Захист ріпаку ярого від хрестоцвітих блішок

Розробка системи захисту посівів озимого ріпаку. Вивчення впливу інсектофунгіцидних протруників на схожість насіннєвого матеріалу. Обстеження сходів на пошкодженість листогризучими шкідниками. Аналіз чисельності хрестоцвітих блішок після обприскування.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
Вид статья
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 24.05.2020
Размер файла 2,3 M

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Найгірші показники схожості були у варіантах Роялфло, 48% в. с. к. - 5 л/т, Роялфло, 48% в. с. к. + Табу, 50% к. с. - 5 + 6 л/т, відповідно 77 і 76,5% на 9-ту добу.

Ключові слова: ріпак ярий, шкідники, шкідливість, хрестоцвіті блішки, заходи захисту.


Protection of spring rape from undulating flea beetles. Stankevych S.V.

Against the background of a stable deficit, the world's growing needs for vegetable oil are constantly increasing. Ukraine has every chance to become one of the leaders at the oil market because the areas under the rape crops as well as the average yields are growing year after year. The main reasons for the poor yield of rape are nonobservance of agricultural technology and large losses from the harmful organisms. The shortage of yield caused by the harmful organisms is 30-40% or even more. That is why the development of an effective and scientifically grounded system of rape protection under modern growing technology takes the first place. One of the most dangerous pests of winter rape is a complex of the undulating flea beetles that can do harm to the plants from the phase of sprouting and until the harvest ripening. According to our researches all 6 species of the undulating flea beetles are spread in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The most numerous species are Phyllotreta atra F. (about 71%) and Phyllotreta nigripes F., the latter is less numerous (about 16%).

The rest 4 species make up from 0.4 to 8.8% in the population structure. In the spring the first undulating flea beetles appear on the early cabbage weeds (first of all on colza), when the average daily temperature is at the level of 7-11 °C; it is the beginning of the first and third ten-day periods of April. The mass appearance of the undulating flea beetles occurs when the average daily temperatures exceed 11 °C and the sum of the effective temperatures above 5 °C is 101-130 °C, and it is the middle of the second and the third ten-day periods of April. The damage of spring rape sprouts caused by the leaf beetles both against the background with the fertilizers (N30P30K30) and against the background without the fertilizers significantly affects the weight of 1000 seeds. Against the background without the fertilizers it is a little less and R2 = 0,875 while against the background with the fertilizers R2 = 0.9986.

The yield capacity of spring rape both against the background with the fertilizers (N30P30K30) and against the background without the fertilizers depends on the degree of the sprouts damaged by the leaf-eating pests to a great extent. It is a little higher against the background without the fertilizers and R2 = 0.9995 while against the background with the fertilizers R2 = 0.9911.

The presowing toxicity of spring rape seeds with the subsequent spraying of the crops in the phase of sprouting, namely the toxicity of two pairs of true leaves, provides a reduction in the density of the undulating flea beetles population 7.5-10.0 times below the level of the economic threshold of harmfulness.

The best field germination of rape seeds both against the background without the fertilizers and against the background with the fertilizers is noted in the variants when applying Royal FLO, 48% of water and suspension concentrate + Taboo, 50% of suspension concentrate in the dose of 5.0 + 6.0 L./t. + Karate Zeon, 5% of microcapsule water suspension in the dose of 0.15 L./ha (in the phase of sprouting) and Maxim XL 035 FS, 35% of liquid suspension concentrate + Cruiser, 35% of liquid suspension concentrate in the dose of 5.0 + 4.0 L./t. + Karate Zeon, 5% of microcapsule water suspension in the dose of 0.15 L./ha (in the phase of sprouting). The least damage to the rape sprouts caused by the leaf-eating pests against both backgrounds was in the variants when applying the insecticide seed treatment agents Royal FLO, 48% of water suspension concentrate + Taboo, 50% of suspension concentrate in the dose of 5.0 + 6.0 L./t. + Karate Zeon, 5% of microcapsule water suspension in the dose of 0,15 L./ha (in the phase of sprouting) and Maxim XL 035 FS, 35% of liquid suspension concentrate + Cruiser in the dose of 5.0 + 4.0 L./t. + Karate Zeon, 5% of microcapsule water suspension in the dose of 0.15 L./ha (in the phase of sprouting); the damage was 40 and 42% respectively against the background without the fertilizers and it was 37% in both variants against the background with the fertilizers.

The highest yield capacity of spring rape was in the variants when applying Royal FLO, 48% of water and suspension concentrate + Taboo, 50% of suspension concentrate in the dose of 5.0 + 6.0 L./t. + Karate Zeon, 5% of microcapsule water suspension in the dose of 0.15 L./ha (in the phase of sprouting) and Maxim XL 035 FS, 35% of liquid suspension concentrate + Cruiser, 35% of liquid suspension concentrate in the dose of 5.0 + 4.0 L./t. + Karate Zeon, 5% of microcapsule water suspension in the dose of 0.15 L/ha (in the phase of sprouting); the yield capacity amounted to 0.307 and 0.322 t./ha respectively against the background with the fertilizers and to 0.261 and 0.271 t./ha against the background without the fertilizers. The applied insecticide and fungicide seed treatment agents have a negative effect on the laboratory germination of spring rape seed material. The worst indices of germination were noted in the variants when applying Royal FLO, 48% of water and suspension concentrate at a rate of 5.0 L./t. and Royal FLO, 48% of water and suspension concentrate + Taboo, 50% of suspension concentrate in the dose of 5.0 + 6.0 L./t. and on the 9th day these indices were 77.0% and 76.5%, respectively.

Key words: spring rape, pests, harmfulness, undulating flea beetles, measures of protection.

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