The influence of stress resistance and stress sensitive of boars on the level of conditioned reflex activities and sperm efficiency
Long-term breeding of pigs aimed to increase productivity and amount of meat. Research the influence of stress resistance and steadiness of neural processes on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of boars sperm efficiency of various breeds.
Рубрика | Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 28.12.2017 |
Размер файла | 21,7 K |
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Vinnytsia national agrarian university
Zotko M.O., candidate of biological science,
associate professor
Formulation of the problem
Nowadays we revive and build hog-breeding industrial complexes, but only 40-60% of genetic potential productivity of animals is being realized in conditions of intensive technology [1].
The industrial technology of hog-breeding runs contrary to the physiological characteristics of the organism, established over a long evolution.
That's why the problem of various stresses influence on the animals is rather actual for hogbreeding. The long-term breeding of pigs aimed to increase productivity and amount of meat had a negative impact on their adaptive properties to various stressors [1].
It was proved that purposeful breeding and early accustoming of boars to phantom facilitates obtaining sperm at the age of 4-5 months and allows evaluating their semen; it also allows conducting a complex assessment of the boars-sires development and performance at the age of 6 months [3].
stress resistance boar sperm
Material and methods of research
The aim of the work was to research the influence of stress resistance and steadiness of neural processes on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of boars sperm efficiency of various breeds.
The research was conducted under the conditions of industrial complex, we took boar-sires of such breeds as Large White, Poltava beef, Landrace and Duroc got from the parents of class elite and elite-record.
The stress resistance and stress sensitive of boars was determined by halothane method; the boars were of the age of 45-50 and 60 days.
The 7-8 months boars were trained to copulate with stuffed animals. Sperm was taken once a week, and its volume was determined, activity and concentration of spermatozoa in 1 ml. were also researched.
While the first conditioned reflexes of getting sperm were observed we also researched the animals behavior.
Experimental and digital material was treated by variational statistics. The difference is veritable at *Р<0.05; **Р<0.01; ***Р<0.001.
The results of research
The research analysis has proved that the boars of Landrace and Large White breeds are the most stress sensitive, respectively 40.0 and 36.5% (table 1).
The largest number of stress stable animals (table 1) is among the Landrace breed (70.5%), the smallest number of stress stable animals is among the Large White breed (58.5%).
Table 1
Boars reaction by halothane method
Breed |
Tested, heads |
Reaction |
positive, % |
negative, % |
questionable,% |
Duroc |
27 |
23.5 |
70.5 |
6.0 |
Poltava beef |
20 |
25.0 |
62.5 |
12.5 |
Landrace |
15 |
40.0 |
60.0 |
- |
Large White |
42 |
36.5 |
58.5 |
6.0 |
The part of tested boars had doubtful reaction; they are the animals of Duroc, Large White (6.0%) and Poltava beef breed (12.5%).
The second test at the age of 60 days has proved that animals reaction of all breeds has improved; they have better stress resistance. That's why the halothane method should be used at the age of 45-50 days. The process of boars training for sperm getting has proved that conditional sex reflexes formed after unconditional sex reflexes; these conditional sex reflexes should be maintained during the period of operation. The experimental results have proved that stress resistant animals need fewer attempts with stuffed animal for getting first copulation and ejaculation in artificial vagina (table 2).
Table 2
The formation of conditioned reflexes, (M±m), n=20
Breed |
Group of animals |
Reflex act |
number of attempts for copulation |
lim |
Duroc |
Stress resistant |
3.17±0.43 |
2-7 |
Stress sensitive |
4.21±0.27 |
3-8 |
Poltava beef |
Stress resistant |
2.31±0.35* |
1-5 |
Stress sensitive |
4.05±0.11* |
2-6 |
Landrace |
Stress resistant |
2.21±0.24* |
1-6 |
Stress sensitive |
3.52±0.32* |
2-12 |
Large White |
Stress resistant |
2.10±0.15 |
1-7 |
Stress sensitive |
4.21±0.46 |
3-14 |
The first conditioned reflexes (table 2) appear at the first-seven combination of conditioned and unconditioned stimulus; the stress resistant boars need fewer combinations than stress sensitive boars by 32.8-100.2%.
Stress sensitive animals have lower characteristics (Р<0.05 - Р<0.01) of conditioned reflex activity, it is characterized by slow formation of conditioned reflexes of the first copulation with phantom.
It was proved that stress resistant animals adapt more quicker to new conditions, allowed near to his person, the first reflexes occur without complications.
Stress sensitive animals have long starter reflex, slowly get used to new conditions, restless react to strangers and talks. Boars are gradually accustomed to the arena in monotonous conditions.
There are cowardly boars with a distinct passive-defensive reflex among animals positive to stress. They are characterized by posture of alertness, front legs are extended, head turned towards external stimulus. They have reduced efficiency, undeveloped processes of excitation and inhibition; that's why there is often external inhibition. It should be mentioned that two stress sensitive boars were not taught to copulate with stuffed animal.
As a result of the research it was proved that semen volume and sperm concentration depends on stress sensitive of boars-sires (table 3).
Table 3
Sperm efficiency of boars from different breeds and with various stress resistance (M±m), n=18
Breed |
Stress resistant |
Stress sensitive |
Stress resistant ± stress sensitive, % |
Semen volume, ml. |
Concentratio n of sperm, billion / ml |
Semen volume, ml |
Concentrati on of sperm, billion / ml |
Semen volume, ml |
Concentrati on of sperm, billion / ml |
Duroc |
198.2±9.87* |
0.30±0.03 |
108.8±8.4* |
0.29±0.02 |
182.2 |
103.4 |
Poltava beef |
100.0±4.35* |
0.26±0.04 |
51.0±4.2* |
0.25±0.03 |
163.9 |
104.0 |
Landrace |
188.1±21.29* |
0.28±0.01 |
123.3±26.4* |
0.23±0.04 |
152.6 |
121.7 |
Large White |
222.1±10.1* |
0.23±0.02 |
155.4± 18.3* |
0.22±0.04 |
142.9 |
104.5 |
The stress stable animals of all breeds prevailed stress sensitive counterparts by the semen volume and sperm concentration respectively by 42.9-82.2 and 3.4-21.7% during the first two months of sperm getting (table 3).
The boars of the Duroc breed had the largest difference of the semen volume; it was 82.2%; the difference is veritable at (Р<0.05).
The stress resistant boars of all breeds had a tendency to a higher concentration of sperm in 1 ml of semen 3.4 - 21.7%.
The largest number of stress sensitive animals is among the Landrace breed and the Large White breed. The stress resistant animals have the first conditioned reflexes for copulation earlier than the stress sensitive animals. They also dominated stress sensitive boars by semen volume and sperm concentration, respectively by 42.9-82.2 % and 3.4-21.7%.
Prospects for further research. In the future it is advisable to conduct a study of the technological impact of stress on the quantity and quality of boar sperm depending on the breed.
Список використаної літератури
1. Дробина О.О. Спермопродуктивність кнурів різних порід в залежності від пори року // Львівська держ. вет. медицини ім. Гжицького. Науковий вісник. Львів, 2000. Т. 2, № 2, ч. 3.С. 39-42.
2. Зотько М.О. Репродуктивні якості свиноматок різної стресостійкості. // М.О. Зотько. Тваринництво України.- 2011. №3 С. 26-28.
3. Кокорина Э.П. Условные рефлексы и продуктивность животных / Кокорина Э.П.М.:Агропромиздат, 1986, -С. 228-230.
4. Пляценко С.П. Стрессы у сельскохозяйственных животных / Пляценко С.П., Сидоров В.Т. М.:Агропроиздат, 1987.С. 159-178.
5. Топіха В.С. Спермопродуктивність кнурів різних генотипів / В.С. Топіха, К.Т. Дацун, І.В. Марчук, В.І. Топіка // Вісн. аграр. науки. 1998. № 8.С. 31-32.
Stress resistance and sensitive of boars influence on their conditioned reflex activities and sperm efficiency. The stress resistant animals have the first conditioned reflexes for copulation earlier than the stress sensitive animals. They also dominated stress sensitive boars by semen volume and sperm concentration, respectively by 42.9-82.2% and 3.4-21.7%.
Keywords: stress resistance, stress sensitive, reflexes, stuffed animals, sperm efficiency, semen volume, sperm concentration.
Стресостійкість і стресочутливість кнурів-плідників впливає на їх умовнорефлекторну діяльність та показники спермопродуктивності. У стресостійких тварин, в порівняно із стресочутливими, перші умовні рефлекси садки на чучело виникають швидше. Вони переважали стресочутливих кнурів за об'ємом еякуляту та концентрацією сперматозоїдів, відповідно на 42,9-82,2 та 3,4-21,7%.
Ключові слова: стресостійкість, стресочутливість, умовні рефлекси, чучело, спермопродуктивність, об'єм сперми, концентрація сперматозоїдів.
Стрессоустойчивость и стрессочутливительность хряков влияет на уровень их условно-рефлекторной деятельности и показатели спермопродуктивности. В стрессоустойчивых животных, по сравнению из стрессочуствительными хряками, уловный рефлекс садки на чучело возникал быстрее. Они превосходили стрессочуствительных хряков за объемом спермы и концентрацией сперматозоидов, соответственно, на 42,9-82,2 и 3,4-21,7%.
Ключевые слова: стрессоустойчивость, стрессочутливительность, условные рефлексы, чучело, спермопродуктивность, объем спермы, концентрация сперматозоидов.
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