The new achievements of Ivan Franko studies

It is known that Ivan Franko writers for children and about children mostly, as well as he wrote about school and university education. As a result, his pedagogical views and educational activities were the focus of many Ukrainian and foreign researchers.

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The new achievements of Ivan Franko studies

Nadiia Skotna

PhD hab. (Philosophy), Professor, Rector of Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University, Drohobych, Ukraine

Tetiana Pantyuk

PhD hab. (Education), Professor of the Department of General Pedagogy and Preschool Education, Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University, Drohobych, Ukraine

Recently, in Drohobych publishing house “Kolo” the book “I. Franko on Education and Upbringing” has been published, which is currently the most complete collection of pedagogical texts by a prominent Ukrainian scientist and writer. The initiator of this publication was Professor Omelian Vyshnevsky, and the book was edited by Professor, Doctor of Philology Halyna Sabat - a well-known scholar of Franko studies, a researcher of I. Franko's works for children.

It is known that Ivan Franko (1856 - 1916), according to the right observation of H. Sabat, among all Ukrainian writers wrote for children and about children mostly, as well as he wrote about school and university education (Sabat, 2020, p. 3). As a result, his pedagogical views and educational activities were the focus of many Ukrainian and foreign researchers. Professor V. Mykytyuk noted that Franko studies as a branch of the Ukrainian humanities for almost 125 years (and its beginning is derived from the appearance of the relevant section in the “History of Russian Literature” by Omelyan Ogonovsky in 1893), developed many occasional and many special investigations on a pedagogical legacy of Ivan Franko. Actually, the very Om. Ogonovsky, a university professor of I. Franko-student, published the first comprehensive review of his student's life and work, where he recorded many valuable facts about the stages and peculiarities of I. Franko's school, high school and university education, lectures at “normal” school, teachers' influences, the educational and political priorities. Om. Ogonovsky was the first one, who actualized the sources of I. Franko's maximalism (the so-called “cemeteryism”) in school fiction, literalizing and mainly identifying the heroes and authors of literary texts, which was later actively used by the Ukrainian and Russian sociological critics, and the writer himself denied it during the last years of his life (Mykytyuk, 2017, p. 9).

The next significant manifestation of the analysis of I. Franko's pedagogical visions was the publication of Ivan Yushchyshyn, a teacher, “Ivan Franko as a Teacher” (Yushchyshyn, 1913; Yushchyshyn, 1914). By the way, the publication encouraged the already ill writer to refute a number of myths about his education and the influence of a number of schools on his worldview, which appeared in the works of S. Yeferemov, M. Vozniak and were borrowed from there by I. Yushchyshyn. The Soviet scientists, in particular, G. Paperna (Paperna, 1946), B. Mitiurov (Mitiurov, 1961) and O. Dzeverin, made a certain contribution to the study of Ivan Franko's pedagogical work. (Dzeverin, 1960, pp. 5-19). However, taking into consideration the dictates of “Marxist-Leninist methodology”, the characterization of Ivan Franko's pedagogical views was carried out through the prism of an ideological criticism, the theory of class struggle and the formational approach. Instead, during the past three decades, in an independent Ukrainian state hundreds and hundreds of works appeared on Franko's views on education and upbringing. Among them we would like to single out the research of Drohobych scientists: O. Vyshnevskyi (Vyshnevskyi, 2016), R. Vyshnivskyi and M. Chepil (Vyshnivskyi & Chepil, 2016), as well as the work of Lviv scholar V Mykytyuk (Mykytyuk, 2018), who defended his doctoral dissertation in Drohobych University. achievements franko studies

All these works were based on the primary sources - Ivan Franko's creative heritage of a pedagogical nature. In fact, Ivan Franko's pedagogical works were published only once in a separate collection. In 1960 the famous historian of pedagogy and education, Alexander Dzeverin, a head of the department of theory and history of pedagogy of the Research Institute of Pedagogy of the UkSSR, published the book “Ivan Franko. Pedagogical Articles and Statements”. This collection comprised 55 articles and excerpts and it still remains the most accessible to scholars. It is important that at that time 10 Polish-language and German- language publications by Ivan Franko appeared for the first time in the Ukrainian translation (Dzeverin, 1960). Unfortunately, this collection is not complete: many of I. Franko's articles on education, upbringing, schooling, teaching remained outside the publication for ideological and censorship reasons.

The collection under review aimed at getting rid of the above-mentioned drawbacks. The publication “I. Franko on Education and Upbringing” comprises 50 texts by a prominent scientist and writer, 16 of them - in Polish (translated into modern Ukrainian). To each text the comments are given by the compiler, who selected the works of Ivan Franko from the first editions or from the last lifetime publications and classified them in a chronological order. The book begins with an introductory speech by the compiler, prof. Halyna Sabat, and a thorough article by Professor Omelyan Vyshnevsky “Pedagogical Views of Ivan Franko in the Light of Current Challenges of Modern Education”.

Analyzing the materials presented in the collection, we note that they can be classified into several groups. Into the first group, of course, we should include those works of Ivan Franko, which reflect his own pedagogical views. Even the first pedagogical work of the writer - “Woman-Mother” - comprises many pedagogical visions. This article, which consists of three parts (introduction, mother and school, reading for children) I. Franko published in the magazine “Friend” during 1875 - 1876 (Sabat, 2020, pp. 41-52). Apparently, while writing this work, he used the research of the German physician G. Klenke. However, it perfectly illustrates the young writer's idea of education and upbringing, especially the importance of a family upbringing.

Not less famous Ivan Franko's work is his preface to the studio of M. Dobrolyubov “The Importance of Authority in Education”. At that time (1879), the young writer shared the views of the Russian publicist on the harmfulness of an authoritarian upbringing of children. He expressed similar views in the preface to Kh. G. Salzman's book, “A Book of Proverbs on How to Treat Children” (1900). Kameniar expressed his deepest pedagogical views in his famous work “The End of the Reform of Teaching of the Ruska Literature at Our Secondary Schools” (Sabat, 2020, pp. 163-174), in which he expressed his own vision of the organizational and methodological principles of teaching the discipline “Ruska Literature” in the gymnasiums of Galicia. I. Franko's pedagogical visions are quite fully expressed in his literary work “Boris Hrab” (1890), which the compiler placed in the appendices of the collection (Sabat, 2020, pp. 389-402).

The next group of I. Franko's pedagogical works consists ofthe articles on an organizational and educational content. These are, in particular, the publications “A Few Words on how to Organize and Conduct our Public Publishing Houses” (1882), “What and How to Write for the People” (1883), “The Work of the Czechs in the Field of Education” (1888). Of great interest are also the political and journalistic articles of the famous scholar on the Congress of the Polish Pedagogical Society in Stryi, the work of the Regional Sejm, and critical remarks on Polish “organic labour” and “civilizational mission” in the field of schooling in Ukraine (1883). The collection also includes the fragment of I. Franko's German-language article “The Great Acts of Mr. Bobzhynsky”, which was first translated and introduced into a pedagogical and historical science by V. Smal in 1959 (Smal', 1959).

A large group of I. Franko's articles, both journalistic and scientific, was devoted to the history of education. They are also published in the collection under review. To some extent, the article-memoir of I. Franko about his studies at Drohobych Gymnasium of Franz Joseph I. is of a historical and pedagogical character. In the article, he criticized sharply the changes that took place secondary school at the beginning of the 1870-ies, quite unfavourably described the figures of the directors Priest T. Bareviych and J. Kerekyarto (Sabat, 2020, pp. 54-58). It should be noted that Jan Kerekyarto, although he acted with strict disciplinary measures against gymnasium students, did a lot for the development of education in the region. In particular, owing to him the active development of Sambir Teachers' Seminary during the 1890-ies.

I. Franko's work “Student Library in Drohobych”, written in 1878, is also well-known. It is important that in it the young author reflected on the reasons for the emergence of secret societies of high school students, who organized clubs and libraries. I. Franko interpreted them as the result of “resistance to the system”, which young people dare to strive for more broad, uncensored knowledge: “... this the resistance will grow and strengthen more and more, because it is certain that no system, no austerity will be able to block all roads of a living thought, will not be able to forbid it to enter our schools and arouse a new, more real, more scientific movement, whose ties and beginnings we already see now” (Sabat, 2020, p. 70). Among other historical and pedagogical works of Kameniar we should mention the articles “One Card from the History of our Public School” (1884), “Secondary Schools in Galicia during 1875 - 1883” (1884), “Our Public Schools and their Needs” (1892 ), “On the History of Education in Galicia” (1893), “Three Ruthenian Handwritten Textbooks of from the Years of 1806, 1815, 1829” (1902). The last article in the collection is published in an abridged form - numerous extensive quotations from textbooks analyzed by I. Franko were removed from it. Undoubtedly, the article “New Reasons for the History of Polish Society in Ukraine in the XIXth Century” has a historical and pedagogical character, which is a review of the book by the Polish researcher P. Khmelovsky under the famous title “Liberalism and Obscurantism in Lithuania and Russia (1815 - 1823)”, as well as T. Bobrowski's memoirs about his education in high schools and universities of Ukraine (Sabat, 2020, pp. 312-349).

Among the articles included into the collection, a significant group consists of journalistic works on the problems of the youth of that time, in particular, students. Thus, I. Franko wrote about the student riots in Russia (1888), defended the civil rights of students, in particular, the formation of academic societies (1888), described and reflected on the Congress of Slavic youth in Prague (1891). It is known that Kameniar supported the resolution of the Ukrainian students at the Congress, who advocated the spread of “education based on the achievements of positive sciences, and such an organization of education in which education would become the property of the masses, not just certain privileged classes and individuals...” (Sabat, 2020, p. 253). We also consider it quite reasonable to include into the collection the fragment of I. Franko's article “An Open Letter to the Galician Ukrainian Youth” (1905). This work once had an exceptional influence on the formation of the national identity of young Ukrainians, who, listening to their Franko-teacher, slowly but surely learned to “feel like the Ukrainians - not Galician, not Bukovynian Ukrainians, but the Ukrainians without official borders” (Sabat, 2020, p. 374).

Many articles by Ivan Franko were devoted to the role and importance of the teacher in the social and, more specifically, educational life of the people. One of the first such publications, aimed at protecting teachers from an unjust persecution by school authorities, was the work “Fact on the Characteristics of our Schooling” (1884), in which the scholar opposed Yulia Schneider's deprivation of a teacher (a literary pseudonym - Ulyana Kravchenko) of a permanent position at school of Bibrka town (Sabat, 2020, pp. 141-143). In 1887 I. Franko published the article in the Polish newspaper “Kurjer Lwowski” “In Defense of Public Teachers”, where he criticized the baseless accusations of primary school teachers in anti-religious propaganda (Sabat, 2020, pp. 197-200). In addition to these publications, the collection comprises the fragment of Kamenyar's article about his teacher - Emerick Turczynski (1896) (Sabat, 2020, pp. 293-295).

The collection is supplemented by three appendices, including the already mentioned story “Boris Hrab”, as well as the memories of Ivan Franko's children - Taras and Anna - about the style of their father's parenting. The collection ends with the thesaurus of archaisms (“explanation of words”) and an index.

In general, the book under review is a rather serious scientific work of a source-based nature, designed to provide the modern researcher of I. Franko with a holistic set of pedagogical and pedagogical works, written by of Ivan Franko. However, unfortunately, it is not a complete collection of his pedagogical works. For instance, the compiler did not include into the collection the excerpts from the article “Science and its Relationship with the Working Class” (1878), in which young I. Franko from the standpoint of positivism outlined not only the historical development of science but also education. In addition, the book does not include a number of materials of a historical and pedagogical nature. In our opinion, it should have included the preface, written by Kamenyar to the source collection “Materials on the Cultural History of Galician Rus' in the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries” (Franko, 1902, ðð. V-VI). In the same collection, I. Franko pubished a preface to the collection of documents by Yuri Kmit “Activities around Education in the Diocese of Peremyshl during 1780 - 1787” (Franko, 1902, ðð. 89-90), as well as his own archeographic articles with the relevant comments: “Activities around Education in Lviv Diocese during 1784 - 1792”, “Materials on the History of Galician Rus' schooling during 1801 - 1848” and “The First Ruske Educational Society during 1816 - 1818” (Franko, 1902, ðð. 99-102, 174-257, 258-276). Of course, the compiler, as an experienced Franko studies scholar, is familiar with these works, but we assume that she was restrained from reprinting them by an excessive saturation with the source material - the Latvian, Polish, Church Slavonic texts. In fact, it would be inappropriate to publish only the archeographic analysis of these materials made by I. Franko without publishing these materials themselves.

Unfortunately, I. Franko's well-known reviews of K. Kharlampovych's work on Ostroh Orthodox School (1898) and P. Kulakovsky's study on the beginnings of schooling in Serbia (1904) were not included into the collection. We think that I. Franko's articles “From Reading of our Ancestors Texts of the XIth Century” (1909) and “New Ruska Department at the University” (1892) could be added to the collection.

We understand that these minor “drawbacks” can be explained, because the works we have mentioned can be interpreted as exclusively historical, or those that do not sufficiently promote the pedagogical views of Ivan Franko. In general, we state the high professional level of the previewed publication and consider it a significant contribution to Franko Studies as a scientific discipline.


Dzeverin, O. (ed.) (1960). Ivan Franko. Pedahohichni statti i vyslovliuvannia [Ivan Franko. Pedagogical Articles and Statements]. Kyiv: Rad. shkola, 299 p. [in Ukrainian]

Franko, I. (ed.). (1902). Materialy do kulturnoi istorii Halytskoi Rusy XVIII iXIX viku [Materials on the Cultural History of Galician Rus' in the XVIII and XIX centuries]. Lviv: Nakladom NTSh, VI + 328 p. [in Ukrainian]

Mitiurov, B. N. (1961). Pedahohichni pohliady I. Franka [Ivan Franko's pedagogical views]. Drohobych, 30 p. [in Ukrainian]

Mykytiuk, V. (2017). Pedahohichni kontsepty Ivana Franka (teoriia ta metodyka navchannia lit- eratury) [Pedagogical concepts of Ivan Franko (theory and methods of teaching literature)]. Lviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 408 p. [in Ukrainian]

Mykytiuk, V. (2018). Ivan Franko v istorii ukrainskoi pedahohiky [Ivan Franko in the history of Ukrainian pedagogy]. Drohobych: RVV DDPU im. I. Franka, 488 p. [in Ukrainian]

Paperna, H. O. (1946). Ivan Franko pro narodnu osvitu [Ivan Franko on Public Education]. Lviv: Vilna Ukraina, 61 p. [in Ukrainian]

Sabat, H. (comp). (2020). Franko pro osvitu ta vykhovannia [Franco on Education and Upbringing]. Drohobych: Kolo, 436 p. [in Ukrainian]

Smal, V. Z. (1959). Z istorii borotby za narodnu osvitu v zakhidnoukrainskykh zemliakh [From the history of the struggle for public education in Western Ukraine]. Radianska shkola, 11, 77-82. [in Ukrainian]

Vyshnevskyi, O. (2016). Pedahohichni pohliady Ivana Franka na tli reform suchasnoi ukrainskoi osvity [Ivan Franko's pedagogical views against the background of reforms of modern Ukrainian education]. Osvita, 15, 1-7. [in Ukrainian]

Vyshnivskyi, R. & Chepil, M. (2016). “...Iaka molod, take y maibutnie narodu". Ivan Franko pro osvitu ta vykhovannia [“... As young people, so is the future of the nation". Ivan Franko on Education and Upbringing]. K.: Vydavnychyi dim “Slovo”, 420 p. [in Ukrainian]

Yushchyshyn, I. (1913). Ivan Franko yak pedahoh [Ivan Franko as a Teacher]. Uchytel, 1, 7-13; 7, 36-47; 3, 68-77; 4, 99-113. [in Ukrainian]

Yushchyshyn, I. (1914). Ivan Franko yak pedahoh [Ivan Franko as a Teacher]. Uchytel, 5-6, 132-153; 7-8, 197-216; 9, 262-272; 10, 296-309. [in Ukrainian]

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