Evaluating the productivity of four sweet corn cultivars under the effect of different sowing dates
Yield study of four varieties of sweet corn on farms in Syria. Identifying the best variety and suitable date for spring and fall crops. Average number days early germination for cultivars under different sowing dates. The time of physiological maturity.
Рубрика | Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 18.01.2021 |
Размер файла | 827,0 K |
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Al-Furat University
Faculty of Agriculture
Department of «Field crops»
Evaluating the productivity of four sweet corn cultivars under the effect of different sowing dates
Al-Arfi A., Ass. Prof. of Agriculture
Al-Razak A., Ass. Prof. of Agriculture
Iman Issa Hasan Master student 3 year
Deir ez-Zor, Syria
The research was carried out at the Farms in the village of Ub al-Shawk lies to the east of the Governorate Hasaka - Syria, to evaluate the productivity of four cultivars of sweet corn: Salmonia, Guta-82, Sukaria, and Guta 1, during two seasons 2017, 2018 under different sowing dates in order to determine the best variety and the most suitable sowing date in spring and fall seasons.
Key words: Maize, Corn, Sowing date, LAI.
Влияние сроков посева на производительность четырех сортов сладкой кукурузы
Аль-Арфи А., д.с.-х.н. профессор; Аль-Разак А., д.с.-х.н. доцент; Хассан И.И., студент. Кафедра растениеводства, Университет Альфурата Дер-Аль-Зур, Сирия
Исследование проводилось в течение двух лет (2017-2018 гг.), на фермах в деревне Уб Аль-Шоук, расположенной к востоку от города Хасака - Сирия, чтобы определить урожайность четырех сортов сладкой кукурузы: Сальмония, Гута 82, Сукария и Гута 1, выявить лучший сорт и подходящую дату для весеннего и осеннего посевов.
Ключевые слова: кукуруза, зерно, кукуруза, сроки посева, ИЛП
Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the world's leading cereal crops. About two - thirds of the total world production of maize is used for livestock feed or for commercial starch and oil production [1, c. 58]. Maize (Zea mays L.) development is primarily driven by temperature, with air temperature being theoretical to enhance maize development from emergence to physiological maturity [2, c. 159]. Temperature is a major environmental agent that determines the rate of plant growth and development. Different genotypes may behave differently under similar environmental conditions. Concluded that seed yield of summer maize were increased with delay in harvest. Differences in temperature for growth, development and maturity were observed by sowing maize cultivars at different dates during summer [3, c.239].
Maize it is the third most important cereal crop after wheat and barley in Syria. Maize is cultivated both in spring and fall seasons in Syria due to the availability of temperate as well as tropical genetic material both in hybrids and open-pollinated maize cultivars. In 2007 it was cultivated on an area of 50.36 thousand hectares with a total production of 177 thousand tons and yield was 3520 kg ha-1. Many factors are responsible for the low yield of maize in Syria. One of the most important factors contributing to yield gap is a sowing of maize on appropriate sowing dates. Maize like many other crops that are cultivated in tropics is influenced by the environmental changes (temperature, rainfall etc.) associated with different sowing dates and the wider the deviation from the optimum sowing date the greater will be yield loss. Many researchers point out that the effect of sowing is higher in grain yields than in other traits. The failure to choose the appropriate time for sowing causes a significant crop loss of 53% of the total [4, c.239]. Maize biometrical parameters are significantly affected by planting methods [5, c.246]. Rasheed et al. observed increased leaf area, leaf area index, crop growth rate and net assimilation rate in different planting methods [6, c.169].
Taller plants with more leaves need a larger growing area and lower plant density than shorter ones. The size of the plant (height, weight, etc.) is in positive correlation with the length of the vegetative phase and the dry matter yield: taller hybrids produce a higher dry matter yield. However, the translocation rate of assimilates to the kernels of shorter hybrids was found to be greater than that of taller ones [7, c.169]. This was also reflected in the harvest indices. Mason et al. (1974) reported that dry matter yield showed a significant positive correlation to plant height and to ear height [8, c.693].
Leaf area index (LAI), it is ratio of leaf area to ground area. An accurate estimate of (LAI) is important for accurate simulations of crop light interception, transpiration and dry matter or biomass accumulation, and therefore has a large influence on crop growth and yield [9, c.693; 10, c257]. A typical LAI pattern begins with a slow increase in the season, followed by a rapid increase of LAI until a maximum value is reached. LAI then declines as the leaves senesce and plants reaches physiologically maturity.
The main objective of the present study is evaluating the productivity of four Sweet Corn Cultivars under the Effect of Different Sowing Dates in Syria.
Materials and Methods
Four genetically improved maize cultivars (Salmonia, Guta 82, Sukaria, and Gutal). The field experiment was conducted was carried out according at the Split plot during in the village of Ub al-Shawk lies to the east of the Governorate Hasaka - Syria, in the years 2017 - 2018, were The sowing dates occupied the main plot (15/4, 30/4, 15/5, 15/6, 1/7 and 15/7).
The soil was prepared with proper reagents, settling and softening, with recommended doses of fertilizer and irrigation by the Ministry of Agriculture. Where 12 units of nitrogen were added in two batches at planting and the second batch at flowering. Were added the phosphorus fertilizer at an average of (8 units / 1000 m) added before planting.
Plant each seed at the rate of 6 lines 6 m long and 70 cm between the line and the other and the length of planting 25 cm between drill and the other. The experiment was carried out in three replicates.
Studied parameters
1. Date of female flowering (to 50% tasseling): the number of days from sowing till the plants produced 50% of tassels in each sub-plot;
2. Date of Emergency (to 90% tasseling): the number of days from sowing till the plants produced 90% of tassels in each sub-plot;
3. Plant height: it was measured from the ground surface to the tip of the plant. Taken as an average of 10 plants per deal (in flower phase);
4. Height of first ear: from the soil surface to the base of the main stem. Taken as an average of 10 plants per deal (in flower phase);
5. Weight of 100 grain (g);
6. Garth of ear: it was measured at the bottom third of the ear. Taken as an average of 10 plants per deal (in flower phase);
7. Length of ear: from base of ear to top for ten ears taken randomly;
8. Number of rows in ear: from ten stems taken randomly;
9. Number of grains in ear: from ten stems taken randomly;
10. Seed yield: This was used of formula
Seed yield = Number of stems * wet weight * (100- measured humidity) * refinement ratio * 2.38 / Number of plants harvested * (100-15).
Where: 2.38s conversion from (Kg/m2) to (ton/ha); 15 is Humidity of grains;
Results and discussion
Time to Start Emergence (days)
In each plot at randomly selected places, time to start emergence was recorded by visiting the field daily. The time when the first seed started germination was recorded as time to start germination.
Salmonia Guta 82 sukaria Guta 1
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Figure 1. Average number days early germination for cultivars under different sowing dates
Soil moisture, agricultural depth and temperature play a key role in the number of days to start germination. It is noticed through the analysis of the data of Figure (1) that there are differences in this attribute between the cultivars and the dates, and the effect of the interaction between (cultivars and dates).
In the effect of the cultivar it is noticed that the Guta 82 was delayed in germination for an average of 15 days, while the other cultivars were grown after 10 and 11 days.
In the effect of the date, germination delayed at the first three times due to the low temperature of the soil at these dates as it grew on the first date (15/4) after 21 days which is a relatively long period decreased to 13 days on the second date and to 11 days on the third and fourth date until 8 days on the sixth date. As a mean, the difference between early and late sowing date was 5 days (15 and 10 days, respectively).
In effect of the interaction between cultivars and sowing date, the period of germination for all cultivars decreased. For example, the germination period decreased from 23 days on the first date to 8 days on the sixth date.
Date of female flowering
Figure 2 reveals that there are differences in this characteristic between the factors influencing the quality (cultivars, sowing date, and the effect of the interaction between cultivars & sowing).
In the effect of the cultivars it is noticed that the white Salmonia cultivar showed early date of female flowering compared to the other cultivars where it bloomed on average after 44 days and (47, 51days) for Guta 1 and Guta 82 respectively. In the effect of the sowing date, all cultivars showed early date of female flowering during the sixth time (36 days), while the date was delayed by the third time (60 days). In general, the cultivars bloomed during early sowing dates (1, 2 and
3) 51, 51 and 60 days respectively, from late sowing dates (4, 5 and 6) 41, 42, 36 days respectively.
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Figure 2. Average number days date offemale flowering date for cultivars under different sowing dates
In the effect of the interaction between (cultivars & sowing dates), the cultivars of late sowing dates showed early date of female flowering compared to their date of female flowering in the early sowing dates. For example, the period required for the date of female flowering of the white Salmonia variety decreased from 60 days on the third time to 35 days on the sixth time.
The time of physiological maturity
yield variety sowing sweet corn syria
The time of physiological maturity of the important qualities sought by plant raisers and the Selection of proper sowing date for fear of early frost especially in intensive agriculture and can shorten the time period of maturity either genetic improvement or choose a suitable planting date.
Figure 3 reveals that there are differences in this characteristic between the factors influencing the quality (cultivars, sowing date, and the effect of the interaction between cultivars & sowing).
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Figure 3. Effect of different sowing dates and genotypes on average days to maturity during two consecutive years
In the effect of the cultivar: for Guta 1, Salmonia and Guta 82, with an average of 83-84 days. For Sukaria was significantly higher than the rest of the cultivars at an average of 91 days, but remained relatively early.
In the effect of the sowing date: early maturity is observed with the delay in agriculture, where the number of days until maturity of 109, 95, 91 days for the first three dates respectively to 73, 78, 71 days at the dates of the fourth, fifth and sixth respectively.
In the effect of the interaction between cultivars & sowing date, the cultivars were early maturity during the sixth and fifth dates of all cultivars.Early sowing date
Plant height
Plant height is an important indicator of plant growth and development and results revealed that different cultivars, sowing date and (cultivars & sowing date) had a significant effect on the plant height of maize (Figure 4).
In the influence of the variety: Guta 82 was superior with an average of 177 cm followed by white Salmonia with an average of 174 cm superior to the rest of the cultivars, and Guta 1 with an average height of 151 cm. The shorter variety was Sukaria with an average of 138 cm.
In the effect of the date: the difference between the average of the first three dates in the early sowing date (148 cm), compared to the height of the 170 cm for the late sowing date. The height of the plant from the fifth date (175 cm) followed by the fourth date (171 cm) then sixth dates (166 cm).
In the effect of the interaction between cultivars & sowing date: the superiority of the variety Salmonia white during the sixth date at a height of 188 cm, and when investigating the behavior of cultivars in this attribute has increased the height of the plant with the delay of the date of cultivation has increased the plant height. For example, of the white salmonella from 148 cm on the first date to 155 and 160 cm in the second and third dates and increased its height in the fourth and fifth and sixth to 182, 188 cm respectively. These findings are in line with those of Younis and Hassan [11, c.169].
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Figure 4. Plant height (cm) in four cultivars of maize (Zea mays L.)
Ear height
The height of the main ear is a very important characteristic for breeding. The higher it is, the more ears can develop from the nodes below. However, if it is too high the weight of the ear may bend the stalk or even break it. Although lower ear height is unfavorable for yield and makes harvesting difficult, it does protect the stalk from excessive weight. Attempts have been made to breed in both directions, but practical experience shows that the ideal height is somewhere in between - neither too high, nor too low. It is extremely important for the ears to be at the same height within a population.
In the effect of the cultivar: the average height of the ear was increased in the white Salmonia cultivar with an average of 79 cm while in the cultivar Sukaria it decreased to 69 cm. In the effect of the sowing date: the height of the ear to 94 cm on the second date, while falling in late sowing dates, which was an average of 65 cm compared to the height of the ear in the early dates of 79 cm.
The cultivars & sowing dates interaction it has been affected by the height of the plant, but we find that the ears may be placed on the center of the plant at the first three dates, while near in the center and low center at the late dates, for example, the height of the ear at the level of white Salmonia in the first three sowing dates 82, 90, 75 cm respectively. In the three late sowing dates, the ear is placed 60, 65 and 72 cm, respectively (Figure 5).
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Figure 5. The height (cm) of the main ear for cultivars under different sowing dates
Weight of 100-grain (g)
The number of grains per cob and 100-grain weight is vital indicators which determine the grain yield of maize. The results showed that the maximum weight of grains per cob (32.5 g) for Sukaria (figure 6) and it was followed by Salmonia and Guta 82 (31.0, 29.2 g) respectively, while the minimum 100-grain weight for Guta 1 (24.1g).
Figure 6. The number of grains per cob and 100-grain weight under different sowing dates
In the effect of the sowing date: the maximum number of grains per cob an average (36.3 g) during sixth date, then fifth date (an average 33.8 g), while falling in late sowing dates, which was an average of (22.0, 26.3 and 23.0) respectively.
In the effect of the interaction between the cultivars & sowing dates:
Salmonia white and Sukaria were superior to the rest of the cultivars at 40 and 37 g respectively. This is noticed by the increase in weight when the delay in agriculture.
Leaf area index
Leaf area index (LAI) is a major factor determining radiation interception, canopy photosynthesis and yield. On the chart1 presents the statistically analyzed means of LAI of 2017 and 2018.
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Figure 7. Leaf area index (LAI) under different sowing dates
In the effect of the cultivar: Guta 82 was superior with an average of 5.03 on the rest of the cultivars, followed by white Salmonia with an average of 4.52 and a decrease of Guta 1 with an average of 3.076. While it fell on the first dates.
In the effect of the interaction between cultivars & dates. The superiority of the Gouta 82 at the sixth date was 4.66 while it was low at the first date, which amounted to 3.62, that is to say, delay in agriculture gave a large vegetable total compared to the early dates (figure 7).
This is in line with the results of Yunus and Al Hassan [11, c.169] in their study of the effect of planting date on the growth and yield characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.).
The results proved the following (figure 8): The effect of the sowing date was significant in all traits .The cultivars Salmonia was the best one in all characters, date of female flowering (35 days), date of maturity (days), height of plant (188cm), the length of ear (25cm), weight of 100 grain (40 gm) and seed yield (9.758ton/ha). And the Guta 82 was the best cultivar in stem garth (4.66cm).
Figure 8. The results of factor analysis date of Emergency, date of flowering, date of maturity, height of plant, stem garth, height of Ear, length of ear, garth of ear, LAI, weight of 100 grain and seed yield), for Four genetically improved maize cultivars (Salmonia, Guta82, Sukaria, and Guta1)
Increase the heritability for plant light (79.1%) and 100 seed weight (89.8%), while decreed it at the seed yield (34.1%). The correlation was positive and significant between yield and the other characters. The highly positive significant correlation with the yield was ear light (0.95), Stem garth (0.78) and Ear garth (0.78), while the correlation with flowering date was negative (-0.26) but non-significant.
The effect of the sowing dates was significant in all traits;
For all cultivars, is recommended for early sowing dates of agro- environmental factors and higher economic benefits for the farming community.
Salmonia was the best one in all characters. Therefore, the study suggested paying attention to the cultivar, and recommend trying to cultivate this variety in other areas during the early sowing dates.
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