Розробка способу добору високожиттєздатного матеріалу в селекційній роботі з шовковичним шовкопрядом

Методика добору селекційного матеріалу на основі використання комплексного показника – індексу загальної життєздатності. Аналіз структури фенотипної мінливості й екологічна адаптивність порід шовковичного шовкопряда в умовах різносезонних вигодівель.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 07.03.2014
Размер файла 292,7 K

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A new method of choosing a selection material based on the general viability index that allows the selection for such index to be efficiently carried out and an adaptive potential of the silkworm to be improved has been used for the first time.

This thesis makes an attempt to study the mechanisms of the selection for viability and any possible consequences thereof. This was facilitated by the use of the multiple-directed selections at both `plus' and `minus' directions of a contrast, as regards its productivity level, initial silkworm material under multiple-season rearing conditions.

For the first time, the influence of the multiple-directed selection for the general viability on the genetic structure of productivity features of artificial silkworm populations has been studied.

In order to improve the adaptive capacity of highly productive silkworm races, the application of the `plus' direction of selection material based on the general viability index under pessimum background rearing conditions has been proposed at the first stages of the selection process.

K e y w o r d s: general viability, multiple-directed selection, selection material, genetic structure, productivity.

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