Characteristics of forest soils on moraine deposits under various types of site conditions

Characteristics of sandy soils on moraine deposits. The content of nitrogen and humus in the soils of moist and fresh boron. Changes in the granulometric composition and nutrient content in sandy soils on morainic sediments in different forest conditions.

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Characteristics of forest soils on moraine deposits under various types of site conditions

V. Krasnov, S. Sukhovetska Житомирський державний технологічний університет

O. Zborovska, Поліський філіал Українського науково-дослідного інституту лісового господарства і агролісомеліорації ім. Г.М. Висоцького

V. Landin Інститут агроекології і природокористування НААН,


Родючість і охорона ґрунтів.

Наведено результати дослідження гранулометричного складу та вмісту поживних елементів генетичних горизонтів дерново-підзолистих ґрунтів, сформованих на моренних відкладах у різних типах лісорослинних умов. Дослідження проводили у сухих, свіжих, вологих борах і свіжих суборах. Виявлено, що основна кількість коренів сосни звичайної концентрується на глибині до 70 см. Встановлено, що у всіх типах лісорослинних умов переважаючою фракцією у ґрунтах є мілкий пісок. Відзначено більший уміст нітрогену, калію та гумусу у свіжих суборах порівняно із свіжими борами, а також більший уміст нітрогену та гумусу у ґрунтах вологих борів порівняно із свіжими борами.

Ключові слова: лісові ґрунти, морена, соснові лісові культури, родючість ґрунту, дерново-підзолисті ґрунти.

Soil formation, as well as forest soil formation, in Polissia of Ukraine is closely connected with geomorphology and geology of the territory. Researches admit that moraine and moraine-outwash valleys refer to the main relief types of plains [1]. Glacial deposits (moraine) occur on high hills and their gentle slopes. They are formed from debris brought by moving glacier. Moraine occurs more seldom on the plain areas and lowlands because there it is washed up by strong water-glacier flows. As a rule, moraine is covered by sands and sandy loam of different thickness and doesn't rise to the surface. Moraine also performs a water retaining function. As a result, atmospheric precipitation accumulates above the moraine level forming ground water or irregular temporary water. Thus, moraine layer supplies soils and vegetation with moisture and nutrients by mitigation the process of their loss from sandy soil layer [2].

Fertility of soils under forest plantations of Polissia region is extremely diverse due to their «heterogeneous» nutritiousness, as well as granulometric and mineralogical composition. Such heterogeneousness, along with mentioned above factors, is connected with forest vegetation, first of all with forest tree species. As the result, forest soils differ from those formed under herbaceous plants [3]. Many soil processes (acidation, humus accumulation, leaching, podzolity etc.) depend on species composition of trees. Tree species influence on soil structure, soil chemistry and aeration, water and thermal balance, as well as on the composition and the intensity of microflora, fungi and soil fauna activity [4, 5].

It is known that growth intensity, composition and structure of forest stands also depend on soil properties. Together with agrochemical properties of forest soils in certain types of forest conditions of Polis- sia of Ukraine [6, 7], scientists studied matter turnover between plants and soil [8, 9]. Meanwhile, researches underlined that the information about soil fertility allows planning necessary measures, which can be useful when creating and growing forests [10]. Nevertheless, such research is of fragmentary character. A lot of issues, including properties of sandy soils formed on different parent rocks, have not been studied yet.

Materials and research methods.

The research goal is to define peculiarities of sandy soils, i.e. granulometric composition and the content of nutrients of genetic horizons formed on moraine deposits in different types of forest conditions.

Research was conducted in forest plantations of SE «Malyn FE», which is located within the borders of Rozvazhevsk-Chorno- bylmoraine-outwash valley with areas of moraine-hilly-undulating relief of Kyiv Polissia [11]. Sample plots were laid out in forest cultures of scots pine formed in different types of forest conditions: dry, fresh, moistbory and fresh subory on moraine deposits in Irshansk Forestry of mentioned above Forest Enterprise (Table 1).

Soil cuts are laid out on all sample plots; genetic horizons are separated and soil morphological features are described; soil types are defined and samples are selected for further investigation [12].Following analyses are made in the laboratory conditions: granulometric analysis by pipette method (A. Kachynsky's variant with preparation of soil for the analysis by pyrophosphate methods according to S. Dolgov and A. Lichma nova); calculation of specific weigh by bottle method; determining metabolic and actual acidity according to State Standard 2648485, as well as humus content by oxidemetric method according to State Standard 4289:2004; determining mobile phosphorus and potassium according to Kirsanov (State Standard 4405:2005), and determining hydrolyzed nitrogen according to Cornfield [13, 14].

Table 1. Taxation characteristics of scots pine cultures on sample plots*




Composition of plantation



Average height, m

Average diameter, cm



Reserve at the density 1.0, m3-ha-1

Dry bory



100 % Scots pine








100 % Scots pine








100 % Scots pine






Fresh bory



90 % Scots pine

10 % Silver birch








100 % Scots pine








100 % Scots pine






Moist bory



90 % Scots pine

10 % Silver birch








80 % Scots pine

20 % Silver birch








80 % Scots pine

20 % Silver birch






Fresh subory



80 % Scots pine

20 % Silver birch








100 % Scots pine








90 % Scots pine

10 % Common oak






Note: * Scots pine - Pinussylvestris L., Silver birch - Betulapendula Roth, Common oak - Quercusrobur L.

Results and discussion.

Soils on sample plots of SE «Malyn FE» are identified as soddy slightly- and soddy medium-podzolic sandy soils on moraine sediments. The latter soils are characterized by more sharp profile differentiation and the presence of continuouseluvial horizon.

Soils on moraine deposits in dry and fresh bory, and in fresh subory in the upper layer of soil profile to the depth of 70-140 cm are presented by fixed sands, which change into loose sands with depth. In moist bory, fixed sand changes into loose loamy sand from the depth of 70 cm.

Dry bory are characterized by soddy- slightly(medium)-podzolic sandy soils and fixed sandy soils on moraine sediments. Such forest conditions are inherent in high forms of relief. Profile differentiation into genetic horizons is not significant. Podzolic horizon is slightly distinguished on the general background and is characterized by the presents of whitish spots. The main peculiarity of these soils is dryness, because ground water occurs deeper than 3-5 meters and does not take part in soil formation. Under such conditions, the main source of watering is atmospheric precipitation which is drained quickly through sandy thickness outside roots-containing layer of soil. Continuous forest litter forms on the surface of such soils. Its thickness is of 7 cm and it consists of scots pine abscission and grassy vegetation. Humus horizon is of 4-12 cm thickness. The major portion of roots is concentrated in the layer from 0 cm to 40 cm. Considering the acidity these soils belong to medium-, weak-acid and close to neutral soils (pH = 4.6-5.7).

Forest stand in fresh bory grows on soddy slightly (medium)-podzolic fixed sandy soils formed on moraine deposits on plain or a little elevated territories.Ground water is located on the depth of 2-4 meters from the soil surface. It provides better conditions for soil watering if compare with conditions in dry bory. The degree and the depth of soil watering considerably depend on the atmospheric precipitations. Forest litter consists of scots pine abscission and grassy vegetation. Such forest litter is of 1-9 cm thickness. Soils contain a lot of roots and the major portion of them is in 0-50 cm layer. The density of humus-eluvial horizon is of 5-18 cm; the density of eluvial horizon is of 4-7 cm; and the density of illuvial horizon is of 20-61 cm. Soil acidity is medium-, and weak-acid - pH = 4.5-5.5.

Soils of moist bory are represented by one type - soddy medium-podzolic fixed sandy soils formed on moraine deposits. The thickness of the forest litter is of 3-13 cm and it consists of scots pine abscission, the remains of green moss and grassy vegetation. The major portion of roots occurs in soil layer down to 60 cm. Distinct genetic horizons are distinguished in soil profile. Thus, a thick eluvial horizon is located on 7-38 cm depth of soil cut. Values of soil acidity are from medium to neutral (pH = 4.7-6.5).

Fresh subory are characterized by fixed sandy soils on moraine sediments. According to the type of soil-forming species and soil genetic features these soils can be divided into soddy slightly-podzolic and soddy medium- podzolic. On these areas, ground water occurs on the depth of 2-4 m. The thickness of forest litter, which consists of scots pine abscission, green moss and grassy vegetation, is of 7cm. Root system is located in soil layer down to the depth of 75 cm. Soil acidity is medium-, weak- acid and close to neutral with corresponding pH values in the interval of 4.8-6.0.

Data generalization shows that the row «dry bory - fresh bory - moist bory - fresh subory» is characterized by the tendency of increasing both maximum values of the depth of roots location (down to 75 cm), and pH values to 6.0-6.5.

The analysis of granulometric composition of soil genetic horizons on sample plots was made by profile method which visually indicates peculiarities of soil types (Pic.).

Generalized soil profiles built after gathering data obtained from soil cuts under forest cultures of scots pine in different forest conditions are shown in the picture. Ordinate axis presents the depth of horizons occurrence, and abscissa axis presents the content of fractions in percentage. Obtained data indicate that fine sand is the prevailing soil fraction in all forest conditions.

Development of forest stands, first of all, is determined by the depth of root system occurance. On sample plots, root systems of scots pine occurred down to the depth of 40-75 cm. That's why, we studied the content of nutrients in root-containing layer of soil (Table 2).

After a single-factor analysis of variance of all indices in each of the types of forest conditions, a reliable difference among some of these types was determined. It was proved

Table 2. Indices of granulometric in composition and nutrients content in sandy soils on moraine deposits 50-cm soil layer in different types of forest conditions

Name of the index

Types of forest conditions

Dry bory

Fresh bory

Wet bory

Fresh subory

Sand fraction, %





Big-sized dust, %





Content of clay, %





Nitrogencontent, mg-kg-1 of soil





Phosphoruscontent mg-kg-1 of soil





Potassiumcontent mg-kg-1 of soil





Humus content, %





Table 3. Granulometric composition and nutrients content in sandy soils on moraine deposits in humus-eluvial layer of soil in different types of forest conditions

Name of the index

Type of forest conditions

Dry bory

Fresh bory

Moist bory

Fresh subory

Sand fraction, %





Big-sized dust, %





Content of clay, %





Nitrogencontent, mg-kg-1 of soil





Phosphoruscontent mg-kg-1 of soil





Potassiumcontent mg-kg-1 of soil





Humus content, %





In bory, when taking each next hygro type the content of physical clay increases by 22%. The same is in moist bory where the content of nitrogen and humus is by 51-52% higher than in fresh bory. Soils in fresh subory have the higher content of clay by 18%, nitrogen by 53%, potassium by 36%, and humus by 46% higher compared to soils in fresh bory.

The part of nutrients necessary for higher plants is located in organic substance of soil - humus. Humus consists of organic compounds and products of their interaction, as well as organic mineral complexes. The highest humus content is observed in the upper horizon of soil mineral part, as far as forest litter and forest abscission are the source for humus formation. Organic substances penetrate into lower horizons because they wash out from upper humus-accumulating horizon (HE). Features of the main nutrients content in humus-eluvial horizon occurred to be the same with features in 50-cm soil layer (Table 3).

Thus, compared to fresh bory, the content of nitrogen is by 60% higher and the content of humus is by 54% higher in upper layer of moist bory. There are clear differences in the contents of nitrogen, potassium and humus in fresh bory and fresh subory. Soils of sample plots contain 37% more potassium and 4155% more nitrogen and humus, respectively.


Sandy soils on moraine deposits are characterized by higher acidity, light granulometric composition, insufficient thickness of humus horizon, low humus content and low content of some macro elements. Nitrogen, potassium and humus contents are higher in fresh subory in comparison with fresh bory. Nitrogen and humus contents in soils of moist bory are higher than in fresh bory.

Regularities of changes in granulometric composition and in the content of nutrients in sandy soils on moraine deposits in different forest conditions are similar in upper horizons and in the whole soil profile. Thus, to define changes in characteristics of soils it is important to study just upper fertile soil layer.

sandy soil humus boron


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