The moral education of a young man in Charliez Dickens’ novel Oliver Twist

In the novel of the English writer Charles Dickens depicts the social situation of that time, the plight of the poor in a capitalist-bourgeois environment and the suffering of small children. Sociological approach to find out the moral values in novel.

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Karimova D.A.

Sumgait State University

This research discussed about the moral values as found on Oliver Twist novel. The moral values were found out by using sociological theory. The article is devoted to the novel of the English writer Charles Dickens, which convincingly depicts the social situation of that time, the plight of the poor in a capitalist-bourgeois environment and the suffering of small children. This novel is a work of art that has not lost its artistic power and cognitive significance since its appearance. The ugliness and deep contradictions shown in the novel still cause terrible disasters in the lives of many people, and millions of people die of hunger in poverty. In addition, the author pays special attention to the topic of moral education in the article. He explains the topic of morality and education, citing several examples from the work of N. Tusi “Akhlagi-Nasir”.

In 1839, Charles Dickens published Oliver Twist, a novel that depicts an accurate portrait of London's criminal underworld throughout his young protagonist, Oliver. The success of Dickens' Oliver Twist resides in its realistic portrayal of the degraded lives of the criminals that dwelled in nineteenth-century London, as well as in its criticism of the falsity and hypocrisy of the Victorian institutions.

When the novel was first published in 1839, critics complained about the graphic representation of violence, misery and thieves, to which Dickens replied in his Preface of Oliver Twist in 1858: “I saw no reason, when I wrote this book, why the very dregs of life, so long as their speech did not offend the ear, should not serve the purpose of a moral, at least as well as its froth and cream”.

The researcher use sociological approach to find out the moral values in novel “Oliver Twist” based on the perspective '.functionalist perspective, symbol perspective, and the conflict perspective. After analyzing the novel Oliver Twist, the researcher found some moral values such as steadfastness, sympathetic to others, bravery, honesty, cooperativeness, thankfulness, and kind-hearted.

Key words: education, morals, education,

Introduction: It is known that the novel “Oliver Twist” is the first work translated into Azerbaijani by the famous English writer Charles Dickens. This novel occupies a special place in Dickens' work. The work is widely known in the world literature for its deep social content, accurate portrayal of the realities of life and artistic scope. This novel is one of the best examples of critical realism in the English literature of the last century.

The work is a work of art that has not lost its power of artistic influence and cognitive significance since its inception. The work has been translated into several languages of the world. The deformities and deep contradictions shown in the book still cause terrible disasters in the lives of many peoples, starving millions of people in poverty [1, p. 120-122].

In his works, the great writer Dickens wrote about the flaws of English bourgeois society. He wanted a social environment in which everyone was equal, the eradication of poverty, and an ideal society. Dickens' “Oliver Twist” clearly shows the negativity created by society in the family, morality and character of respect, creativity, contradictions.

Dickens considers personal example, the beautiful human behavior and actions of individuals, born of kindness and compassion, to be the key to a happy family and a happy social structure. Dickens was a writer who knew and studied his time very well. His other works are also distinguished by their brilliance. Because he saw all the events with his own eyes. Although Dickens died in the fifty-eighth spring of his life, he had a profound career in the twenty-five years of his life.

Dickens is a prominent member of the brilliant group of modern English novelists, and he began his career with Oliver Twist. The work brought fame to the author with the power of bad influence. In this work, Dickens shows the bottom of life, exposes the treachery and hypocrisy of those who think only of themselves in society [2, p. 358-359]. In this work, he notes the plight of those who fall into orphanages and homelessness out of necessity. Oliver Twist is very instructive in this regard and is full of interesting scenes. At the same time, Dickens masterfully portrays the fate of teenagers who have been dragged down the path of crime out of necessity, and the tragedies that bourgeois society has inflicted on them. Here, the author stands firm in his artistic position, especially in matters of morality and education. He goes to historical or philosophical margins, but in spite of all this, his laughter and satire fascinate Dickens fans. At the end of the work, the rays of a happy life are given by the author with lines of kindness and compassion, but here all the negativity of the environment is exposed.

In this sense, the work not only shows the situation of young people and adolescents in bourgeois society, but also reveals the inhuman and hypocritical nature of that society. Protesting against all the social rules that make man ugly and morally crippled, Dickens comes to life in this novel as a pearly-hearted, great talent who wishes happiness to mankind. Undoubtedly, this artist, who deserves respect and love, loved people with great love.

Dickens is one of the few great writers who gained worldwide fame immediately after the publication of his first works. Russia especially appreciated Dickens' work very early. Since the early 1940s, his works have been repeatedly and systematically published both in separate publications and in the pages of literary magazines [3, p. 94-95].

For the first time in the work, the interaction of the individual and society, the child's identity and the social environment surrounding him are touched upon. The author masterfully describes the complex inner world of children, their heroes, destinies and various experiences in modern societies [6, p. 19].

If the Adventures of Oliver Twist had been conceived as a work that could appeal to the morals and ethics of bourgeois society, perhaps it could contribute to the spiritual and moral education of our time.

The problem is that the work does not retain its relevance after 180 years and can be used to cultivate the moral qualities of the modern student.

The urgency of the work is that the most important problem of our time is the moral and ethical education of schoolchildren. When we turn to the world literature, we find examples of heroes with a moral core. This is Oliver Twist in Charles Dickens' novel [1, p. 201]. So why not use positive examples from the literature that will not leave any reader indifferent?

Dickens shows the reader an endless love for a man, a fiery and sincere sympathy for his position. Deep humanism, truth in life, subtle psychological analysis in the description of positive characters - this is what makes the works of the great English realist relevant and interesting for any reader at any time. To truly understand the seriousness and grandeur of The Adventures of Oliver Twist, we must first get acquainted with the life of English society in the first half of the nineteenth century, with the truths. It was he who led to these results, which at that time became more negative for the lower classes of society in England.

Morality and upbringing are important factors in human life in any situation. In today's age of technological advancement, moral issues have not lost their relevance. As science and art grow stronger, so does the need for conscience and humanity. Otherwise, man uses the science and technology at his disposal only to make chemical bombs and nuclear weapons.

It is known that civilization is the result of two outstanding inventions - writing and printing. No one can deny the great role of books in the education and upbringing of the younger generation, in the realization of the connection between generations over time. Of course, the authors who create masterpieces of civilization are considered to play works that play an important role in the development of personality [4, p. 225-227].

During the midnight, Bill Sikes and his accomplice, Toby Crackit, force Oliver to help them involved robbing house. The plan goes wrong when the servants and the owner of the house wake up and catch Oliver in the act of sneaking in while actually Oliver try to warn them about the robbers. Poor Oliver, he is shot by the servant and after Sikes escapes, is taken in by the women who live there, Mrs. Maylie and her adopted niece Rose. They are turn out to be as nice as Mr. Brownlow. Nancy meets secretly with Rose and informs her of Fagin's and his mysterious partner Monks' plan but one of the Dodger listen their conversation and directly tells Bill Sikes about it. He brutally murder Nancy and he dies too while trying to escape from the police, he eventually hangs himself accidentally. Monks is forced by Mr. Brownlow to reveal his secrets. Monks real name is Edward Leeford and he is Oliver's half-brother. Oliver's mother, Agnes Fleming became their father's true love after Monks parents' divorce. Monks has 18 spent many years to find his father's child and destroy him, Oliver. Unfortunately, Monks and Fagin are arrested and dies in prison while Oliver, Mr. Brownlow, Mrs. Maylie and Rose lives happily ever after.

Indeed, the good morals of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and his followers had a significant impact on the progress of Islam. The Prophet (pbuh) was a forgiving and noble man. He treated everyone with kindness and allowed everyone to express themselves. The world-famous Azerbaijani scientist Nasraddin Tusi's work “Ethical Nasir” also puts the issue of moral education of society as the main goal. It considers possible to use all means, including beatings, to achieve the goal, to educate and train honest, honest, capable, benevolent, business people in society, but prefers praise, rewards, and seduction.

Morality and purposefulness are inseparable phenomena, because ethical control in itself is divided into directions such as means and purpose. There is such a “golden rule” of ethics that just as a goal is meaningless without means, so a means is blind without purpose. Ethics and gender are key factors in meeting a person's goal and the means, needs and requirements to achieve that goal [5, p. 97-99].

In the context of modern globalization and the revival of past national moral values in Azerbaijan, the contradictory aspects of the modern national mentality are revealed. Azerbaijani families are stratified in relation to past national and moral values, traditional Eastern values and Western moral values. Some families are hesitant between Eastern and Western values. The secularism of the Azerbaijani state, the fact that it's Constitution is based on democracy, and the country's accession to international conventions that protect the rights and freedoms of both men and women are cited as factors contributing to the West.

Many problems in parenting stem from the fact that parents do not take into account the character of their children. Parents are responsible for the development of social skills in a small member of society, and it is irritating and sometimes embarrassing for parents when a child naturally ignores the demands of adults. Meanwhile, a child's personality is an innate trait and you cannot change it as much as you want. If a child, contrary to your expectations, is very open or, conversely, does not want to communicate with people in spite of all your beliefs, you just have to accept it and choose an activity that suits the character of the child [5, p. 77].

A person's character depends largely on heredity and the influence of the social environment that surrounds him. Features of the baby's temperament, such as mobility, mental stability and reactivity, are innate. Re-training a child to be more active or calmer will not work. The type of upbringing chosen by parents can have an exceptional effect on the nature of family relationships.

What does “Oliver Twist” teach us?

“Oliver Twist” has a very simple yet bold writing style. What makes it interesting are the conditions Oliver happens to fall into. All his adventures are based on the fact that he has no understanding of the world. He is a poor child in this cruel world and all he wants is a satisfactory lifestyle.

In Oliver Twist, author Charles Dickens attacks the decomposing morals of Victorian society and law in the form of writing. He addresses major social conflicts and struggles between the rich, who hold positions of power, and the poor and working class who fight for economic justice. In addition, the book is representative of the need for moral values based on the author's believe that people should not be oppressed, that every person deserves a chance. The story offers a contradiction central to bourgeois consciousness, which embraces conventional bourgeois ethics and demoralizes and suppresses the awareness of the harsh social realities. Dickens creates, rather illuminates, a society in which conflicting morals between the society and social reality in relation to poverty, childhood innocence, as well as, the transcendental moral values which that innocence embodies are rampant, slowly destroying the foundations of Victorian England.

Dickens uses Oliver, as the book's central character, as a perfect vehicle to explore important moral issue and values in Victorian society. It is more content... Furthermore, it is also apparent that pickpocketing, among others crimes, is petty enough to wear there is no force taken to subdue it. For this reason, the crime rates continue to soar, and the poor unintentionally reinforce their own negative stereotypes. Dickens opinionates that the justice system can only be restored through reforms.

“Literature is the expression of life in the world of truth and beauty; it is the writer record of man's spirit of the thought, emotion, and expression. Literature is traditionally described as the body of writing that exist because of inherent imaginative artistic qualities”.

Novel is narrative text informing of prose with a long shape that including some figures and fiction event. Intrinsic elements are the important elements to build a story because every element are related to one another. These are the following intrinsic elements of the novel such as theme, character, plot, point of view and setting

From the quotation above, moral values is the standard of goods or bad behavior. It shows the way of the author to share some of human life's problem. A moral value usually provides by the author in the literary works to be conveyed to its readers. Values or as known as moral values become one of the parts of an intrinsic element on a literary work. In the novel, the moral values are described through the characters' attitude and behavior; whether the characters have a good or bad attitude. World Book Encylopedia stated that moral is good in character or conducts, such as:

1. Virtuous according to civilized standards of right and wrong;

2. Capable of understanding right and wrong;

3. Having to do with character or with the difference between right and wrong;

4. Based on the principles of right conduct rather than on law custom;

5. Teaching a good lesson having a good influenced.

This novel tells about an orphan who is born in a workhouse named Oliver Twist. His mother dies right after his birth and nobody knows who she is. Then he is sent to private juvenile home. Nine years later, Oliver Twist is forcibly returned to a workhouse where he and the others are badly treated and starved. The other boys bullied Oliver through a draw to ask more foods because they are facing starvation. The result is Mr. Bumble, the parish beadle decide to get rid Oliver by offering five pounds to anyone who will take the boy away from the workhouse. Mr. Sowerberry, the undertaker employed of parish, takes Oliver into his coffin-maker [3, 36]. He treats Oliver much better but his wife, Mrs. Sowerberry and the other apprentice, Noah Claypole did not. Oliver attacked Noah for insulting his mother and runs away then travels 70 miles to London on foot. After seven days of travel, he barely can walk and gets some rest, he meets a young man named Jack Dawkins or known as The Artful Dodger. The Dogder offers Oliver to stay in his place while actually the dodger and his friends are pickpockets and the elder one, Fagin is the criminal leader.

Definition of Value according to Wikipedia, value may be described as treating actions themselves as abstracts objects, putting value to them. It deal with right conduct and living a good life, in the sense that a highly or at least relatively highly, valuable action may be regarded as ethically “good” and an action in low value or somewhat relatively low in value, may be regarded as “bad”.

Dickens was trying to draw attention to the plight of children being raised in the workhouse. The underlying principle of the workhouse was that life in it barely existed with a view that this would motivate the poor not to become so poor that they'd end up there. How babies born in the workhouse, or abandoned by their parents in the workhouse were supposed to motivate themselves not to be so poor is unclear. Many children raised in the workhouse failed to live long enough to become adults.

As Dickens writing fame and wealth grew, his friendships became increasingly stellar until there were very few doors not open to him. You can see the site of the house he next leased after Doughty Street, which was more imposing befitting his greatly enhanced social status. This was at No 1 Devonshire Terrace, a larger residence at the north end of Marylebone High Street.

Conclusion: As the focus in this article is mainly on Dickens's descriptions of the gentleman of birth in Oliver Twist, selected extracts from the novel as well as critics' opinions will help us analyze the gentlemanly attitudes of the main characters connected to their noble origin and gentle manners. While Oliver opens his eyes in poor conditions, he always feels that he has noble blood.

Dickens believes that manners not social status make people true gentlemen yet, he mixes the 'noble origin' issue in his novel Oliver Twist, probably as a result of the Victorian people's perception of 'gentility' which was very close to the concept of 'nobility'. Since Dickens added the flavor of 'noble' birth, his naive nature as well as his perceptions - the way how he interprets people's behavior and things which happen around him and which construct his identity, his pure heart and his fate (reference to his belief and sincere praying) remarkably influence the positive changes in his life time.

Dickens's little hero, Oliver Twist, while naturally appreciating goodness, is disgusted by immoral things like 'stealing,' which was unfortunately happening around. What are the main factors that shape his kind, noble and naive character? Is it 'nature' or 'nurture'? What could be the major reasons for Nancy, Rose and Mr. Brownlow to give their assistance to Oliver? Whose -Mr. Brownlow's or Fagin's- teachings or influences are welcomed by Oliver? The answers to these questions will eventually illustrate how gentlemanly manners are inherited or acquired by Oliver.

novel charles dickens moral values suffering children capitalist bourgeois environment


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Карімова Д.А.


У цьому дослідженні обговорювалися моральні цінності, які містяться у романі «Олівер Твіст». Моральні цінності виявили з допомогою соціологічної теорії. Стаття присвячена роману англійського письменника Чарльза Діккенса, який з переконливо зображує соціальну ситуацію того часу, тяжке становище бідняків у капіталістично-буржуазному середовищі та страждання маленьких дітей. Цей роман - витвір мистецтва, який не втратив своєї художньої сили та пізнавального значення з моменту своєї появи.

Показані в роман потворності та глибокі протиріччя досі викликають жахливі лиха у житті багатьох людей, і мільйони людей помирають з голоду у злиднях. Крім того, у статті автор приділяє особливу увагу темі морального виховання. Він роз'яснює тему моралі та виховання, наводячи кілька прикладів із роботи М. Тусі «Ахлаги-Насір».

У 1839 Чарльз Діккенс опублікував роман «Олівер Твіст», в якому точний портрет лондонського злочинного світу представлений його молодим головним героєм Олівером. Успіх діккенсівського «Олівера Твіста» полягає в реалістичному зображенні деградуючого життя злочинців, що мешкали в Лондоні дев'ятнадцятого століття, а також у критиці фальші та лицемірства вікторіанських інститутів.

Коли роман був вперше опублікований у 1839 році, критики скаржилися на графічне зображення насильства, страждань і злодіїв, на що Діккенс відповів у своїй передмові до Олівера Твіста в 1858: «Коли я писав цю книгу, я не бачив жодної причини, чому самі залишки життя, якщо їхня мова не ображає слух, не повинні служити меті моралі, принаймні так само добре, як її піна та вершки».

Дослідник використовує соціологічний підхід для виявлення моральних цінностей у романі «Олівер Твіст» з функціоналістської, символічної та конфліктної точок зору. Проаналізувавши роман Олівера Твіста, дослідник виявив деякі моральні цінності, такі як стійкість, співчуття до інших, хоробрість, чесність, готовність до співпраці, подяка та добросердя.

Ключові слова: виховання, моральність, освіта, повага, творчість, протиріччя.

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