The role of the coach in equestrian sport

Bridging the gaps by understanding the role of trainers in equestrian sports. The role of a sports coach in the development of physical, mental, tactical, technical and psychological qualities of an athlete. Organization of an individual training plan.

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Дата добавления 21.03.2024
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State Institution "Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University",

The role of the coach in equestrian sport

Olena Shynkarova

Ph.D. in Pedagogics, Associate Professor of the Department of Olympic and Professional Sports

Liliia Semyvolos

M.A. Student in Physical Culture and Sports



This article aimed to address the void in current knowledge by gaining an understanding of the coaches' role in equestrian sport. This research suggests that the role of the sports coach is to develop the physical, mental, tactical, technical and psychological attributes of the athlete as well as to plan and organize the individual training plan for rider and horse and competition schedule.

Keywords: equestrian sport, coach in equestrian sport, coach's role and skills

Today in Ukraine, even in the face of a cruel war with Russia, the equestrian industry (both professional and amateur) is constantly recovering and developing. Equestrian sport schools and clubs, horse farms and centers continue their work. The horses are used not only for professional training of athletes, but also for leisure, hippotherapy and rehabilitation of the war-affected population. In this regard, the issue of training professional staff for the equestrian industry, including equestrian coaches, riding instructors, and hippotherapy instructors, who could effectively organize and conduct classes depending on the target audience, is relevant. trainer equestrian mental athlete

There are numerous equestrian disciplines ranging from horse racing and vaulting (gymnastics on horseback) to polo and others. There are three disciplines in the Olympic Games: dressage, three-day eventing and show jumping. Evidence of horses being ridden dates back to around 3500 BC. And chariot racing was popular in Ancient Greece. In Greek historian Xenophon's work “On Horsemanship” we can write about horses' training for dressage competitions. Show jumping appeared in England. The first area for 'horse leaping' was Dublin Horse Show in 1869. Three - day eventing was originally developed to test and prepare cavalry horse with its first competition held in 1902. So, nowadays equestrian is one of the most fascinating sports during the Olympics Games.

Ukrainian riders participate in competitions of various levels such as national and international, including the Olympic Games. Under the guidance of the International Equestrian Federation (FEI), the international equestrian competitions have also been held in Ukraine.

In the literature we find a number of researches devoted to the issues of horse breeding development, in particular with sports specialization (Bondarenko O., Hopka B., Ilnytska T., Suprun I., Tkachova I., Yermakova H. and others) as well as studies on the history and specifics of various types of equestrian sports (Blokhuis M., Keim Ch., Kyrychenko V., Lofgren E., Nikitina K., Vavryshchuk N. and others) and the peculiarities of the process of equestrian athletes' training (Kosyk I., Mishchenko O., Orendovska O., Pashchenko A., Repko O., Rusanovych V., Tymko E., Vasylynets O. and others).

It should be noted that special attention of scientists is paid to the study of professional, structural, personal, communicative, organizational and gnostic characteristics of the activity of future sport coaches (Burenko M., Danylko M., Dolynnyi Y., Serhienko V., Sushchenko A., Tolkach V. and others) and the development of complex methods for the quality training of future specialists in physical education in higher education institutions (Berezhna Zh., Chopyk T., Drozdov D., Levkiv V., Pavliuk E., Rebryna A.).

The analysis of scientific, educational and methodological literature shows that the scientific and methodological basis for the professional training of equestrian trainers has been studied insufficiently. This determined the relevance of the research topic. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate the peculiarities of education of future equestrian coaches in Ukraine.

Let us focus on the main aspects of professional activity and professional competence of equestrian coaches. Yu. Pavliuk analyzes the professional activity of a coach-teacher and distinguishes it as pedagogical, the content of which is training, upbringing, education and development of young athletes. The following functions of a coach-teacher are defined: organizational and managerial, advertising and promotion, moral and humanistic, communicative, recreational, sports and health (mass, pedagogical), educational and methodological, preventive, prognostic and diagnostic [1, 103 - 123, 179 - 182].

According to A. Rebryna, the main functions of a coach are: informational, educational, educational, and leadership. And the professionally important qualities of a sports coach include: professional (pedagogical), social, cognitive, emotional and volitional balance, high level of mental abilities, innovation, and sociability. It is essential that professional (pedagogical) abilities include such groups as organizational, didactic, perceptual, expressive, communicative and constructive skills [2, 88].

It is recognized that the role of modern equestrian coach is diverse and often not fully understood. The equestrian coach plays a basic role in satisfaction and ultimately retention of riders, their overall enjoyment. M. Blokhuis has revealed the importance of the coach-athlete relationship and that the strength of this relationship should be based on closeness, co-orientation, and complementarity [3, 114].

V. Lewis et al. [4] declares that equestrian coaches are responsible not only for directing training sessions, but also for the overall social and psychological well-being of the athlete both inside and outside the sporting arena. The successful coaches share several common qualities: the ability to select the most important leadership behaviors; a personal desire to foster personal development; organizational skills in planning and organizational skills in planning and preparation; a strong sense of goals, philosophy, and personality.

The analysis of a number of scientific studies on the peculiarities of a coach professional activity has made it possible to identify the following main features of their professional activity: a) the leading role of a coach in the educational and training process; b) irregular working hours; c) personal responsibility for the physical and mental condition of athletes; d) the obligation to have information about the personal life and health of their students or athletes; e) personal physical fitness of a high level; f) increased stress during professional activity.

In our opinion, this best expresses the peculiarities of the professional activity of an equestrian coach as well. In addition, the main features of an equestrian coach activity are their publicity; the obligation to constantly maintain communication with a large number of people; a high level of professional risk and stress; inevitable professional defeats after ups and downs.

Thus, an equestrian sports coach carries out: firstly, recruits riders to a sports school or an equestrian sports section; secondly, organizes the training and educational work, supports a constant development of riders' level of physical and mental well-being, using a variety of techniques, methods and means of training; thirdly, provides sports orientation for the most promising riders for further sports improvement; fourthly, ensures the strengthening and protection of the health of their riders, helps to eliminate cases of various types of doping; fifthly, implements the adopted curriculum and training schedule, maintains documentation of training groups, and carries out control and monitoring achievements of riders.

At the same time, the deep essence of equestrian sport is the interaction between horse and rider, the training of a sports couple, in which the rider is required to possess a number of specific qualities, both physical, psychological and spiritual. Therefore, the activities of an equestrian coach are aimed at implementing simultaneous work with a rider and a horse and include the following areas:

the formation and improvement of the athlete's physical abilities and sports skills;

the formation and improvement of the horse's physical abilities and sports skills;

the improvement of the interaction between the athlete and the horse.


In the context of equestrian sports, the coach seems to be an important agent influencing the level achievements of participants. Equestrian sports coaches must respond to specific personality as well as physical and social factors; have the ability to develop a positive supportive and appropriate relationship with the riders and between riders and horses; work on a step-by-step basis with people and horses (without pressure and violence); possess a deep professional knowledge; be able to motivate and organize successful training process and so on.


1. Павлюк Є. О. (2017). Теоретичні і методичні засади професійного становлення майбутніх тренерів-викладачів у процесі фахової підготовки: автореф. дис. на здоб. наук. ступ. дра пед. наук: 13.00.04; Хмельницький нац. ун-т., Хмельницький.

2. Ребрина А. А. (2021). Особливості професійно-педагогічної дільності тренера- викладача з виду спорту та його професійно- важливі якості. Науковий часопис НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова, 9 (140), 86 - 89.

3. Blokhuis M. Z. (2019). Interaction between rider, horse and equestrian trainer: a challenging puzzle. Elanders: Stockholm.

4. Lewis V, Dumbell L, Cameron L, York S. (2022). The Role of the coach in elite equestrian sport. Journal of Physical Fitness, Medicine & Treatment in Sports, 9(5).

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