The organization of sport tourism of the volyn regional centre of tourism, sports and travelling tours

The article deals with legislative documents, research and methodological literature, the reports of the regional Centre of Tourism, Sports an Travelling tours. Analysis as the published materials related to the out-of-school activities in the Volyn.

Рубрика Спорт и туризм
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Дата добавления 31.10.2020
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sport travelling tour volyn

Olena Demyanchuk1, Iryna Erko2, Ninel Matskevych3, Vasyl Voitovych4

1Lecturer in the Department of Sports-mass and Tourist Work. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine

2Ph. D. in Geographic Sciences, Associate Professor, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine,

3Ph. D. in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor in the Department of Sports-mass and Tourist Work. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine, 4Assistant in the Department of Sports-mass and Tourist Work. Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine


The article deals with an overall analysis of legislative documents, research and methodological literature, the reports of the regional Centre of Tourism, Sports an Travelling tours as well as the published materials related to the out-of-school activities in the Volyn Region. Under consideration are state-level regulatory aspects of the tourism ethnography job in out-of-school institutions of Ukraine. The job in the field of Sport Tourism of Ukraine is headed by the Ukrainian State Centre of Tourism and Ethnography. This company serves the interests of the schoolchildren And is subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science. The Centre of Tourism, Sports and Travelling Tours (functioning in the framework of the Volyn State Administration) is the most important out-of-school institution and coordinator of the tourist-ethnographic work in Volyn Region and one of the most prominent agencies in the fields of tourism for Ukrainian children and adolescents. Of great importance for the development of sport tourism and ethnography in Volyn region is the interest clubs operating in the Regional Centre of Sports and Travelling Tours. The number of those interest clubs and hobby groups is fairly considerable. The replies of the respondents of a poll demonstrate the children's participation in different sport tourists clubs of Volyn Region with the emphasis on a specific variety of tourism. The article contains the analysis of the major professional fields of the Agency: sport orienteering; sport tourists; geographic ethnography; geological ethnography; project of sport orienteering; project «A Wandering Mr.Know-All»; the project of «Tourism for Everyone»; Young Tourists as Ethnographers; historical Ethnography. The natural environment and resources of the Volyn region are quite propitious for the development of the tourist- ethnographic and sport-tourist activity of the young people. The region offers very good opportunities for arranging walking and hiking tours, contests and just a recreation in the lap of nature. The contents of the activities of a typical interest club have been studied (the focus is on its resources and conditions). The task of our research is to analyze the peculiarities of the job of the tourist society as well as the problems it may face with. The accumulated knowledge, experience, the adequate organization and careful planning of the Centre's job will make it possible to upgrade the training the tourist staff, encourage the schoolchildren to participate in large-scale tourist events, contests, travelling tours.

Key words: tourist-sports work; Center for Tourism, Sports and Excursions (CTSE) tourist-friendly circles.

Олена Дем'янчук, Ірина Єрко, Нінель Мацкевич, Василь Войтович. Організація туристично- спортивної роботи при Волинському обласному центрі туризму, спорту та екскурсій. У статті здійснено аналіз і застосовано метод узагальнення законодавчих документів, науково-дослідної й науково-методичної літератури, звіти обласного Центру туризму, спорту та екскурсій, ознайомлення з позашкільною роботою області. Охaрaктeризoвaнo дeржaвні рeгулювальні єлємєнти туристськo-крaєзнaвчoї рoбoти в пoзaшкільних зaклaдaх Укрaїни. Туристськo-спортивну рoбoту в креші oчoлює Укрaїнський дeржaвний цєнтр туризму і крaєзнaвствa учнівської мoлoді, бeзпoсeрeдньo підпoрядкoвaний Міністєрству oсвіти і нaуки. Цєнтр туризму, старту Ta єкскурсій Упрaвління oсвіти і науки Вoлинськoї oблaснoї дeржaвнoї aдміністрaції - навчально- вихoвний зaклaд, який є флагманом пoзaшкiльнoї oсвiти Ta кooрдинaтoрoм туристськo-крaєзнaвчoї рoбoти у Вoлинськiй області, однією з провідних установ дитячо-юнацького туризму в Україні. Гурткова робота Обласного центру спорту та екскурсій має важливе значення для туристсько-спортивної й краєзнавчої діяльності Волині. При Обласному центрі туризму, спорту та екскурсій функціонує чимало гуртків і творчих об'єднань. Виявлено зайнятість респондентів у туристсько-спортивних гуртках області з різними видами туризму. Розглянуто основні напрями діяльності підприємства: спортивне орієнтування, спортивний туризм, географічне краєзнавство, геологічне краєзнавство, літературне краєзнавство, програма спортивного орієнтування, програми «Пізнайко-мандрівник», «Туризм для всіх, юні туристи краєзнавці, історичне краєзнавство». Природні умови та ресурси Волинської області є доволі сприятливими для розвитку туристсько- краєзнавчої та туристсько-спортивної роботи серед юнацтва; хороші можливості для проведення з дітьми піших екскурсій, туристичних походів, змагань і просто відпочинку на природі. Вивчено гурткову роботу, яка займає важливе місце в туристсько-краєзнавчій діяльності Волинської області, адже для цього є необхідні ресурси та умови.

Завдання нашого дослідження - проаналізувати особливості та проблеми роботи й розвитку туристичного підприємства. Накопичені знання, правильно організована та спланована робота Центру дасть змогу вдосконалити систему підготовки туристських кадрів, активізувати участь школярів області в масових заходах із туризму й краєзнавства, залучення більшої кількості дітей до участі в змаганнях, подорожах, екскурсіях, походах.

Ключові слова:туристсько-спортивна робота, Центр туризму, спорту та екскурсій (ЦТСЕ), туристсько-спортивні гуртки.

Елена Демьянчук, Ирина Ерко, Нинэль Мацкевич, Василий Войтович. Организация туристско-спортивной работы при Волынском областном центре туризма, спорта и экскурсий. В статье осуществлен анализ и применен метод обобщения законодательных документов, научно-исследовательской и научнометодической литературы, отчеты Областного центра туризма, спорта и экскурсий, знакомство с внешкольной работой области. Охарактеризовано государственные регулировочные элементы туристско-краеведческой работы во внешкольних учереждениях Украины. Туристско-спортивную роботу в государстве возглавляет Украинский государственный центр туризма и краеведчества ученической молодёжи, непосредственно подлежащий Министерству образования и науки. Центр туризма, спорта и экскурсий Управления образования и науки Волынской областной государственной администрации - научно-воспитательное заведение, которое является флагманом внешкольного образования и координатором туристско-краеведческой работы в Волынской области, одним из передовых заведений детско-юношеского туризма в Украине. Работа кружков Областного центра туризма, спорта и экскурсий имеет важное значение для туристско-спортивной и краеведческой деятельности Волыни. При Областном центре туризма, спорта и экскурсий функционирует множество кружков и творческих обединений. Выявлено занятость респондентов в туристско-спортивных кружках области с различными видами туризма. Рассмотрены главные направления деятельности предприятия: спортивное ориентирование, спортивный туризм, географическое краеведчество, геологическое краеведчество, литературное краеведчество, программы спортивного ориентирования, «Познайко-путишественник», «Туризм для всех, юные туристы-краеведы, историческое краеведчество». Природные условия и ресурсы Волынской области являются очень благоприятными для развития туристско-краеведческой и туристско-спортивной роботы среди юношества; хорошие возможности для проведения с детьми пеших экскурсий, туристических походов, соревнований и просто отдыха на природе. Изучается работа кружков, которая занимает важное место в туристско-спортивной деятельности Волынской области, потому что для этого имеются необходимые рессурсы и условия. Задача нашего исследования - проанализировать особенности и проблемы работы и развития туристического предприятия. Накопленные знания, правильно организованная и спланированная работа Центра позволит усовершенствовать систему подготовки туристских кадров, активизировать участие школьников области в массовых мероприятиях по туризму и краеведению, приобщению большего количества детей к участию в соревнованиях, путешествиях, экскурсиях, походах.

Ключевые слова: туристско-спортивная работа, Центр туризма, спорта и экскурсий (ЦТСЕ), туристические спортивные кружки.

Introduction. Being focused оп а 8осіаі1у ішрогїапї outage^ cf оиг sccicty - the ycungcr geneгation, children ^d уоий tourism оссир^ а specia1 ріасе in the system of tourist асйуйу. Tourism us а form of асйуе rest ^d extгacuггicu1aг education is ^щретааЫе for self-devefopment [5; 7].

АссоМі^ to statistica1 data provided by the Икгашап State Centre of Tourism ^d Ьосаі History for Students (USCTLHS), сштєПіу оп the tourist market of Ukraine there аге 117 centres of tourism, induding 23 Obkst Centres of Turism, Sprats ^d Loca1 History for Students [13].

Oblast Centre of Tourism, Sports and Excursions of the Department of Education and Science of Volyn State Administration, situated in the city of Lutsk at 12, Kopernik Street, was found in 1940 (it was initially called Oblast Station of Excursions and Tourism for Children, since 1977 - Oblast Station for Young Tourists, and since 1991 - Centre of Tourism, Sports and Excursions). The main objectives of the centre are to instill in children a love for their native land, for a healthy lifestyle through tourism and local history, to cultivate in them patriotism, responsibility, national consciousness as well as dignity [12].

The aim of the research is to analyze tourist and sports activities in Volyn Oblast to outline group activities of CTSE (the Centre of Tourism, Sports and Excursions), as well as to evaluate the activities of CTSE.

The Material for the Research and the Methods. The analysis of tourist and sports activities in Volyn Oblast Centre of Tourism, Sports and Excursions (CTSE); involvement of children in group tourist and sports activities of CTSE.

The Results of the Research. Discussion. Volyn Oblast Centre of Tourism, Sports and Excursions includes 7 stations for young tourists; 14 branch offices of CTSE; 3 tourist and local history departments in centres of extracurricular education and houses of children and youth creativity; 27 base middle schools of general education of the three levels of accreditation of general education; 16 supporting middle schools of general education of the two levels of accreditation; 2 tourist centres of CTSE - «Yunyi Turyst» («Young Tourist»), «tabir «Soniachnyi» («camp «Sunny») [12].

CTSE is a widely accessible extracurricular educational establishment, which meets the requirements of individuals in their creative self-actualizing, as well as in arranging meaningful leisure, acquiring knowledge, abilities and skills according to interests and wishes children have [6; 10].

The main form of teaching and educational activities in CTSE is a class in groups, sections and clubs. More than two thousand children are involved in these activities, the latter including 22 tourist and local history sections, such as hiking, nautical tourism, bicycle touring, ski touring, multisport race, orienteering, topography, young tourists, organizers of tourist and local history activities, as well as various local history and research, sports and recreational, military and patriotic sections [4; 11].

In 2009, 1005 group members (60 groups) were involved in group activities of CTSE in Volyn Oblast, 1008 group members (65 groups) in 2010, 1024 group members (65 groups) in 2011, 1063 group members (69 groups) in 2012, 1115 group members (71 groups) in 2013,1260 group members (72 groups) in 2014 [2; 3; 12].

«Tourist and sports» groups occupy the biggest niche in tourist and local history activities in Volyn Oblast, 5940 students being members of 371 groups. «Tourist and sports» groups include such sections as tourist and sports, hiking, ski touring, nautical tourism, mountaineering, bicycle touring, spelunking, sports tourism, orienteering, organizers of tourist and local history activities, school of safety (young rescuers), rock climbing, tourism and young tourists [8; 9].

«Tourist and sports» sections include 24 groups and 321 students.

These clubs operate at the basis of the Palaces, youth centers, schools, region and municipal centers of young tourists. 63 kinds of hiking trips are carried out, 9 of which operate at the District Centre of Tourism, Sport and Excursions; 54 kinds of hiking trips operate in other educational establishments. In total, 963 schoolchildren take part in outbound tourism, 162 of them attend the meetings in the Centre, and 801 schoolchildren attend other educational establishments [1]. «Ski tourism» is organized by 1 group, 16 people are engaged in it. The group functions on the basis of the Tourism, Sport and Excursion Centre. «Outdoor tourism» consists of 3 groups where 40 schoolchildren study. Of these, 2 clubs operate at the Tourism, Sport and Excursion Centre, 20 members study the technology in the field of tourism, 1 club operates at school, where 20 members study. «Mountain tourism» is given to 1 club, and it is attended by 15 children. This club operates at the District Center for Tourism, Sports and Local Studies. «Cyclotourism» is organized by 9 clubs and 270 members. 1 group operates at the Centre, 8 groups operate at other educational establishments.

15 members are being taught in the Centre, and 255 members attend other out-of-school educational clubs. «Potholing» has no clubs, as in Volyn region there are no recourses for this kind of tourism and local studies activities. Although our students participated in speleo-orientation competitions [2; 3]. «Sport tourism» has 59 clubs, 11 of them operate on the basis of Tourism Centre and 48 clubs operate on the basis of other educational establishments. The number of members is 946: 177 members study in the Centre, 769 members study in other establishments. «Orienteering» has 52 clubs: 6 clubs operate at the Tourism, Sport and Excursion Centre, 46 clubs operate at other educational establishments; the number of members is 79 and 792 respectively. The organizers of tourism and local studies activities work in 3 clubs, they have 72 students. All these clubs function on the basis of the District Center of Tourism, Sport and Excursions. Safety School (Young Rescuers) has 55 clubs and 723 members. The clubs operate at school and in centers of young tourists. «Alpinism» has no skills and resources available for the young tourists in Volyn region.

The «tourist» vector consists of 14 interest groups with 242 pupils in them. These interests groups work on the basis of different Halls, Youth centres and centers of young tourists. Centers of young tourists include 28 interest groups and 465 children. There are 6 main interest centers attended by 95 pupils. There are 22 interest groups with 370 pupils in them in other educational institutions.

Conclusions and Further

Research. The centre of tourism, sport and excursions has made a significant contribution into the development of tourist and country study sphere of the region for the period of more than 70 years.

Nowadays, it is one of the leading sectors for children and teenager tourism in Ukraine that refers to out-of-school institutions. The members of the Centre are the participants of different competitions, gatherings and conferences. This Centre organized many tours and excursions. Its members achieved high results.

Tourist and sport vectors are the most developed in the region with 371 interest groups and 5940 pupils in them. The development of children and teenager tourism in Ukraine has stabilized in recent years and there is some data showing the improvement of tourist work

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  • History of sports betting. The "cash out" option in sports betting. The main determinants of the betting process. To test the hypothesis that the risk-aversion as the factor that makes individuals accept the amount to "cash out" proposed by a bookmaker.

    дипломная работа [651,3 K], добавлен 04.11.2015

  • Psychology of the incentive. Benefits of Incentive Travel. Group and Individual Incentives. Cruise Incentives. Travel incentives are a reward subset of an incentive, recognition or a loyalty program. The growing importance of religious tourism.

    реферат [19,3 K], добавлен 26.12.2013

  • The Olympic Games have a very long history. It is old tradition in the world of sports. The Olympic Games take place every four years. The Olympic Games Committee decides the place of the Olympic Games and the sports that the athletes will compete in.

    реферат [18,6 K], добавлен 04.07.2013

  • Инфраструктура бизнес-центра "Renaissance Moscow Monarch Centre". Прайс-лист гостиницы. Услуги интерактивного и платного телевидения в отеле. Организация хранения личных вещей проживающих. Спортивно-оздоровительные комплексы. Размещение с животными.

    курсовая работа [2,7 M], добавлен 10.01.2014

  • Paintballing is one of the most popular outdoor participation sports around. Dress of paintball, the paintball guns used by Paintballgame. Rules in Paintball, team death match, two flags game. The basic cooperation is necessary in this game type.

    реферат [12,7 K], добавлен 26.12.2009

  • Теоретичні підходи щодо технології й організації подорожей на СПА-курортах. Характеристика визначних СПА-курортiв на міжнародному ринку. Дослідження туристично-рекреаційної галузі в діяльності підприємства "Rainbow Tours". Аналіз перспективних напрямів.

    курсовая работа [626,2 K], добавлен 28.11.2012

  • Понятие антикризисного управления, его сущность и методы. Организационное устройство и условия ведения бизнеса в гостинице. Анализ его внутренней среды, кадрового состава и обеспеченности трудовыми ресурсами. Оптимизации системы управления персоналом.

    дипломная работа [698,3 K], добавлен 22.02.2017

  • Особенности транспортной инфраструктуры Арабских Эмиратов. Транспортное обеспечение туристских потоков для доставки в туристические центры страны. Формирование туристских маршрутов: отель City Centre Hotel and Residence и Aydinbey Famous Resort Hotel.

    курсовая работа [466,6 K], добавлен 16.12.2010

  • The general information of Victor Wild, who won gold medals in the parallel slalom and parallel giant slalom at 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi (his sport career, achievements and awards, childhood, ptinciples of training and diet, methods of relax).

    презентация [644,1 K], добавлен 28.06.2017

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