Особливості формування урожаю і якості насіння квасолі в залежності від комплексного застосування агротехнічних та хімічних заходів боротьби з бур'янами в умовах лівобережного Лісостепу України

Характер дії на рослини квасолі сорту Харківська штамбова різних видів гербіцидів. Характер та ступінь пригнічення гербіцидами основних груп бур'янів. Оптимальні способи посіву та раціональна система захисту посівів штамбових сортів квасолі від бур'янів.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.06.2014
Размер файла 43,9 K

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Ключевые слова: фасоль, штамбовые сорта, гербицид, засоренность, урожайность, харнес, трефлан, базагран, полосный двухстрочный посев.

Salo A.S.Peculiarities of yield and quality formation in bean seeds depending on complex application of agrotechnical and chemical protection techniques against needs in the conditions of the Left Coast of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. - Manuscript.

The thesis for a candidate of agricultural sciences degree on speciality 06.01.09 - Yurjev Plant Production Institute UAAS, Kharkov, 2002.

The author has presented the results of his three year field researches on studying influence of different kinds of herbicides and sowing methods on the conditions of stam haricot species grown under the conditions of Ukrainian leftbank forest-steppe. The economic and energetic analysis of studied herbicides, terms of their applying and sowing methods of haricot (species Kharkovskaya stam) has been carried out.

It has been ascertained that under the conditions of Kharkov region the applying of basic (treflan, harnes, prometrin) and insurance (basagran, olymp, phyuzilad-super) herbicides on the background of two soil loosings in the spaces between wide rows of crops is a highly effective suppression method in the crops of haricot stam species.

5 kilos of treflan applied on one hectare of typical chernozems directly in presowing cultivation can have an inhabiting effect on haricot sprouts of Kharkovskaya stam species. It results decline of seed germination on the fields. Inhabiting effect of the herbicide isn't revealed when the first cultivation. The rest of the herbicides studied in this experiment don't suppress the haricot. The applying of the basic herbicides (treflan, harnes, prometrin) provided a stronger weeds suppression in the cjmparison, with the effect of insurance herbicides (basagran, olymp, fyuzilad-super) under the mixed type of field obstruction. The calculations showed that complex applying of basic and insurance herbicides can destroy weeds more effect and completely. The applying of herbicides under the zone conditions did not reduce the biological activity of the typical chernozem.

The applying of herbicides cuts crops obstruction as well as promotes better water supply for haricot and provides growth of the crop productivity.

Harnes as one of the basic herbicides was conductive to the highest yield of haricot seeds (average, during three years +6,4 metric centner/ha) and prometrin (+3,7 metric centner/ha) the lowest yield. The insurance herbicides effect the yield of stam haricot species under the conditions of Kharkov region less than the basic ones.

The complex applying of the basic and insurance herbicides was conductive to the highest yields of Kharkovskaya stam haricot seeds under the mixed type of crops odstruction - the average supplement of seed yield ranged from 4.3 till 8,4 metric centner/ha for three research years that makes up 32,3-50,9% of the yield level in the check crops. The highest economic and energetic effect was reached in the same version as well.

The herbicides applying did not influence the quality of haricot seeds appreciably. The presence of the residual quantities of herbicides in the haricot seeds was not found.

Under the conditions of the Ukrainian left bank forest-steppe and intensive mixed type of field obstruction both the highest, stalest crop capacity and the highest effectiveness in cultivation of Kharkovskaya stam haricot is assured by the band two-lined sowing method. It combines two soil loosing between rows and complex applying of harnes (2,8 l/ha) under presowing cultivation with the following spray of bazagran (2 kg/ha) on the haricot crops in two leaf stage.

Key words: haricot, stam sorts, herbicide, obstruction, crop capacity, harnesazagran, band two rowed sowing.

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