants, regardless of the form of ownership;

- improvement of the mechanism of formation, placement and execution of the state order for the training and upgrading of the qualifications of civil servants through the implementation of an open, transparent system of placement of the state order using the functional capabilities of the knowledge management web portal in the field of professional training;

ensuring effective management of the service in local self-government bodies regarding the settlement of issues [6].

Table 2. Planned indicators of the formation of professional public service in

state bodies











The average number of candidates for civil service positions







Personnel turnover in civil service positions of category "A", %







Personnel turnover in civil service positions of category "B", "C", %







The share of civil service positions for which a salary system has been implemented based on the classification of positions, percentages of the total number of positions subject to uniform salary conditions






The share of state bodies that have implemented an information system for managing human resources in state bodies, %







The share of civil servants who have improved their qualifications, as a percentage of the total number of civil servants







The share of expenses of state bodies for the

improvement of the qualifications of civil servants of the apparatus, % of the wage fund

up to 1





Source: [10]

In order to ensure effective governance, it is necessary to create conditions under which state bodies formulate state policy based on the results of analysis and communications with stakeholders, as well as ensure its effective implementation for the sustainable development of the state.

The key problems remain the insufficiently efficient system of central executive bodies, the lack of a clear division of functions for the formation and implementation of policy, the imperfect mechanism for directing and coordinating the activities of ministries, and the irregularity of the state strategic planning system.

According to the legislation, ministries are defined as bodies responsible for the formation and implementation of state policy in one or more areas, and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is defined as a body that directs, coordinates and controls the activities of ministries. The existing mechanisms for directing and coordinating the activities of the ministries, ensuring the capacity of the ministries to formulate policies need improvement. The list of spheres in which the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine formulates and implements policy needs to be more clearly defined. Policy-making powers in all spheres are expected to be assigned to certain directorates of ministries. Ministries should focus on policy-making issues, and policy implementation functions will gradually be transferred to other central executive bodies.

An important task is to improve the process of formation and implementation of long-term decisions regarding the development of the state, coordination of policy formation and implementation, which are key elements of the activities of executive authorities in the state administration system. At the same time, the process of planning the activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine must be consistent with the long-term vision of the state's development, the medium-term budget process, Ukraine's international obligations and the desire to implement in Ukraine the leading world standards in various fields, in particular, the standards of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Solving problems in the field of state strategic planning, in particular, problems related to the preparation and implementation of state-wide programs and state target programs, is possible through the development and adoption of the appropriate law, strengthening the institutional capacity of central executive bodies and developing the competencies of civil servants in this area . Relevant tasks regarding the development of the system of state strategic planning will be carried out within the framework of the implementation of the Strategy for Reforming the State Finance Management System.

The procedure for the formation and termination of central executive bodies needs to be improved in terms of proper substantiation of the feasibility of their creation and definition of the sphere of competence. In connection with the absence of a clearly defined mechanism of legal succession, problematic issues arise related to the transfer of property obligations to the body that is being terminated, as well as ensuring the proper performance of functions transferred to another central body of executive power. As a result, the principle of continuity of the exercise of power is violated, and measures to terminate central executive bodies sometimes last for years.

In addition, it is advisable to review procedures and work processes in state bodies, first of all, the process of conducting public consultations on the formation and implementation of state policy and the process of monitoring and controlling the implementation of management decisions. Conducting an audit of processes will make it possible to identify general negative trends and make processes more convenient for citizens, in particular through the use of modern information technology solutions.

There is also a need to improve management accountability in accordance with European principles, taking into account the peculiarities of the public administration system of Ukraine. In order to implement the tasks of improving management accountability, it is advisable to carry out measures in the following directions:

regarding planning and policy development:

improvement of the system of development of projects of regulatory and legal acts, in particular through the unification of the rules of normative design and the examination of projects of acts;

re-engineering of the processes of documenting the management activities of the central executive authorities regarding planning, implementation of assigned tasks, monitoring and control over their implementation and achievement of performance indicators;

improvement of the process of conducting public consultations and consultations with the public on issues of formation and implementation of state policy;

regarding effective organization and accountability:

improvement of the organization and order of activity of central executive bodies, including improvement of direction and coordination mechanisms, organizational structure, clear definition and distribution of functions and powers, in particular, elimination of their duplication, implementation and accountability for the results of their activities, taking into account the principles of managerial accountability defined by the SIGMA Program;

simplification of procedures for formation and termination of central executive bodies as legal entities under public law, definition of a clear succession mechanism in case of changes in the system of central executive bodies;

completion of the process of formation of directorates to increase the capacity of ministries to form state policy in relevant areas;

continuation of the process of depriving ministries of functions and powers that are not inherent to them, in particular by assigning such functions and powers to other central executive bodies or transferring them to local executive bodies or local self-government bodies within the framework of decentralization of powers, refusal of their implementation by the state;

introduction of a systematic review of procedures and work processes in state authorities with the aim of their constant improvement through reengineering, establishment of transparent rules and uniform standards;

introduction of an electronic archive and creation of appropriate conditions for the permanent storage of electronic documents in the electronic archive;

regarding ensuring the constitutional right of citizens to appeal:

updating the legislation on citizen appeals and public information [5];

implementation of modern tools and approaches to work with appeals based on the "single window" principle;

implementation of a system of unified processing and consideration of appeals, aimed at shortening the term of their consideration, preventing the provision of ambiguous, unsubstantiated or incomplete answers, the possibility of tracking the status of consideration and ensuring control of citizens' satisfaction with the results of consideration of appeals (table 3).

Table 3. Planned indicators of the results of improving management accountability











The level of satisfaction of applicants who sent an application through the unified application processing system, %






Share of citizens' appeals submitted in electronic form, %







The share of directorates of ministries fully staffed, %







The share of implemented measures defined in the plan of priority actions of the Government, %







The share of central executive bodies that

integrated local document management systems with a single integrated portal for monitoring and controlling the implementation of management decisions, %






The number of work processes (procedures) for

which reengineering was carried out by each central executive authority





Source: [10]

In order to timely increase motivation and the level of involvement in the reform of public administration, regular internal communications are carried out with civil servants within the framework of measures for the development of personnel management and the formation of organizational culture. An approximate list of communication measures includes the following measures in three areas:

high-quality services and convenient procedures:

- carrying out an information campaign to increase the level of awareness, support and implementation of the general administrative procedure;

conducting an information campaign to raise citizens' awareness of the list, possibilities and methods of using electronic administrative services;

professional public service and personnel management:

carrying out an all-Ukrainian information campaign on the popularization of public service;

carrying out an all-Ukrainian information campaign on the development and support of organizational and management culture, ethical behavior in public service;

development and implementation of an interactive exhibition about public service;

development and implementation of an effective mechanism of internal communications, interaction and feedback within the civil service;

carrying out an information campaign to raise the level of awareness of key interested parties, in particular civil servants, regarding the implementation of the reform of wages in the civil service based on the classification of positions;

effective governance:

ensuring institutional capacity for communication within the framework of public administration reform;

creation of a web portal on issues of public administration reform;

development and distribution of informational materials on public administration reform for various target groups;

conducting regular public events and discussions with representatives of the public and interested parties of the reform (once per quarter) and an annual final conference;

conducting surveys of target audiences and key interested parties regarding the evaluation of the effectiveness of public administration and communications (once a year);

development and implementation of a program for automatic electronic interaction with key stakeholders and the public regarding topical issues of public administration reform;

conducting an information campaign for the introduction of public consultations on political proposals and bills submitted for approval by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, using appropriate information and communication technologies and tools;

carrying out an information campaign to increase citizens' awareness of the list, possibilities and methods of accessing public information and appeals to state bodies (citizen requests).

Conclusions and prospects of further investigations in this direction

The expected results of the public administration reform are:

ensuring the provision of high-quality services and forming a convenient administrative procedure for citizens and businesses;

forming a system of professional and politically neutral public service, focused on protecting the interests of citizens;

building effective and accountable to citizens state institutions that form state policy and successfully implement it for the sustainable development of the state.


Ugoda pro asociaciju [Association Agreement]. (n.d). Retrieved from ska-integraciya/ugoda-pro-asociacyu [in Ukrainian].

2Uvropejs'ka hartija miscevogo samovrjaduvannja m. Strasburg [European Charter of Local Self-Government of Strasbourg]. (n.d). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].


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