Дуб червоний (Quercus rubra L.) в лісових насадженнях Львівщини

Проведено ботанічну ідентифікацію, уточнено наукову назву та лісівничі особливості поширеного в лісовому господарстві інтродукованого з Америки дуба червоного. Встановлено, що на Львівщині дуб червоний знаходиться в зоні оптимальної вологості клімату.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 22.06.2014
Размер файла 57,1 K

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The botanical identification of northern red oak has been made, it was specified the scientific name and row peculiarities of spreaded in forest economy this introduced species from America. So as the basis limitative factor or the growth of this species in Ukraine is the deficit of moisture it was analyzed the climate moisture level of the territory of the country as for its conformity to the moderate zone of the northern red oak natural range. It was revealed that Lviv region has the best climatic conditions for its growth.

The row of inside-specific taxons of the species has been separated and it was studed their economic importance. It was deepnly studed the level of the biological firmness of northern red oak and it was point out the ways of its rise. The interactive peculiarities of the species and its influence on the soil were studed. It is shown forest peculiarities of the growth of pure and mixed forest-stands of northern red oak with basis forest species and it is suggested scientificly substantiated rational methods of the forest economic keeping in them.

Key words: northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.), firmness, core wood, forest-biological peculiarities, competition.

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