Covid-19: person and society facing the challenges of global transformation

The theoretical constructs of globalization. Covid-19 as a global "quantum" of negative impact on socio-economic, coevolutionary, medical problems. Content of the chaos that the coronavirus pandemic has introduced into the globalization processes.

Рубрика Философия
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Дата добавления 09.04.2022
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Odessa State Academy of Technical Regulation and Quality

Engineering educational and scientific Institute, Zaporizhzhia National University




Odessa, Zaporizhzhia


globalization covid coronavirus pandemic

The article analyses the theoretical constructs of globalization, its essence, and directional vectors, notes their one-sidedness, since they do not touch upon the strategy of humanity's survival. It is noted that the multi-factors of globalization reflected only the social aspects of this process, the ability to manage it through sanctions, the use of "soft power", the organization of regional military conflicts. Natural factors, their impact on humans and society, were not considered. Today, humanity is faced with the coronavirus pandemic. Covid-19 is revealed as a global “quantum” of negative impact on socio-economic, coevolutionary, medical problems, as a response of nature to the predatory strategy of environmental management and warns humanity about the need to radically change this strategy. The content of the chaos that the coronavirus pandemic has introduced into the globalization processes is revealed, it is shown that today social systems of relations are entering the form of stagnation. This mode of development for social life is characterized by a weak implementation of social innovations, a low level of collective intelligence, blurred legal, moral, and other social norms. In the context of this goal, the negative impact on the economy is revealed, expressed in a decline in GDP, an increase in unemployment, a sharp decline in production, and, consequently, consumption of goods, and an increase in inflation. The labour force is characterized as a commodity in its new quality - guest workers and the demand for this labour force in the leading countries of the European Union is revealed. The policy of beneficiary, of Ukraine, related to the sale of national wealth - land, to please the IMF is explained. The immorality of the requirements of this organization is noted, the principles of sustainable development strategy, the need for their practical implementation are revealed, the essence of co-evolution is substantiated. It was established that Covid-19 exacerbated internal political processes in the developed countries of the world, especially in the United States and the European Union, in which the coronavirus pandemic has caused the problem of its split.

Keywords: globalization, Covid-19, sustainable development, economy, finance, coevolution, guest workers, beneficiary, survival strategy.


ПУНЧЕНКО, О.П. - доктор філософських наук, професор, професор кафедри стандартизації, оцінки відповідності та освітніх вимірювань, Одеська державна академія технічного регулювання та якості (Одеса, Україна)

НІКІТЕНКО, В. О. - кандидат філософських наук, доцент, доцент кафедри менджменту організацій та управління проектами, Інженерний навчально-науковий інститут Запорізького національного університету (Запоріжжя, Україна)


В статті аналізуються теоретичні конструкти глобалізації, її сутність та напрями спрямованості, зазначається їх односторонність, оскільки стратегія виживання людства в них не зачіпається. Зазначено, що мультичинники глобалізації відображали лише соціальні аспекти цього процесу, можливості управління ним через санкції, застосування «м'якої сили», організації регіональних військових конфліктів. Природні чинники, їхній вплив на людину та суспільство, не враховувались. Сьогодні людство зіткнулося з пандемією коронавірусу. Covid-19 розкритий як глобальний «квант» негативного впливу на соціально-економічні, коеволюційні, медичні проблеми, як відгук природи на хижацьку стратегію природокористування, що попереджає людство про необхідність радикальних змін цієї стратегії. Розкрито зміст хаосу, який внесла пандемія коронавірусу у процеси глобалізації, показано, що сьогодні соціальні системи відносин входять у форму застою та стагнації, цей режим розвитку соціального буття характеризується слабким впровадженням соціальних інновацій, низьким рівнем колективного розуму, розмитістю правових, моральних та інших соціальних норм.

У контексті поставленої мети розкрито негативний вплив на економіку, який виразився у падінні ВВП, зростанні безробіття, різкому зниженні виробництва, а, отже, й споживанні товарів, зростанні інфляції. Охарактеризована робоча сила як товар у її новій якості - гастарбайстерстві та розкритий попит на цю робочу силу у провідних країнах Євросоюзу. Пояснено політику бенефіціарства, зокрема України, пов'язаної з продажем національного багатства - землі, в угоду МВФ. Зазначається аморальність вимог цієї організації, розкрито принципи стратегії сталого розвитку, необхідність практичної їх реалізації, обґрунтовано сутність коеволюції. Встановлено, що Covid-19 загострив внутрішні політичні процеси у розвинених країнах світу, особливо у США та Євросоюзі, в якому пандемія коронавірусу викликала до життя проблему його розколу.

Ключові слова: глобалізація, Covid-19, сталий розвиток, економіка, фінанси, коеволюція, гастарбайстерство, бенефіціарство, стратегія виживання.


ПУНЧЕНКО, О.П. -- доктор философских наук, профессор, профессор кафедры стандартизации, оценки соответствия и образовательных измерений, Одесская государственная академия технического регулирования и качества (Одесса, Украина)

НИКИТЕНКО, В. А. -- кандидат философских наук, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмента организаций и управления проектами, Инженерный учебно-научный институт Запорожского национального университета (Запорожье, Украина)


В статье анализируются теоретические конструкты глобализации, ее сущности и стрелы направленности, отмечается их односторонность, поскольку стратегия выживания человечества в них не затрагивается. Отмечено, что мультифакторы глобализации отражали только социальные аспекты этого процесса, возможности управления им посредством санкций, применения «мягкой силы», организации региональных военных конфликтов. Природные факторы, их воздействие на человека и общество, не учитывались.

Сегодня человечество столкнулось с пандемией коронавируса. Covid-19 раскрыт как глобальный «квант» негативного влияния на социально-экономические, коэволюционные, медицинские проблемы, как отклик природы на хищническую стратегию природопользования и предупреждает человечество о необходимости радикального изменения этой стратегии. Раскрыто содержание хаоса, который внесла пандемия коронавируса в процессы глобализации, показано, что сегодня социальные системы отношений входят в форму застоя и стагнации, этот режим развития социального бытия характеризуется слабым внедрением социальных инноваций, низким уровнем коллективного разума, размытостью правовых, моральных и других социальных норм.

В контексте поставленной цели раскрыто негативное влияние на экономику, выразившееся в спаде ВВП, росте безработицы, резкому снижению производства, а, следовательно, и потребления товаров, росте инфляции. Охарактеризована рабочая сила как товар в ее новом качестве - гастарбайстерстве и раскрыт спрос на эту рабочую силу в ведущих странах Евросоюза. Объяснена политика бенефициарства, в частности Украины, связанная с продажей национального богатства - земли, в угоду МВФ. Отмечается аморальность требований этой организации, раскрыты принципы стратегии устойчивого развития, необходимость практической их реализация, обоснована сущность коэволюции.

Установлено, что Covid-19 обострил внутренние политические процессы в развитых странах мира, особенно в США и Евросоюзе, в котором пандемия коронавируса вызвала к жизни проблему его раскола.

Ключевые слова: глобализация, Covid-19, устойчивое развитие, экономика, финансы, коэволюция, гастарбайстерство, бенефициарство, стратегия выживания.

Relevance of research

The processes of globalization of modern society today are on the verge of a sharp transformation of its content and a tactical change in the direction of development of the future state of civilization. All concepts of globalization have taken into account the action of subjective multifactors in the construction of the future of humanity, and fluctuations in this process, in the form of conflicts of interest, have been neutralized by sanctions, soft power and even regional wars. The strategy of human survival is not reflected in the concepts of globalization. This fact demonstrated both the disregard for the concept of sustainable development, developed by the UN and approved in 1992, and the requirements of coevolutionary theory, which was reflected in the predatory strategy of nature management.

However, the emergence of Covid-19 indicated to humanity the need to take into account natural factors and change the strategy of nature management. Mankind has experienced many medical upheavals - plague, cholera, influenza in their various manifestations, determined to fight tuberculosis, HIV, cancer and other mass diseases, but the past was not taken into account in the concepts of the future of mankind. But humanity, moving forward, must constantly look back to develop progressively. And as a reminder to ignore the past (the medical aspect), humanity in 2019 faced a pandemic of the coronavirus, which spread to almost the whole world. Covid-19 acted as a global "quantum" of negative impact on all spheres of human activity, brought chaos to the economy, financial sphere, sharply increased unemployment, revived benefits, and revealed a new importance of labor for a number of EU countries. And most importantly, Covid-19 showed that the strategy of human survival is in his hands and it lies in the constructive, rational interaction of society and nature.

The methodological tools for studying the stated problem are quite wide. It is based on analysis, historical and logical, description, systemic and synergetic approaches, abstraction and generalization.

The purpose of the article

To reveal Covid-19 as a global "quantum" of negative impact on the socio-economic, financial spheres, coevolutionary processes, as a response of nature to its predatory use of nature, to justify the strategy of human survival.

Presentation of the main material with substantiation of scientific results

The modern world of social relations is in a new stage of intense change, when there is a large- scale deployment of socio-tectonic shifts and faults in all spheres of human existence. Analysis of human history suggests that in different eras, this world was shrouded in contradictions and conflicts, full of contrasts in all spheres of life, regardless of countries and peoples.

By the twentieth century, in connection with the rapid development of capitalism and meeting the needs of rapidly developing European and US countries in expanding economic ties with other countries, "humanity has entered a fundamentally new phase of its historical development, characterized by the transition from fragmentation, diversity and fragmentation of world socio-political and economic ties to their unity, integrity, globality. Since then, these changes have been steadily increasing and most evident in the second half of the twentieth century. Now they are happening so fast that the world community does not have time to respond to them adequately, and does not even have time to sufficiently theoretically comprehend and understand the essence of what is happening "[25, p. 18].

The idea of the vital need to expand economic ties with other countries belongs to China, when the country in the second century BC opened the first Silk Road, which connected the countries of the Asian continent, and lasted for almost twenty centuries. China has realized that the Great Wall cannot be separated from the world and that such a path will lead to stagnation in the economy, its sharp decline. Having established good relations with the countries of the Asian continent, China has learned to "swim" well in the ocean of economy. But the first steps of mankind towards the unity of economic relations satisfied the interests of the countries of this unity on a parity basis.

Beginning in the 1980s, globalization processes began to isolate the arrow of the civilizational development of mankind. Here we can single out the collapse of the USSR and the attempt to form a unipolar world, which today the United States abandoned due to the emergence of strong "players" in this arena - China and Russia; global change and development of complex economic and financial systems; increasing political and military instability; greed of nature management strategy; the division of the world community, and its 7.8 billion people, by the unprecedented height and quality of life of the "golden billion" and the poverty and miserable existence of 6.8 billion people serving it. These problems reflect a sharp skew in the development of modern civilization, and the theoretical constructs of globalization developed by Western and post-Soviet researchers, its essence and arrows have shown that the strategy of human survival has been ignored.

To confirm this thesis, we turn to substantiate the essence of globalization, which is reflected in various concepts. Despite the fact that the sources of globalization are associated with significant geographical discoveries of the Renaissance, and in 1904 H.D. Mackinder filled the concept of globalism with geographical content, based on the colonial aspirations of developed countries and defined the nature of the coming twentieth century. According to him, the 400- year-old "Columbus era", which was characterized by the expansion of Europe to the most remote corners of the world, has reached its end and in the new century, humanity will have to deal with a system of global scale. Any explosion of social forces, instead of dissipating in the surrounding unknown space and the chaos of barbarism, will echo loud echoes on the opposite side of the globe, so that as a result of destruction will be any weak elements in the political and economic body of the earth "[13, with. 10]. His prediction was fully confirmed. Since the 90s of the twentieth century, the concept of globalization has become predominant in the structure of scientific knowledge. In 1992, R. Robertson in a special study "Globalization" formulates his vision of the essence of this concept, "as a process of world formation in the form of a single social space, which reveals its essence in different cultural and ideological concepts" [18, p. 330].

After the work of R. Robertson in the scientific literature there are many definitions and concepts of the essence and content of globalization. This is manifested in the works of A.A. Appadurai, W. Beck, I. Wallerstein, E. Giddens, M. Castells, N. Luhmann, F. Fukuyama, Y. Habermas, S. Huntington, M. Elbrow [2; 15; 16; 18; 21; 22; 23; 24]. In the post-Soviet space, this problem is addressed by V.G. Voronkova, A.I.Zelenkov, V.L. Inozemtsev, V.M. Lukashevich, I.F. Kefelli, O.S. Panarin, A.I. Utkin, O.M. Chumakov, V. Yakovets, V.S. Stepin [6; 7; 8; 11; 12; 14; 17; 19; 20; 25; 28] and many others.

The multifaceted nature of the concept of "globalization" did not allow science to give its universal, clear formulation. W. Beck defines globalization as "processes in which nation-states and their sovereignty are intertwined in a web of transnational factors, their orientation and identity" [2, p. 23-26]. W. Beck noted that the process of globalization it is not only the economy, politics, culture, but also human consciousness: there is a transformation of human ideas about the world, society, changing the very mechanisms of choice of life strategies. A person faces the problem of internal self-determination; formation of priorities and a new system of values.

Analysis of researches by I. Wallerstein, K. Omae, J. Naisbitt, D. Rosenau, V.L. Inozemtsev and others show that they pay special attention to the determining status of objective transformations of the globalization world in the field of material, economic and financial relations, based on the intellectualization of the world market, the ever-growing influence of transnational capital and TNCs.

Substantiating the concept of "globalization", V.M. Lukashevich writes that "globalization is an objective social process, the content of which is the growing interconnectedness and interdependence of national economies, national political and social systems, national cultures, as well as the interaction of man and the environment. The basis of globalization is the development of world markets, services, labor, capital "[11, p. 15].

The ideas of globalization in the field of socio-political, scientific, institutional and information- communicative relations are manifested in the concepts of D. Held, F. Fukuyama, M. Castells, Z. Brzezinski.

The relationship between globalization and civilization is manifested in the works of S. Huntington, V. Yakovets, I.V. Kefelli [24; 28; 8], which pays special attention to the importance of forming transnational cultural and civilizational spaces that radically change the processes of individual and collective socialization. Without specifying the components of globalization, V.V. Anokhin represents it like the "heavenly law" of Confucius, "Leviathan" by T. Hobbes, noting that "globalization manifests itself in the need, comprehensiveness and complex nature of change that leads to the formation of a global network of interactions at different levels of social systems" [1, p.152].

Summarizing the above views on the essence of globalization, it can be noted that it appears as an objective, universal social phenomenon, which combines geopolitical, geoeconomic, geofinancial, geocivilization, geocultural, interconnected and interdependent processes. Therefore, it is argued that the integration goal of globalization is the formation of global reality based on objective principles and rules of a new world order, integration of economic, political, financial and cultural systems, accelerating the exchange of goods and services, free international movement of capital and labor. And the ideologues of globalization claim that these multifactories reflect the expectations of the peoples of all countries. And most peoples did not know that they have hopes for the establishment of a new world order, the formation of a global reality, etc. In addition, the question arises: why do the ideologues of US globalization not include the abolition of sanctions in the integrative goal of globalization; use of "soft power" for powerful countries to realize their interests in specific regions; prohibition of military conflicts, as a form of demonstration of military force, instructions for war and more. Thus, the theoretical constructs of globalization and their practical implementation are multipolar, practice is detached from theory. Therefore, in the near future, the fraternization of the peoples of the world and the full satisfaction of their hopes is not expected.

But the common disadvantage of all concepts of globalization is that they overshadow the problem of survival of the main implementer of globalization projects - man. It is seen either as a component of the labor market or in the light of environmental problems. However, the strategy of survival of both man and society in the context of globalization is not represented. Concepts of globalization affect the ideas of military priorities of the world's leading countries, but only from the point of view of their confrontation, and the creation of various weapons, which cost significant funds, and ugly nature management, which put forward the environmental problem as a determinant, do not answer human survival strategy. and man and society. The work of P.A. Vodopyanova and V.S. Krysachenko "Strategy of the existence of mankind" (Minsk, Belarusian Science, 2018. - 306 p.) [3]. This is SOS in the ocean of globalization. If the concept of sustainable development approved by the UN has not been implemented, they will try to be skeptical about the ideas of this work, although it is hoped that theorists of globalization will turn to it. And as long as globalization concepts do not put the problem of the existence and survival of man and society in the first place, they will remain as immoral, soulless, as soulless artificial intelligence.

All the above concepts of globalization represent it beautifully, and even to some extent fabulously and utopianly, but few people pay attention to its all-encompassing, immoral nature. In the latter aspect, we can distinguish the work of S. Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" and the work of A.Chumakova "Global World: Conflict of Interest" [24; 25], which reveal micro-faults, tectonic shifts in the world social system and substantiate the forms and methods of destruction of the contradictions of the globalized world. To incorporate the strategy of survival into globalization processes required something extraordinary in the structure of social ties. And on the way to the globalized world there was an "underwater reef", which the world came across - Covid-19. Mankind has experienced many epidemics and diseases: its "majesty" plague (in Odessa there is even a "plague" - the burial place of people with this disease); fever in its various variants (yellow, gemological dengue; Ebola); and other. A year before the PA pandemic. Vodopyanov and VS Krysachenko, researching the strategy of human existence, describe epidemics, diseases, natural and social shocks of the existing on specific facts in different parts of the world and predict future epidemics. They write: “These (the above-mentioned OP and VG) and other diseases are caused by increasing environmental pollution, which changes the rate and rate of biological evolution and therefore we can assume that infectious diseases will grow exponentially. Even a cursory and brief digression into the vital aspects of epidemiological diseases allows us to conclude that there is already a real threat to human civilization. The success of medicine cannot replace this undoubted fact that man is not able to change the laws of evolution of the biosphere without harm to himself "[3, p. 221]. A year after the release of their work, the Covid-19 epidemic broke out in the world.

Covid-19 appeared as a global "quantum" of negative impact on socio-economic, coevolutionary, medical processes, as a response of nature to man's attitude to it, as his revenge on man for his predatory strategy of nature and warning of the need for radical change of this strategy. And no matter what theoretical constructs are put forward by researchers of modern global processes of human development, if they do not turn their views on its future, nature and human life itself always make adjustments to these processes. The coronavirus pandemic today suggests that different concepts of globalization often do not take into account the relationship between objective and subjective factors. If to natural disasters, which occur in various forms - tsunamis, tornadoes, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and others, humanity has already partially adapted and resigned, despite the fact that they take human lives, destroy material and spiritual values, then to social cataclysms that are caused by humanity, it is difficult to adapt. Here the whole negative of the subjective factor manages: the desire for power; domination over other people and entire nations, manifested in slavery, colonial oppression; hatred; envy; marketability; deception; greed; cruelty.

Today, the subjective factor has given rise to a whole range of global problems that need to be addressed urgently. These include the problems of war and peace; demographic, counter-terrorism; formation of a new world order and its management, but the basis is the environmental security of mankind. And Covid-19, which covered the world, confirmed the idea of P.Vodopyanov and V. Krysachenko on the need to develop a new strategy for human existence. The coronavirus pandemic has sharply exacerbated the rhythm of human adaptation to living conditions in the global world. And in the conditions of disintegration of usual forms of the organization of life, people have learned somehow to survive, to adapt to unstable, uncertain, unguaranteed existence. This adaptation became a natural reaction to the negativism of globalization, and the coronavirus pandemic brought not only social chaos into the rhythm of life, but grew into social fear, disrupting the whole process of material, informational and spiritual production. And there is the problem of self-organization of social production. The theoretical constructs of this self-organization are laid down in a synergetic approach. From the standpoint of its application, “self- organization can be defined as the emergence of a new whole formed by the coordinated behavior of the constituent elements of the original environment. The defining point in self-organization is the emergence of a set of opportunities for further selection through large-scale fluctuations. Development, understood as spontaneous natural self-organization, can be associated with a stable pattern only as a transition from some relatively stable systems to others, and at the level of successive phases of nonlinear dynamic process is the transition to the next choice of stable structures, and the other scenario in chaos ”[4, p. 29]. Consideration of such a state of society from the standpoint of a synergetic approach, as a dissipative system, that its characteristics such as unevenness and nonlinearity of development, are able to form chaotic and orderly structures [4; 10; 26]. "The hierarchy of dissipative systems that is emerging in the modern world," writes V.Voronkova, - creates the ground for the emergence of different degrees of synthesis of order and chaos. At the phenomenological level of analysis of order and chaos in social dissipative systems should reveal the mechanism of their social self-organization, which leads, on the one hand, to alternating the complexity of social structures with their simplification through actions that eliminate processes - hierarchization; on the other hand, - to the disintegration of complex dissipative structures into simpler ones, which leads to the transition from the orderliness of the social system to its chaotic state "[5, p. 9].

To characterize complex social systems, science identifies a number of modes of their functioning: one that reflects the constructive progressive development; one that reflects regression (decline in development); one that reflects one-sided development; one that reflects the stagnation that turns into system stagnation. Undoubtedly, in the conditions of a coronavirus pandemic the last mode prevails. This can be seen in all indicators of the system: the decline in the world's leading GDP; increase in unemployment; currency market instability; aggravation of relations between countries of political and military nature. Today, "the stagnation regime can be characterized," says V.G. Voronkova, - the following indicators: low level of collective reason, weak expression of social innovations, blurred moral, legal and other norms, isolation of certain social groups and institutions, spirituality, orientation of members of society mainly on stereotypical patterns of action in various fields and lack of focus on moving forward » [5, p. 18].

In what social areas did Covid-19 deal a heavy blow, while showing the one-sidedness of various social projects? This, in economics and finance, coevolutionary processes, the labor market, disrupting the system of ties and relations between the countries. The main blow to the coronavirus pandemic has hit the economies of the world's leading countries and associations. It would seem that “the most important feature of postmodern globalization is the formation on a global scale not just of a financial or information market, but also of a financial and information space in which not only commercial but also all human activities are increasingly carried out. The vast and vast world, which includes about two thousand peoples, is becoming a global village. " The chance to enter the global economy is a breakthrough and advanced innovation, a combination of high technology with cheap labor "[14, p. 97].

However, the Corona Virus pandemic has pushed most peoples to the outskirts of this "global village." The state of the economy shows that the main indicator of the country's progressive development - GDP - fell in the US by 2.6%; in the EU - 2%; in Russia up to 3% is expected; in China also up to 3%, in Ukraine - 4-5%. This is a significant loss, which will take two or three years to recover, not one. Unemployment has risen sharply in these countries, and the United States is even trying to free itself from some of the Latin American and African-American labor force. Today, only EU countries have begun to invite labor. If K. Marx substantiated the essence of labor as a commodity, referring to the experience of slavery in the United States for the delivery of living labor from Africa and the abolition of slavery, today this concept has received not only a new meaning but also a new name - guest workers, ie low-skilled workers who perform important and dirty work. In any sense, both benefit and guest work are nothing more than a modern covert form of physical slavery. Today we do not need to import them - let them come themselves, we will open borders and visas for them, and they will do their job to increase our income.

Developed EU countries use labor to perform agricultural work, as well as in certain industries. In the field of services they are used as caretakers, cleaners, less often as drivers. And not only people from Slavic countries, from the regions of the Caucasus, Central and Southeast Asia, but also from underdeveloped EU countries go to these countries. Moreover, payment for the same work is classified on the basis of EU membership. Poles and Baltics who come to Germany receive higher salaries than those who do not come from the EU. For example, a Ukrainian is paid much less in Poland than a Pole who does the same job. But this cheap labor is an article to replenish the state treasury. If you don't want to receive less than a Pole, don't come. However, the growing demographic problem, which is a "litmus test" for developed countries, forces you to go to the conditions of the country to which you go to work. And the pandemic revealed the practice of guest work as a subtle form of slavery. It showed the inability of the developed EU countries to cope with the wave of problems that befell it. We need a workforce that has left the country due to Covid-19. And the boom of invitations to return to developed countries of labor began. Apparently, analyzing the effects of the crisis, these countries will reconsider the training of their nation's workers to perform industrial, agricultural, and services to the population performed by seasonal foreign workers.

The negative situation in developed EU countries can be convincingly confirmed by the facts.

For example, the United Kingdom acknowledged that 98% of the work required in industry, agriculture and services is performed by guest workers. The situation is bad in Finland as well. They agree to transport labor by charter flights, which is a significant financial burden, but it is economically viable because the income from such labor far exceeds the costs. Thus, the treasury is replenished and the country prospers.

Germany did not lag behind in this problem, despite the invitation of emigrants from the Arab world. To perform low-skilled, important and necessary dirty work, labor is being invited from countries east of Germany that have gone home due to a pandemic. The Germans did not have much hope for the Arabs to do a good job, so they invited the Arab world to the EU and arranged for them to drop out - all those with higher education, good production specialists remained in Germany, and the rest of the Arabs were distributed among other EU countries. Dissatisfaction with the distribution of visitors by quota was one of the reasons for Brexit.

The financial sphere is also experiencing difficulties. There is a collapse not only of the world currency, but also of the regional currency, for example, the ruble, the hryvnia, the collapse of the oil markets. The IMF is taking advantage of these difficulties, dictating to its debtor countries its requirements and the terms of the next tranches. Thus, in practice, the IMF forced Ukraine to adopt a law on land sales. Land is the greatest wealth of the people of any country. It is known that in the Middle Ages the church owned up to 75% of the land in some European countries. And in order to be able to argue with the state for power, to have the means to do so, they sold part of the land, leased it, and gave it to government officials. This action of the church was called beneficiary, it then became one of the main sources of income of the church. And today in Ukraine the law on land sale is a resuscitation of beneficiaries. What did the Cossacks, led by P. Sagaidachny, B. Khmelnytsky and other hetmans, fight for? For the unity and increment of Ukrainian lands, for the land to belong to the people, the state, defended every inch of Ukrainian land. And what is today? And today the President and the Verkhovna Rada applaud the law on the sale of Ukrainian land. This is a new form of benefit. Modern social chaos caused by the processes of the global world, which has sharply disrupted the existing trinity of the environment and which is "a set of natural and social systems that form the triosphere - a single whole consisting of geo-, bio- and sociosphere of the Earth" [25, with. 14], was supplemented by a coronavirus pandemic. Is it a coincidence or a regularity? The percentage of chance here is low, and the percentage of natural is high, because it initiates coevolutionary processes, expresses a negative attitude to various recommendations and developments on the use of the planet's resources, their protection. Even the concept of sustainable development, developed by UN experts, which provides for the unity of three dimensions of modern sociodynamics: economic, social and environmental, and it is not implemented. "In the content of the concept of sustainable development from the very beginning of its systematic implementation, two mutually mediated imperatives were distinguished: socio-economic and socio-environmental sustainability. This concept of a systematic vision of the prospects of sociodynamics in the XXV century is characteristic of most studies, - says A. Zelenkov - performed both nationally and internationally. The strategy of sustainable development as a conceptual model of modern sociodynamics is based on several fundamental assumptions, which are often interpreted as its basic principles "[6, p. 30]. These principles of sustainable development include: the principle of biosphere centrism; the principle of ecosystem stability; the principle of rationalization of social activity; the principle of coevolutionary regulation of socionatural systems; the principle of optimizing the social needs of man, which is responsible for the rational use of natural resources and protection of the natural environment.

And when Covid-19 spread to almost the entire planet, its sources were sought not in barbaric attitudes to nature, not in ignoring the requirements of the concept of sustainable development, not in the unfolding globalization, but began to blame China, where the first outbreaks of the Corona virus pandemic were recorded. However, the World Health Organization has proven that the pathogen Covid-19 is not a laboratory product, but a consequence of the negative impact of mankind on nature.

What is the purpose of the European Union and the United States in accusing China of creating Covid- 19? On the one hand, to blame everything on China and make any payments, impose sanctions on them, use "soft power" to return it to the bosom of obedience of the early twentieth century. This idea is utopian. Neither the US nor the EU will be able to make any payments from China. How much did Germany pay for the deaths of more than 50 million people in World War II and the destroyed infrastructure of the whole of Europe? How much did the United States pay for the nuclear bombing of Japan, for the development and use of biological and chemical weapons? None! And China will follow their example and be right.

On the other hand, the world community sees the global efforts of the US and the EU to stabilize the economy, finance, energy fail and fail at Covid-19, and the implementation of sustainable development is just a recommended concept that can be ignored. It would seem that Homo Sapiens, which is the highest stage of development of nature, endowed with reason, should ensure the stabilization of life on the planet. This goal can be achieved only through the practice of positive interaction between society and the biosphere. This is the semantic "load" of coevolutionary theory. The term "coevolution" in a broad sense means co-development, coordination, interdependent or balanced, combined development. Its widespread use is due to the idea that revolutionized systems of inanimate, animate, social and artificial nature form a new complex contradictory whole, in which they are interchangeable, transformed, coexist, interdependently develop and thus able to maintain their autonomy and ability to reproduce. [9, p. 78]. Coevolution is a special mechanism of the relationship between nature and society, and failure in this mechanism (similar to the technical one) entails a lot of negative consequences, among which a special place today belongs to Covid-19.

In the context of co-evolutionary strategy, it is important to take into account not only the strategic directions of nature management, but also the ecological damage to ecosystems in general, in order to preserve a habitable environment. In terms of rational use of nature, it is important to ensure that quantitative indicators in the use of natural resources do not exceed the pace of their recovery. That is, the utilization rate of the planet's resources should not exceed the rate of their recovery, because the volume of many vital resources has already exceeded the physically acceptable norms.

An important role in balancing coevolutionary processes is played by compliance with the requirements of the ecological imperative, which determines the limits of anthropogenic impact on natural ecosystems.

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed the internal problems of major players on the world stage. In the United States, Covid-19 significantly complemented the internal division of American society, after the brutal murder of African- American Floyd by police. The protests in the United States are consolidating groups of different interests - White American, Latin American and African American. Today, Africa poses the problem of returning Africans to the continent and reviving their countries, rather than working for America. If this happens, the US GDP will fall sharply, and bring slaves, as it was in the XVIII-XIX centuries. They will no longer be able to. Namely, this is the main shock labor force, which creates additional value for the United States. Adding to the internal problems is the election of the country's president, who is inferior to his rival for the White House, Joe Biden. And only something extraordinary can return Trump to the championship. It is impossible to start a big war between the leading states today, because, according to V.Volya, economic globalization has bound everyone and war is quite expensive, and regional war is unlikely to solve global internal problems to inflate the image of the enemy. In addition, there were contradictions with China, Russia, and the EU, "warm greetings" from the DPRK, and Iran's lifting of restrictions on uranium enrichment. So D. Trump's slogan "America rises from its knees" will no longer be able to stabilize, or rather revive the country as the head of the unipolar world. Sanctions against China and Russia do not bring the desired results. The country cannot organize a triple nuclear alliance, because their relationship resembles the fable of I.Krylova "Swan, cancer and pike". The modern era of globalization is developing under Chinese economic leadership [14].

The EU is not experiencing the best of times. It is well known that globalization as well as slavery are caused by Europe. Proto-globalization has given rise to Europe as a new social system capable of rapid dynamic development. The period of its globalization lasted almost until the end of World War II (counting from the conquests of Columbus).

After the Second World War, or more precisely after Churchill's speech in Fulton on March 5, 1946, where he stated that "from Szczecin in the Baltic to Trieste on the Adriatic, an iron curtain descended over the European continent" [25, p. 284], the United States and leading Western countries began to restore Germany as an outpost opposed to communism.

And the country was revived from the ashes of war quickly, it re-emerged at the helm of Western Europe, thanks to US patronage.

However, the United States did not expect such dexterity from Germany. German ideologists drew attention to the work of VI Lenin's "On the Slogan of the United States of Europe," in which he concludes with a speech about the United States of the world. It was difficult to present a better idea of globalization in Europe. And the European Union emerged as a political and economic organization based on the union with the "European Coal and Steel Community" (1952); "European Economic Union" (Treaty of Rome, 1957); "European Atomic Energy Community" (1957), military defense is entrusted to the NATO bloc.

The EU's goals include expanding trade, removing restrictions on trade practices, free movement of capital and labor, and reducing competition. Most European countries agreed to these promises, which many of them later regretted - Greece, Italy, Spain, England, which achieved Brexit.

The United States realized what a monster they had raised, who even introduced its own "euro" currency, which was more materially fixed than the dollar.

But today we are witnessing the division of the United States of Europe. The split in the EU is voiced at the level of EU leaders. For example, Giuseppe Conte, the prime minister of Italy, said that "the European Union may not survive this crisis due to the coronavirus" and called this crisis "the greatest test for Europe since World War II," according to the NST. A former MEP and Italian journalist and public figure, Chiesa Juliet, said: “We need to understand that our lives will change dramatically after the coronavirus. There will be a very deep economic crisis. In Europe, in Russia, in America, in Asia - everywhere. We need to adapt to the new situation, we need a big reform, because it gives rise to a new phase of human civilization. "This opinion resonates with the idea of the leaders of the Club of Rome, which was voiced in the Jubilee Report in 2018 "Come On! Capitalism, Myopia, Population, and the Destruction of the Planet, ''which puts forward the idea of humanity's transition to a single planetary harmonious civilization, but not in the context of American-style globalization. he collapse of the European Union was recognized in Germany. Well-known German political scientist Alexander Rahr, in an article published in the computer section "In the World" entitled "Germany has recognized the danger of the collapse of the European Union due to the coronavirus" (April 9, 2020) supports the fears of the Italian government. He writes: "I am afraid the European Union may fall apart. The Spaniards and Italians uncompromisingly demanded EU reform, which provides for the creation of a common EU budget. The Nordic countries flatly refuse to do so, they do not want to be responsible for the Spanish and Italian economies. It is unclear what it will be like after the coronavirus crisis. If these countries go bankrupt, they will drag the rest of Europe. We have seen since the beginning of the crisis that every nation-state is fighting for itself. And the European Union was created for good weather, for beauty. And for crises, for hard times, for survival, this organization proved unsuitable. Now I think there will be no political European Union. "

Right is A. Rar, because the leadership of the European Union condemned Italy for appealing to Russia in a difficult moment to overcome the pandemic. And this is the political basis. However, Italy thanked Russia for its support. After all, behind this appeal to Russia were human lives. And if any country invents a vaccine against Covid-19, then, based on humane treatment of people, it must be shared with other countries. After all, the US antileadership in the crown virus pandemic is approaching 3.5 million lives. And the "litmus test" in helping to overcome Covid-19 is the implementation of the requirements of the humanistic imperative.


Undoubtedly, humanity will survive this epidemic - Covid-19 - a scar will remain on its body - the memory of its victims, the aggravation of various ties between countries, a temporary decline in financial and economic relations, rising unemployment, the gap between rich and poor, humanity must draw conclusions from the coronavirus pandemic, it must finally require all countries to strictly implement the strategy of sustainable development, to control the attitude to the problem of nature management, to abandon the barbaric attitude to the environment. Let us develop an effective strategy for the existence of mankind, recognizing man as the highest value of nature and society. And let us remember that only in unity can nations survive and defeat any epidemic, and this requires the effective implementation of the requirements of the humanistic ideal, which contains the relationship of man with nature, with the people around him.

Список використаних джерел

1. Анохина, В. В., 2014. Культурная традиция в парадигмах современной философии. Минск: БГУ. 235.

2. Бек, У. 2001. Что такое глобализация? М.: Прогресс-Традиция. 304.

3. Водопьянов, П. А., Крисаченко, В. С. 2018. Стратегия бытия человечества. Минск: Беларуская навука. 306.

4. Воронкова, В. Г., Соснін, О.В., Нікітенко, В.О., Максименюк, М.Ю. 2016. Філософія інформаційно-комунікативного суспільства: теоретично-методологічний контекст. Запоріжжя: ЗДІА. 276.

5. Воронкова, В. Г. 2012. Місце і роль синергетики у пізнанні соціальних процесів та розвитку сучасного суспільства. Гуманітарний вісник ЗДІА. Вип. 48. ЗДІА. 5-24.


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