• The most significant concepts in the philosophy of language. A feature of philosophical knowledge of the XX century. Hard determination of scientific apparatus of modern science. Exploring the theory and practice of interpretation by hermeneutics.

    презентация (722,4 K)
  • Analysis of the state of academic philosophy in Lithuania after 1989. The most popular traditions: phenomenology and comparative studies. The main stages in the formation of Lithuanian academic philosophy as part of the global philosophical environment.

    статья (32,2 K)
  • The metodological basis of ttie study was ttie sociocultural approacti, ttie essence of wtiicti is to consider education as ttie main sptiere of social activity. Ttie modern education is influenced by ttie dynamic sociocultural transformations.

    статья (17,1 K)
  • Philosophical and methodological analysis of the human-centrism concept as a new intellectual strategy of comprehending and understanding the prospects of human existence in a situation of information-digital reality. Parameters of human-centrism.

    статья (50,8 K)
  • The ambivalent nature of the connection between projects of information philosophy and transhumanism, which are implemented through human involvement in the digital communicative environment and speech-discursive practices of thinking about reality.

    статья (27,9 K)
  • Philosophical understanding of the problem of human choice, consideration of the impact of human actions and thoughts on his whole life. The future of the reader's belief is that everyone should think about the correct alignment of priorities in life.

    статья (18,2 K)
  • Biography of Plato, trained at the Academy in Athens. Plato's philosophical views; doctrine of ideas, of two worlds: ideas and forms. In the "State" Plato also gives us the basis of the doctrine of the human soul, of beauty, of love, of knowledge.

    презентация (2,4 M)
  • Policy research as the main form of state-building activity. Justification of politics and political activity of statesmen on the basis of philosophical reinterpretation of dialectics. Characteristics of moral values that produce a philosophy of politics.

    статья (11,6 K)
  • Related to the cardinal changes taking place in modern science and social practice and their significant effects on research issues in the field of theoretical and social philosophy. Analysis of the development of production, culture, education.

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  • Relationship of a young person with education and with himself. Role of symbols and meanings in determining the attitude of a person to the world. Value relation of a young person to the world. The value of the aspect of the professional side of being.

    статья (47,1 K)
  • Williamson acknowledges that "Armchair thinking is far from a "pure" method" and goes on to make some observations. He defends armchair philosophy as a variety of armchair science, like mathematics, or computer modeling in evolutionary theory, economics.

    статья (15,3 K)
  • Determining the influence of Platonism with its cosmological doctrine of the creation of the world and eternal and unchanging ideas as prototypes of things on the Puritan philosophy New England. The original views on the nature of Man and the cosmos.

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  • The risk of populism in democratic societies. The values that are essential for the successful reproduction of democratic institutions. Focussing on the values and the independence. Focussing on the values and independence of the judicial system.

    статья (74,6 K)
  • Анализ эволюции политико-философского концепта "народ" от его появления в текстах эпохи древнего Рима и до становления политической мысли раннего Модерна в текстах Т. Гоббса. Смысловое наполнение понятия respublica. Мерцающий модус существования народа.

    статья (31,2 K)
  • The this article attempts to define the concept of "post-neo-Kantianism", based on the nature of its relationship to the concept. The analysis necessity of introduction to classification of twentieth century philosophy a term of "post-neo-Kantianism".

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  • The scientific paper covers the matter of post-metaphysical thinking in law, the relevance of which is evidenced by the crisis offundamental jurisprudence as a consequence of the refusal to comprehend ultimate grounds inherent in modern thought.

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  • The meaning of the term postmodern and its usage in philosophy and social theory. Unity and plurality. Poststructuralism and postmodernism. Universalism and freedom. Difference and multiplicity, simulacra and simulation. Criticism without foundations.

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  • Analysis of Kant's views in the aspect of contemporary discussions about social justice, their practical and political potential. Description of his understanding of a fair state system, international justice. Review of the contractual nature of equity.

    статья (30,2 K)
  • Features of the transition from analog to digital means of transmitting information in society. improvement of sensor-transmitting capabilities of electronic devices, electronic-digital encoding. Investigation of the total effect of "telesynthesia".

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  • The role of communication in the structure of human civilization and changes in the information society. Influence of PR strategies on mass consciousness. Study of "hermeneutic objectivism", "radical hermeneutics" and "hermeneutic reconstruction".

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  • The practice of philosophy in everyday life to improve its quality, to make effective decisions, to establish fruitful communication and to find a peaceful way out of conflicts. The study of philosophizing from the standpoint of its significance.

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  • Study of the direction of pragmatism in philosophy. C. Pierce, James and J. Dewey as the founding fathers of this movement. Differences between the philosophy of pragmatism and metaphysics. Addressing the future within the framework of pragmatism.

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  • Смисл уведеного філософом і теологом Високого Середньовіччя Д. Скотом терміна "haecceitas", його місце в метафізиці схоласта і вплив на становлення європейського індивідуалізованого мислення. Аналіз модерного права особистості на вільне самовизначення.

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  • Основні аспекти проблеми індивідуації різних сущих у системі св. Томи Аквінського. Вчення Аквіната про визначену матерію. Проблема індивідуації та її метафізико-гносеологічний характер. Спосіб існування одиничних речей на противагу універсальному.

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  • Identification of the dimensions of human existence on the basis of discourse ethics and communicative philosophy. The significance of moral and ethical norms in the structure of being. The necessity of their observance by man in the realities of war.

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  • Principles of organization of the material world using the "Scheme of the structure of our world". Philosophy of the Universe as a Realm of Abstraction, Mass, Gravity and Radiation. Conversion of time into mass and back for phase transitions of matter.

    статья (1,7 M)
  • Approach privacy as important "functional" part of freedom. Consider five such theories and highlight the relationship between privacy and the concept of "negative freedom". Emphasize the role of information technologies, namely printing and photography.

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  • Доказательство теории, что интенция публичности, столь распространенная и характерная для Screen-Culture, и есть репрезентация "инстинкта смерти". Неустранимая экзистенциальность конкретно-личного бытия. Экспликация дихотомии "влечение к жизни и смерти".

    статья (19,5 K)
  • The social nature ofviolence and its forms, peculiarities of manifestation and realization are considered in the article. The concept of "privatized violence" was conceptualized in the context of theoretical and general cultural studies of violence.

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  • Проблема правомірності використання виразів емоційної мови в аргументації. Позиція представників прагма-діалектики нідерландської школи. Механізми включення засобів емоційної мови у критичну дискусію, прийнятність їх використання при розумній суперечці.

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