Влияние вселения растительноядных рыб на формирование рыбного населения водоемов (на примере Хаузханского водохранилища, Туркменистан)

Анализ динамики видовой структуры рыбной части сообщества Хаузханского водохранилища от времени его заполнения в 1966 до 1990 года. Динамика соотношения в уловах групп рыб, принадлежащих к различным фаунистическим комплексам и экологическим группам.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
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56. Salnikov V.B. Anthropogenic migration of fish in Turkmenistan // J. Ichthyology. - 1998. - V. 38, No 8. - P. 591-602.


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110. Tereshchenko V.G. Functional bases of the formation and maintaining the stable levels of fish community diversity in lakes and reservoirs. In: Izuchenie i okhrana raznoobraziya fauny, flory i osnovnykh ekosistem Evrazii [Investigation and Protection of the Diversity of Fauna, Flora, and Major Ecosystems of Eurasia]. Moscow, IPEE Ross. Akad. Nauk, 2000, pp. 314-316. (In Russian)

111. Tereshchenko V.G., Trifonova O.V., Tereshchenko L.I. Formation of the structure of fish population in the reservoir with the introduction of new species of fish from the first years of its existence. J. Ichthyol., 2004, vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 619-634.

112. Salnikov V.B. Anthropogenic migration of fish in Turkmenistan. J. Ichthyol., 1998, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 591-602. (In Russian)

Figure Captions

Fig. 1. Commercial catches dynamics for common carp (1), catfish (2), asp (3), Aral barbel (4), silver carp (5), grass carp (6), sander (7), crucian carp (8), and bream (9) in the Khauzkhan Reservoir.

Fig. 2. Dynamics of the ratio of fish belonging to different faunal complexes (a) and to the ecological groups distinguished by the spawning substrate preference (b) in the commercial catches from the Khauzkhan Reservoir. a) 1 - ancient Late Tertiary or amphiboreal; 2 - Pontian fresh-water; 3 - boreal-lowland; 4 - Chinese lowland; b) 1 - phytophils; 2 - pelagophils; 3 - nest builders.

Fig. 3. Diversity dynamics (a) and phase portrait (b) of the species complex structure of fish caught in the Khauzkhan Reservoir. 1 - initial data; 2 - smoothed data; 3 - initial state of the system; 4 - direction of movement; 5 - system state in the year near the curve; 6 - steady state; 7 - critical point the fish population functioning.

Fig. 4. Dynamics of the index of dominance of fishes of the Khauzkhan Reservoir in the catches.

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