Управленческий учет на предприятии

Сущность, задачи и организация управленческого учета. Калькулирование себестоимости продукции как объективно необходимый процесс управления производством. Цели, объекты, субъекты, принципы коммерческого бюджетирования. Методы, подходы составления бюджета.

Рубрика Бухгалтерский учет и аудит
Вид учебное пособие
Язык русский
Дата добавления 24.04.2015
Размер файла 2,5 M

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

3) analysis of studying of tendencies of a protectionism;

4) assessment of innovative potential in branch of production of a product;

5) research of dynamics of the balance of payments and rate of national currency.

32. To quantitative characteristics of the market don't belong:

1) growth rates of the market;

2) market capacity;

3) demand for production;

4) market saturation;

5) stability of demand.

33. Tendencies and prospects of development of branch, need of application of new technologies of output, choice of strategy of rather competitive position first of all depends from:

1) market capacities;

2) growth rates of the market;

3) market saturation;

4) intensity of the competition;

5) stability of demand.

34. Classification signs of macrodiagnostics is:

1) level of diagnosed object;

2) time span of research;

3) frequency of carrying out;

4) target orientation;

5) subject and problem okhvatyvayemost.

35. To technical factors макросреды the project belongs:

1) level of innovations in branch of production materials;

2) technology of a product and its development;

3) system of protection of the ecological environment which contains legislative base and norms of environmental pollution;

4) competing production technologies of a design product;

5) innovative potential in branch of production of a product.

36. Во time of a choice of the production technology such indicators aren't considered:

1) existence of necessary infrastructure of production;

2) possibility of use of the real equipment;

3) determination of parameters of quality of production;

4) need of use of local resources;

5) all listed factors influence a technology choice.

37. In the possible ways of receiving technology for the project is:

1) purchase of the equipment and transfer of technologies;

2) purchase of license rights;

3) creation of the foreign enterprises with new technological base;

4) all answers correct;

5) correct answer 1) and 2).

38. The decisive factor influencing a choice of placement of the enterprise of mechanical engineering, is:

1) raw material resources;

2) fuel - energy resources;

3) manpower;

4) area of consumption of finished goods;

5) all factors equally strongly influence a choice of a place of placement.

39. Management of development of the project doesn't provide:

1) carrying out construction work;

2) formation of design team;

3) choice of designers;

4) design and coordination of design and budget documentation;

5) tendering process of designers and organization of tenders.

40. At calculation of economic cost of resources which are attracted in the project at increase in volumes of release at the enterprises with optimum loading of capacities, it is considered:

1) the alternative cost of a resource exceeds product cost;

2) boundary expenses of production exceed product cost;

3) the alternative cost of a resource is less than product cost;

4) boundary expenses of production there is less than product cost;

5) boundary expenses of production are equal to product cost.

41. The factors influencing scale of the project, are:

1) market capacity is sold;

2) ecological barriers;

3) level of the current and capital expenditure;

4) increase in production period;

5) level of technological hazards.

42. To tools of the institutional analysis don't belong:

1) models which don't define interrelation between several variables;

2) decision-making models;

3) methods of expert estimates;

4) methods of mathematical modeling;

5) methods of situation analysis.

43. Basic elements of the institutional analysis are:

1) assessment of possibility of influence of the state, legal, organizational, political and administrative situation on implementation of the project;

2) the characteristic of the natural and social environment in which the project is realized;

3) development of actions for the purpose of elimination of negative influence of internal factors which stir implementation of the project;

4) creation of structure of management by the project that allows to consider interests of its participants;

5) lobbying of interests of participants of the project.

44. Institutional analysis of the project:

1) uses not financial characteristics of the project for definition of level of its appeal;

2) estimates influence of the project on Wednesday in which it will be implemented;

3) allows to define extent of influence of the external and internal environment on possibility of successful implementation of the project;

4) defines influence of institutes of market economy on implementation of the project;

5) allows to develop the technical assistance program for elimination or decrease in negative influence of internal factors which influence success of implementation of the project.

45. The institutional analysis of the project includes an assessment of influence of internal factors within which carry out:

1) diagnostics of internal elements of the project;

2) assessment of quality of management, ability of the management and the organization successfully to realize the project;

3) development of recommendations about increase of efficiency of management of the project;

4) assessment of experience and qualification of managers of the enterprise;

5) all answers correct.

46. To the analysis of external factors of implementation of the project carry:

1) consideration of legal and political conditions of implementation of the project;

2) assessment of quality of management, ability of the management and the organization successfully to realize;

3) assessment of a state policy concerning investment and the taxation;

4) basic provisions of financial and bank regulation;

5) correct answers 1, 3 and 4.

47. The regulatory base of the ecological analysis doesn't include:

1) nature protection norms, design and construction rules;

2) establishment of size of boundary and admissible influence on environment;

3) actions which prevent pollution of water objects, atmospheric air, the earth, a subsoil and fight against noise;

4) the design description in geographical, ecological, social and temporary aspects which accompany the project;

5) requirements of ecological audit of the company which supervises work of the firm which is carrying out the project.

48. To conditions of a possible assessment of ecological consequences of the project carry:

1) existence of indicators of an ecosystem before implementation of the project;

2) existence of indicators of an ecosystem in an area of coverage of the project and beyond its limits;

3) existence of the established nature protection norms and design and construction rules;

4) possibility of comparison of level of impurity of environment with standards;

5) existence of expected parameters of the physical, biological and social-and-ecological conditions which have been directly connected with the project.

49. Influence of the project on the environment, having fatal character concerning environment changes at which it isn't possible to restore natural balance, is:

1) widespread influence;

2) direct influence;

3) accumulated influence;

4) influence which can't be corrected;

5) continuous influence.

50. The method of an assessment of influence of projects on the environment, based on addition of all types of ecological influence of the project, giving to each of them quantitative estimates and a choice of the alternative project from positions of the smallest general influence, has the name:

1) charts of streams;

2) matrixes;

3) check lists;

4) analysis of cards;

5) losses of the income.

51. Method of an assessment of ecological influence of projects on environment which is based on definition of level of expected losses of the population and its readiness to incur expenses for the purpose of decrease in an adverse effect on environment and activity, call:

1) alternative cost;

2) expected loss of the income;

3) preventive (preventive) expenses;

4) efficiency of expenses;

5) change of efficiency of resources.

52. The analysis of environment has to include the specification of ways on environmental protection on the basis of existing acts and standards for projects:

1) market infrastructure;

2) reconstruction of roads;

3) to development of minerals;

4) construction of big plants;

5) creation of national parks.

53. The purpose of the social analysis is:

1) determination of expediency of acceptance of version of the project from the user;

2) determination of expediency of acceptance of version of the project from the region population where the project is carried out;

3) development of strategy of involvement of the population on project support;

4) improvement of the social environment of the project;

5) all answers correct.

54. Determination of compliance is more whole than the project of social orientation and to satisfaction of requirements of the population of the region in which it will be implemented, is carried out at a stage:

1) development of the concept of the project;

2) project identifications;

3) project examinations;

4) development of the project;

5) implementation of the project.

55. Carrying out the social analysis of the project:

1) surely for all projects;

2) it is necessary only for definition of financial result of the project;

3) allows to define economic efficiency of the project;

4) allows to define economic appeal of the project;

5) all answers correct.

56. Don't belong to components of the social analysis:

1) assessment of the population living in a zone of implementation of the project from demographic sociocultural features;

2) assessment of conditions of accommodation, employment, rest and restoration, extent of influence of the project and these parameters;

3) definition of level of adequacy of the project to culture and the population organization around realization;

4) development of strategy of ensuring support of the project at all stages of preparation, and operation from the region population;

5) development of measures which promote increase of level of the income of the population of the project.

57. Participation of inhabitants of the region in the project can be presented in such forms:

1) monitoring of implementation of the project;

2) preparation and implementation of the project;

3) participation in consultations with providing financial calculations;

4) formation of new social system;

5) contribution to improvement ethnic and demographic and social and economic region characteristics.

58. To indicators of demographic processes don't belong:

1) population shift;

2) population reduction;

3) expected life expectancy of the population;

4) number of busy workers;

5) average level of the income per capita.

59. Financial analysis of the project:

1) accompanies the project from the first analysis stages;

2) begins with definition of object of investment;

3) it is carried out as a result of marketing, technical, ecological, institutional social justification of the project;

4) considers the project from positions of its investment appeal;

5) all answers correct.

60. The purpose of the financial analysis of the project is:

1) calculation of financial viability of the project;

2) identification of all financial consequences and their assessment;

3) determination of expediency of investment or project financing;

4) financial diagnostics of the company which realizes the project;

5) all answers correct.

61. Unlike economic, financial analysis of the project:

1) estimates the project from positions of the owner of resources;

2) uses market prices of all resources and doesn't consider implicit benefits from the project;

3) determines project value on the basis of the «shadow» prices of resources;

4) determines project value on the basis of market prices which exist in the set economic environment;

5) correct answers 1,2,4.

62. In the financial analysis project financing terms:

1) consider at an assessment of its financial appeal;

2) don't consider at an assessment of its financial appeal;

3) don't consider at an assessment of its financial appeal, however it is considered in the economic analysis of the project;

4) surely include for definition of redistribution of existing and financial institutions to investors;

5) separate from the financial.

63. Calculation of future cash flows from the project is carried out on the basis of definition:

1) profit which will be got by the company in case of implementation of the project;

2) standard of profitability which will be received by the company in case of implementation of the project;

3) differences between cash flows «with the project» and «without the project»;

4) cash flow which will be received by the company in case of implementation of the project;

5) additional cash flow which will be received by the company in case of implementation of the project.

64. In the financial section of the investment project include:

1) the analysis of a financial condition of the enterprise within three (five) previous years of the slave;

2) analysis of profitability of production of main types of production;

3) estimation of cost of the capital attracted for implementation of the investment project;

4) all answers correct;

5) all answers not the correct.

65. Doesn't belong to the principles of financing of projects:

1) need of return of financial means;

2) ensuring increase of growth rates of the income and capital;

3) minimization of investment risks;

4) maximizing a profit level on the invested capital;

5) ensuring possible participation in management of the project.

66. For determination of the «shadow» price of a resource it is possible to use:

1) expenses necessary for extraction of this resource from other branches or increase in production;

2) the world price of a resource expressed in national currency;

3) alternative cost of a resource;

4) prices of the competitive markets;

5) correct answers 1,2 and 3.

67. Economic appeal of the project illustrates:

1) possibility of improvement of quality of life of the population;

2) size of the net economic income of the project;

3)contribution measure, in case of implementation of the project, to achievement established by the country of economic development;

4) the most attractive from positions of economic benefits the project;

5) correct answers 3 and 4.

68. To economic consequences of the project don't belong:

1) elimination of deficiency of some goods;

2) optimization of structure of consumption which corresponds to a country level of development;

3) change of consumer surplus;

4) decrease in an incidence of the population;

5) receiving profit by investors.

69. The alternative cost of resources which are made on the capacities not loaded completely, pay off on the basis of boundary expenses and always:

1) it is more than prime cost of made production;

2) it is less than prime cost of made production;

3) it is more than market price of production;

4) it is less than market price of production;

5) correct answers 1 and 4.

70. Indicators belong to the main lines of the free market:

1) abundance of buyers and sellers;

2) the prices freely are established proceeding from desires of the seller and the buyer;

3) all production factors (work, the capital, materials) are mobile;

4) there are no barriers to an entrance of the new companies in the market;

5) all answers correct.

71. In a choice of the branch directions of investment the World bank doesn't use the following groups of factors:

1) the market;

2) barriers of occurrence into branch;

3) technology factors;

4) financial stability of the enterprise;

5) barriers of an exit of the enterprise from branch.

72. For an assessment of investment appeal of the region use factors:

1) level of economic development of the region;

2) level of development of investment infrastructure of the region;

3) demographic characteristic;

4) level of criminogenic, environmental and other risks;

5) all answers correct.

73.As investment strategy of the enterprise understand:

1) calculation of financial viability of the project;

2) identification of all financial consequences and their assessment;

3) determination of expediency of investment or project financing;

4) financial diagnostics of the company which realizes the project;

5) complex of long-term goals and choice of the most effective ways of their achievement.

74. The risk analysis according to the project provides:

1) the accounting of all changes towards deterioration;

2) the accounting of all changes towards improvement;

3) motivation of project managers;

4) correct answers 1 and 2;

5) there is no correct answer.

75. Constant expenses of the project it:

1) which don't depend on outputs and don't change for the analyzed;

2) change in direct ratio to increase or output reduction;

3) costs of raw materials, materials, commission charges from sales;

4) costs of depreciation, rent, percent on the credit salary of employees;

5) correct answers 1 and 4.

76. Conditional and variable expenses of the project it:

1) expenses which don't depend on outputs and don't change for the analyzed period;

2) change in direct ratio to increase or output reduction;

3) costs of raw materials, materials, commission charges from sales;

4) costs of depreciation, rent, percent on the credit salary of employees;

5) correct answers 2 and 3.

77. Strategy is:

a) definition of priorities and ways of their realization in system of strategic management;

b) way of coordination of activity of heads of strategic level;

c) decision on development of new types of business;

d) way of distribution of resources between priority spheres to business;

e) economic potential and cycle factors.

78. Diversification doesn't expect:

a) focusing on the most attractive segment of the market;

b) variety and full development;

c) simultaneous development of many, not connected among themselves types of production;

d) penetration at the sphere which have no direct production connection with other fields of activity;

e) correction of the purposes of the enterprises.

79. The formulation of strategic objectives doesn't expect:

a) creation of organizational structure of management and production structure, and also the interrelation scheme between them;

b) construction «a tree is more whole»;

c) the accounting of all most important indicators which characterize the end results of activity;

d) tseleobrazovaniye at all enterprise fields of activity on which its survival and success of the organization depends;

e) strategic planning of activity.

80. What one of statements concerning strategy of corporate level of the diversification organization is a mistake:

a) coordinates functional strategy;

b) provides coordination of different types of business;

c) establishes strategic priorities;

d) provides management of the kinds of activity integrated in the organizations;

e) definition of a strategic objective.

81. Strategy is a system of administrative decisions to which definitions don't enter:

a) forms and methods of the organization of production;

b) perspective directions of development of the organization;

c) spheres, forms and ways of activity of the organization in the conditions of changeable environment;

d) to order of division of resources for achievement of the objectives;

e) definition of organizational structure.

82. The most correct definition of concept of strategy of the enterprise is:

a) the system of actions which provides achievement of the objectives of the enterprise is calculated on prospect;

b) the generalized model of actions which is necessary for coordination of activity of the enterprise in the perspective period;

c) the detailed comprehensive plan, is intended for target distribution of strategic resources of the enterprises;

d) the complex of actions calculated on prospect which expects reaction of the enterprise to change in environment;

e) way of coordination of activity of heads.

83. What strategy expects control over different types of activity and product range as a whole at the enterprise?

a) management of a set of branches;

b) the productive and market;

c) marketing;

d) competition;

e) strategy and potential.

84. What strategy is directed on achievement of a common goal of the enterprise and displays the main directions of development of the enterprise as a whole?

a) the productive and market;

b) competition;

c) marketing;

d) management of a set of branches;

e) adjustment is more whole than the enterprise.

85. What of the presented strategy expects a license exchange?

a) external economic expansion;

b) innovations;

c) foreign investment;

d) orientations to export expansion;

e) certain missions of the enterprise.

86. SWOT analysis as a development stage of strategy expects:

a) determination of internal capacity of the enterprise, its weaknesses and potential opportunities and threats in environment;

b) definition and anticipation of potential opportunities and threats;

c) timely forecast of external and internal opportunities of the enterprise;

d) drawing up transfer of factors promoting and not promoting influence on the enterprise;

e) definition of strategic objectives.

87. Administrative inspection strong and weaknesses of the enterprise expects:

a) assessment of a condition of functional zones of the enterprise;

b) diagnostics of process of adoption of strategic decisions in functioning zones of the enterprise;

c) methodical assessment of interaction of the enterprise with competitors and identification on this basis of their strong weaknesses;

d) methodical assessment of management of the enterprise;

e) analysis of the marketing environment.

88. Define functional zones of administrative inspection weak and strengths of the enterprise:

a) marketing, culture and image of the enterprise, finance, production, manpower, NDDKR;

b) marketing, income, finance, production, manpower, image of firm;

c) finance, production, manpower, innovations, markets;

d) production, marketing, culture of the organization, markets, material resources;

e) competitiveness.

89. What of the given strategy is more expedient for the enterprises which work from static technological development:

a) strategy of limited growth;

b) growth strategy;

c) reduction strategy;

d) strategy of association of three types of corporate strategy;

e) strategy of a gain of the market.

90. The economic strength of the buyer decreases, when:

a) rapid growth of area is provided;

b) the number of buyers is shortened;

c) goods standardized;

d) the area of supply consists of a large number of rather scarlet sellers;

e) the number of buyers grows.

91. What of indicators characterizes enterprise activity in long-term aspect more stoutly?

a) market share;

b) profitability of sales;

c) competitiveness of production;

d) profit;

e) losses.

92. External factors of indirect influence on the enterprise:

a) it isn't supervised by the enterprise;

b) it is partially supervised by the enterprise;

c) it is completely supervised by the enterprise;

d) aren't important for enterprise activity;

e) important for the enterprise.

93. SWOT - the analysis covers such directions of research:

a) strong and weaknesses of the enterprise, its opportunity and threat;

b) capacity of the enterprise, political and social threats, weaknesses, opportunities;

c) potential internal forces by external opportunities, governmental restrictions, weaknesses;

d) competence of the enterprise and its potential, opportunities and threats;

e) work use.

94. Respectively to a matrix «Boston consulting of groups» each type of business is classified by such parameters:

a) growth rate of the market and enterprise share on the market compared with the main competitor;

b) competition and growth rate of area;

c) level of the competition and stage of life cycle of goods;

d) growth rate of the market and enterprise share in the market;

e) profitability of sales.

95. What from the provided names of classification of business of the enterprise aren't used in BKG matrix?

a) «wild cats»;

b) «milk cows»;

c) «asterisks»;

d) «dogs».

96. On BKG matrix the enterprise which occupies 15% of the market of area in the presence of the competitor who covers 30% of the market, has such relative share of the market:

a) 0,5%:

b) 20%;

c) 2,0%;

d) 4,5%;

e) 5,0%.

97. The purpose of the stage «Strategy Choice» is:

a) the choice of strategy which as much as possible will increase efficiency of the enterprise on long prospect and will lead to the established purpose;

b) strategy choice taking into account financial opportunities of the enterprise;

c) choice of strategy which most of all completely considers strong and weaknesses of the enterprise;

d) choice of strategy which answers the purposes of activity of the enterprise;

e) strategy choice that answers the purposes of maximizing profit.

98. To external factors which make impact on a strategy choice, belong:

a) the current legislation, civil movement, social impact on the enterprise, competitive positions of the enterprise, position of the enterprise in the market, time factor;

b) the current legislation, civil movement, relationship with the competitors, competitive positions of the enterprise, time factor;

c) civil movement, social impact on the enterprise, position of the enterprise in the market, the enterprise purpose, the labor capacity of the enterprise;

d) social impact on the enterprise, the purposes of the enterprise, relationship with competitors, the labor capacity of the enterprise, time factor;

e) mass media.

99 . To internal factors which make impact on a strategy choice, belong:

a) strong and weaknesses of the enterprise, the purpose of the enterprise, relationship with competitors, the labor capacity of the enterprise, size of financial resources, interests of owners of the enterprise;

b) strong and weaknesses of the enterprise, the enterprise purpose, labor capacity of the enterprise, position of the enterprise in the market;

c) degree of dependence on environment, enterprise purpose, labor capacity of the enterprise, civil movement;

d) degree of dependence on environment, size of financial resources, labor potential enterprises competitive to a position of the enterprise;

e) condition of the enterprise in the market.

100. For successful realization of strategy of the enterprise for existence of opportunities and lack of threats in environment an important role plays:

a) hour factor;

b) strong and weaknesses of the enterprise;

c) influence of existing acts;

d) size of financial resources;

e) quantity of a manpower.

Recommended Reading

1. Kondrakov NP Ivanov. A. Accounting, responsibility: teaching posobie.-M.: INFRA-M 2005.-368 with (higher education).


Business management represents process of ensuring its activity for achievement of goals. The purpose of normally functioning enterprise is receiving the maximum profit with the smallest expenses for formation of sources of the subsequent economic development of the enterprise which will allow to conduct investment policy, policy of reconstruction and production expansion; social policy of development of the collective, giving base for formation of personnel policy, etc. The financial result of activity of the enterprise in turn in many respects depends on correctly chosen strategy of management by prime cost. Calculation of production expenses is necessary for:

1. Estimates of stocks and realized production in accounting.

2. Providing the management with information necessary for the analysis, control, decision-making.

3. Providing with information on real expenses at this enterprise of external users, such as: insurance companies, auditor firms, tax inspection.

The accounting of expenses incorporates documenting, reflection on accounts of actually incurred expenses and calculations of product cost. At the enterprises the effective system of the integrated intra factory account, comprehensively both in a complex characterizing course and results of production economic activity at various levels has to be created, up to separate workplaces. The models based on studying of relationship of expenses, output and profit, give the chance to directors to plan and predict firm activity.

In this book the concept of calculation of expenses and three its methods - poprotsessny, job order were considered, poperedelny - which are intended for determination of prime cost of a unit of production that provides with information of heads of various levels of the intra production management responsible for achievement of the specific production goals.

Information containing in modern systems of calculation, allows not only to solve traditional problems, but also to predict economic consequences of such situations, as:

1. Expediency of further output.

2. Establishment of optimum price for products.

3. Optimization of the range of products.

4. Expediency of updating of operating technology and machine park.

5. Assessment of quality of work of the administrative personnel.

Calculation allows to study prime cost of the concrete products received in the course of production. Calculation of product cost is objectively necessary process at production management.


1. Vakhrushina M.A. «Accounting management accounting» M.:ZAO Finstatinform. -2000. - 365 p.

2. Druri K. Introduction in the management and production accounting. The lane with English (under the editorship of Mabalina S. A. ) - M: Audit, Yuniti, 1994. - 146 p.

3. Kaverin O. D. Management accounting: system, methods, protsedury-M.: Finance and statistics. -2003. - 350 p.

4. Kamenitser of Page E. The organization, planning and management of activity of the industrial enterprises, - M: Science and education, 1991. - 195p.

5. Kerimov V. E. Management accounting. - M.-2003. - 413p.

6. International Financial Reporting Standards. - M: Askeri, 2005 p.

7. Mychkina O. V. of IFRS: recommendations about application of working book of accounts. Practical grant. - Almaty: Central house of the accountant, 2006. - 104 p.

8. Nidlz B., Anderson H. Caldwell D. Principles of accounting. The lane from English Pod red. Ya.V.Sokolov - the 2nd prod. stereotype. - M: Finance and statistics, 1997. - 496 p.

9. Nurseitov E.O. Accounting in the organizations: Manual. - Almaty, 2006. - 472 p.

10. About accounting and financial statements. The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 28, 2007, No. 234-111 p.

11. Pashigoreva G. I. O.S.Savchenko, Purposes and problems of management accounting//Accounting, 2000, N 19, S. 33 p.

12. Popova L.A. Accounting at the enterprise. The manual - Karaganda, 1999. - 174 p.

13. Radostovets V. K. etc. Accounting at the enterprise. Edition 3 additional and reslave. - Almaty: Центраудит, 2002. - 728 p.

14. Radostovets V. K. Financial and management accounting at the enterprise - Almaty: NAN «Tsentraudit», 1997. - 311 p.

15. Razlivayeva L.V. Production account: The manual - Karaganda: KEU, 1998. - 210 p.

16. Razlivayeva L.V. Management accounting. Educational and practical grant - Karaganda, 2001. - 200 p.

17. Seydakhmetova F.S. Modern accounting. Manual. - Almaty: Economy, 2000. - 468 p.

18. Seydakhmetova F.S. Account financial and administrative//arzhy-? аражат: Finance of Kazakhstan. - 1998 . - No. 1. - Page 85-88

19. Terekhov V.A. International and national standards of the account and financial statements. SPb: St. Petersburg, 2005. - 311 p.

20. Torshayeva Sh. M. The accounting theory - Karaganda: 2000 - 155с.

21. The administrative account / Under the editorship of V. Paly and R. Vander Vilya - M.:infra-M, 1997 p.

22. Horngren Ch.T. Foster Dzh. Accounting: administrative aspect. M, 2002. Page 69 p.

23. Sheremet A. Management accounting. The manual - M: FBK Press

24. Yakimets O. V. Stages of development and formation of management accounting - M.: infra-M, 1998.


1. Management accounting - the independent direction of accounting focused on supply by registration information the administrative personnel of the organization for adoption of administrative decisions, planning, the analysis and control.

2. «Сost» conveys multiple meanings and there are different costs for different purposes. This hub aims to provide an understanding of the cost terms and concepts that are used in literature of managerial accounting.

3. Direct costs can be easily (conveniently and economically) traced to specific product. To a factor cost carry factor material inputs and a factor cost on compensation.

4. Indirect expenses can't be carried directly on any product. They are distributed between separate products according to the technique chosen by the organization (it is proportional to the main salary of production workers, number of the fulfilled stanko-hours, hours of fulfilled time, etc.).

5. Entering expenses are those means, resources which were acquired, are available and, as expected, have to bring in incomes in the future. In balance they are reflected as assets.

6. If these means (resources) during the reporting period were spent for obtaining the income and lost ability to bring in the income further, they pass to the category of the expired.

7. The main - expenses which are directly connected with process of production of works, services (materials, a salary and charges on a salary of workers, wear of tools etc.).

8. Consignment notes - expenses on management and production service (general production and general running costs).

9. Production expenses are the expenses entering into product cost.

10. Recurring costs always belong for month, quarter, year during which they were made.

11. Thus recurring costs always have character proceeding, production expenses can be considered entering.

12. Single-element call expenses which in this organization can't be spread out for composed: material inputs (minus the cost of returnable waste), labor costs, assignments on social needs, depreciation of fixed assets, other expenses.

13. Complex expenses consist of several economic elements. For example, the shop (general production) expenses including practically all elements.

14. Current expenses are the permanent, daily expenses related to this month(for example, expense of raw material and materials).

15. One-time expenses are single or produced rarer than once in a month. They behave to the row of subsequent months (for example, expenses on repair of equipment).

16. Prime cost of sold production are costs of its production and sale.

17. Production prime cost is costs of production of let-out production. At calculation of full production prime cost in its structure include general running costs; incomplete production prime cost is estimated without general running costs.

18. Production expenses which remain almost invariable during the reporting period, don't depend on business activity of the enterprise are called as constant production expenses.

19. Variable expenses increase or decrease in proportion to output of products (rendering services, commodity turnover), i.e. depend on business activity of the organization. Variable character can have both production, and non-productive expenses.

20. In practice constants and variable expenses meet rather seldom.

21. The expenses which are taken and not taken into consideration at estimates.

22. Irrevocable expenses are the expired expenses which can't be changed by any administrative decisions.

23. The imputed (imagined) expenses are present only at management accounting.

24. Incremental Incremental (incremental) expenses - are additional and result from production and sale of an additional lot of products.

25. Limit (marginal) expenses represent additional expenses counting on a unit of production. Thus, both categories of expenses appear as a result of production of the additional production, one counting on unit, and others - on all release.

26. Planned are the expenses calculated on a certain output. According to norms, standards, limits, estimates they join in planned product cost.

27. Not planned are the expenses not included in the plan and reflected only in actual cost of production (loss from marriage, idle times, etc.).

28. One of reefs of routine planning - is laid on expenses of the enterprise. Entering into product cost, laid on expenses can strongly distort all real picture and lead to a situation» wasn't so become, a yak was guessed» - to bring to naught all efforts of management on profit planning.

29. Flexible planning can appear a way out. Application of flexible planning for laid on expenses provides the maximum compliance of plans and reality, promotes strengthening of control and facilitates the accounting of costs of production.

30. The problem of routine planning consists in definition of requirements for successful work and enterprise development within the next year, and also development of the careful plan of activity and its documentary registration. Routine planning includes development of a sales forecast, the plan of production, the consumption plan of direct materials, the plan of use of direct work, the plan of overhead costs, calculation of planned product cost, the plan of expenses for realization and management, the expected report on profit, the plan of cash flows and expected balance for the period end.

31. Routine planning includes development of a sales forecast, the plan of production, the consumption plan of direct materials, the plan of use of direct work, the plan of overhead costs, calculation of planned product cost, the plan of expenses for realization and management, the expected report on profit, the plan of cash flows and expected balance for the period end.

32. In respect of laid on expenses the planned volume of laid on expenses by types of production is specified. The problem consists in determination of the size of laid on expenses and their distribution by types of production.

33. Laid on expenses remain the most unmanageable type of expenses. The wrong account and inefficient control of overhead costs leads to undesirable results: to overexpenditure of laid on expenses, overestimate or underestimation of product cost that in turn pours out in production inflated price, decrease in competitiveness of the enterprise, loss of sales markets, decrease in profit of the enterprise.

34. Irrelevant expenses are expenses of the enterprise irrespective of adoption of the administrative decision.

35. Relevant - expenses which depend on adoption of administrative decisions.

36. Marginal expenses (limit) are costs of production of each subsequent unit of production.

37. Differential (incremental) - expenses which make a difference between alternative decisions.

38. Alternative expenses are the missed benefit when the choice or adoption of one decision demands to refuse another (the alternative decision).

39. Controllable are expenses which managers at the enterprise can supervise or significantly influence them.

40. Uncontrollable are expenses which managers of the enterprise can't influence and can't supervise them.

41. Cost center. In the center of expenses (expenses) responsibility of the managing director is limited to control of expenses. The report on activity reflects the controlled expenses connected with work of division for the certain period of time. Expenses for which the managing director bears direct responsibility, will appear in the report on activity of this division. The managing director of the center of expenses estimate on its (its) ability to carry out objectives at acceptable expenses. To define, what sum of expenses is considered accepted, usually address to expenses of the previous period. Acceptable level of expenses can be defined, having estimated what have to be expenses to carry out a task. Similar approach is considered the most preferable.

42. Revenue center. The organization divisions which activity first of all is connected with implementation of sales, can be considered as the income centers. In this case activity is estimated from the point of view of gained income and the incurred factor cost. Usually they are compared to values of the income in advance defined or existing earlier and expenses.

43. Profit center. If to organization any of segments is responsible for profit, it can be considered as the profit center. The control center in this case is displaced from the detailed analysis of the income and expenses to a profit assessment. In this case, if the organization is substantially decentralized, it is supposed that managing directors of the center of profit will be responsible for all actions of their divisions. However direct link between term use «profit center» and extent of decentralization of decision-making exists not always. Horngren and Foster (1991) specify that is quite possible that the organization with considerable extent of centralization can consider some divisions as the profit centers, however, in connection with high extent of centralization, managing directors of the center of profit will really possess insignificant powers or won't have them at all.

44. Investment center. The center of investments is the center of responsibility in which the managing director is responsible not only for profits, but also for level of investments. Rice and Cool (1978) define the center of investments as: «division of the organization responsible before the top management for its profitability depending on investment base of division»

45. The job order method of accounting - is a method of calculation of the prime cost, applied at the enterprises where production costs consider by separate orders for a product or work. The enterprises with individual and small-scale production types are such, mainly. In a broad sense the order represents one or a small series of uniform products considered so that to allocate this production from another. Object of the account and calculation is the order to which assign number. In narrower sense as the order understand - «… a difficult product (its units, knots) in single production, small parties of identical products in small-scale production, and also separate types of works (repair, construction, etc.)».

46. At process accounting production expenses are grouped in divisions or in productions. This method provides the differentiated accounting of expenses on each technological process, on sites and shops and other centers of emergence of expenses as the monitoring system behind costs of production and prime cost of a product.

47. Absorption costing is a method for accumulating fixed and variable costs associated with the production process and apportioning them to individual products.

48. Method in which the cost of a product or operation is determined by allocating to it an appropriate portion of the variable (direct) costs. Direct costing treats fixed costs (overheads such as administrative and selling costs) as period costs (associated with time and not output). Also called contribution costing or variable costing. See also absorption costing and marginal costing.

49. «Budgeting» - The financial plan covering all aspects of activity of the organization, allowing to compare all incurred expenses and the received results in financial terms for the forthcoming period of time as a whole and on separate subperiods

50. The continuity of budgeting is expressed in so-called «sliding». There is a strategic period of the planning, for example five years. For this period the so-called budget of development which shouldn't be confused to the business plan is formed. In the business plan have to contain not only quantitative information, but also idea of business, market researches, the plan of the organization of production etc. In principle, the financial part of the business plan also represents the development budget.

51. The concept of the budgetary cycle means by itself set of actions and actions for formation of the budget of the company. The budgetary cycle is subdivided into two main stages:

• preparatory activities to budgeting process;

• process of budgeting.

52. The preparatory stage includes:

· identification of strategic reference points of the enterprise;

• analysis of the external economic environment;

• identification of strategic reference points of the business directions;

• formation of internal standards.

53. The operational budget shows planned operations the forthcoming year for a segment or separate function of the company. In the course of its preparation predicted sales volumes and productions are transformed to quantitative estimates of the income and expenses for each of operating divisions of the company.

54. Budget of sales

• The forecast of sales volume is a necessary preliminary stage of work on preparation of the budget of sales.

• The forecast of sales volume turns into the budget of sales in case the management of the enterprise considers that the predicted sales volume can be reached.

55. Production budget.

*The budget of production is an output plan in natural indicators.

*The budget of production is formed proceeding from the budget of sales; it considers capacities, increase or reduction of stocks (the budget of production stocks), and also size of external purchases.

*The necessary volume of output is defined as an estimated stock of finished goods on the end of the period plus the sales volume for this period and a minus reserved finished goods for the period beginning.

56. Budget of production stocks.

*The budget of production stocks contains information necessary for preparation of the expected profit and loss report - regarding preparation of data on production prime cost of realized production and the expected balance sheet - regarding preparation of the normalized current assets given about a condition (raw materials, materials and stocks of finished goods) on the end of the planned period.

*The volume of a work in progress is defined, proceeding from technological features of production of production.

57. Budget of purchases.

*The budget of purchases is a plan of purchases of production from an assortment row in a section of types of production or on main suppliers. Shows how many and what production it has to be acquired by the enterprise at external (import) and internal suppliers.

*The budget of purchases is formed purchasing department proceeding from the budget of sales as the volume of purchases directly depends on sales volume. The volume of purchases of raw materials and materials depends on the expected volume of their use, and also on an estimated stock rate.

*The budget of general production expenses reflects the volume of all expenses connected with production, except for costs of direct materials and a factor cost on compensation.

*General production expenses include a constant and a part variable. The constant component is planned, proceeding from requirements of production, variable part - as the standard, for example, from labor costs of the main production workers.

58. The budget of labor costs is prepared, proceeding from the budget of production, data on labor productivity and rates of compensation of the main production personnel.

59. In the budget of a salary of the main production personnel it is necessary to allocate two components:

• the fixed part of compensation.

• price-work part of compensation.

60. Budget of business expenses.

In the budget of business expenses all expenses connected with sale, advance and goods storage are considered.

The budget of business expenses is formed taking into account the budget of variable general production expenses, the advertizing budget and other constant business expenses.

61. Financial budget.

62. The financial budget is a plan in which estimated sources of financial means and the direction of their use in future period are reflected. The financial budget includes the budget of capital expenditure, the budget of funds of the company and the budgetary balance sheet.

63. Budget of money.

Drawing up the forecast of cash flows - one of the most important and difficult steps in budgeting; the sales volume forecast forms a basis for its drawing up.

It is the plan of receipt of money and payments and payments for future period of time.

64. Expected balance.

Shows, what means of financing the enterprise and as these means are used possesses. Characterizes a financial condition of the enterprise for concrete date.

For the forecast of balance the size of normalized current assets and receivables size is used.

65. Budget of capital expenditure.

· The budget of capital expenditure represents the plan of capital expenses with the indication of sources of financing.

· In the budget of capital expenditure include as plans on acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets, and long-term investment projects. In the latter case make separate calculations of investment projects for the purpose of determination of profitability of investments. Projects which satisfying to criteria of profitability join in the budget of capital expenditure.

66. The estimate of expenses represents the consolidating plan of all expenses of the enterprise for the forthcoming period of production and financial activity.

67. Break-even (or break even) is the point of balance between making either a profit or a loss. The term originates in finance, but the concept has been applied widely since. Management of the company should make various administrative decisions the prices of realization of goods concerning, for example, planning of sales volume, opening of new outlets, increase or, on the contrary, economy by separate types of expenses. To understand and estimate consequences of made decisions the analysis of ratios of expenses, volume and profit is necessary.

68. The English name of the analysis of profitability - the CVP analysis (cost - volume - profit, that is «expenses - release - profit») or Break - even - point (an interruption point, a profitability point in this case). The origins of break-even point can be found in the economic concepts of «the point of indifference.» Calculating the break-even point of a company has proved to be a simple but quantitative tool for the managers. The break-even analysis, in its simplest form, facilitates an insight into the fact about revenue from a product or service incorporates the ability to cover the relevant production cost of that particular product or service or not. Moreover, the break-even point is also helpful to managers as the provided info can be used in making important decisions in business, for example preparing competitive bids, setting prices, and applying for loans.


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