Исходный материал яровой твердой пшеницы для селекции в Западном Казахстане

Особенности сортов твердой пшеницы, различных по скороспелости и развитию корневой системы. Выявление наиболее урожайных форм твердой пшеницы для региона Западного Казахстан. Изучение качества зерна по биохимическим и технологическим показателям.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
Вид автореферат
Язык русский
Дата добавления 15.04.2018
Размер файла 104,1 K

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1. Абугалиева А.И., Губашева Б.Е. Качество зерна и урожайность яровой твердой пшеницы в Западном Казахстане// Международная научно-практическая конференция «Реформа сельского хозяйства, развитие полеводства»: Тезисы научных сообщений - Уральск, ЗКАУ, 1998.

2. Губашева Б.Е Ценные по физико-химическим свойствам зерна образцы яровой твердой пшеницы// Материалы Международной научно- практической конференции «Стратегия земледелия и растениеводства на рубеже 21 века»- Алматы, 1999.

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4. A. Abugalieva, S. Abugalieva, В. Zhardemalieva, B. Gubasheva/ Durum Wheat Cultivars Genetic Markers and Grain Quality// EV\ ICC Cereal Conference 2002 ECC 2002 implementation of the European Research Area Vienna \Austria March 6-8, 2002.

5. А.И. Абугалиева, С.И. Абугалиева, А. Жардемалиева, Б.Е. Губашева Сравнительное изучение генофонда твердой пшеницы// Сборник «Использование достижений аграрной науки в стабилизации сельскохозяйственного производства Казахстана», Актобе, 2003.

6. Суханбердина Л.Х., Суханбердина Ф.Х., Губашева Б.Е. Продуктивность сортов твердой пшеницы// Вестник с.-х. наук, 2005, №8.

7. Суханбердина Л.Х., Суханбердина Ф.Х., Губашева Б.Е. Оценка технологических свойств зерна яровой твердой пшеницы// Вестник с.-х. наук, 2005, №9.

8. Губашева Б.Е. Орал ??ірі жа?дайында ?атты бидайды? сорт ?лгілеріні? биологиялы? ерекшеліктері// Жаршы// КазНАУ им. С.Сейфуллина. № 2, 2006.

9. Губашева Б.Е Батыс ?аза?стан облысы жа?дайында жазды? ?атты бидай д?ніні? технологиялы? сапа к?рсеткіштері// Исследования, результаты, 2007, №3.

10. Абугалиева А.И. Моргунов А.И., Губашева Б.Е., Тохтабакиева М.И., Джубатырова С.С. Биохимический состав, содержание каротиноидов и технологические свойства в характеристике твердой пшеницы по качеству зерна// Исследования, результаты, 2007, №4.


In dissertation work is brought analysis to productivity sort and sample spring durum for 10 years of the studies, conducted by author since 1996 on 2005 in collection nursery West-Kazakhstan agrarian-technical university of the name Zhangir khan.

The Purpose of the study was concluded in study and separation gene type spring durum on complex economic-valuable and biological characteristic for motivation of the models productive sort, meeting the terms arid climate West Kazakhstan

In dissertation work are generalised results of the experimental studies. The Broughted results of the study of the set sample spring durum on early-ripening, resistance to drought, in size assimilating surfaces, development of the root system, on productivity and her element.

As a result got given are revealed the most productive forms specific for region West Kazakhstan as source material with valuable sign and characteristic. The Sort and sample on base of the study quality grain on biochemical and technological factor on background of their productivities were classified.

In condition West-Kazakhstan area in the most favorable position are found early-ripening and majority среднеспелых sample, beside which in consequence of early выколашивания before coming the arid period, remains it is enough time for in tanks grain.

From got result possible to draw a conclusion that most value as source material for conditions West Kazakhstan present the sample of the durum with quick pace of development before ear (38-40 days) and sparingly long-lasting period ear-maturation (30-34 days).

The study drought durum in West-Kazakhstan area has allowed to select the sample, being of interest as source material for breeding on drought.

The Studies on revealing the dependencies between size area to sheet surface, drought and productivity within two groups to ripeness have shown that early-ripening sort differ the greater sheet surface, than среднеспелые of the sort. Weakly sample has a smaller sheet surface, than high drought sample.

Analysing intercoupling between productivity and her element we came to conclusion that main sign defining productivity sample durum in condition West Kazakhstan is productivity main ear. Increasing to productivity main ear possible to obtain increase granular, large grain or optimum combination two signs.

At estimation sort sample spring durum on biochemical and technological characteristic grain defined the following factors: glass grain, nature mass, amount and quality stickiness, contents squirrel.

Thereby, on base of the study of the collection material of the spring durum on each sign are chosen best sample within groups of ripeness, provided the most high productivity. The Parameters biological and economic characteristic characterizing the most productive forms possible to consider as representatives to the most preferred model sort for West Kazakhstan.

As a result of studies different sample spring durum, is chosen sample on the most important economic-biological sign, which can be a donor desirable sign future sort.

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