Twice foliar application on urea magnesium sulfate solution in winter wheat crops to improve grain quality and productivity in the condition of steppe zone of eastern Ukraine

Winter wheat occupies a leading position in the crops of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine. The effectiveness of using a solution of urea with magnesium sulfate to improve the quality of grain. The quality indicators of fiber and protein have improved.

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Twice foliar application on urea magnesium sulfate solution in winter wheat crops to improve grain quality and productivity in the condition of steppe zone of eastern Ukraine

Tretiakova Tetiana Yuriivna

PhD student

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Ukraine


Winter wheat occupies a leading position in production crops of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine. Winter wheat classifies as soft wheat and is used to produce bakery products, cereals, pasta, and others. That is why baking properties play a key role in the process of growing grain. The classic system of fertilizing winter wheat crops does not ensure the stability of wheat grain quality indicators, such as: nature, fiber, protein, therefore it was decided to conduct field experiments in real conditions, which are different from laboratory ones, and for objective reasons agrometeorological indicators such as: precipitation, the level of moisture in the soil, the temperature, cannot be controlled during the experiments. Conducted field experiments showed the effectiveness of the use of a solution of urea with magnesium sulfate to increase, first of all, the quality of grain. Quality indicators of fiber and protein improved from fodder to indicators of the first and second class of grain according to national requirements. Also, the proposed fertilization scheme leads to an increase in yield indicators. During the first stage of the research, solutions of different concentrations had used and their effect on winter wheat plants had studied. After that, maximum safe concentrations had studied for three years in field experiments. Based on the obtained data and analysis of the energy and economic efficiency of foliar top dressing with a solution of urea and magnesium sulfate, a conclusion has made about the feasibility of this type of top dressing. A comparative analysis of the results of one-time and two-time foliar application with this solution proves that the greatest improvement in qualitative and quantitative indicators, which obtained with two-time application. Also, based on the results of the experiments, the optimal proportions of the solution chosen, namely 10 kg/ha of urea plus 3 kg/ha of magnesium sulfate. After that, a two-time application of foliar fertilization with urea and magnesium sulfate introduced into the permanent system of agro-management of the enterprise. The research is part of the dissertation research work and was conducted based on a private enterprise of the Luhansk region, located in the Steppe zone of Eastern Ukraine.

Keywords: winter wheat, urea, magnesium sulfate, foliar application.


Winter wheat Triticum L. is a one-year cultivated plant of the genus Thin-legged, has many species and varieties with distinctive characteristics (stem/stemless, varietal/hybrid/genetically modified), sowing and vegetation periods (early/medium/late/ultra-late), quality indicators (forage/food).

According to the USDA, Ukraine is among the top ten world wheat producers and among the top 5 world exporters. According to the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the sown area of winter wheat amounted to 6,714.4 thousand ha for the 2021 harvest, which was 23.7% of the total sown area of 28,387.5 thousand ha. Therefore, wheat, in particular winter wheat, plays a significant role in the formation of the economy of Ukraine and the world food system. wheat agricultural protein

Ukraine has an area of 603,548 km2, has several natural zones: mixed forests (polissia), forest-steppe, steppe; soils are divided into chernozems, sod-podzolic soils, and gray forest soils. In the steppe zone, where the research plots were located, the soil is chestnut, loamy, and in some places sandy with a high content of calcium and marl. This determines the peculiarities of the application of mineral fertilizers, agrotechnical means of soil treatment and affects the activity and decay of pesticides in the soil. In general, the northeastern steppe zone has its own characteristics not only in the composition of the soil, but also in the average annual precipitation of 300-350 mm and critical temperatures (up to -32 °C in winter, up to +42 °C in summer), and also has characteristic seasonal winds - dry winds. Some studies highlight the dependence of yield on the amount of precipitation and temperature during the growing season [1,2], but given the heterogeneity of precipitation within the Luhansk region by district, it is advisable to continue these experiments, especially since some enterprises have their own weather stations and conduct observations at specific fields or with the help of modern systems of remote measurement and observation. Many years of research work in Ukraine has led to a large scientific base of various researches on the cultivation of winter wheat: the peculiarities of growth and development in the autumn-winter period [3], the dependence of the formation of the root system on the use of mineral fertilizers [4], the effect of different amounts and periods of fertilizer application on the quality and grain yield [5, 6]. But the present presents us with a new challenge: autumn droughts have become a common phenomenon in the research area, which makes it expedient to shift the sowing dates to later ones, use wheat varieties adapted to such dates, the results are reflected in previous experiments [7]. A significant role is also played by an increase in the average annual temperature and an increase in critical temperatures during the growing season, the cost of fuel, electricity and fertilizers.

It was these factors that became decisive for the establishment of experiments on the use of a solution of urea with magnesium sulfate on the leaf (it can be used when there is insufficient or absent moisture on the surface of the earth and at a depth of 2-3 cm), with foliar fertilization, a smaller amount of fertilizers is needed than when applying to the soil, the speed of processing with a field sprayer is much higher than a seeder, an injector (all units are used at approximately the same speed of movement, but the grip of the working plane of the sprayer is 4-6 times greater, while it has no soil resistance, which leads to a decrease in fuel consumption). The results of some studies on foliar fertilization of winter wheat with urea and magnesium sulfate have already been published, but foliar treatment was conducted only once and in the phase of emergence into the tube, which is different from our experiment [8]. It is also popular among farmers to work with urea on the ear to improve grain quality, but this practice does not have a stable effect and can be affected by weather conditions, moreover, according to our observations, it reduces the vegetation of plants by 3-14 days, depending on the amount of the active substance in the solution [ 9].

Method and experiment

The research had conducted on fields located in the East of Ukraine in the Luhansk Region, Stanichno-Luhansk District. The fields are located on high ground, the soil is heavy, over-compacted, in the past these fields used to irrigate, but over time they returned to normal arable land. The presence of very high levels of calcium and marl stones plays a role in binding nutrients such as phosphorus, and the presence of clay and sand in the mechanical composition affects the assimilation of nutrients by plants in general. But in general, the soil has the ability to hold water well, and the high level of the number of absorbed bases has a positive effect on the ability of plants to absorb nutrients in the presence of moisture, but in the absence of moisture in the soil, it becomes similar to concrete, which sometimes makes its processing impossible. The characteristics of the soil are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

Characterization of the soil on experimental fields

The name of the ind

cator, units of measurement

pH exchangeable

Organic substance (humus), %

Electrical conductivity, mS/cm

Hydrolyte. Acid mmol/100g

N (NH4+NO3) mg/kg

P2O5 mg/kg

K2O mg/kg

Ca mg/kg

Mg mg/kg

Na mg/kg

S, mg/kg

Sum of absorbed bases, mmol/100 g



< 0,1




















very high



1 "S E


Years of experiments 2017-2020. The experiment was conducted in three stages: 1st - selection of the concentration of the solution; 2nd - application of solution in field conditions; 3rd - introduction to the general fertilization system at the enterprise. The experiment is two-factorial: a single application of foliar fertilization or two times. Urea (CO(NH2)2, amount of active ingredient N46 in amide form) and magnesium sulfate hexahydrate (MgSO47H2O with amount of active ingredient Mg9:S16) were used for the experiment. According to the documents, the amount of biuret in urea did not exceed 1.8%, which is within the norm.

Soil cultivation was conducted after harvesting the precursor (mustard) with the help of a disc harrow of the "Palada" type 2 times. "DAP" fertilizers (N18:P46:S2.5) were applied at the same time as sowing with a grain disc seeder in the amount of 80 kg/ha in physical weight, the depth of grain sowing was 3-4 cm. The first fertilizing with ammonium sulfate (N21 :S24) was conducted using a spreader on frozen-thawed land in the amount of 150 kg/ha in physical weight. Wheat went through the tillering stage in the spring. Control 1 - without fertilizing, control 2 - sowing with fertilizers and fertilizing after frost waist (base value according to control 2 indicators).

At the first stage, in 2017, testing of the solution and analysis of its impact as positive or negative were conducted. To do this, parallel sections were placed in the field for all options, the repeatability was 3 times. Taking into account the previous experience of using urea for foliar fertilization of winter wheat, the following concentrations were proposed: urea 10 kg + 0 kg magnesium sulfate; urea 10 kg + 3 kg of magnesium sulfate, urea 10 kg + 5 kg of magnesium sulfate, urea 10 kg + 10 kg of

magnesium sulfate; urea 12 kg + 3 kg of magnesium sulfate, urea 12 kg + 5 kg of

magnesium sulfate, urea 12 kg + 10 kg of magnesium sulfate; urea 15 kg + 3 kg of

magnesium sulfate, urea 15 kg + 5 kg of magnesium sulfate, urea 10 kg + 15 kg of

magnesium sulfate. The summarized results are shown in Table 2.

Table 2.

Effect of solution concentration on winter wheat plants

Time of application

Magnesium sulfate kg/ga





UREA kg/ga




positive effect

positive effect

positive effect



slight burning

slight burning

slight burning






2.Flag leaf



positive effect

positive effect

positive effect



slight burning

slight burning

slight burning






1. Positive effect: increase in chlorophyll level, darker color. 2. light burns:yellowing and dying of the edge of the leaf surface and leaf tips. 3. burns: yellowing and dying of a large part of the leaf and/or lower leaves.

In stage 2 in 2018-2020, the solutions that did not cause burns in stage 1 and gave a positive effect were applied to production crops using an industrial sprayer in parallel strips 24 meters wide, on which plots were randomly selected for observation with 5 repetitions. To calculate the predicted yield, the number of plants in the observation plots was calculated and all spikes were weighed, and for the total yield, harvesting was carried out along the experimental strip, the amount of harvested grain was divided by the number of hectares for which it was mowed, which made it possible to obtain the most accurate figure. The analysis of grain quality indicators was conducted in the modern laboratory of the local elevator. A significant difference in the obtained results between different proportions of urea and magnesium sulfate in the solution has not recorded, the difference is within the margin of error. With a single treatment at the tillering stage, an increase in chlorophyll by an average of 32 units was recorded. The yield increase was 2-4 t/ha. With a single treatment at the flag leaf stage, the chlorophyll level increased by an average of 27 units, the yield increase was 1 -3 c/ha. The minimum yield increase with two-time processing was 5 centners/ha, the maximum was 7 centners/ha depending on the weather conditions of each year. The quality indicators of the grain improved to 1st and 2nd class in terms of protein and fiber, but the problem of the nature of the grain (volumetric weight in 1 liter) remained. The summarized results (average for 4 years) are shown in Table 3.

Table 3.

The increase in yie d on the effect on quality indicators of grain


Control without fertilizer

Control UREA 0+ magnesium sulfate 0

UREA10+ magnesium sulfate 3 at tillering

UREA10+ magnesium sulfate 5 at tillering

UREA 10+ magnesium sulfate 10 at tillering

UREA 10+ magnesium sulfate 3 flag leaf

UREA 10+ magnesium sulfate 5 flag leaf

UREA 10+ magnesium sulfate 10 flag leaf

UREA 10+ magnesium sulfate 3 twice

UREA 10+ magnesium sulfate 5 twice

UREA 10+ magnesium sulfate 10 twice

Volumetric weight, g/l












Fiber, %













Protein, %












The difference in yield, quintals












In the third stage of 2019-2021, foliar fertilization with a solution of urea 10 kg + magnesium sulfate 3 kg was incorporated into the general fertilization system of the enterprise, regardless of soil treatment and the predecessor, which, in combination with other measures, ensured stable quality and a consistently high yield.

Conclusion and discussion

A solution of urea with magnesium sulfate when sprayed on leaves has a positive effect on the development of winter wheat plants at different phenological phases of development. According to the results of the study, the use of urea without magnesium sulfate leads to negative phenomena, such as burns and loss of part of the leaf surface, but when magnesium sulfate is added to the solution, the solution becomes safe to use, while no significant difference was noted in doses of 3 kg, 5 kg and 10 kg per hectare. Based on the results of the research, the optimal concentration of urea solution 10 kg + magnesium sulfate 3 kg and two-time spraying: at the stage of bushing - 1 node and at the stage of the flag leaf has chosen as optimal. At the first spraying, such fertilizing has a positive effect on the laying of the ear (rows in the ear) on the overall level of chlorophyll in the plant. At the second application, it prolongs the growing season and increases the level of fiber and protein in the grain. It should be noted that such fertilizing is not sufficient for gaining grain volumetric weight (fulfillment indicator) and ensuring the full potential of the crop, and therefore should be used as an additional measure in combination with others.


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