Investment real estate as an object of a accounting and analysis
Theoretical aspects of investment real estate accounting, components of the order on the accounting policy of the enterprise regarding such real estate. A comparison of various aspects of valuation of investment real estate at fair and residual value.
Рубрика | Бухгалтерский учет и аудит |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.07.2024 |
Размер файла | 192,3 K |
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National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
Zinkevych О.V. Candidate of
Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor
accounting investment real estate
The article systematizes and summarizes the theoretical and methodical aspects of investment real estate accounting. The components of the order on the accounting policy of the enterprise regarding such real estate have been analyzed. The conditions of recognition and types of assessment of investment real estate are characterized. A comparison of various aspects of valuation of investment real estate at fair and residual value was made. Responsibilities of the enterprise's structural divisions regarding the analysis of investment real estate are determined.
Keywords: investment property; accounting; valuation of investment real estate; initial value; residual value; analysis of investment real estate.
ЗІНКЄВИЧ О.В. к.е.н., доцент Національний університет водного господарства та природокористування, м. Рівне
У статті систематизовано та узагальнено теоретичні та методичні аспекти бухгалтерського обліку інвестиційної нерухомості. Наведено визначення терміну «інвестиційна нерухомість» відповідно до Національного положення (стандарту) бухгалтерського обліку 32 «Інвестиційна нерухомість».
Проаналізовано складові наказу про облікову політику підприємства щодо такої нерухомості. Зазначено, що такий наказ повинен містити дві групи показників (організаційні та методичні), що убезпечить підприємство від викривлення інформації, що подається у показниках фінансової звітності.
Охарактеризовано умови визнання та види оцінки інвестиційної нерухомості. Наведено підходи до визначення первісної вартості інвестиційної нерухомості залежно від шляхів її надходження: придбання за звичайних умов; придбання за умови відстрочки платежу; одержання у фінансову оренду; створення підприємством.
Проведено порівняння різних аспектів оцінки інвестиційної нерухомості за справедливою та залишковою вартістю при надходженні інвестиційної нерухомості на підприємство, при проведенні переоцінки, при нарахуванні амортизації, при зміні методу оцінки.
Узагальнено інформацію, що відображається на субрахунку 100 «Інвестиційна нерухомість».
Визначені обов'язки структурних підрозділів та посадових осіб підприємства щодо аналізу інвестиційно нерухомості, зокрема бухгалтерії, управління планування та логістики, господарського відділу, фінансового директора, планово-економічного відділу, ревізійної комісії.
Констатовано, що інвестиційна нерухомість є важливим об'єктом обліку. Основні засоби визнаються об'єктом інвестиційної нерухомості, якщо вони використовуються виключно з метою отримання орендної плати (від операційної оренди) та/або для збільшення власного капіталу. Поділ нерухомості на операційну та інвестиційну має відбуватися залежно від того, з якою метою її планують використовувати у майбутньому.
Ключові слова: інвестиційна нерухомість; бухгалтерський облік; оцінка інвестиційної нерухомості; первісна вартість; залишкова вартість; аналіз інвестиційної нерухомості.
Formulation of scientific problem and its significance
Financial accounting in Ukraine is under the influence of the gradual implementation of international financial reporting standards (hereinafter - IFRS), the prerequisite of which is the availability of a modern theoretical, organizational and methodological basis for such reform [1]. The practice of introducing international approaches to the organization and methodology of financial accounting includes, among other things, understanding of new accounting concepts, principles and mechanisms that take place in national accounting regulations (standards) compiled on the basis of IFRS. In 2008, one of these concepts became the concept of «investment real estate», which includes, in particular, real estate intended for rental.
Analysis of recent publications
The issues of accounting and analysis of investment real estate arouse scientific interest in the works of many domestic scientists, such as Bohutska L. T., Chudovets V. V., Suprunova I. V., Ivanchenkova L. V., Lahodienko N. V., Uzhva A. M., Serova I. A. However, certain aspects remain insufficiently explored, necessitating further investigation.
The aim of the study
The purpose of the article is to systematize and generalize the theoretical and methodical aspects of investment real estate accounting.
Presenting main material
Methodological principles of formation of information about investment real estate in accounting and its disclosure in financial reporting are determined by the National Accounting Standard 32 «Investment real estate» [2] (hereinafter - NAS 32).
Investment real estate is defined as «land plots, buildings, structures located on the land, owned or leased under the terms of a financial lease, held for the purpose of receiving rental payments and/or increasing equity, and not for the production and supply of goods, provision of services, administrative purposes or sale in the course of ordinary activity» [2].
An enterprise that owns and disposes of investment real estate objects must reflect the approaches to their accounting in the accounting policy order.
According to Bohutska L. T., the components of the accounting policy for investment real estate include two groups of indicators:
1) Organizational (selection of the organizational form of accounting; definition of authority and responsibility for organizing the accounting of investment property by the manager and chief accountant; list of authorized signatories; list of accountable individuals with job descriptions; list and composition of reporting items to be provided to users based on investment property transactions during the reporting period).
2) Methodological (criteria for classifying objects as investment property; categories of investment property; main criteria for distinguishing investment property from operational property; initial valuation of investment property objects; selection of valuation method for investment property on the balance sheet date; depreciation policy for investment property objects; range of useful life terms for investment property; chart of accounts specifically related to investment property objects; document flow schedule and list of primary documents for the accounting of investment property; provisions on the organization of inventory work for investment property objects) [4, pp. 65-66; 8, p. 9].
The method of organizing management accounting of transactions with investment real estate requires separate coverage, which includes: analysis of the dynamics, composition and structure, efficiency of the use of non-current assets (mechanism for the selection of investment real estate objects from non-current assets available at the enterprise that are inefficiently used); analysis of the feasibility of purchasing investment real estate (at the same time, the financial capabilities of the business entity should be taken into account, other ways of acquiring the investment real estate object at the enterprise should be considered); analysis of the dynamics, composition and structure of investment real estate; study of the technical condition of investment real estate objects and methods of their renewal; determination of efficiency indicators of investment real estate use and development of proposals for the future [4, pp. 65-66].
The presence of the specified indicators in the order on the accounting policy will protect the enterprise from distortion of the information provided in the financial reporting indicators and provide users with quality information.
The criteria for recognizing investment real estate do not differ significantly from the criteria defined for other types of company assets and provide that «investment real estate is recognized as an asset if there is a possibility that the company will receive economic benefits from its use in the future in the form of rental payments and/or an increase equity, and its original value can be reliably determined» [2]. A specific feature of investment real estate is the generation of cash flows mainly independently of other assets of the enterprise [6, p. 274].
Recognition of investment property on the balance sheet is done at its initial cost, which is determined depending on the method of its acquisition by the enterprise (see Figure 1).
Fig. 1 Determination of the initial value of investment real estate in accordance with NAS 32 [2; 6, p. 275; 7]
As of the balance sheet date, investment real estate can be valued according to one of two methods: 1) at original cost, which is reduced by the amount of accrued depreciation and loss of usefulness of investment real estate; 2) at fair value (Fig. 2). The selected approach is used to evaluate all similar objects.
Fig. 2 Valuation of investment real estate in accounting [5, p. 214]
Suprunova I. V. considered the main differences in the assessment of investment real estate at fair and original value, reduced by the amount of accrued depreciation, taking into account losses from impairment and benefits from its restoration. Let's consider the most significant features (Table 1).
Table 1
Comparison of various aspects of investment real estate valuation at fair and residual value [6, pp. 279-280]
Application feature |
Valuation at fair value |
Valuation at residual value |
Note |
income to the enterprise/ crediting to the balance sheet |
Provided that it can be reliably determined |
In case of impossibility of determining the fair value of investment real estate |
The selected approach is applied to the evaluation of all similar objects of the investment real estate |
Carrying out revaluation |
Not conducted |
Not conducted |
- |
Calculation of depreciation (depreciation) |
Not conducted. The change in the market price can give an indirect assessment of the wear object |
It is carried out in accordance with National Accounting Standard 7 «Fixed assets» |
The liquidation value of investment real estate is equal to zero |
The possibility of changing the valuation method (from fair value to residual value and vice versa) |
The priority is valuation at fair value, but there is a transition to valuation at original cost |
Transition to fair value assessment is foreseen |
NAS 32 is limited to the requirement to indicate in the notes the reason for the transition from valuation at fair value to valuation at residual value |
Accounting for the availability and movement of investment real estate objects is kept on subaccount 100 «Investment real estate». Business operations reflected in subaccount 100 are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2
Information displayed on subaccount 100 «Investment real estate» [8, pp. 9-10]
By debit |
On credit |
- availability and receipt of investment real estate objects; - transfer of other assets to investment real estate; - profit from the change in fair value (if accounting for investment real estate is carried out at fair value); - benefits from restoring the usefulness of investment real estate objects (if accounting is carried out at original cost); - expenses related to modernization, modification, completion, retrofitting, reconstruction of investment real estate, which lead to an increase in future expected benefits originally expected from its use |
- disposal of investment real estate, - transfer of investment real estate to other assets; - loss from a change in fair value (if accounting for investment real estate is carried out at fair value); - losses from impairment of investment real estate objects (if accounting is carried out at original cost) |
In general, the synthetic accounting of investment real estate is similar to the accounting of fixed assets (taking into account the use of specific sub-accounts 100 «Investment real estate», 135 «Depreciation of investment real estate»). An essential difference in the methodology of investment property accounting is that it can be revalued by the accountant, whereas the revaluation of fixed assets requires a professional appraiser [5, p. 214].
Proper organization of investment property analysis and highquality accounting and analytical support are prerequisites and the foundation for the successful functioning of any business entity. Table 3 summarizes the responsibilities of the structural divisions of enterprises that can participate in the analysis of investment real estate and are part of the structure of almost every enterprise.
Table 3
Duties of structural subdivisions of enterprises regarding the analysis of investment real estate [9, p. 116]
Unit |
Responsibilities for analysis of investment real estate |
Accounting |
Reliable accounting of investment real estate: reliable registration of economic transactions regarding the movement of investment real estate; formation of account correspondence; compliance with the requirements of normative legal acts regarding the accounting of investment real estate; control of the cost of selling investment real estate; control over the status of payments for rental or sale of investment real estate; analysis of the volume and composition of investment real estate; analysis of reporting in the part of investment real estate |
Department of Planning and Logistics, Economic Department |
Preparation of forecasts for the purchase, lease and sale of investment real estate; planning of costs for maintenance of the investment real estate, the cost of its sale; analysis of the impact of the development of science and technology on investment real estate and determination of the degree of moral wear; market analysis and search for customers ready to rent investment real estate; analysis of consumer requirements of clients for the quality of investment real estate; analysis of the fulfillment of contractual lease obligations; analysis and control of completeness and timeliness of return of investment real estate objects from tenants; analysis of investment real estate, in terms of providing data on timely and high-quality repairs and improvements of objects before their transfer to investment real estate; analysis of the implementation of the schedule of improvements and repairs of investment real estate; analysis of the age structure of assets that are recognized as investment real estate |
Analysis of documents from the registration of investment real estate for the subject of correctness of filling, legal literacy in the design and compliance of the document with the essence of the transaction with investment real estate; assessment of violations of contractual obligations to lease investment real estate and development of fines |
Planning and Economic Department |
Development of measures aimed at the rational organization of the analysis of transactions with investment real estate; determination of the volumes of investment real estate, at which: a) break-even operation is ensured, b) the level of risk of the enterprise becoming bankrupt is of critical importance for the existence of the enterprise as an economic unit, c) maximum profitability is ensured; analysis of the composition and structure of investment real estate; analysis of the dynamics and movement of investment real estate; evaluation of the effectiveness of the management of investment real estate; identification of negative and positive causes and trends of changes in the investment real estate |
Audit Commission |
Control over the state of the investment real estate and compliance with the conditions of recognition of the investment real estate; assessment of the correctness of accounting records, inventory results; evaluation of the method of analysis of investment real estate, etc. |
Internal subjects of the analysis of investment real estate will conduct the analysis in the most qualitative way if they are directly interested in the activity and development of the enterprise.
Investment property is a significant object of accounting. Fixed assets are recognized as investment property objects if they are exclusively used for generating rental income (from operational leasing) and/or for increasing owner's equity. The classification of property into operational and investment categories should be determined based on the intended purpose for future use.
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