The impact of digitalization on value orientations changes in the modern digital society

A Thinking Model for the Digital Society and the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0. The conditions for the formation of digital society and culture. The nature of the new intellectual capitalism, based on information, knowledge, computer technologies.

Рубрика Философия
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Дата добавления 27.05.2022
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Engineering Institute of Zaporizhzhia National University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine)


Relevance of the research topic. The relevance of this study is that the flip side of technological innovations and their implications in the digital society is of great importance because digitalization has flooded the world, and life, both social and individual, is determined by algorithms, bits, big data that help transform the physical world into the information world. The rapid changes that are taking place in our society are related to digital technologies that, on the one hand, are aimed at economic well-being and existance, and, on the other, from transforming human consciousness into its mechanical or electronic equivalent, related to machine development of consciousness, nullifies technological progress, which is not put at the service of man. The purpose of the study is to conceptualize the impact of digitalisation on changes in value orientations in today's digital society and to analyze the downside of technological innovation; analysis of the consequences in the digital society related to the formation of the digital society, the digital person, the digital culture and their impact on the person, his consciousness, worldview, culture, identity. The objectives of the study are: 1) to discover a model of thinking for the digital society and the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0; 2) to identify the conditions for the formation of digital society, digital culture in the context of theoretical and methodological foundations and substantiate the application of methods - axiological, synergistic, necessary for deep insight into the essence of these phenomena; 3) to identify digital innovations - from biotechnology to artificial intelligence, which are redefining what it means to "be human" in the digital age and what are its value orientations. The result of the study. The model of thinking, which underlies certain digital orientations for the formation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is revealed. The conditions of formation of digital society, digital person, digital culture that influence changes in human orientations are revealed. The used methodology is justified - a set of methods of axiological, synergistic, cultural, necessary for deep penetration into the essence of these phenomena. Revolutionary innovations (from biotechnology to artificial intelligence) have been identified, which are redefining what it means to be human in the digital age. The practical value of the study is that the concept of digital society has transformed the way values are created and has completely changed the world, people's perceptions of themselves, their relationship to one another, and human interaction with the natural world.

Keywords: digital orientation, Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0 technological innovation, downside, digital society, information (cognitive) capitalism, creative component

Relevance of the research topic

The relevance of this study is that the problem of the reverse side of technological innovation and its implications in the digital society is related to the formation of digital culture and its impact on the person, his consciousness, worldview, culture, identity [1]. The problem of the flip side of technological innovation and its implications in the digital society is of greater importance in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0, as we live in a digital age that drives algorithms, bits, big data, reformatting the physical world into the digital, electronic [3]. This indicates that the modern world has entered a new stage of radical change, which is defined as a new stage in the history of mankind. The advanced technologies that are the engines of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0 as a digital revolution, in particular relying on the capabilities and achievements of the Third Industrial Revolution, have stepped up and shaped the new value orientations of the smart society [4].

The new value orientations of the smart society, which is the embodiment of the digital society, are based on such new discoveries as:

1) artificial intelligence;

2) robotics;

3) additive manufacturing and printing;

4) biotechnology and neurotechnology;

5) virtual and augmented reality;

6) new materials and energy technologies.

The main task of a person in a digital society is to learn how to manage these complex technologies that affect the people and the world around us. To do this, we must change our attitude towards digital technologies by forming new digital orientations - digital culture, digital consciousness, digital thinking, digital outlook [5]. Therefore, it is necessary to deepen the understanding of how digital technologies absorb the human world and its values, how they are introduced and how they affect new conceptual values and absorb human beings [6].

Today, digital is pushing for the modern boundaries of life expectancy, health, cognition and potential of the digital world, which were previously considered fantastic. We need to think about how we respond to new phenomena, such as life expectancy, “engineered children”, the removal of information from human memory, and more [2].

Analysis of the latest research and publications connected with the problem and which the author relies on

We rely on research that pushes the modern boundaries of human activity in the face of digital technology, the capacity for cognition and potential for human development, even in terms of their life, health, in ways that were previously considered fantastic. how to respond to new phenomena such as life expectancy, “engineered” children, the retrieval of information from human memory, and more. Al-Khalili Jim «What's next? All that science knows about our future) (Kyiv, 2018, p. 248); Brynolfsson E., McAfee E. "The Second Age of Machines: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in the Age of Emergency Technologies" (Kyiv, 2016, p. 236); Vance Ashley. Ilon Musk, Tesla, SpaceX, and the Way to a Fantastic Future (Kyiv, 2018, p. 428); Goodman Mark «(Crime of the Future Kharkiv, 2019. 592 p.); Ernst Ulrich von Weizseker, Anders Wykman “Come On! Capitalism, shortsightedness, population and the destruction of the planet. Report to the Roman Club ”(K., 2019. 276 p.); Lalu Frederick, The Companies of the Future (Kharkiv, 2017, 544 p.); Levitin Daniel Structured Thinking. A clear mind in information chaos ”(K., 2020. 456 p.); Cook Tim, "CEO who took Apple to the next level" (K., 2019. 296 p.); McAfee Andrew, Brynolfsson Eric. Machine, platform, crowd. How to Curb Our Future ”(K., 2019. 336 p.); Maxton Graham, Randers Joergen. In search of prosperity. Managing economic development to reduce unemployment, inequality and climate change. Report to the Roman Club ''(Kyiv, 2017. 320 p.); Meadows Donella, Randers J0rgensen, Meadows Dennis "Growth Limits. 30 years later '(Kyiv, 2018, 464 pages); O'Reilly Tim 'Who Knows What the Future Will Be (K., 2018. 448 p.); Pinker Steven. Enlightenment today. Arguments for Mind, Science and Progress (Kyiv, 2019. 560 p.); Rogers Everett M. "Diffusion of Innovation" (K., 2009, 591 p.); Ross Alec, Industries of the Future (Kyiv, 2017, 320 p.); Rose David "Amazing Technology. Design and the Internet of Things '(Kharkiv, 2018, 336 p.); Singer PV «War of Likes. Weapons in the hands of social networks '(Kharkiv, 2019. 320 p.); Tegmark Max "Life 3.0 Days of Artificial Intelligence" (Kiev, 2019. 432 p.); Tepscott Don, Tepscott Alex. Blockchain Revolution (Lviv, 2019. 488s.); Florida Richard «Homo creatives. How the new class is conquering the world '(K., 2018, 432 p.); Ford Martin «The Coming of the Robots. Technology and the threat of the future '(K., 2016. 400 p.); Hazel Catherine N. "How We Become a Posthumous. Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature and Informatics (K., 2013. 426 p.);

Schwab Klaus, "The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Forming the Fourth Industrial Revolution" (Kharkiv, 2019. 426 p.); Sharma Ruchir “Advanced Countries. In anticipation of a new "economic miracle" (K., 2018. 296 pp.) and others.

Formulation of the problem in general and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks

The emergence of a new type of society, called information (cognitive) capitalism, signifies the birth of a new type of society, digital, linked to advances in information (breakthrough) technologies [7]. Smart machines were created by a post-industrial society that has evolved into a digital one, with high- quality work based on information and knowledge, that is, the creative component. Proponents of the concept of "cognitive" capitalism believe that the third kind of capitalism, which came after trade capitalism (XII-XIII centuries) and industrial capitalism (XIX-XX centuries). At the heart of cognitive capitalism (end of XX- beginning of XXI centuries) development of "knowledge society", information, information-computer and communication technologies, which is equal to the development of competition, intangible labor, intangible capital implemented in industrial enterprises, in the field services, etc. [8].

The purpose of the study is toconceptualize the impact of digitalization on changes in value orientations in today's digital society and to analyze the downside of technological innovation; analysis of the consequences in the digital society related to the formation of the digital society, the digital person, the digital culture and their impact on the person, his consciousness, worldview, culture, identity [9].

Objectives of the study:

1) to unveil a thinking model for digital society and the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0;

2) to identify the conditions for the formation of digital society, digital culture;

3) to find out the nature of the new intellectual (cognitive) capitalism based on information, knowledge, information and communication and computer technologies

Research methodology.

We examine the impact of digitalization on changes in value orientations in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0 using a set of methods - axiological, synergistic, cultural, necessary for deep penetration into the essence of digital technologies [10]. The axiological method, as a method of exploring value orientations, includes the set of principles, norms, rules, expectations, goals, institutions, and symbols that govern our values. Digital orientation means:

1) how to empower a digital person;

2) how to influence the value of a digital person;

3) how digital technologies can push the modern frontiers of life - life expectancy, health, cognition and potential of the digital world [11].

The synergistic method helps to penetrate the profound impact of digitization on changing value orientations in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0, which is a complex innovation problem and views digitization as a complex dialectical process. The synergistic method should be considered as a methodology of complexity, a methodology of selforganization of complex systems, flexible management, digital smart management based on the principles of a new outlook, a new person, a new society of the future [12].

The impact of digitalization on the change of value orientations in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is considered in the context of uncertainty and stochasticity, asymmetry of information, achievement of sustainable development through the introduction of computer technologies. The synergistic method contributes to the implementation of the digital control component and adaptive control methods, the promotion of flexible methods in the use of the digital component of the globalization era [13].

Synegetic methodology is a methodology of complex dissipative systems that develop in a certain existential space, and are formed on the basis of social entropy, which is an indicator of both destructive and constructive principles that require self-organization, escape from chaos and overcome entropy [15].

Synergistic methodology helps to overcome chaos, entropy, uncertainty, unpredictability, unstructured, disorderly social, economic and cultural processes, various bifurcation points in search of that attractor (points of attraction) in a complex digital world, which can be digitized by a digital attractor, a new digital culture, a new cultural outlook and consciousness. The new digital age is thinking in the categories of complex systems, and then it is necessary to form a new digital culture and develop thinking in the categories of complex systems that can adapt to changes in the environment. The synergistic method (approach) made it possible to explore the non-linear and bifurcation processes of the emergence, self-organization, and transformation of cognitive capitalism as a complex social phenomenon and a process that is dynamically developing in a non-linear world and giving rise to a new type of society.

The method of comparative analysis made it possible to compare the features of this type of society in comparison with its other varieties. [16].

Selection of previously unresolved parts of the general problem addressed by the article

Digital technologies are a reflection of values, goals and compromises, and the more powerful these technologies are, the more important they will need to be. Often, the digital economy itself will be driven by a choice of technologies capable of development, support and implementation. These values are considered in their impact on society in the context of smart society [17].

The impact of digitization on changes in value orientations in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0 act as a complex adaptive system, which is also considered in the context of the cultural creation methodology that underlies the cultural values of the digital age. As many technologies are socially embedded in the digital world, they are responsible for shaping the development of priorities for socio-cultural values, says V. Nikitenko [18]. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to bring cultural values to technological development. This can only be achieved in the context of ethics. This requires the introduction of new technologies, improving the organizational culture, or even changing the mindset.

Even where there are risks, it is not always possible to foresee, since all technologies are "programmable": for example, it is unclear how safe the blockchain technologies can be from their use in criminal activity or how to minimize their environmental damage. In addition, companies should worry not only about their development, but about implementation, participation in socially responsible processes.

Outline of the main research material with justification of the scientific results obtained [18].

1. A Thinking Model for the Digital Society and the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0 is revealed.

The Thinking Model for Digital Society and the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0. comes from the multifaceted discovery of the digital world, which is gaining momentum, as our eyes are witnessing major revolutionary changes in all spheres of human life that change ways of working and interacting [19].

These changes are happening rapidly because the whole world is evolving not in a geometric but linear dimension that requires systematic and structured thinking, flexible management, systematization of information, cognitive restart, rapid response to changes in society and immediate decision making. Daniel Levitin writes: "Systemic thinking enables you to make the right decisions without much effort" [12]. The digital revolution is leading to the development of the digital economy and digital management, which are based on paradigm shifts in the economy, business, society, consciousness, and world outlook [20].

The Thinking Model for Digital Society and the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0. is connected with digitalization, which cultivates value transformations of different systems both globally and domestically, as well as cultivating transformations in different companies, different industries and society as a whole. In the wake of the digital revolution, new business models are emerging; old manufacturing, consumption, and transportation (logistics) systems are being destroyed and rebuilt [21].

At the social level, the paradigm of work and communication is actively changing, as well as how we position ourselves, obtain information, communicate; at the state level, government, health and transport, education, are being restructured. "Our ways of using technologies that influence our thinking, behavior, production and consumption systems contribute to the formation of structured thinking" [22].

In a digital society, systemic and profound changes are taking place that affect all aspects of human life and act as the driving forces that give birth to new megatrends in society, business, the economy, individual dimensions of being, caused by deep transformation - points of fundamental and technological change. The fourth industrial revolution is shaping the values of the digital society, the digital personality, the digital consciousness and outlook determined by the development of ICT, which has the potential to boost economic growth and productivity. [23].

The potential positive development of information technology for economic growth is caused by the growth of knowledge and innovation, the formation of a high technology park as a prototype of the innovation society. The potential positive impact of information technology on boosting the economy is driven by the production of knowledge and innovation. The spread of technological unemployment is ahead of the pace at which we are finding new uses for growing these problems, as the revolution of new technologies is causing greater social upheaval than in previous industrial revolutions. [24].

The Thinking Model for Digital Society and the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0. related to the development of new information and communication technologies that have changed and are changing the nature of work in all industries and professions, because technological change is fundamental and needs to be addressed immediately [25].

The impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on business is seen as an inevitable step from the simple transition to digital technology (attribute of the Third Industrial Revolution) and to a much more complex form of innovative change based on the combination of multiple technologies in new ways. New digital technologies have created new revolutionary ways to combine products and services and blur the traditional boundaries between industries. The interplay of the physical, digital and biological worlds is the central theme of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which offers new opportunities for productivity and innovation to the world, and "information technology and social networks bring revolutionary changes to the science of the future," said Al- Khalili [3].

2. The conditions for the formation of digital society and digital culture have been identified.

New technologies and infrastructure for global engagement are changing the traditional approach to work and pay, resulting in new types of jobs that are flexible and temporary (so-called smart-on- demand society) - noted in the article "The emergence and development of SMART-society as highly intelligent, high-tech, highly intelligent ”[26].

Digital development knows no boundaries, so questions about the impact of technology on geography and vice versa are inevitably raised. Automation is affecting the markets of developing countries that need to take advantage of the technological revolution. According to the analysis, no country will prosper if it does not pay attention to the development of technology, innovation, technological breakthroughs, so innovative urban ecosystems must constantly develop human capital, which is transformed into new discoveries, - V. Tovarnichenko notes [30].

Since technological and digital development knows no boundaries, it affects geography. Therefore, in 10-20 years, smart cities infrastructure will be managed by digital technologies - artificial intelligence, autopilot cars, augmented reality, genetically modified food, new and active energy sources, smart materials, a huge number of gadgets and devices interconnected in different ways of sharing information, - notes Al-Khalili [3].

In addition, most digital technologies are interconnected and complementary. Virtual Reality (VR) uses computers to simulate an environment of real and fictional worlds that we can complement with our physical presence and our own senses. However complex and multilayered these virtual spaces may be today, hardware and software will be improved in the near future, and a platform such as Higt Fidelity will provide us with a virtual world of future generation - potentially no less complicated than today's world [27].

The boundaries between machine and human, online and offline worlds are increasingly blurred. Augmented Reality (AR) lets you view the physical environment directly from your computer screen or from your mobile phone in real time, overlaying it with augmented information, other images, GPS data. In particular, manufacturers of prestigious vehicles such as Mercedes-Benz or Range Rover design data on vehicle speed or direction directly on the windshield. [28].

Unlike virtual reality, which can create a fictional world, augmented reality (AR), on the contrary, reinforces the perception of reality by placing useful data on the surface of the image of things that we see around us. Augmented Reality (AR) can be used on any device with built-in sensors and cameras, such as a mobile phone, tablet, glasses and even contact lenses. It is expected that 2.5 billion augmented reality (AR) applications will be downloaded and restored in the near future [29].

The benefits of using them are truly impressive and the most powerful companies are already demonstrating their application in reality. The development of digital technology is associated with robotics, which is increasingly equipped with additional features such as high quality cameras, touch sensors and laser-based, computer-controlled devices. The enormous transformations in robotics are largely driven by the "smartphone revolution", insofar as work is largely dependent on computer circuits, batteries and sensors, similar to those of a powerful smartphone, which generally requires the technological upgrading of society [30].

3. The nature of the new intellectual (cognitive) capitalism, based on information, knowledge, information and communication and computer technologies, has been clarified.

A new kind of society, called the new intellectual (cognitive) capitalism, based on information, knowledge, information and communication and computer technology, has emerged in the depths of post-industrial society. It is in these conditions that the nature of work is transformed into cognitive work, with "production of knowledge by means of knowledge" at the forefront [].

Some authors Brinkler, Kelly, Drucker view cognitive capitalism as a "new way of producing knowledge for the sake of knowledge" [], but none have analyzed what the dynamics of this type of society might be. In 1999, economist Nick Dyer- Wiesford, in his book Cyber-Marx, sought to explain what an information-based society might be. Rifkin noted that engaging each person in a "smart grid" would have enormous consequences and testified to the emergence of a "new type of society" called "post-capitalism" [31].

Paul Mason's post-capitalism work assumes that a new type of society is based on information, knowledge, information and computer technology, and has led to the emergence of a new type of economy (neo-economy, Internet economy, network economy). It emerged that society as a whole had become a factory and that the mechanism of capitalist information had changed to credit, the creation of a monopoly on information, the creation of brand value, the protection of intellectual property [32].

Conclusions of the study and prospects for further exploration in this direction

So let's conclude that we live in an era of convergence, when the bits of the digital realm merge with the atoms of the physical world. Information technology and digital change are one of the manifestations of a very clear tendency for interdependence when interacting with the digital, physical and real worlds. Digital technologies are a driving force and a major factor in the development of both the economic base and society as a whole, part of the creative and creative design of digital culture. The values of entrepreneurs and leaders of organizations have a huge impact on employees and technology development. As an example, management can transform a company culture and make public values a priority [33].

Startups are especially effective in setting values, because managers and employees share common values. We are building a civilization that is both interdependent and technologically secure dangerous. Today, we are interconnected with the global information network, becoming more dependent and vulnerable.

The world is interdependent and we are all vulnerable, so this interconnectivity and interdependence is the reverse of technological innovation that threatens the world. All this indicates that we must go through the test of progress and can reach the "point of no return" [34].

It should be noted that information (cognitive) capitalism as the highest stage of the development of society in the 21st century, which contributed to its transformation into intellectual (information) capitalism, and transformed the nature of labor, contributed to the emergence of a new kind of person - a network, which is the carrier of post-capitalist society.

It gives birth to a new configuration of firms, markets, and networking, leading to the decline of industrial capitalism, in the context of which the market system is transformed into post-capitalist, the magic of machines evolves into infocapitalism based on neo-economy, information and its transformation. Thus, the 250-year tendency of industrial capitalism has declined and transformed into its new form - information (cognitive) [35].

Practical recommendations

The practical significance of the study is that the impact of digitalization on changes in value orientations in today's digital society requires the formation of the concept of a digital society, a digital human being, a digital culture that has transformed the way values are created and has completely changed the world, people's perceptions of themselves, their relationships to one another and interaction with the natural world. The impact of digitalization on changes in value orientations in today's digital is the result of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, for which it is essential that leaders in all industries cultivate a digital culture and a responsible attitude to technology and take into account the interests of the people who will be influenced by their decisions. Considering digitalization, which cultivates people's value orientations, is one of the ways to build trust between the public, government and business, and requires many stakeholders to be taken into account based on the organization's management culture.

thinking model digital society industrial revolution

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НИКИТЕНКО, В.А. - кандидат философских наук, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмента организаций и управления проектами, Инженерный институт Запорожского национального университета (Запорожье, Украина)


Актуальность темы исследования. Актуальность данного исследования в том, что обратная сторона технологических инноваций и их последствия в цифровом обществе имеет достаточно большое значение, потому что цифровизация заполнила мир, и жизнь как общественная, так и индивидуальная детерминируется алгоритмами, битами, большими данными, которые способствуют переформатированию физического мира в информационный. Стремительные изменения, которые происходят в нашем обществе, связаны с цифровыми технологиями, которые, с одной стороны, направлены на направленные на экономическое благополучие и благосостояние, а с другой - на трансформацию сознания человека в его механический или электронный эквивалент, связанный с машинным развитием сознания, что сводит на нет технологический прогресс, который поставлен не на службу человеку. Цель исследования - концептуализация влияния цифровизции на изменения ценностных ориентаций в современном цифровом обществе и анализ обратной стороны технологических инноваций; анализ последствий в цифровом обществе, связанных с формированием цифрового общества, цифрового человека, цифровой культуры и их влияния на человека, его сознание, мировоззрение, культуру, идентичность. Задачи исследования: 1) раскрыть модель мышления для цифрового общества и Четвертой промышленной революции 4.0; 2) виявить условия формирования цифрового общества, цифровой культуры в контексте теоретико-методологических оснований и обосновать применение методов - аксиологического, синергетического, необходимых для глубокого проникновения в сущность данных феноменов; 3) выявить цифровые нововведения - от биотехнологий до искусственного интеллекта, которые по-новому определяют, что означает «быть человеком» в цифровую эру и каковы его ценностные ориентации. Результат исследования. Раскрыта модель мышления, в основе которой определенные цифровые ориентации для формирования Четвертой промышленной революции. Выявлены условия формирования цифрового общества, цифрового человека, цифровой культуры, влияющие на изменения ориентаций человека. Обосновано применение методологии - совокупности методов аксиологического, синергетического, культурологического, необходимых для глубокого проникновения в сущность данных феноменов. Выявлено революционные нововведения (от биотехнологий до искусственного интеллекта), которые по-новому определяют, что означает «быть человеком» в цифровую эру. Практическое значение исследования в том, что концепция цифрового общества трансформировала способ создания ценностей и полностью изменил мир, представления людей о самих себе, их отношения друг к другу и взаимодействие человека с миром природы.

Ключевые слова: цифровые ориентации, Четвертая промышленная революция 4.0 технологические инновации, обратная сторона, цифровое общество, информационный (когнитивный) капитализм, креативная компонента

НІКІТЕНКО, В.О. - кандидат філософських наук, доцент, доцент кафедри менджменту організацій та управління проектами, Інженерний інститут Запорізького національного університету (Запоріжжя, Україна)


Актуальність теми дослідження. Актуальність даного дослідження у тому, що зворотна сторона технологічних інновацій та їх наслідки у цифровому суспільстві має чимале значення, тому що цифровізація заполонила світ, і життя як суспільне, так і індивідуальне детермінується алгоритмами, бітами, великими даними, які сприяють переформатуванню фізичного світу в інформаційний. Стрімкі зміни , що відбуваються у нашому суспільстві, пов'язані з цифровими технологіями, які, з однієї сторони, направлені на економічне благополуччя і добробут, а, з іншої, - на трансформацію свідомості людини в її механічний чи електронний еквівалент, пов'язаний з машинним розвитком свідомості, зводить нанівець технологічний прогрес, який поставлений не на службу людині. Мета дослідження - концептуалізація зворотної сторони технологічних інновацій та їх наслідків у цифровому суспільстві, пов'язаних з формуванням цифрового суспільства, цифрової людини, цифрової культури та їх впливу на людину, її свідомість, світогляд, культуру, ідентичність. Завдання дослідження: 1) розкрити модель мислення для цифрового суспільства та Четвертої промислової революції 4.0; 2) вивити умови формування цифрового суспільства, цифрової культури в контексті теоретико-методологічних засад та обґрунтувати застосування методів - аксіологічного, синергетичного, необхідних для глибокого проникнення у сутність даних феноменів; 3) виявити цифрові нововведення - від біотехнологій до штучного інтелекту, які по-новому визначають, що означає «бути людиною» у цифрову еру та які її ціннісні орієнтації. Результат дослідження. Розкрита модель мислення, в основі якої певні цифрові орієнтації для формування Четвертої промислової революції. Виявлено умови формування цифрового суспільства, цифрової людини, цифрової культури, які впливають на зміни орієнтацій людини. Обґрунтовано застосування методології - сукупності методів аксіологічного, синергетичного, культурологічного, необхідних для глибокого проникнення в сутність даних феноменів. Виявлено революційні нововведення (від біотехнологій до штучного інтелекту), які по- новому визначають, що означає «бути людиною» у цифрову еру. Практичне значення дослідження в тому, що концепція цифрового суспільства трансформувала спосіб створення цінностей і повністю змінила світ, уявлення людей про самих себе, їх відносини один до одного і взаємодію людини зі світом природи.

Ключові слова: цифрові орієнтації, Четверта промислова революція 4.0 технологічні інновації, зворотна сторона, цифрове суспільство, інформаційний (когнітивний) капіталізм, креативна компонента

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