Digital bank: possibilities of decentralization
A bank in traditional market and a bank in digital market are two different products, antipodes. А new concept of BANK, a digital BANK that would never bankrupt. As the main capital, it has professional skills and the degree of activity of its customers.
Рубрика | Банковское, биржевое дело и страхование |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 13.11.2020 |
Размер файла | 3,7 M |
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Mielberg E.L. (United States of America)
Mielberg Egger Ludwig- PhD in Mathematics, Founder & CEO,
Abstract: the truly decentralized bank network would eliminate many of problems the traditional centered bank system has. For example, quick fraud identification, money laundering, fraud worldwide transactions, etc. The decentralization of BANK services would allow its users, first, to primarily earn money being anywhere in the world, second, to extremely reduce document routines, third, to make their activity more transparent and secure.
We propose a new concept of BANK, a digital BANK that would never bankrupt. As the main capital, it has professional skills and the degree of activity of its customers.
Keywords: digital bank, digital currency, decentralization, word digital bank.
bank traditional digital market
Милберг Э.Л. (Соединенные Штаты Америки)
Милберг Эггер Людвиг - доктор физико-математических наук, основатель и главный исполнительный директор,
Компания ИНТЕЛЛСФЕРА, г. Вилмингтон, штат Дэлавер, Соединенные Штаты Америки
Аннотация: по-настоящему реализованная децентрализованная банковская сеть могла бы устранить множество проблем, которые имеет традиционная централизованная банковская система. Для примера, быстрая идентификация мошенничества, отмывание денег, мошеннические всемирные транзакции и т.д. Децентрализация банковских услуг могла бы позволить своим пользователям, во- первых, зарабатывать деньги. находясь в любой точке мира, во-вторых, радикально уменьшить документальную рутину, в-третьих, сделать свою активность более прозрачной и безопасной.
Мы предлагаем новую концепцию Банка, цифрового банка, который исключает возможность банкротства. В качестве главного капитала данный банк имеет профессиональный опыт и степень активности своих пользователей.
Ключевые слова: цифровой банк, цифровая валюта, децентрализация, всемирный цифровой банк.
In 2017 crypto market showed a mighty growth that attracted millions of people around the world from different fields of science and business. The main cryptocurrency that established a basis of crypto market was Bitcoin. Underlying technology of Bitcoin is Blockchain that enables to store any transaction data into blocks, sequentially.
Currently, many startups around the world in the field of financial and banking services strive to raise money through ICO by copying traditional bank functionality. The main goal of these startups is to build one more traditional bank in traditional bank industry with inherited bureaucratic mechanisms coming from a number of licenses. Meantime, two of the most important and basic components of any successful bank are just ignored, reserve system and program of client insurance.
Digital BANK is decentralized peer-to-peer bank network that will:
1. eliminate a need for gathering a bulk of client documents.
2. greatly broaden list of bank services.
3. open an access to all clients regardless of their level of income.
4. give their clients a chance to earn money.
5. present a great choice of insurance programs.
6. present a flexible program of client savings.
7. realize a revolutionary approach to global credit system.
Digital BANK is a unique and sole in its nature solution that allows anyone worldwide to earn money.
2. Self-sufficiency of digital market
Creation of a bank on digital market does not have to come to a thoughtless copy of functionality of a traditional bank. There are minimum three reasons of it:
First reason - technological infrastructure of digital market is radically different from the technological infrastructure of traditional bank market.
Second reason - in traditional bank market there is a central authoritative organization that establishes, regulates and governs all the activity of any bank on it.
The technological infrastructure of digital market is unique and does not have any central authority. Its functioning determines exclusively by their participants.
3. Capital Structure of a BANK
A bank in traditional market and a bank in digital market are two different products, antipodes. However, they have one single similarity. Both banks earn money by accumulating client's capital. At the basis of any bank in the world lies capital.
Designed complex system of capital management determines profitability of the bank.
Correctly formed structure of the bank capital and transparent and simple system of client collaboration lie at the basis of success of any bank.
The structure of the bank capital determines at least two important things in bank activity:
First thing - degree of risk of raised capital.
Second thing - system of priorities of client payments.
In order to clearly understand the difference between two types of banks, the capital structure of traditional and digital banks presented below.
4. Capital Structure of a Traditional BANK
The capital of the traditional bank, in many cases, is divided into several types. The reasons of that division are two. First, the banks try to attract as many different client types as possible. Second, the banks try to diversify its risks. In process of capital formation the banks focus on such capital type that will give them minimum of the risks.
Generally, in the traditional bank market there are three types of the capital with minimum risks: Senior Secured Debts, Term Deposits and Corporate Bonds.
Fig. 1. Type of traditional bank capital
Senior Secured Debts - debts that take priority over other unsecured or subordinated debts in case of the issuer goes bankrupt. Senior Secured Debts are often secured by collateral.
Term Deposits - deposits with a specified period of maturity and earns interest. It is a money deposit at a bank that cannot be withdrawn for a specific term or period of time (unless a penalty is paid).
^rporate Bonds - bonds issued by a company in order to raise financing for a variety of business operation reasons. Corporate Bonds are generally secured by future company profit but sometimes collateral.
Subordinated Debts - debts which ranks after other debts of the issuer (company) in case of liquidation or bankruptcy.
Hybrid Securities/Debts - a combination of various debts and securities.
Equities - in many cases it is an equity with no dividends.
First three capital types (Senior Secured Debts, Term Deposits, Corporate Bonds) forms the biggest share of capital in the traditional bank. It is obvious why traditional banks primarily put their focus on development of that three types - client assets as a guarantee of credit money back. In other words, the main target of the traditional bank is a wealthy client.
The traditional banks do not create infrastructure for earning money for people who do not have an initial finance capital. However, the number of such people is the vast majority in the world.
In practice, in many cases the payments for clients with a maximum capital risk (Subordinated Debts, Hybrid Securities/Debts, Equities) are used to take no place at all. This circumstance lets the traditional banks equate to high-risks financial organizations.
Fig. 2. Liquidation process of traditional bank
5. Capital Structure of a Digital BANK
The structure of capital of a digital bank is monolithic and forms by all the participants of digital network. In other words, the capital of digital bank is professional skills and degree of activity of the participants. For example, all a borrower needs for getting money from a lender is time (in hours) that he or she spent for some job inside digital network. Anyone in digital network can be a lender or borrower.
Now, let us go to the details.
As compared with the traditional bank where the main capital assets are movable and immovable properties, at digital bank the main capital assets are digital currency (coins) that the participants of digital network have in their electronic wallets.
Monolithic capital of digital bank is divided into six types. Division into six types is induced by sense of how digital network works. The sense is that the amount of the currency a participant has is the degree of his or her activity in digital network. Consequently, the most active participant will be considered as a participant who makes more contributions in development of digital network. That type of participants will have more privileges to earn more money and get extra bonuses for purchases and payments of any kind.
As an example, here is the six types of digital bank capital.
1. Wood Type.
This type implies that the participant of digital network has less than 10 thousand coins (“sphere” as a coin, further). At the same time, the participant can be an individual or a company. “0%” discounts mean that the participant does not currently have any privileges (discounts) for obtaining any services inside digital network. Participant of this type of capital can be as borrower as lender.
In case if the participant of «Wood Type» decides to get a loan, he or she will likely need to disclose their personal information to a lender. It is up to lender whether the participant should show him ID or not. The lender determines what kind of documents the borrower should disclose. It can be a passport scan, a personal account in a social network, total amount of tokens in a personal wallet, etc.
Fig. 3. "Wood type " structure
2. Plastic Type
Fig. 4. "Plastic type " structure
The main difference from «Wood Type» is, first, the participant must have more than 10K spheres and equal or less than 100K spheres in own wallet, second, the participant has 1% discount for all the services of digital network.
3. Silver Type.
The difference from «Plastic Type» is, first, the participant must have more than 100K spheres and equal or less than 1K spheres in own wallet, second, the participant has 10% (instead of 1%) discount for all the services of digital network. And ID disclosure may still be needed for some services.
Fig. 5. "Silver type " structure
4. Gold Type
Fig. 6. "Gold type " structure
The main difference from «Silver Type» is only one ID proof needed for obtaining an access to the services of digital network. That a single ID proof can be, say, an information about recently closed and paid off credit. There is also high level of discount, 30% for the services.
Platinum Type.
Fig. 7. “Platinum type ” structure
The participants of «Platinum Type» get an extremely high level of discount for all the services at digital network. In case of using some service of digital network, say, «doing a job on trading coins on behalf of its owner » the participant may still be required to identify himself or herself. But it is unlikely to be on a regular basis at this level of the capital.
5. Black Type.
The participants of this type of bank capital have a series of privileges at digital network. Among them:
a. increased payment rate for j ob implementation.
b. super extremely high level of discount for many services.
c. no need for ID verification.
d. ability to influence on many processes at digital network.
e. many other privileges.
Fig. 8. "Black type " structure
Transition from one capital type status into another directly depends on total amount of digital coins in the participant's wallet. Thus, if a participant of the gold type status spends, say, 2M coins and falls below 1M coins of wallet balance, he or she will then be considered as a silver type participant. And vice versa. But there is one important thing to always remember regarding this possible transitions. Regardless of any transition type, «Gold-to-Silver», «Silver-to-Plastic» or even «Black-to-Wood», there will always be the priority to hours that a participant accumulated (spent) during his or her total activity at digital network.
Thus, we come to general and monolithic structure of a digital bank capital:
Fig. 9. Monolithic structure
The existence of the transitions motivates participants to stay as much active as possible at digital network.
6. Risks of Digital BANK Capital
In compared to the traditional capital types, each type of digital bank capital has equal level of risks. This equality is reached by mutually beneficial conditions that exist in the process of signing a business contract. In order words, each participant of digital network determines level of risks he or she is ready to go with further.
7. Bankruptcy of Digital BANK
In compared to the traditional bank, digital bank cannot be bankrupted or liquidated at all. The capital as well as digital bank itself belong to participants of digital network. In other words, digital bank is a private property of participants.
Digital bank appears at the same time when a bank service demand appears at digital network.
Fig. 11. Bankruptcy-Liquidation
Digital BANK possibilities
Digital bank creates a unique business ecosystem for collaboration between the participants of digital network and gives an opportunity them to decide how far in trust they are ready to go. It is totally up to the participants of what business conditions they are going to collaborate with.
In compared with traditional banks that do not propose any service where a client would be able to choose own specific, say, credit conditions, digital bank looks forward to propose such choice for their clients.
At the basis of any bank lies a program of client attraction. This program is used to improve itself on a regular annual basis. At the traditional bank industry, the number of client services is directly depended on the amount of money the client has.
Digital bank proposes a revolutionary solution of how the bank services can be presented for the bank clients.
Digital bank is an intellectual client-driven programmable system that gives its clients establish, initiate and govern all their activity themselves.
Professional Capabilities of Participants of Digital BANK Network
Architecture of digital network is primarily designed for earning money by every single participant of the network.
Professional capabilities are the capabilities that the participant can use for execution of any job in digital network. There are no any document requirements to do some job. No university or college diploma, no specific certificates, no previous job references. That is all the participant needs to earn money is to get an agreement with another participant for execution of some job. Business (electronic) contracts are used to be a regulator between two parts.
For clarity sake, let us have a look at two examples below.
Fig. 12. Participants network - BLM
First example:
Alice has one hundred coins (fiat, etc.) and wants to earn extra ten ones through a loan program.
All Alice needs is to use BLM («Borrower-Lender Module») in digital network. Thus, Alice connects to BLM and BLM itself broadcasts a borrower request. That is it.
Second example:
Alice has ten coins (fiat, etc.) and wants to invest nine of them in liquid assets at IT industry.
All Alice needs to find a participant (group of participants) is to use EEM («Employee- Employer Module») in digital network.
Fig. 13. Participants network - EEM
The same action as with connecting to BLM.
Both, BLM and EEM can be programmable modules that allow the participants of digital network themselves to tune and determine conditions of their business contracts.
BLM allow anyone in digital network to become either a borrower or a lender. Cost of loan contract and conditions as well are up to the sides.
EEM allow anyone in digital network to become either an employee or an employer. Cost of employment contract and conditions as well are up to the sides.
Digital bank presents a lot of possibilities for doing job of any kind that is within a span of financial bank services.
We have proposed a concept for designing a client-oriented, manageable and intellectual digital bank of any kind. By the concept, such important systems as “Anti Money Laundering” and “Client-Guard” can be realized with minimum of technological expenses.
References / Список литературы
1. Bank for International Settlements, Digital currencies // BIS, 2015. [Electronic Resource]. URL: / (date of access: 31.03.2020).
2. Bank for International Settlements, Central bank digital currencies, 2018. [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 31.03.2020).
3. Fernandez-Villaverde J., Sanches D. On the Economics of Digital Currencies // Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 2018. [Electronic Resource]. URL: papers/2018/wp18-07.pdf/ (date of access: 31.03.2020).
4. Pfister С. Monetary Policy and Digital Currencies: Much Ado about Nothing? // Bank of France, 2017. [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 31.03.2020).
5. Bordo М., Levin А. Central Bank Digital Currency and the Future of Monetary Policy // NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH, 2017. [Electronic Resource]. URL: .pdf/ (date of access: 31.03.2020).
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