Organizational and economic principles of land resources management of agricultural enterprises
Analysis of the blocks of the land resources management mechanism and their relationship. The importance of limiting land use conditions to ensure the protection of natural resources and the well-being of local communities, especially in rural areas.
Рубрика | Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 21,7 K |
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West Ukrainian national university
Organizational and economic principles of land resources management of agricultural enterprises
Humennyi Mykhailo,
applicant of the department of economic expertise and land management
management land rural
The article is devoted to justifying agrarian enterprises' organizational and economic principles of land resource management. The main blocks of the land resources management mechanism are defined, and their interrelationship is outlined. It was established that in the context of the regional sustainable development strategy, the key elements are the concept of sustainable land use and its impact on the effective use of land resources. Land use regulation and agrarian policy act as methods of ensuring sustainable development. Preserving natural resources and ecological potential is also an important aspect that requires increasing land use efficiency and preserving valuable natural territories. Limiting land use conditions, particularly in private ownership, is necessary to ensure the protection of natural resources and the well-being of local communities, especially in rural areas. The study confirms the possibility of implementing a set of measures to implement the principles of sustainable land use in the land resource management system at agricultural enterprises. These measures include improving the state of land resources, limiting the influence of non-agricultural industries, effective use of accessible land areas, and rational use of land funds with an orientation towards increasing the efficiency of agricultural production. It was established that the main directions for improving the efficiency of agricultural land use management are: observance of technological discipline, when all agrotechnical requirements for the quality of field processing, the timing of agricultural works, and the implementation of qualitative changes in the land use technology itself are strictly observed.
Keywords: land resources, management mechanism, sustainable development, assessment, monitoring.
Гуменний М.І. Організаційно-економічні засади управління земельними ресурсами аграрних підприємств.
Стаття присвячена обґрунтуванню організаційно-економічних засади управління земельними ресурсами аграрних підприємств. Визначено основні блоки механізму управління земельними ресурсами та окреслено їх взаємозв'язок. Встановлено, що у контексті стратегії регіонального сталого розвитку ключовими елементами є поняття сталого землекористування та його вплив на ефективне використання земельних ресурсів. Регулювання землекористування та аграрна політика виступають як методи забезпечення сталого розвитку. Збереження природно-ресурсного та екологічного потенціалу також є важливим аспектом, який вимагає підвищення ефективності використання земель та збереження цінних природних територій. Обмеження умов використання земель, зокрема у приватній власності, є необхідним для забезпечення охорони природних ресурсів та добробуту місцевих громад, особливо у сільських районах. Дослідження підтверджує можливість впровадження комплексу заходів для реалізації принципів сталого землекористування у системі управління земельними ресурсами на аграрних підприємствах.Ці заходи включають поліпшення стану земельних ресурсів, обмеження впливу несільськогосподарських галузей, ефективне використання вільних земельних площ та раціональне використання земельного фонду з орієнтацією на підвищення результативності сільськогосподарського виробництва. Встановлено, що основними напрямками вдосконалення управління ефективністю аграрного землекористування є: дотримання технологічної дисципліни, коли суворо витримуються всі агротехнічні вимоги до якості обробки полів, термінів проведення сільськогосподарських робіт, та здійснення якісних змін у самій технології землекористування. Доведено, що система управління сільськогосподарськими підприємствами має поєднувати функції моніторингу ринку вартості землі, аналізу ефективності використання земель та проведення комплексних заходів щодо оздоровлення наявних земельних ресурсів.
Ключові слова: земельні ресурси, механізм управління, сталий розвиток, оцінка, моніторинг
Main part
Statement of the problem. Correct management of land resources ensures optimal use of land areas, their rational use, and preservation for the future. Effective use of land resources helps to increase productivity and product quality, ensuring the enterprise's competitiveness in the market. Having a clear land management strategy helps to reduce the risk of losses and ensure the stability of production in the face of changes in the market. Planning and effective use of land resources allow agricultural enterprises to adapt to changing market conditions and ensure sustainable economic development. Also, proper management of land resources contributes to ensuring environmental safety and preserving natural resources. Investing in the development and modernization of agricultural technologies and equipment is also an essential aspect of agricultural enterprises' organizational and economic management of land resources.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The scientific and applied principles of land resource management at the micro level were highlighted in their works by such scientists as Hutorov O.I., Dankevych A. Ye., Dobriak D.S., Zos'-KiorM.V., Marmul' L.O., Poltavets' A.M., Rudenko S.V., Riasnianska A.M., Tretiak A.M., Nazarenko O.V., Koshkolda I.V. and others [1-8]. However, many problematic issues regarding the economic and organizational aspects of land resource management of agrarian enterprises require further research and the search for solutions to several problematic issues that comprise the essence of the researched scientific problem.
The purpose of the research. The article aims to substantiate the organizational and economic principles of land resource management of agrarian enterprises.
Presentation of the primary research material. Land, as an object of market relations, is of great importance in the system of business activity. It is a critical natural factor in any business field, directly or indirectly affecting the production of all goods and services. Land relations include various issues, such as forms of ownership, land market, taxation, resource management, etc. The formation of the agricultural land market aims, among other things, to avoid the loss of agricultural land and increase the responsibility of its users in their intended use.
With the development of market relations in Ukraine, land has become a commodity that has become an object of economic activity. Like any other commodity, it has its use and market value, reflecting its value for a particular use and its likely selling price. Thus, land as a commodity is an object of trade that satisfies actual or potential needs and has its characteristics. With the development of the agricultural land market and the increase in private landowners, the need to reform the land management system becomes urgent in Ukraine. The current situation requires the active development of the land management system and the management of agricultural enterprises, which are critical participants in land relations. This system of managing agricultural enterprises should combine the functions of monitoring the value of the land market, analyzing the efficiency of land use, and implementing a set of measures to restore existing land resources.
It is possible to single out the economic and ecological components of the mechanism of sustainable land use as well as the land protection component occupying an intermediate position between them. This includes mechanisms for monitoring and assessing land resources and financial mechanisms for compensation for environmental damage [3].
Managing land resources imposes certain restrictions on the free movement of land. Here, it is necessary to find reasonable limits of such restrictions so that by their actions, regulatory bodies do not inhibit the formation of market instruments in land use, do not interfere with the legal and economic activity of subjects of land relations, do not impose on land user's restrictions causing regressive consequences [5].
The use of agricultural land and the need to study the quality and economic condition of land is underestimated, which may threaten the food and environmental security of the country and the world community. This situation requires the adoption of scientifically based and interrelated measures to prevent the degradation of agricultural lands. The most urgent problems in the land relations system are managing land resources, including the demarcation of land ownership, and using funds from land tax, rent, and other sources. Solving these problems is possible only by creating an effective mechanism for managing land resources, ensuring their rational and complex use, regardless of the forms of ownership and other factors.
Objects of land relations, which constitute land plots for agricultural production, are unique in their specificity since many parameters determine their characteristics. These indicators, together with the legal framework at different levels of management, affect the state of the land management system. The development of models of economic regulation of these objects, particularly in the context of the management of agricultural enterprises, becomes an integral part of this process. When formulating a strategy for the organization of agricultural land use, it is essential to consider the prevailing conditions in the country.
Land resources are involved in all areas of the reproductive process. Thus, at the production stage of means of living and resources, land is included in the cost component, determining the amount of socially necessary and individual costs through its price parameters. The extraction of rent by tax methods includes the land factor in the sphere of distribution, and the spatial-geographical and communication parameters of the land plot affect the directions, intensity, and speed of movement of the created product, ensuring the participation of this factor in the sphere of circulation and consumption [8].
The current situation requires the active development of a land resources management mechanism in the management system of agricultural enterprises. This mechanism would include the functions of ecological monitoring of land resources, analysis of the efficiency of land use, and a set of measures for the rehabilitation of existing land resources.
The land resources management mechanism includes the following blocks:
- management subject - management bodies in the field of land resource use;
- the object of management - a land fund with available land resources;
- indicators of the state of the object of management - the system of the state land cadaster, land monitoring, state registration of property rights;
- tools of management influence - normative legal framework, development programs, systems of forecasting, planning, land management, land courts;
- control of the implementation of decisions, optimality criteria of the land use management system, and the system of state land control.
State authorities and local self-governments have ample opportunities to form a legal framework for land use, which covers various aspects, including the process of granting land plots and applying methods to increase the investment potential of land resources. In addition, they have the right to develop and implement their tax policy aimed at land resources. In the conditions of the modern market economy, searching for and implementing methods of economic regulation of land relations becomes especially important. In addition to improving existing land policy instruments, our economic potential requires the development of new land management methods.
Authorities must regulate land use, considering the interests of all participants in land relations and ensuring the comprehensive development of rural areas. This requires attention to many aspects, including environmental aspects. Management of land resources is a process that includes creating and implementing a system of benefits and restrictions in land use for various subjects, as well as implementing control over compliance with established rules and regulations. In other words, it is a complex system that considers organizational, legal, economic, and administrative aspects to balance the interests of landowners and environmental constraints. In this regard, it is necessary to consider that the influence of the rights of landowners is constantly limited under the pressure of national interests, which are gradually increasing due to the expansion of the powers of local self-government bodies. In the context of the evolution of economic relations and the growing awareness of the need to preserve land resources, local authorities tend to strengthen control over their use, not canceling but expanding legal norms.
One factor contributing to these trends is the state of land resources, which is gradually deteriorating, endangering their reproduction.
In the context of the land resource management system in agricultural enterprises, the economic aspect is considered one of the key elements. This is consistent with the management flows from the regional management bodies and the external management environment, such as state authorities and local selfgovernment bodies. These flows are also directed to the land protection subsystem.
The initial flow of information consists of data from the land protection component of agrarian enterprises' land resource management system. These data include information on the ecological status obtained through land monitoring.
In particular, the economic component of the land resource management mechanism in the management system of agrarian enterprises receives external and internal information flows. These data include the experience of applying land protection measures, using nature protection, and ecologically progressive technologies.
In turn, the economic component of the land management mechanism, represented by all land users, consumes the resources of the ecological component. This leads to the identification of sources of deterioration of land quality. These sources affect the ecological component, which, in turn, includes the processes of land quality improvement. However, due to the insufficient development of nature protection technologies, some sources of land quality deterioration directly affect the ecological component.
In turn, the land protection component of the land resource management mechanism in the management system of agrarian enterprises also needs resource flows to ensure its functioning. Financial flows in the form of fees for using land resources flow into the land protection subsystem, ensuring its functioning.
Constant monitoring of land resources significantly affects the efficiency of their exploitation. Such an assessment is necessary to create a set of information on the state of the land fund. At the same time, the ecological condition of land resources should be considered, as should suitability for the creation of engineering and market infrastructure objects, attractiveness for the implementation of investment projects, etc.
Since both socio-economic and natural processes are involved in the land use of the management object, which not only changes under the influence of various technologies but also affects the further effectiveness of their application, it is advisable to move from a purely economic assessment of economic decisions to a multi-criteria assessment of the effectiveness of sustainable land use.
The idea of sustainable development determines several restrictions on land resource use. The degree of these limitations varies depending on the environment's ability to self-renew, the degree of development of social institutions, and the current level of technology.
One of the most essential elements of the regional sustainable development strategy is the concept of sustainable land use, which is determined by the following factors:
1. Issues of sustainable development are inextricably linked to land use regulation and can be solved by land and agrarian policy methods.
2. The issue of preserving natural resources and ecological potential is also related to increasing the efficiency of land use, which is expressed in the increase of return (income of the state, local communities) from the use of investment-attractive lands, preservation of the potential of valuable natural territories that are cultural and natural heritage
3. The conditions for land use, including those in private ownership, must be strictly limited by the requirements for protecting natural resources (including land) and preserving the well-being of people living in a particular territory (this especially applies to rural areas).
As part of the set of measures to implement the principles of sustainable land use, the land resources management mechanism in the management system of agrarian enterprises, four groups of essentially interrelated measures to improve the use of land resources can be distinguished: improving the state of land resources of agricultural enterprises (fightingagainst erosion, organic fertilizers, various types of land reclamation, etc.); limiting the influence of non - agricultural industries, sharply reducing land withdrawal from agricultural turnover, compensation of losses from non-agricultural users, reducing pollution of land resources; use of vacant land suitable for agricultural purposes; rationalization of the use of the land fund from the point of view of the final results of agricultural production.
At the same time, the transition to a system of sustainable land use also involves: the need to restore soil fertility and restore disturbed ecosystems; introduction of a mechanism for stimulating rational land use; increasing the importance of land resources in solving social and economic problems of rural areas; introduction of normatively established environmental restrictions for land users.
The main directions for improving the management of agricultural land use efficiency are:
- within the framework of traditional technologies - compliance with technological discipline, when all agrotechnical requirements for the quality of field processing, the timing of agricultural work, compliance with the technological regimes of agricultural machines and tools, as well as the introduction of new intensive varieties and hybrids of cultivated crops, are strictly observed;
- within the framework of an adaptive approach - the implementation of qualitative changes in the land use technology.
Therefore, in modern conditions, there is a need to develop new conceptual approaches to land management that consider the conditions of transformation of land ownership relations and the requirements of sustainable development. This need requires the active development of the land management system and the management of agricultural enterprises, which are critical participants in land relations. The management system of agricultural enterprises should combine the functions of monitoring the land value market, analyzing the effectiveness of land use, and carrying out comprehensive measures to rehabilitate existing land resources. As part of the mechanism of sustainable land use, the institutional toolkit of land resource management in the management system of agrarian enterprises includes not only economic and ecological aspects but also a land protection component, which occupies an intermediate position between them. This component includes mechanisms for monitoring and assessing land resources and financial mechanisms for compensation for environmental damage.
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