• An overview of the basic principles of knowledge about building and interaction in the Universe, which were developed on the basis of the postulate about the connection of all Existence in the World into a single "Information Field" of the Universe.

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  • Рассмотрение сотрудничества Государственного предприятия "Конструкторское бюро "Южное" c Orbital Sciences Corporation в создании ракеты-носителя "Антарес". Прогресс в научно-технических, производственных и испытательных сферах космической отрасли Украины.

    статья (139,4 K)
  • Изучение вращения отдаленной галактики вокруг скопления других галактик. Рассмотрение неисследованных свойств пространства-времени. Определение значения относительной мощности излучения всех объектов во Вселенной. Устранение проблемы "темной массы".

    статья (42,0 K)
  • Описание интеллектуальной системы, обеспечивающей проведение научных исследований поведения глобальных геосистем (ноосферы, биосферы, геосферы, магнитосферы, атмосферы и других) в зависимости от астрономических параметров небесных тел Солнечней системы.

    статья (367,9 K)
  • История познания человечеством Солнца как звезды, его обожествление в Древнем Египте. Описание понятия "Солнце" по мнению Аристотеля и И. Кеплера. Состав, температура и источник его яркого сияния, движение солнечных пятен и отличия Солнца от других звезд.

    презентация (2,1 M)
  • We are going to consider 13 provisions, including purpose and scope, implementation, peaceful purposes, transparency, interoperability, emergency assistance, registration of space objects, publication of scientific data, preservation of space heritage.

    статья (22,4 K)
  • Photometry of 2194 stars in the field of the open cluster NGC7142 in VRI filters. Photometric diagrams. Using the VRI and JHK photometry from 2MASS to improve the age and the reddening for the cluster assuming the distance 1683 pc from WEBDA database.

    статья (336,5 K)
  • Analysis the Model setup: worker, employer and payoffs. Sequential-move game: employer or worker is a leader. Small and relatively small rent or high and relatively high rent. The interaction between the worker’s choice of residency and work place.

    курсовая работа (1006,2 K)
  • A similar critical table for temperate latitudes. The difference in the corrections amounts at the lower end of the scale. Critical tables of atmospheric refraction at low altitudes for temperate and polar latitudes. The vertical diameter of the sun.

    статья (179,7 K)
  • Consideration calendar holidays in the Britain: new year, pancake day, Mothering Sunday, ester, april fools’ day, happy hampstead, halloween, thanksgiving day, christmas celebrations. Characteristic features of customs, weddings, births and christenings.

    курсовая работа (39,9 K)
  • The features of the legal regulation of immigration to Kazakhstan are investigated. The contradictions between the legal order of government actions and the actual results achieved during the implementation of the repatriation program are highlighted.

    статья (19,7 K)
  • Review of proposals to address the problems of missile navigation accuracy rate on long flights. The Lunar parallax method of measuring the direction of movement , using the orientation on the position of the moon and the stars relative to the Earth.

    статья (895,8 K)
  • Air navigator as supplied an instrument that permitted star observations at the night. Using the ordinary marine sextant at night with success. The accurate measurements of night-vision back-lighting intensities. Factors affecting observations, results.

    статья (273,4 K)
  • Suggested changes of a line of position can be computed speedily by the Dreisonstok method which can be used without interpolation, and which, after the simple routine is once learned, involves only two rules which are very easy to remember and to apply.

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  • Investigation of the physical properties of different types of binary stars and their evolution. Using the effect of selection for modern binary distributions for various parameters catalogs. Distribution of binary star systems in a number of components.

    статья (3,2 M)
  • The project of a program package to explore fractal properties of isolated points (galaxies) distribution is presented. The package includes tools to load catalogues of galaxies as well as to simulate fractal and uniform distributions of points.

    статья (883,9 K)
  • The Pierre Auger Observatory is the largest observatory of high-energy cosmic rays. Are being tested the energy spectrum, mass composition and arrival directions of cosmic rays. New detection techniques, radio and microwave measurement presented here.

    статья (534,1 K)
  • The feature of spectral measurements of the reflectivity of randomly selected samples of terrestrial serpentine and chlorite, which can be considered as analogues of hydrated solid celestial bodies. Electron probe, Mossbauer and X-ray studies of samples.

    статья (205,0 K)
  • Features of the study of Russian ethnoastronomy, in particular, knowledge of the constellations necessary for orientation at night. Analysis of the card index of the Dictionary of Russian folk dialects and the Astronymic card index of the Ural University.

    статья (664,9 K)
  • The study of M-dwarfs as one of the foremost challenges of the modern astrophysics. CM Draconis as an eclipsing and doublelined spectroscopic binary system with period, its synthetic spectra. The radial velocity curve. Function for sets of parameters.

    статья (571,5 K)
  • The inability to identify carriers of the diffuse interstellar bands as one of the biggest problems in astronomy and astrochemistry. Spectroscopic families of diffuse interstellar bands. Differences in chemical composition of the hot and cold stars.

    статья (176,0 K)
  • Споры вокруг дальнейших путей развития стратегической технической разведки. Прототип для стратегического разведчика SR-71. Первый учебно-тренировочный SR-956. Разведчики в боевом строю. Требования к летчикам SR-71. Подготовка к полетам на "Черной птице".

    курсовая работа (96,6 K)
  • История создания стратегического разведчика SR-71A "BlackBird", его тактико-технические данные, испытания учебно-тренировочной модификации SR-71В. Боевые полеты SR-71A "BlackBird" в Индокитае и на Ближнем Востоке, причины его снятия с эксплуатации.

    реферат (171,8 K)
  • Historical background to the first travel into space. The rationale for the interest of scientists to the origin of such phenomena as the asteroid belt, comet dust and weightlessness. Study of the technical aspects of the work of missiles and orbits.

    книга (9,7 M)
  • The temperature radial profiles of intracluster gas, and the radial profiles of density and mass for dark matter and intracluster gas for the five galaxy clusters. The Navarro-Frenk-White density profile of the underlying dark matter distribution.

    статья (570,4 K)
  • The results of CCD photometric study of the intermediate polar FO Aqr based on observations obtained at the Baja Astronomical Observatory and at the Vihorlat Astronomical Observatory. Variability of the spin period of the white dwarf in FO Aqr.

    статья (150,6 K)
  • Research for some dominant quasar jets. Assumption that X-ray emission from the nearest to the main nodes produced by inverse compton scattering on the quasar emission. Rating luminosity of quasars and the angle between the jet and the line of sight.

    статья (156,0 K)
  • XIX век - время становления и быстрого развития важной области астрономии - астрофизики. Применение спектрального анализа к изучению звезд. Эксперименты по фотографированию небесных тел, преимущество мокрого коллоидного способа перед дагерротипным.

    реферат (14,3 K)
  • Y. Gagarin was a Soviet pilot and cosmonaut. He became the first person in the history to travel into outer space. Gagarin was born in 1934. In 1959 Gagarin was selected for the Soviet space program. Human stay in space on a specially equipped spaceship.

    презентация (1,1 M)
  • Origin, childhood, adolescence prominent Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Career Gagarin's in the Soviet space program. Preparation and selection for Gagarin's first flight into space. Work on the decorations for reusable spacecraft in Star City.

    презентация (4,3 M)