Subsidiary model of the government social services regulation: its possible use in Kazakhstan

This article discusses the nature and content of subsidiary model of state regulation of the social sphere. The рossibility of its use in the republic of kazakhstan. Defines the principles of vicarious model of state regulation of the social sphere.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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Дата добавления 06.03.2019
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Субсидіарна модель державного регулювання соціальної сфери: можливість її використання в Казахстані

Тусупова Л., д.е.н., професор

Гречко Т., к.н.д.у., доцент,

м. Алмати, Республіка Казахстан

м. Донецьк, Україна


Tusupova L., Grechko T. Subsidiary model of the government social services regulation: its possible use in Kazakhstan

This article discusses the nature and content of subsidiary model of state regulation of the social sphere and the possibility of its use in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Model of state paternalism, in which should be a massive and comprehensive support of the living standards of the population due to the state's resources, has exhausted itself and is not compatible with market principles.

Defines the principles of vicarious model of state regulation of the social sphere: prevention; social investment; interactivity; tolerance. The conditions of the subsidiary model of state regulation of the social sphere: transparency; openness; continuity and intensity of positive information space; public competition; contractual partnership. Matched procedural elements of interaction that will determine the nature of the practical implementation of the proposed ideological principles, namely, target-oriented approach; expert and assessment activities; contests; nontax incentive mechanisms; meeting site; social contract. Established economic and legal mechanisms and organizational solutions subsidiary structural model of state regulation of social services, such as community foundations.

The principles, conditions and procedural elements, economic and legal mechanisms and organizational solutions subsidiary structural model of state regulation of social services allow us to determine the possibility of transition from a paternalistic model to subsidiary for the Republic of Kazakhstan. This means accessible and free to all citizens of basic social services, especially education and health; redistribution of state social spending in favor of the most vulnerable, while reducing assistance provided to families; reduce social inequalities; provide citizens with the highest possible level of social consumption from its own revenues.

The need to achieve this transition imposes extremely stringent requirements for economic growth. The main task in this way- providing high perspective, and most importantly, sustainable economic development.

Keywords: subsidiary model, government regulation, social sphere.

У статті розглянуто сутність і зміст субсидіарної моделі державного регулювання соціальної сфери та можливості її використання в Республіці Казахстан. Модель державного патерналізму, яка передбачає масовану і всебічну підтримку життєвого рівня населення за рахунок ресурсів держави, вичерпала себе і несумісна з ринковими принципами.

Визначено принципи субсидіарної моделі державного регулювання соціальної сфери: профілактика; соціальне інвестування; інтерактивність; толерантність. Визначено умови субсидіарної моделі державного регулювання соціальної сфери: прозорість; відкритість; безперервність і насиченість позитивного інформаційного простору; публічна конкурентність; договірне партнерство. Підібрано процедурні елементи системи взаємодії, які визначатимуть сутність практичної реалізації запропонованих ідеологічних принципів, а саме програмно-цільовий підхід; експертна та оціночна діяльність; конкурси; неподаткові спонукальні механізми; переговорні майданчики; суспільний договір. Встановлено економіко-правові механізми та вирішення організаційно-структурного характеру субсидіарної моделі державного регулювання соціальної сфери, наприклад фонди місцевого співтовариства.

Розглянуті принципи, умови, процедурні елементи, економіко-правові механізми та вирішення організаційно-структурного характеру субсидіарної моделі державного регулювання соціальної сфери дозволяють визначити можливість переходу від патерналістської до субсидіарної моделі для Республіки Казахстан. Це означає доступність і безоплатність для всіх громадян базових соціальних послуг, насамперед освіти та охорони здоров'я; перерозподіл соціальних витрат держави на користь найбільш уразливих груп населення при одночасному скороченні допомоги забезпеченим сім'ям; скорочення соціальної нерівності; надання громадянам можливостей більш високого рівня соціального споживання за рахунок власних доходів.

Необхідність досягнення даного переходу висуває на цьому шляху гранично жорсткі вимоги до економічного зростання. Головна задача на цьому шляху - забезпечення в перспективі високих, і головне, стійких темпів економічного розвитку.

Ключові слова: субсидіарна модель, державне регулювання, соціальна сфера.

Тусупова Л., Гречко Т. Субсидиарная модель государственного регулирования социальной сферы: возможность ее использования в Казахстане

В статье рассмотрены сущность и содержание субсидиарной модели государственного регулирования социальной сферы и возможности ее использования в Республике Казахстан. Модель государственного патернализма, предполагающая массированную и всестороннюю поддержку жизненного уровня населения за счет ресурсов государства, исчерпала себя и несовместима с рыночными принципами.

Определены принципы субсидиарной модели государственного регулирования социальной сферы: профилактика; социальное инвестирование; интерактивность; толерантность. Определены условия субсидиарной модели государственного регулирования социальной сферы: прозрачность; открытость; непрерывность и насыщенность позитивного информационного пространства; публичная конкурентность; договорное партнерство. Подобраны процедурные элементы системы взаимодействия, которые будут определять сущность практической реализации предложенных идеологических принципов, а именно программно-целевой подход; экспертная и оценочная деятельность; конкурсы; неналоговые побудительные механизмы; переговорные площадки; общественный договор. Установлены экономико-правовые механизмы и решения организационно-структурного характера субсидиарной модели государственного регулирования социальной сферы, например фонды местного сообщества.

Рассмотренные принципы, условия, процедурные элементы, экономико-правовые механизмы и решения организационно-структурного характера субсидиарной модели государственного регулирования социальной сферы позволяют определить возможность перехода от патерналистской к субсидиарной модели для Республики Казахстан. Это означает доступность и бесплатность для всех граждан базовых социальных услуг, прежде всего образования и здравоохранения; перераспределение социальных расходов государства в пользу самых уязвимых групп населения при одновременном сокращении помощи обеспеченным семьям; сокращение социального неравенства; предоставление гражданам возможностей более высокого уровня социального потребления за счет собственных доходов.

Необходимость достижения данного перехода предъявляет предельно жесткие требования к экономическому росту. Главная задача на этом пути - обеспечение в перспективе высоких, и главное, устойчивых темпов экономического развития.

Ключевые слова: субсидиарная модель, государственное регулирование, социальная сфера

Problem statement. A social state has its own internal contradictions, goes through certain stages of formation and development stages. An ample discussion on the crisis the social state and its future, launched in foreign scientific and political literature already in the 80-90s, became a reflection of these contradictions and problems. Processes that eventually caused the social state problems aggravation were based on cyclicity and unevenness of economic development, susceptibility of economics and social sphere to the events of internal and external politics. Global geopolitical and economic shifts have revealed the complexity of the interaction between the society and the state, have shown the inconsistency both of a simplified liberal model, based on the division of social and public spheres and the subsequent restriction of the legitimate position of the state, up to the model of the "minimal state", having a function of ensuring the state security only, and a simplified social model based on the passive, subordinated position of the society and an active interventionist policy of the state.

The scientific dispute moves to the issue of the optimal limits of state intervention for obtaining effective outcomes, provided the sustainability of the system for a long period [1].

Thus, the main area of the regulatory cooperation between the state and the society is to establish a balance between production and distribution, and the main contradiction of the social state is the contradiction between the expanding social policy and economic growth,economic difficulties and a necessity to finance social expenditures. These issues are the subject of theoretical debates between economic freedom supporters and defenders of state intervention into economics.

Using the experience of the establishment and functioning of a social state in the developed Western countries, taking into account historical traditions and mentality of people of Kazakhstan, as well as the geopolitical situation and the climatic conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the principle of the social state in its Kazakhstan model should be seen as a methodological, main and defining principle of the structure and the entire system of the state activity. Compared with the Western democracies, the term "social" is proposed to be used in this case not its narrow, but general sense. With such interpretation, the term Social State will mean not only its obligations on solving strictly social problems, but also predetermine its social direction, goals and objectives of its activities in all other spheres of the society life, the nature of its relations with citizens. I n terms of its social and political purpose as an institution, the Kazakhstan social state should be the state of the whole people of and for the majority, while guaranteeing and observing legally established rights and freedoms of each individual citizen

The economic foundation of the Kazakhstan's social state should bea highly developed socially oriented mixed economics, providing satisfaction of both material and spiritual needs of people and habitat preservation and harmony of nature and society. With this approach, the question on a significant captured in the Constitution enhancement of the role and responsibility of the state in the economic sphere inevitably arises.

"Events that broke out recently in the world economy, have clearly demonstrated that understanding of many problems require more fundamental solutions. In the process of the current crisis one revealed the insufficiency of the proposed development options due to their weak methodological and theoretical framework. A lot of deep problems were actualized and require to be adequately solved" [2]. Changes taking place in the modern economy require major changes of principle, basic foundations of formation and implementation of the social policy.

The social reform of the 1990s in Kazakhstan was performed "according to the residual principle" and was not worked out in terms of the social consequences. The liberal way of reforms of the 1990s, and in its extreme forms, was realized in our country not accidentally. Economic factors (objective need for urgent reforms) and political, psychological (formed expectations of the masses for the soonest improvement of the situation by switching to Western models of life) and ideological (the predominance of liberal and not social ideas) nature marched to the same drummer.

A certain turn towards the solution of social problems in the years 2005 - 2008 is associated with the initiated economic recovery, and expanded resource capacity to conduct a more thorough social policy. Social stability, social justice came out on top in the system of values of the majority of the population groups. There was a society request for the social benefit from the positive outcomes of the economic growth. Furthermore, one forms a political expediency to strengthen the government's actions in the social sphere. In the longer term, this process is associated with the formation of the relevant subjects able to support and strengthen the state's efforts, in the modern sectors of economics, state management and society in general. In its turn, their appearance - as practice of the European social states shows - depends on modeling of fundamental conditions: changes in the structure of production at transition from the raw materials to industrial and post-industrial economics; formation of institutions and structures of representative democracy; shifts in the political and social culture of the society.

The choice of the development mode can be made based on the current situation, possible conditions and objectives, and be optimal for a given time. It is possible and necessary to consider the perspectives of the social growth of the country and its external conditions, a possibility to change the models of the social policy of the states.

The subsidiary policy may act as a basic alternative of the existing social security system. state regulation subsidiary social кazakhstan

The purpose of the article is to examine the nature and content of the subsidiary model of state social sphere regulation and the possibility of its use in Kazakhstan.

Basic material statement. The meaning of the subsidiary principle is as follows: the solution of social problems should primarily be carried out by small units of the society (an individual, family, self-help groups, associations), and the intervention of local governments and government agencies is required and is acceptable only when there is no way round it, when these society units are not able to solve these or those tasks by themselves.

The principle, first stated during the speech of the Pope Pius the XI, is as follows: "It would be unfair and, at the same time, very annoying to disturb the social order, by way of depriving the lowest-level associations of functions they are able to fulfill themselves and arranging their fulfillment with a more extensive and higher ranking group".

Let us consider the principles, conditions, procedures of the subsidiary model of the state social sphere regulation (fig. 1).

Fig.1. Principles, conditions, procedures of the subsidiary model of the state social sphere regulation

Recognizing the principle of subsidiary as basic for the formation of the effective social policy, we must say that the subsidiary model of the state social sphere regulation should be based on the following principles [3, p.195-202].

1. Prevention. Preventive actions are possible only subject to correct monitoring and evaluation of their own activities, as well as evidence-based planning. At the moment there is no methodological basis for this evaluation activity (even domestic, not to mention an independent one) in Kazakhstan. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan has neither such profession as the evaluator of social (or any other) programs, nor legal acts, governing the standards, norms and rules of evaluating the quality of programs being developed, accepted and implemented; the outcomes and the effectiveness of their implementation are not evaluated either. Thus, there is a need on implementing a system of efforts, oriented to the professional training of relevant specialists and additional training of the existing personnel for carrying out of evaluation activities.

2. Social development (social investment). Social investment, as opposed to commercial investments, is more difficult to calculate and, as a rule, longer lasting.

3. Interactivity. The principle of interactivity puts on the agenda the question of initiation and development of mechanisms of self-organization and self-production of the citizens for their further self-fulfillment and the question of the state assistance for this matter

4. Tolerance. Only the eradication of ethnic, political, social and other forms of intolerance, the ability to understand the issues and to consider minorities, the elimination of sharp contradictions in the positions of the parties in communication, building inter-group cooperation and overcoming the repressive standards of thought and action will help forming a different culture for a new, XXI century - a culture of peace and non-violent solutions to problems.

Based on the above basic principles, you must also establish the following conditions under which these principles can be successfully implemented: transparency, openness, continuity and intensity of positive information space, public competitiveness, contractual partnership (civil initiatives support).

The next important things of implementing the subsidiary model of the state social sphere regulation are the procedural elements that will determine the nature of the practical implementation of the proposed ideological principles.

1. Program-oriented and goal-oriented approach

The full implementation of the program-oriented and goal-oriented approach creates a possibility of a principal qualitative improvement of the Kazakhstan social policy. Implementing the principle of interactivity in the social policy is possible only in case of approval and significant widening of the program-oriented and goal-oriented approach scope. Inter alias, this method provides for the coordinated multiplicity of efforts of different state departments.

Only the program-oriented and goal-oriented approach makes it possible to change the principles of public service. A measure of work is its result, calculated in advance and measured qualitatively and quantitatively. At the same time, unlike the planning, the program-oriented and goal- oriented approach is much more flexible, reacts easier and is easier to control due to a continuously operating system of monitoring and evaluation of the situation, and therefore is more clearly focused on achieving a positive final result.

A positive influence of the program-oriented and goal- oriented approach will affect the content structure of the civil service as well. This approach will contribute to the functional differentiation of the technical work - with the transition to the "one contact" principle (currently implemented in Kazakhstan) and project-oriented management in the area of the state management.

2. Expert and valuation activities

There should be a system of independent evaluation in Kazakhstan. This refers to the need for legal regulation of valuation activities during preparation and adoption of projects and programs, as well as their monitoring and evaluation during the process and at the stages of implementation and evaluation of their effectiveness based on the execution results and during the post-program (postproject) period. Next direction of the expert activities requiring development is a civil expert examination of the state laws and bills. The third direction of the expert - examination of programs and projects of the nongovernmental noncommercial organizations.

Therefore, it is about creating a total continuous field of civil expertise in the social policy area in Kazakhstan.

3. Tenders

A competition on provision of social services, currently missing, must be civilized, based on holding of a technologically designed public competitive tenders, both when distributing orders for rendering social services and when issuing grants for executing social projects and programs, initiated by a non-profit organization.

4. Nontax motivation mechanisms for business and non-profit organizations

Encouraging business and business-structure representatives, placing considerable emphasis on charity, philanthropy and support of civil initiatives, as well as leaders and representatives of the NPO, active in the relevant territory or in any socially significant area of activity, should be expressed in various forms of the society appreciation (honors, honorary and memorial signs, certificates of appreciation, etc.).

5. Negotiating platforms

The main objective of such platforms is a procedurally efficient coordination of joint efforts in the implementation of coordinated and planned actions for a joint discussion and solution of relevant social problems. Essentially, it should refer to the implementation of the so-called deliberative process, a process of multiple consultations, a broad discussion on socially significant problems by attracting the largest possible number of citizens.

There are some examples of the similar negotiating platforms in Kazakhstan: the Civic Forum and other meetings of representatives of the government, business (employers) and employees.

6. Social contract (partnership agreements)

Expanding the trade-unionist meaning of the term "social partnership", it is necessary to add many additional positions related to social issues. Such contracts can be both of a periodic and ongoing, permanent nature regardless of the personal composition of the government and local authorities.

7. Other procedures of public participation

To ensure the active involvement and participation of citizens and their associations in the public management (local government), apart from the named procedures of public participation, it is worth mentioning such a form of influence on making arbitrary socially important decisions as public consultations.

The list of procedural elements used in the process of performing the interaction systemic obviously open.

Having chosen all procedural elements of the interaction system it is necessary to determine the economic and legal mechanisms to be created and used with the help of these elements.

This group of the interaction system components should include the following: a grant, a social order, related (auxiliary) economic and legal instruments.

The use of the two above economic and legal mechanisms will be possible at legalizing and practical implementation of the following associated economic instruments:

- tax mechanisms of motivation of the socially- responsible business to engage in the charitable activities, patronage and support of the public initiative;

- formation of an adequate legal and tax regime for the NPO activity;

- tax mechanisms, stimulating the arrangement of meaningful and positive publications of the social nature in mass media;

- establishment of legal and economic framework to support volunteering.

The organizational and structural solutions should be purely functional. Many years of international experience of the organizational structures activities in the form of the local community funds (about 90 years) shows that pooling of resources from all public activity sectors (state, business, NPO)contributes to forming the progressive social and project strategy. Active participation of business in local community development through this organizational form will technologically contribute to forming of its social responsibility as well.

If assuming the following as the basic resources: of the state - administrative and managerial, business - financial, NPO - intelligent and voluntary, the addition of these resources within the financial institution such as community funds (with the public activity nature and its transparent design and competitive content) will positively affect the formation of not declarative, but functional and practical principles for the strengthening of civil peace and harmony in the society in the name of its social development. The use of this form (and subsequent ones) clearly demonstrates the unity of the form, using specific mechanisms (grant), which are based on strict and transparent procedures (competition, expertise, etc.).

The existing precedents of organizing social projects fairs have demonstrated the feasibility of generating a huge variety of the project-structured positive and constructive social initiatives and socially responsible business, ready to co-finance such initiative projects in the grants mode.

Community councils, being an extremely significant form of interaction between the government and the society, can also contribute to creation of an atmosphere of mutual trust between the citizens and the government. Such councils can perform a variety of functions depending on their purpose.

The process of transition from the paternalistic to the subsidiary model should begin in the social policy. This means the availability and the free-of-charge basis of the basic social services for all citizens, first of all in the area of education and health; social expenditures sharing in favor of the most vulnerable population groups while reducing the aid to the well-to-do families; reduction of social inequalities; providing the citizens with the opportunities for a higher level of social consumption against their own income.


The model of the state paternalism, in which there should be a massive and comprehensive support of the living standards of the population against the state's resources, has run its course and is not compatible with the market principles. A social state has a tendency to increase a number of beneficiaries and the growth of total payments, i.e. to divert the ever-increasing number of people and resources from productive activities to the unproductive consumption. Eventually there comes a time when the state is unable to meet and guarantee the growing social needs. Therefore, in our opinion, a turn to the subsidiary state model becomes justified. This publication considers all principles, conditions, procedures, economic and legal mechanisms, and organizational and structural solutions of the subsidiary model of the state social sphere regulation. However, for now people are unable to take care of all the fees that are partially paid by the state. An existing risk of a compound social structure, specific to the Third World countries, where a considerable part of population lives in poverty and lacks motivation, requires the precipitation of the social support formation in the modern state - a mass layer of population with an average income, covering at least 55% of population. Formation of the middle class will give stability to the entire social structure and provide a basis for addressing the most negative effects of social disruption. The need to achieve social objectives identified above and maintain a sufficient level of national security, impose extremely stringent requirements for economic growth. The main task on this way is to provide future high and, most importantly, stable rates of economic development.


1. Globalization and social security: Report of the International Monetary Fund, 2007 [Електронний ресурс]

2. Алшанов Р.А. Методологические проблемы экономической теории в современных условиях/ Р.А. Алшанов // КазҐУ хабаршысы - Вестник КазНУ. Сер. экономическая, 2009. - №3. - С. 34-38.

3. Государственное управление социально-экономической сферой [текст]: монография / под ред. А.С.Поважного, А.Р. Алшанова; ДонГУУ, Ун-т Туран. - Донецк; Алматы: ВИК, 2013. - 500 с.


1. Globalization and social security: Report of the International Monetary Fund, 2007

2. Alshanov R.A. (2009), Methodological problems of economic theory in modern conditions, Vestnik KazNU, №3, p. 34-38.

3. State social and economic sphere management (2013), DonGUU-Turan, Donetsk-Almaty, p. 500.

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  • Overview of social networks for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Evaluation of these popular means of communication. Research design, interface friendliness of the major social networks. Defining features of social networking for business.

    реферат [1,1 M], добавлен 07.01.2016

  • Legal regulation of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, according to article 71 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Regulation about the order of granting of gratuitous grants for residing in Republic Severnaya Ossetia - Alaniya.

    реферат [19,8 K], добавлен 13.02.2015

  • The necessity of using innovative social technologies and exploring the concept of social entrepreneurship. Analyzes current level of development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine, the existing problems of creating favorable organizational.

    статья [54,5 K], добавлен 19.09.2017

  • The differences between the legal norm and the state institutions. The necessity of overcoming of contradictions between the state and the law, analysis of the problems of state-legal phenomena. Protecting the interests and freedoms of social strata.

    статья [18,7 K], добавлен 10.02.2015

  • Prerequisites of formation and legalization of absolutism. The social structure: documents; classes and ranks; state apparatus. The military and judicial reforms of Peter I. Development of the law during of absolute monarchy: decrees; civil, family law.

    контрольная работа [26,5 K], добавлен 14.08.2011

  • The essence of Natural Monopoly. The necessity of regulation over Natural Monopoly. Methods of state regulation over the Natural Monopolies. Analysis and Uzbek practice of regulation over Monopolies. Natural Monopolies in modern Economy of Uzbekistan.

    курсовая работа [307,7 K], добавлен 13.03.2014

  • The definition of Corporate Social Responsibility and main approaches. Stakeholder VS Shareholders. The principles of CSR: features and problems. Sanofi Group Company and its Social Responsibility program. Results and Perspectives, the global need.

    курсовая работа [43,2 K], добавлен 09.03.2015

  • What is social structure of the society? The concept of social structure was pioneered by G. Simmel. The main attributes of social structure. Social groupings and communities. Social status. Structural elements of the society’s fundamental institutions.

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